Saturday, May 9, 2009

December 22, 2008

Dear Mom,

Life is great out here! Guess what? It snowed 5 inches out here in the high desert! Yeah, isn't that crazy? We couldn't do much good work due to the road conditions out here, but at least we got to take a mid-week break! We had a bunch of snowball fights and lots of fun in the meantime! Life is great!

Thanks for the package, I really am enjoying it! It's weird knowing this is my last Christmas, and it marks the fact that I am old in the mission, that I have six months left to serve the Lord. I really love it out here!

So the recap of the week!

Monday was a typical p-day and I loved to relax a bit. We had a sweet appointment with our recent convert family, the Molinas. Sunday night they canceled their appointment with us, so we swung by the next day. Faith, our patented lesson. Faith, like Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego...and all will be well. Hno. Molina stopped us and shared a personal story, of how right now he needs to have faith more than ever. There are problems back home in El Salvador and he's having a hard time over here in the States. It was super spiritual, because it applied to them! It was the Spirit, not me! What a great left feeling appreciative for what one has. The Gospel, the priesthood, the Spirit to lead and guide us.

Tuesday we were out working, some of our appointments fell through, but we did get some work in. Most of our appointments fell through and we just shook it off as we usually have to. Our best appointment was Mario Sanchez. Man, he wants to know it is all true, but he hasn't gotten an answer yet. We'll have to work on it a lot more. His prayers are still a little off, good ole' Christian we'll have to work on it. We finished the Plan of Salvation...and this guy is nearly in tears just full of the Spirit. Too bad he hasn't gotten an answer yet...but he will. He'll have to continue to wait.

Wednesday morning, I got up, chilly as usual, and I look out the window. It's snowing? No way...nuh uh...I ran outside and then back inside to tell Giles and Marshall and Mitchell. Marshall ran outside with me as I'm standing outside just soaking it in and got the other elders to come and see. Stewart came out half awake and freezing, just in awe. He's from Michigan and he hadn't seen snow for a bit, he has almost two transfers under his belt. Good kid. We had about four snowball fights that day spread out over time. It was getting pretty intense. The other elders made an eight foot snowman and put a nametag on was fun! Got to eat lunch with a member and threw some snowballs around there...a sister missionary got mad because it got on the member's entryway...'tell me when you want to grow up!' Way of fun indeed! So we couldn't work since President told us to take safety first. Stewart and Austin went out to work and were soaked by the time they got there...taught then called for a ride home! So, we took it easy. Bikes don't work in snow. Yesterday Giles was riding on ice, 'Stewie I'm riding on ice...ahh!' and wiped out bad right before church. Hilarious, but it could've been worse if it were the snow day. So, we didn't get much work done.

Same with Thursday...just an iced over Palmdale. Giles was intense in our lesson with our investigator, who is 13 and wants her dad (LA member) to baptize her...but it's been five years and he isn't changing. We related baptism to a present...she was like yeah! He said, think of a present you really want...see it? Okay, would you want it now, or later? She said, 'now', with a smile. It's just like baptism. What a note to end the lesson on! It was great! We had a good Word of Wisdom talk with our recent convert, who we thought was drinking green tea but she still drank coffee in the morning. Talk about a good topic (thanks to her fellowshipper Hno. Figueroa!). Just a good evening. Got to dinner late since we walked to meet our ride over there then got a ride back to our place.

Friday was President's interviews. I'm most likely staying, but I have no idea what I'm going to do at all. Train, possibly, or be district leader again. I like doing nothing! Ahh...oh well I'll do what God wants me to do. President Goodrich is a great man. I have so much respect for what he does out here. Sister Goodrich even mentioned that I'm going to be one of the last ones they'll send home before they go home in early July 2009. Man, our time is coming to an end!

Saturday was long. And, we had our ward Christmas party! It was fun, we got a less active family, the Lopez's, to come and we had a blast! Our appointments fell through again, but whatever. Typical mission thing. But, right before the party, we passed by Mario and we went over faith. He went off on repentance, but we got him back on track and promised blessings of prayer and getting an answer. He knows he'll have to put more effort into it, but we know we'll have to re-teach prayer so God will give him an answer. He's a great guy...he's happy when we come over. He's happy to see us. We just have to get him to realize that!

Sunday was good...not many appointments but we did get an investigator to the church and he came to the other guys' baptism. Mario...I hope he'll understand what's going on and that he'll eventually take that step. He's a good man, and we get along great! His fellowshipper is great too, little by little. The baptism was a great reminder of why I'm out here, and greenie Stewie (not really green but still a little bit) was way excited because it was his first baptism! A great dinner with Hna. Hidalgo and we messed with her very sensitive part-bobcat cat Wolverine. Stewie is very scared of we got Wolverine to mess with him. times!

That was my week! Lovin' the snow...too bad it melted now...

About calls, I'll probably use a phone card and call you all at noon California time, or about 3 pm your time Christmas day. I can't wait!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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