Sunday, May 31, 2009

February 2, 2009


About BYU, my registration is for April 10, 2009. So sometime soon. And thanks for the BYU gear, I love it! I'm sporting it for duo-zone baseball. Yeah boy! As for things I need, if you want to send me like granola bars or something sort of healthy for snacking on, and maybe some chips. Please? As for summer plans, I have no idea. I guess I'd better get a move on it, right? Maybe EFY counselor, that'd be fun! And yes, training is fun but is heavy. Finch's Spanish is superb considering the time he has out. I push him, and he pushes himself. We've found the balance for now. Good kid, and I know the Lord sent him to me so I could chill out a bit.

About the Lunas, Brother Luna couldn't stop laughing about you calling him. Good family. They really appreciated the call.

The week! Recap!

P-day was way chill. Fun though! Only problem was that the kids of a LA family just acted up and just drove away the Spirit. Their parents were so very sorry and apologetic, but their teenagers are just out of control! I love that family though!

Tuesday was fun, but long. Good old English class with the Peruvian family, and when I brought up Chile they got a bit incensed at the fact that they lost to Chile in their last war. I just mentioned that our Chilean companion just wanted to say that in his hometown of Concepcion, their boat, the Huascar, is okay. Oh man, I touched off a storm of resentment! I have never seen Peruvians so adamant about something. Oops...thank goodness that was post-lesson. Since they're both recent converts, they had a lot of questions about the plan of salvation, so we taught it and boy! They had me stumped sometimes. I just let them read Alma 40-42 to answer their doubts. I can't answer it was way cool! They talk very fast!

Wednesday, Finch's tire went flat after an appointment, so we were stuck. But, we got a new tube so we were able to go and work thank goodness. Not much really happened.

Thursday was a good day. District meeting and we got trained on obedience. Hna. Quintanilla socked it to us. Be obedient, don't ask why, because the Lord knows all. Just do it. I need to be more diligent, but Finch keeps me on the straight and narrow. Later, we biked up the Lopez Run, and that was fun. Sort of. I was so dead at the end though! Oh man! Anayansi still didn't get her answer to baptism, and we found out when we could catch her dad at home to get him to come back to church. Raced down the hill, no hands! So fun! A good taco dinner, a great home evening taught by our ward missionary Hno. Figueroa, and a good correlation meeting. Late to an appointment, the Lopez's (LA ones), and found out that there was a drug bust or something along the way there. Man, I don't like being close to danger anymore. Crazy day! But good!

Friday was interviews! I'm probably going to stay. Poor Finch was in the interview for a long time, just some problems he's been having. It's not easy being on a mission. I'm happy I haven't really caused President headaches. A great appointment with the activated Villanueva family. Good dinner, even better lesson! Elder Wirthlin's last talk on the earth in this life- they soaked it up! Then we played a game and that was just hilarious. The kids were so afraid they didn't play, and we just had a great time. I know I was sent here to lighten things up a bit, and to find families to re-activate.

Saturday was service, then we had a sweet member present lesson about the Spirit with Mario, our prime investigator. He had questions about the Spirit, because he's been struggling lately. Our members just socked it to him, told him what it is, how we feel it, and his purpose. Now he'll know how to get an answer to his prayers. Then, a fast track to baptism! Hna. Hidalgo fed us a great fajita dinner...oh so full afterwards. And, then a sweet less active lesson which led to her coming to church! I love using general conference talks to motivate people to come back!

Sunday was good...but we got out and worked while people were watching the Super Bowl. Got updates all day though, that was cool. Came home early due to drunk potentials and the like. Not good to be out at dark post-Super Bowl. Two investigators, Anayansi and Mario, and a less active, Hna. Villalobos.

The work rocks! Woo! Exhausted, but it's so worth all the work we put in. I love being a missionary for sure! I hope all is well back home! Love you all!


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