Sunday, May 31, 2009

February 23, 2009

Dear Mom,

Thanks for your support and love, because as time closes on the mission I need all the help I can get.

So it's a bit overcast over here and we're expecting rain soon. I'm going to be a bit wet the next few days, but it's what the Lord requires of me so I'll do it...not very willingly!

Life is great. I'm ready to find more investigators because right's pretty rough. But, we must go forward. It's not easy right now. Trials will come though.

So the recap of the week!

Monday, way chill p-day. So today!

Tuesday, we had a fun appointment with our Peruvian member and she asked more details about the Word of Wisdom due to her status as a recent convert, she doesn't know much! We had a good dinner with a member I've never met before and it was good! We went on exchanges and had a good lesson with a member family that was a bit less active before but they're on a roll now! Their daughter is going on a mission to Chicago North mission. She's gonna freeze out there- she's a stick!

Wednesday was a bit of a downer. We did have a great lunch appointment with a Salvadoran member who fed us so many full, but her friend shared her conversion story which was great. I loved it. But, we found out our favorite less active family is having a bunch of trouble, so that was an awkwardly sad dinner appointment. But, we had a sweet plan to help them out the next night for our teaching appointment with them.

Thursday was good. Finally found a less active and invited her to church, but she still didn't come. It was so spiritual and yet it was unplanned at the same time. I really loved it. She cried, knowing she needs to go back and that all will be well...and that God still loves her and will help her during her trials. But, that stubbornness and the old habits...she still has a chance, I hope. But, we got to throw it down with the Lopez's, the favorite LA family. But, it went well. Just a listening session as they vented, of how their two oldest children are in trouble with the law and the stuff that comes with it. Oh man. Poor family, but we did our best with our lesson on adversity, of how even prophets overcame these family problems and their children even chose the right in the end. We did our best. And before that, we got Finch to eat Pico de Gallo sauce at our's spicy and hot! Poor kid got a slice of an orange just covered and smothered with it...he was on fire! Ooh, I did likewise so I didn't wimp out. Man that was hot!

Friday...slow day. Got to meet with our LA's again, the Villalobos. Way cool, but they just have issues with money right now...poor people! But, they're firm and want to come back, they're just out of the habit. Oh yeah, Finch gave his first training ever in district meeting! Not bad, but it was good considering it was his first one!

Saturday was just way slow. My bike broke down and it was frustrating. But, such is life on bike. So we walked around everywhere and did our best, but no one was home. Oh well, we did our part, and we showed the Lord we wanted to receive more blessings. Sunday was likewise too.

Sorry it was so short, but I'm out of time. I hope all is well at home, and I love you all.


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