Sunday, May 10, 2009

December 29, 2008

Dear Mom,

I enjoyed very much talking to you for a bit, to Dad, to Grandma who eventually ran away due to confusion, and Kristy as well as a long time with Steven. My Christmas was just great talking to you all. It was a bit hard to go out and work, no doubt, but we did have several great appointments and an enjoyable time with the members.

Guess what?


How crazy is that? That is absolutely...insane! I'm so pumped...his name is Elder Fitch, and I'm pumped to get him on Wednesday. Oh wow...I'm so excited!!!!

So the recap of the week....

Sunday was a bit hard because I was losing Giles, my companion. I really wish we had more time together, but it was the right time for him to leave. We went to church, and to several classes, and at the end he was saying good-bye to everyone and taking pictures with them. He loves the people. Of all the things I learned from him, it was to love the people and show that love by whatever way possible. Offering service, asking how they're really doing, and praying for them. A good man. We got home so he could pack and that was almost our day, until we got taken to dinner by a member, Hna. Vasquez, to celebrate her son Zeniff's birthday. He was so excited to see us there! Just made his day! Earlier, at church, she came to me and asked me to ordain Zeniff to a teacher. I was taken aback. I had never ordained someone before. His older brothers were sick or something so it fell to me, because we get along well. It was touching and nerve-wracking. I had the chance to ordain Zeniff Spencer Alvarez to the office of teacher, and I guess I did it alright in Spanish. We ate a Peruvian dish, talked about 80's music (man, these guys know a lot about the 80's), and shared D&C 6:22-23 about prayer and how we'll receive an answer. She testified of how she got an answer to her prayers, that as a temple worker her temple president gave her the answer she was looking for. He'd received that answer as he was in the temple that morning. She took Giles around, with us there too of course, to say good-bye to several families. A great member. Packed, and that was our day. Got to bed late because of packing and stuff. I miss Giles already.

Saturday. What can I say? Transfer calls! So let me recap Friday. District meeting, had a secret santa exchange, and ate a district lunch at Subway. Later that night, we get leadership calls. My name was on the list, but so was another roomie's so he called for the both of us. President's response to 'so would you like to talk to Elder Irvine?' was, 'well, Elder Irvine. He doesn't need to call me, but he won't sleep a wink tonight.' So I didn't call President as he desired, and as a result my mind was racing. Staying? Going? Change? I found out Saturday morning, after a sleepless night (well, got maybe six good hours) that I was going to stay, and train. I was freaking out. I was numb. No way, he won't let me train! But here I am! Training!

Thursday was Christmas Day! Not much happened. We had a great Christmas message that we shared with the Molinas, the recent convert family that lives in our apartment complex. They're being tested a lot, and it was great to see how resilient they are. I just feel at home with them. I love the families here! At the Herrera's, we got to hear some of his mission stories and the like. It was great!

Wednesday was pretty insane! Christmas Eve! Party day for Latinos! So we helped a less active make tamales. When you get the flour all mixed, and have the sauce ready, it's easy. The hard part is getting it to that point. But, Giles and I pumped them out like champions! Friday, after lunch, we went to her house (Leticia) and ate tamales that we had made. Good! But I had just eaten a footlong sub so I ate two and was full. Giles ate four. Wow! The best part was going to the Lopez's. The best family ever. A lot of fun, and they love us. We love them so much, and they're a bit weak right now but they're coming back stronger. We ate a whole lot of tamales, I ate at least seven. Then, we went to the Padilla's, and I ate one more there. Giles couldn't do it, so he took it home. They gave us ponche...oh my gosh it was the most delicious fruit drink I've ever had! I love it!

Tuesday is a complete blank. I can't remember what we did. But we did get a few lessons in, I just can't...oh yeah! We taught Mario Sanchez about prayer. He's working on it, and he's doing much better with how he prays. As he continues to come (as he has been and he came on Sunday), he'll get an answer. Good man. His progress is a testimony to me of how true missionary work is. I love it! Oh yeah, a member called me from Sta. Clarita and thanked me for sending a Christmas card to them! That was so nice of them!

Monday was a good p-day. Got to watch Elf! Man, I love that movie. 'I'm here with my dad...' 'I'm in a store, and I'm singing! I'm singing a song!' Love it! So, it was a great day! Relaxing and great! Ate dinner at the Vasquez's and on the way home, we got chased by a pitbull. Stewart was screaming and Giles was freaking out. I had no idea what was going on. Just thought it was a cute dog in the dark. But I did hear another big dog, so I figured to follow them instead of stopping. I had never biked so fast as I did then! Man those guys are fast!

That was Elder Irvine's week! I got to call some members to see how they're doing down in Sta. Clarita and Van Nuys. So that'd be the Lunas, who had a great Christmas, and the Cardenas and Jaimes. All are doing their best to get to the temple, it's just current circumstances are preventing them from doing so. The Lunas have to wait until stake conference for Bro. Luna to get the priesthood...which doesn't make sense but that stake down there is messed up so...I'll have to wait. The Cardenas have been visiting family in San Francisco, so they haven't gone to church in a week or two. At least he was honest with me. But, all is well. The Jaimes are doing well. So, life is great!

Life is rockin' up here! I'm so pumped for another transfer here! Woo!


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