Wednesday, August 15, 2007

June 19, 2007

I'm doing well over at the MTC. Food is just like the Cannon Center, so it wasn't really good overall. Just 8 more weeks here! My companion Elder Wheeler is amazing. I'm so blessed to be here right now with him as my companion, he really strengthens my testimony daily. I wish you could meet him in person.

I really appreciate you and Mom sending both Kristy and me out to the mission field. It's a great sacrifice to let your two oldest kids leave for 18 plus months. It's the right thing. I know it is, I've felt the Spirit so strong here. I know when I leave the MTC that I'll miss the strong Spirit that rests here 24/7. My Spanish is coming along well enough, it's due to the 'gift of tongues'. My district is blows my mind, they're above and beyond fantastic. We're trying to speak Spanish all the time, so it's really helping us get better. I'll be teaching my first English lesson this week, so wish me luck. I'm so nervous, but I think myself and Elder Wheeler got it down pretty well so far. Lesson 1 on the Restoration. Tell Steven that a mission is the best thing he could possibly do. First of all, he's blessed richly. If kids in third world countries had a Wii, XBOX, XBOX 360 AND a new computer from an older brother, they'd be in heaven. Tell him I love him and I'm gonna make him proud out in California. Tell Grandma that I love her and I hope to see her soon, and take those vitamins! Mom, thanks for being so strong for me. You're a great example to me, of strength and perseverance. Dad, your humor has made even the worst days my best. Thanks for your support, and I'll be writing you every week, I promise.

As a General Authority once said, "Sacrifice means giving up something good for something better", and it's my theme right now. (Elder Hubie Brown?). The devotionals are inspiring and uplifting here, it's wonderful. And on a side note, over 100 mission presidents will be trained starting next Sunday so I might see the First Presidency, who knows? I'll be carrying my trusted camera around all week for sure!

I hope you are all doing well back in Maryland, and I'm doing my best to work hard and get lost in the work of the Lord. Gracias para su apoyo y hasta luego familia! (Thanks for your support and until later family!)

Su hijo misionero (your missionary son),


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