Wednesday, August 15, 2007

July 24, 2007

Irvine Family,

Life is great. Tomorrow marks the 3 week mark until I hit the mission field, unless I tear an ACL playing basketball (don't worry, I'm not going too hard). Lessons are coming but we still have to work on asking good, solid, comprehensive questions. We've been working on it since day one but we still gotta improve a lot, especially me. I just can't ask questions, period. It's frustrating!!!

I got Kristy and Matt to get together so we took a few pictures, as well as just Kristy and myself. I should be sending it to you ASAP, please send the other back ASAP because I'm almost out of memory on the small one, I recorded my friend's testimonies at the Hasta Ver (farewell for the zone). So I got pictures! Matt's excited to go! Richardson comes in soon too! Danny comes into my branch this week! How exciting! Two Derwooders in the same branch! Tell Mom I don't need anything except more of the Spirit, I can't get enough of it here! I'll ask and tell Kristy about that stuff as soon as I see her. She was moping a bit about Scott, but she'll get over it. One of the latest speakers, the director of the mission dept, said to forget yourself in the work and more or less, if that person is meant to be there when you get back, it'll happen, if not, it won't and you wouldn't have made the mistake of marrying the wrong person for ETERNITY. Stephen Allen is hilarious! (name of the speaker).

We had an amazing experience in the TRC (where we practice teaching lessons to volunteers!). There was an RM sister who served in Tuscon, so we did our typical verification and whatever. The situation was a Methodist family, so they had questions of the BOM. So me, being the gung-ho and guns-blazing kinda of missionary without thinking twice about anything, goes on to start with the BOM, testifying of its truthfulness and how it helps us. Wheeler tries to follow the lesson plan, but I'm feeling the Spirit. We need to teach about the BOM and testify, like my teacher always says. So when Wheeler is going off, I think of Helaman 5:12. I love that scripture! So I had her read it and then I testified of how we can build our foundations on Christ, that he is obligated to help us, that if we build upon Christ, Satan has NO power to tempt us because we are God's children and he has no dominion over us when we are founded on Christ. The Spirit was so strong then, it felt like it was a tsunami or something. I just kept on going, that God knows each and every one of us, our trials, our problems, and that I don't know what you're going through, but I know that God knows each and every one of us. If we build upon Christ, he will help us get through our problems. I've read that scripture a lot here, but never thought I'd use it in a lesson, especially the first lesson in Spanish. (1st time doing it in Spanish too!) Wheeler brought the lesson back, but I would always testify of the BOM and its truthfulness. I couldn't think of anything else. Testify testify testify! The poor RM was crying! I knew that she was going through things, everyone does, but I knew that the Spirit testified through me that Christ is infallible, that we must rely on Him. It was truly wonderful. I can't forget that experience. It was just a strengthening experience for me.

So that was my Friday. It was wonderful. I couldn't shake the Spirit for 10 minutes, it was oozing. I love it. I'm going to miss the MTC.

So more Mayan: minaan taakin- I ain't got anything. chan paal- little son (aka senior comps refer to greenies).

Yeah Kristy told me that you were crying. I expected it. She hates that stuff, but I know that she was crying when she had to leave Scott. What a sister, one who tries to be tough but really needs some love!

It's such a wonderful experience being here. I learn so much from my teachers, especially Hmo. Busby. He served in Mexico del Sur (Mex City South) and he must've been one heckuva missionary. He always says to teach, then if you feel good about it, ask them to be baptized. He must've baptized at least 60 people. So it's like teach time..teach BAPTIZE!...I love it! I can't wait to ask that question and have a YES and then...I can't wait!!!! My other teacher, Hna. Roetto, served in Spain, so she's not so bold. She's great though, I learn so much about patience with her. We goof off sometimes in class, but we have a great unity and Spirit about us, I love it. We memorized DC 4, and the Standard of Truth. We set a goal to memorize 7 scriptures a week, that's a challenge, and by the end of this week I'm going to memorize the 13 Articles of Faith- we'll see how that goes.

I know the Lord has prepared someone in San Fernando for me. My friend out there just baptized 2 people, he's been there for about 2 weeks. I can't wait to find those 'escogido's', the chosen, the elect of God. We also learned to not waste time with those that won't commit to baptism, because we have those escogidos to find. I don't know if I can contain this excitement for 3 weeks!

I know this Church is true. I know that I was prepared to be here right now, with my district and zone. I know that this is the absolute no doubt right thing to do. There is no doubt in my soul of the divinity of Jesus Christ. He died for everything. As Elder Holland says, The mission means EVERYTHING to me! There is no turning back, there is no 'I want to go home', there is no 'let's not work today'. Work Work Work, this is what this mission is about. I must find those Escogidos, because they are praying for me to reach them. I just have to listen to the Spirit. I know that this work is truly marvelous. I know that you are all doing the right thing in supporting Kristy and me. I love this work. I love being a missionary. There is nothing I'd trade it in the world with. I know the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. I've read it, I've prayed, I've felt the Spirit's testimony in me. I know that families can be forever. I know that I want to be in the mission field forever, but that is up to our decision.

Thank you so much for supporting me. I love you all, stay safe and stay strong.

Steven- Just Do It. Do what you must to be successful. Be Obedient, it is essential in life. And I'll write you a letter! Just write me back! And use that Mayan! It's so cool!Mom- I love you. Be that anchor in the family.Dad- Keep crying. I cry so much nowadays, it's cool now. Be the righteous Judge of IsraelGrandma- Keep taking those Vitamins! I love you! Enjoy those pictures, ok?


Elder Irvine

p.s. laundry is fine, but can you please send some pics to be of me and my friends from BYU, just a few cuz I forgot to print some out with the last memory card I sent you. Thanks! Les Amo (I love you all).

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