Thursday, May 7, 2009

December 8, 2008

Dear Mom,

Yeah, the work here really keeps us busy. But for sure, the work was super slow the first two weeks and my poor comp Giles was a bit frustrated to say the least. He was way less talkative and now he is really talkative, he's opening up a bit. His family sent me a Christmas stocking full of candy so if you could send him something...that'd be sweet! Haha, play on words! Candy...sweet? Just kidding. And yes, my butt still hurts and yes, I'm sick of bike for now. So sore every day, and I can't catch up to Giles!

So this week we picked up five new investigators, at least three of them are legitimate. We had quite a busy week too! Let's go over the week!

P-day was fun! We got to play Signs, a really fun EFY game I learned down in the Valley my last transfer there...and it was pretty fun at the end when we actually had someone that would run around. Made it very interesting.

Tuesday I was on exchanges with Austin, who I've had some issues with before. He's way cool, but when it comes to missionary work he isn't very practical. Oh well, no one's perfect, especially me. Giles is talking more and more if he should go and if so, where. I've been telling him to not get his hopes up because I went into a mini-depression when I found out I wasn't getting moved from Sta. Clarita after six months there. I learned a lesson, I really hope he won't receive the same deal I did. It stunk for sure. So we went about town, biking to and fro and we just had fun, and found some investigators. This one family we taught was taught once by Giles, twice by Giles' comp on exchanges and splits, and once by me on exchanges with Austin. So he doesn't know them at all, and they've been investigating for a bit. Kinda funny how things work out sometimes. We had to bike outside our ward boundaries, so far away from our following appointment, because a ward member signed up and she lives outside the boundaries due to a house renovation issue. Man, that was so far away! Just on the other side of our eastern-most boundary it was far. We rarely go to our boundary as it is. We got to teach some Christian Mexican guy and he was a bit focused on the Bible...we'll see how he pans out. Good guy though. Then we came home and said good-bye to one of our missionaries, Elder Sauceda, because he got emergency moved down to the Valley due to two greenies going home for undisclosed reasons. He was happy here, I feel bad for him to get moved halfway through a transfer. Things happen though, he's the man for the job.

Wednesday I was back with Giles! He's way cool, and his story-telling techniques just suck you in. Him and Danny got along great from what I understand cuz Danny is Danny. Giles is Giles. Picked up some investigators and taught an English class at a member's house, the Molina's. It was fun! Joking around, having them repeat words to us, and then answering questions. The best part was when we got Hna. Molina to ask about what could she ask for parent-teacher conferences the next day. Her daughter Danae was a bit mad to say the least, because she didn't want her mom to know a lot of how she was doing in school. It ended up being a good conference from what I understood. They got school off for that! Crazy! We biked up this huge hill to get to a part member home...I die on that hill everytime we go there. Oh, the Elder Stewart patented, LOPEZ RUN, since two Lopez families live along that route. Killer hills. As we were leaving to go to dinner, with the other Lopez family at the bottom of it all, we were booking it so fast. Oh man I was freezing with the wind slapping my face. Giles realized that we passed a less active that bishop wanted us to check on so we went up a little to find him and did find out that he still lives there. Good! No more! A crazy dinner with the Lopez's, who are just lazy to get up to get to church at 11 am, when next year it's going to be at 9 am. Have fun with that! I felt at home, we had fun, joked around, shared stories, made fun of everyone there, and it was so hard to share a thought because of it all. But, I did my best, and Hno. Lopez shared his testimony of the church. He knows he's lazy and he still has a testimony. He just feels unfellowshipped, what a lame excuse. He's the Elder's Quorum President for crying out loud! A good man, just a bit lazy I suppose. Later that night, on splits, we went to a less active member's house. We ended up teaching her cousin, who isn't a member. Really receptive, but he does have a drinking problem. And that house smells terrible and the kids are not the best. It's hard to concentrate and invite the Spirit for sure. But, it was a good chat and Hno. Herrera really socked it to Javier, the cousin.

Thursday went well- the district blitzed our area since we are lacking investigators big time. Austin thought it'd help unity as well as work-wise for the district since it's hard to find people up here in Palmdale, especially Spanish speakers. It did loads for us. We got four potentials out of it, which is better than nothing! Something I'm trying this transfer is to be more enthusiastic and personable in talking to people. Not just saying, 'well I'm a missionary...' spin but, 'how are you? how was your day?' conversation. People are more willing to listen and we've seen a difference. Picked up more investigators after a really hard two weeks to begin this transfer. Giles is really pushing me to bike faster, and he's just a great guy. And, I've been asking every street contact for referrals, which shows that we care about everyone. Nothing yet, but I know something will come with time. Still working on it, obviously. We had a great carne asada dinner with LA Orellana's and before that, had a super spiritual lesson with a potential and her son. I forgot to ask when we could come back at the end, and she asked me that. Oh, sure! We have time for you! Of course (how could I forget?)...everytime I share the First Vision, the Spirit testifies to all of its truth. It is truth. One can't doubt the Spirit without quenching that peaceful, 'tranquil' feeling as Maria told us. Wow! It was great!

Friday was interesting. We had district meeting, where a sister missionary basically had the spiritual thought. It ended up being a ranting, not-so-spiritual, almost bashing experience. As Giles said, 'well, that was really spiritually uplifting!' with much Irvine-ish sarcasm. But, Giles' training was more like a reiteration of the importance of talking to everyone. He went over the reasons why. It's a commandment. It's to save all mankind. It's so all can hear the Shepherd's voice. Why fear? Because we're human. It was great, I felt good afterwards, just a good encouragement of this principle of finding people. Afterwards we sung happy birthday to those who had their birthdays this week and split. We had a homemade pupusa lunch at a member's house. Oh my gosh, it was delicious...but very filling indeed! We did some weekly planning, and went out to find some people yet again for the rest of the day. We had a great dinner with the LA Villenueva's. The wife is active, the husband wasn't for six years but came to church a week ago. Totally took us by surprise. Giles is magic, the members love him so much! We share a lesson on hope, on how it can sustain us, and help us in our lives. Planning lessons is a blessing because we're on the same page and the Spirit works stronger as we set up for Him to enter into the room. We're getting good at this! The warmth of the Spirit is magical almost. It's real, but feels unreal. It's warm, but yet it doesn't burn someone. It is a great experience to strive for His influence daily. What a night!

Saturday was fun! We played football in the morning at a local park, and OH it was so cold! The ground was frozen too! It was good so we didn't get all soggy and wet. And, I could actually throw the football this time. The other team said I cheated because we'd line up and I'd immediately hike it without letting the other team get set. So, I'm cheap because I'm playing football like what we usually do? Didn't get me mad, just was a 'oh c'mon guys it's football this it how it is' moment. I threw a pick, a couple touchdowns, nothing fancy. It really helped that we didn't have people would be running way over in the middle of nowhere. But, it counts! Giles was going to catch a kickoff and he went up to get it and a sister missionary from Canada (super athletic for a sister) ran into him...he's like 'well it's not my fault I was catching the ball and she ran into me'. We give him a hard time. And, that girl could throw! Snap, she took us all by surprise. One time zonie Lamb (who is 6'4'') rushed me so I threw the ball high in the sky between his arms that were straight up and it got caught by good fortune. Man, it was cold! Giles burned me for four TD's. He's good, and I'm bad at being corner. Doesn't help he got a foot on me it seems. It's all good fun though, it was just hilarious to see people slip and slide, sister's screaming as they have the ball running it, and lateraling it at whatever moment in time...hilarious! So now to the actual day. Not much. All, well most, of our appointments fell through so that was our weekend to be honest. Here, there, everywhere! No one home, or no one we could teach at that moment in time. We got to teach Javier with his LA cousin, then another LA family came to visit them! So we got the dad Hno. Lopez (who has a testimony but he's lazy in getting up for church- good guy though!) to testify. It just reiterated the truthfulness of it all. And, they came in right before I was going over the First Vision. All the noise of the children and dogs and cats and chaos disappeared for a moment as I recited it. I felt the Spirit witness to me that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God who restored Christ's church again. He felt it, the Lopez's felt it, and it was a warm feeling indeed. I love the Gospel! I love the Church! I love the Spirit's warmth in this profound cold. What a day!

Sunday went well. I was having trouble focusing in the last class- I was tired! Testimony meeting went well, it was just a lot of older people up there. We really don't have many young couples here at all. More families! All our appointments fell through, as usual, and we ate two dinners. One in Austin's area, the other in ours. Both were way fun! The Molina's fed us last minute because we didn't know if the other sister in Austin's area was going to feed us (she ended up feeding us anyways). We showed pictures from home, some pictures on the mission, made fun of Giles and his gazillion girl friends (he got ten letters in a day! Nuts!), good times. And, Stewart set up their printer. Good times, and as I shared a scripture with all calmed down and it was a precious moment in time for me. Talking about how angels are around us, how they as members are our angels, and they we have that gift of the Holy Ghost to guide us on our left and on our right (D&C 84:88 says something similar to it). As a rock song goes, 'may angels lead you in...' Steven would know that Jimmy Eat World song.

That's our week! The work is great! We get along great! I love and miss you all! I'm doing my best to work hard till the end, and yes, I'm afraid of what the end entails. I woke up on Sunday almost in a cold sweat. It's almost here, what am I to do? I shiver at the thought. Keep me in your prayers, so I won't get hit by cars up here. May God keep you all safe and happy!


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