Wednesday, May 20, 2009

January 19, 2009

Dear Mom,

I absolutely love bike. I love being here in Palmdale, and though the work is hard right now all we can do is get down to it and just work our butts off. Being a trainer is hard because your comp naturally doesn't speak very good Spanish, so you're in charge of it all and absorb most, if not all, the responsibility. I can only imagine what it'll be like after the mission! But, life is going great right now and Elder Finch is a riot. A really reserved and quiet kid, quite the opposite. He asks great grammar and vocabulary questions and it really pushes me to excel and push my own learning of Spanish. So we get along so far and all is well over here.

As for birthday wishes, nothing really. I love being a missionary and I don't want it to stop anytime soon! I wish you could grant that wish for me. But, since you can't, the only thing is thanks for the new 4 GB memory card for my camera and for being the cheerleaders on the sideline. The only thing I really need is just love and support right now. Snacks, not so much, but thanks! Maybe a hoodie, but it's not as cold as it used to be. Whatever you feel like, but I'm fine out here!

So we have at least two baptismal dates to end this transfer, Anayansi and Michael. We just have to talk to Michael to set the actual date, as well as Anayansi. Both are ready, one is waiting for the LA dad to get ready (not going to happen) and with Michael we just got to set the date. But, his mom is hard to get a hold of, and they're moving. So it's a bit hectic right now. We're knocking doors like no other, and might have to sacrifice more of our 'let's trust our members' motto to give more time to such way of contacting. But, we're starting to ask for referrals from members so we can spend the rest of the time teaching potential investigators and less actives that have a desire to come back. I can only see the success that we can have as soon as we challenge members to get in the trenches with us!

Recap of the week!

Monday was p-day, just a regular chill day. Actually, we played basketball for a long time and then indoor soccer to finish it off. I was exhausted, not the greatest way to start off the week. And very sore. It was fun though. Our buddy Mitchell totally stuffed this Hessing kid who is a greenie and prides himself on jump shooting. Pretty sweet swat though. Just fun playing ball with the guys.

Tuesday we visited the always fun Peruvian members, Beti and Esperanza. A very fun English lesson indeed! There are some sounds in English that Latinos can't make. So now they know how we feel! Beti kept saying 'que malo!' which means, 'how bad!' something like that. So fun. We had a great lesson on faith with Mario, where we challenged him to be baptized and he said he'll consider it. That guy just doesn't get it, but more on him later. It was a great lesson, talking about faith and how we need to follow his example and be baptized. He knew it was coming. But, he'll be a long-term one. On splits with the elder's quorum we went to a less active and our first counselor called him out on not going to our congregation. 'Oh I'm going to another branch' he said, good ole' Barrios, and the counselors said that he translated for the stake presidency there that day...Barrios' mouth was wide open. Hilarious. Got ya!

Wednesday we visited a very old and weird member, Hna. Gallardo. She loves having us over cuz no one visits her (no home or visiting teaching up here). We spent a long time there because she wouldn't let us go! Gosh! But, we were able to clarify her concerns over cremation and stuff because a colleague of hers passed away and they pulled the plug on him for fear of him being a vegetable. We all know how that goes. So yeah...she took forever. But, it was good to pass by. At our dinner with the LA elder's quorum president, him and his wife vented on how difficult it is to get their children to do the right. Good kids, but when they're with friends, a completely different ball game. Completely different. So we listened, and learned, and did our best to comfort them according to our limited knowledge and the extent of our stewardship. I'm so happy I had never walked with those kind of kids, cuz they weren't good. We met them outside as we were walking in. But, they know as they try to go to church, more trials will come. More trials will come, but they know what to do. We went by a LA Villalobos family to comfort the RC husband, Jose. His sister passed away due to cancer, so we shared Finding Faith in Christ with them, and it was beautiful as always. Without a doubt, the Spirit was there, and we testified of the reality of faith and of hope. It was the right lesson. Words can't describe how great it was.

Thursday was a bit boring, weekly planning, a dinner, then home. No one is ever home at night! Gosh, darn it! Dinner was fun, with the Hidalgo's. I feel at home, we joked around a lot and we thanked them for always being there for us. I am on a mission to strengthen others, only for a brief time.

Friday was long. District meeting, etc. But, we had a great lesson with Mario. He said he didn't feel ready, that he wants to soak it all in. So I started with the Bible and then it got crazy. Revelations 22:18 about no more revelation, so we got in an argument and it spiraled out of control until he, Mario, testified about the Book of Mormon. Wow, reality check. I need to testify, not argue. Testify, not show off about how much I know about the scriptures. I turned to Finch and he was lost, but testified right on the money about the Book of Mormon, and the Spirit just entered. A humbling experience 'ha trainer you don't know jack squat' sort of deal. He's ready, he just doesn't want to accept change that fast. Next up, recognizing the Spirit and how He answers us.

Saturday was long. Knocked forever as a part of a blitz for the English elders. Oh man, so freaking long. But, we had a great day. Got Michael, after a lot of searching for rides, to a baptismal service. The most embarrassing part was when the person baptizing had to redo the girl's baptism like five times. First, he missed a few words (native Spanish speaker). Second, name was in the wrong order. Poor guy! But, the talks were great and I learned from them. The Holy Ghost goes to all, but we must invite it as members to influence us. A great reiteration. We got back to Michael's for our bikes, already a half hour late, and got to our dinner in seven minutes. Holy snap, so fast! I was exhausted and sweating so much! But, the members, the Padilla's, were very forgiving, and only because I sent them a thank you card the week before. I was prompted to do that, so I could be forgiven.

Sunday, about the same. Church was long and I was exhausted for sure. It was good, but I wasn't in the mood. But, the stake speakers were amazing. Just blew me out of the water. One testified with power about how we must be examples and how we must not respond with anger to false accusations. Just as Christ was quiet, sometimes we too must be quiet in our responses. One Bro. Skinner bore testimony of the Gospel and how he lost his child due to sickness, and how he knew he could hold her once again. It was precious. It was great!

I love the work! Oh how I long to start the mission over again...but such is life! I hope all is well, and an early Happy Birthday Mom!

Love you all,

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