Friday, May 8, 2009

December 15, 2008

Dear Mom,

Yup, it's rainy weather over here in the beautiful desert of Palmdale. Oh yeah, the crazy thing was that we finally got our heater working after four weeks of waking up to about 40 degree Fahrenheit apartment. So, it was a very warm apartment as of late. I love it. Christmas is just around the corner, and people have done most of their decorations right now so I'm really feeling the Christmas spirit. I love it!

Oh yeah, if you're going to send me stuff, please send a journal or two out here...I've run out of space in the one I bought a month or two ago. Please!

This past week I've been reading a lot of Church Conference talks and they've really helped me put my life in perspective. Enjoy life and live it (according to the commandments of course!). I love reading Elder Wirthlin's talks so much, and I miss him so dearly. Roomie Elder Mitchell got a church news with the sad news of Elder Wirthlin's passing. It was only a confirmation of the fact since a member told us about it a week ago. But, I hadn't had time to look around and whenever I asked someone, they were in shock! But, he's in a better place, and he was quite the role model. I'll miss his wisdom and yet, his love and humor! I've been doing my best in taking Sister Goodrich's challenge to make lesson plans for every lesson, scriptures included. I have a separate list of questions to ask along with the principles, and I'm learning a lot as I go through the lesson plan. It's been a productive week personal study-wise.

I was pretty pumped this past week as I heard that we're getting snow! There's snow on the mountains, but not much around here on the lower parts. But, it's so sweet to see snow again! And, it's very cold indeed!

This week's recap!

Monday, we watched Remember the Titans. My buddies Giles and Stewart knew the movie like the back of their hand. Ridiculous for sure! Made it a lot more interesting! Tuesday was our zone conference, and I really took a lot from it. The whole 'make your lesson plan' theme by Sister Goodrich and the reiteration of obedience on the part of Pres. Goodrich. Just a review of obedience and stuff, it was pretty cool. The AP's training was enthusiastic too! They used a motivational DVD that was titled, '212 Degrees'. Talking about how at 211 degrees water boils, but one degree more makes steam, which powers locomotives, etc. Kind of lame, but I liked it. It had quotes, motivational ones, and the theme was that extra push. I never figured that the difference between first and last in an Olympic track meet was 0.71 seconds. Pretty ridiculous. I was surprised. Perseverance isn't just one long race, it's several short races that make up one long journey, something like that (Ralph Waldo Emerson). I loved it! Double convert baptisms for sure! Yeah baby! So I was pretty tired, but I'm pumped about it all! The rest of day was spent at dinner with an active member from Peru. Oh, her accent is so fast! Mumbling makes it ten times harder to understand. They speak 'slow' to us, but's fast! Delicious Peruvian food, arroz con pollo and before that, papa de guacaina...mouth-watering morsels indeed. We had a great time there and they're just funny! We go contacting at the local store because it was too late to knock doors. We ended up stopping by a less active that got offended. Some member sold her a used car for a lot of money she saved up...and it broke down and isn't worth it at all. Like a quarter of what she paid. Tsk tsk...members. But, a good day. On top of that, Giles has been sick all this week. But, he sucked it up and really endured through it all. It was a great example of sacrifice to me. 'Wow, I'm really a wimp' sort of moment.

Wednesday was busy! Splits went very well because we got to visit Mario Sanchez, and we shared the first half of the second lesson. Our WML Hno. Aguilar is a great teacher, but he teaches too much sometimes. I was a bit frustrated, because poor Mario was confused. But, he's resolved to change and to do what we ask. He felt the Spirit as we testified of the Atonement, and I felt that love yet again. How much does God love us? I can't even imagine. I can think I feel it, but yet I can't.

Thursday was interesting. The Lopez Run, going up and down a super huge hill. It was quite 'ridonkulous'. Very tiring, but I'm getting used to it. Get to the shortcut, cross the railroad tracks, then climb the hills. Committed Michael Robledo, son of an RC, to baptism on December 27th. He's nonchalant about it all, all the time. But, I can sense he really means business here. Talked to a few other people and went on our way.

Friday was quite the day! District meeting and lunch at Wendy's. We went out and about, and the highlight was our dinner appointment. Carne asada dinner. So good! Then, we got to watch Joy to the World with this member family, the Villanueva's. The dad was LA for six years until three weeks ago. They felt the Spirit of Christmas and I just loved the movie. It was great! Then and there, while poor Giles had to use the bathroom midway through, I just testified about diligence on his part and how his testimony shines. It was pretty sweet! Just invited the Spirit even stronger and everyone was teary eyed. I'm such a crybaby. Then, to finish the night off...I gave the husband a blessing as he preps to go to Georgia and back this coming week. Words can't describe the love and warmth I felt coming from Our Heavenly Father as I gave a blessing of comfort and safety. It was great. I admit I cried and I felt that supreme love eminating from the priesthood blessing. I forgot, to start the day, we gave Hna. Hidalgo a blessing too...and I know the Spirit dictated through me. I thought about it afterwards, after both blessings, of how great it is to have the priesthood to bless others. Makes one more appreciative of this holy and sacred calling! I know we have this power so we can be humbled, so we may learn to strive to serve others on a whim and by inspiration. It was very great!

Saturday was the day of Christmas for me! We went to sing at the local mall some Christmas hymns and songs...with mixed results. We didn't have time to practice so we winged it...with two songs sounding terrible...but thank goodness that was in the middle and not at the beginning or end. It was rather embarrassing, but the ones we all knew were fantastic! People stopped by, listened, smiled, and felt the warmth of Christmas. It was fun for me, and I loved it. Singing our hearts out about this wonderful holiday. It'd be better if it had snowed. But, I loved it. The rest of the day was alright, but that was a great day indeed. We ate dinner with Hna. Hidalgo, a loving member. I loved it just being there, and it was hilarious because Stewart hates cats and she has a half bobcat cat. Stew was freaking out since he likes to jump at people and stuff. Stew was screaming so much it was great! I love going to Hna. Hidalgo because she wants to learn and feel the Spirit. Makes it easy for the Spirit to testify through us. I love members!

Sunday was a Sunday. Church was embarrassing because I grabbed the wrong suit coat- gray instead of the blue one. So I was mismatched for three hours. Thank goodness the lighting was terrible in the church...and I did sit in the dark a little to hide. Haha. But, we had three investigators at church, including our baptismal date who is the son of a recent convert who is very strong. Our new investigator, Mario Sanchez, came too. He's committed to it all. Wore a bright pink shirt and not a bad looking tie. He loved it. He absorbed it all. We did have an interesting moment in priesthood with the School of the Prophets lesson, but he knew he had some things to change related to the Word of Wisdom. It was a great day! Yeah! Home, we napped, and went out to contact and found a less active that was living down in LA three years ago. Home again, visited a less active family in our complex, and fixed up the area book. Good night indeed. I even got to talk to the beloved Bro. Luna. He's so funny and I feel like he's a brother to me. Apparently he's quite around others, but we get along just great. They're going to the temple soon, and I'm so excited for that! I'm feeling they're going to go in late January or even in time for my birthday!

I hope all is well back home! I can't wait to talk to you all on Christmas Day, right? What time will be best for a call (California time of course!). Woo hoo!

Love you all...stay safe and warm!


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