Wednesday, May 13, 2009

January 5, 2009

Dear Mom,

Life is...interesting right now because we don't have bikes. So we've been walking around everywhere. Now I feel like a foreign missionary that doesn't have any sort of transportation. But, the office is going to send some out so I'll have a bike by tomorrow, I hope. I'm hoping for the best! My greenie is way cool and we're having loads of fun out here. I admit walking isn't that bad, only bad on your feet and I have bad shin splints. But, it's good time to get to know your comp better instead of chasing him around on a bike. It's been so fun so far! Just to see his bewildered face when people speak Spanish and ask him questions is priceless! He's a good kid. I love him so much. Elder Finch from Spanish Fork, Utah. Good kid. First missionary from his family. Solid missionary. He's making me so much more obedient with the little things.

Thanks so much for the package. I loved the huge journals you sent me. And the food! I really appreciate it so much!

I'm happy to hear that all is well. Rod's getting better, Grandma's doing well...all is well on the home front.

Recap of the week!

We had so much fun though...and we were in a lot of pain. Sometimes as we were walking I asked Finch how his feet were feeling, and he's like...I can't feel them...or...I'm numb...good kid. Loves to work and that's exactly what I needed! So P-day was pretty cool, but our zonie Lamb broke his ankle jumping to dunk a basketball. So, I found out when I was going to pick up Finch that he got sent home due to surgery. I didn't even get to say good-bye. We played the Office game that an elder bought out here in the mission. It was so fun to play and watch! Our dinner with the Molina's was way fun! Just made asian jokes all night because that family loves asian jokes. Great family. So we shared a thought about diligence and patience...and the mother was crying. The Spirit leads us to share the right things, so it was a great moment. I was able to go on exchanges for two days with Elder George from Burlington, Wyoming. Way laid back guy. I loved being with this guy! He's way calm and just relaxed.

Tuesday was a little slow since we walked everywhere. But, we had an interesting lesson with Mario. An argument over authority. He didn't believe that we were the only ones who have the authority. Everyone who reads the scriptures has the authority. Our WML nailed him on the question- so, do you have the authority to baptize? He froze, and we got him. He agreed to pray about it, and he was way friendly about it. A genuinely nice guy. We had a good time at our 2nd counselor's house for dinner, and Stewie got me to try a chile del arbol and I about died. If it weren't for the sugar and water that were available, I would've been a goner for sure.

Wednesday- pick up greenie day! That was about all. Work in the morning and then went down in a member's truck (four guys- three of us elders as trainers and the member in an old Ford pickup) to pick up our greenies. Woo! We got back, planned a bit, Finch unpacked, then we got a ride to dinner! The Lopez's. Finch had no idea what was going on at dinner. He was tired, he had woken up at 3:50 AM to get ready to go on his flight over here...he was dead tired. He was just tired. Bags under his eyes, confused, not knowing what's being said...priceless. Good kid. We watched movies the rest of the night and drank Martinelli's since it was New Year's Eve and it's approved. So fun! Rocket Man and Madagascar! We were dead tired so we just went to bet at curfew.

Thursday! Went knocking doors then weekly planning...then dinner in our place. We walked over to the church for correlation and it was wasted our time. We stopped by the Hidalgo's to introduce Finch to them and they gave us apple nice and warm. Just a tiring week!

Friday! District meeting. Poor Finch was overwhelmed when we went into Spanish mode for our own district meeting. But, he did adequately. Our best was when we went to a Peruvian's house and the girl speaks like 100 mph for real. Freaking fast! Finch was spacing out hardcore, but he stuck in there. We had a great dinner with a less active family and ended up getting a ride home from the bishop. We got to dinner so early, a half hour early. So we waited outside for almost half an hour. So cold.

Saturday was a great day. We had a spiritual lesson, our official first investigator lesson with Mario. We just testified of the Spirit to help him understand what is the Spirit. He still believes he hasn't received an answer yet, but we know he has. So we told him that, and it just was great! I loved it! We felt the Spirit. Finch didn't get much, here and there, and he even said he felt the Spirit. It was great! Super spiritual lesson. When one talks about the Spirit, it invites it! Sunday was a bit slow...just a lot of walking and stuff.

So that was our week! Way busy! Way fun! Lots of work!

I hope all is well! I'm loving it out here!


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