Wednesday, August 15, 2007

July 17, 2007

Dear Family:

Steven, I just wanna say, I'm not writing my friends so don't worry. I spend my entire 30 minutes writing all of you.

Families are forever, right?

Here's some Mayan I learned yesterday. bash ka waak (like wike)- what's up? In Kabah Elder Irvine- my name Elder Irvine. I love Mayan, no verbs, no conjugations, too bad I'm not heading to Merida Mexico. San Fernando is gonna rock!

So we're finally starting to teach our lessons in Spanish. We taught the first lesson in Spanish a while back, but then the MTC changed the curriculum and my teacher didn't like it very much, we spent another week teaching a lesson in English. He's very gung-ho, he wants us to learn and teach in Spanish so we can find the 'elegidos'- the chosen, the elect of God. I agree with him, but whatever the MTC Pres. and First Pres. feel, I understand.

It feels strange being here for 5 weeks (tomorrow). I know this is the right place, that no matter what happens, I'll be safe in the Lord's hands as long as I put my trust (confianza) in Him. The Spirit is very strong in the MTC, the Lord doesn't hold it back here. He wants all the missionaries to feel it, and it is quite a wonderful feeling. I love it. Now I can't wait to help non-members, the elegidos, feel this wonderful feeling of peace and comfort.

I'll keep sending letters from time to time about some experiences, not too much time to write a lot. So don't worry!

I've been talking to Scott's cousin Elder Sinden or something like that. He's excited that Kristy enters tomorrow- he can't wait (neither can the sisters- they want another sister in their branch!) They're way excited, and so awesome! Kristy and I will have the same dining times! Sweet!

I've learned so much here at the MTC. I've been studying how to become a better person, as in Preach My Gospel has the Christlike Attributes section, so I'm working on (guess what?) Humility. And I know that I need to humble myself more here to have the Spirit teach me and guide me in my lessons. It is an amazing tool for the missionaries, I wish I had read it sooner and more thoroughly. It is a great tool, and is definitely inspired of the Lord. I love it. I love the scriptures. Nephi's lamentations, Benjamin's advice to the people, Moroni's promise, nothing can top the words they speak. It is beautiful, I wish I had read them more often. Steven, read the scriptures. Know them. Get to love them. They are for our times, they are here to guide us. I know that it will help you become more in tune with the Spirit and will help have the Spirit in the home. It is truly wonderful. Keep that in mind, brother.

The firesides blow my mind away. We had to usher this time around, it was interesting. It was crowded. It was full. The speaker is about to retire as the Int'l MTC Director, Bro. C Eugene Hill. He urged us to teach the investigators to have their own personal spiritual experiences, so they won't falter and not have a foundation to rest on. So true, we have all seen this in our lives. Whoever speaks at the MTC has the right message at the right time. I can't wait until tonight to hear from the speaker, it's one of the highlights of the week. Don't worry, I take notes for record-keeping- I don't want to forget what these inspired people have to say.

I love my district. I love my teachers. There is a unity here that is stronger than at BYU. We have the Spirit to bind us. We have the mantle of the Lord. It's so unique, so special. I will miss this place (not the food). I know that though I'm getting sick and tired of sitting in class, I'm not ready for the field yet. It was a tough week last week, just because it was the halfway mark.

About packages, their nice, but I still have to get through the Bountiful Irvine's stuff. Plus, I'm so tired after class I just get ready for bed, write in my journal, and sleep. So no food really. But I love Pringles! No candy please! And sorry it took me a while to write back, I figured that e-mail would suffice until I had the chance to write all my friends back. It's true, some friends aren't really your friends when you head out of their lives and into the hands of the Lord. Just a few.

Thanks for the memo. Chris Simpkins just wrote me and told me that Steve T. is going to the Peoria mission, and another BYU-er Chris Lee is going to Edinburgh Scotland. He has a little under 40 days to do his papers. He's way excited!

Chris Gill had his primary kids write me, and he sent me some CD's to listen to. Have him and his mom over for dinner, that was such a great service to me. He's such a great friend, I never wrote him once! Ah! By the way, please get me the Solyst's address and Boyd's, I need to write them! As the prophets say, The Spirit constraineth me to write why (I really don't know why), but I feel that the Solysts need a letter from me. Please send me their address!

Life is good. I know scriptures so much better now. I know the doctrine more soundly. I know the this is the work, as DC 4 goes, behold, a marvelous work and a wonder....we're going to memorize the Standard of Truth by Joseph Smith in Spanish this coming week! I'm excited! No unhallowed hand can stop this work from progressing....go forth to every continent....

We saw the Testaments the other night. There is no doubt, not one, in my body that Christ didn't die for us. I know that Jesus Christ died for us. I hope you all, family, know that. If not, follow the promise of Moroni 10:3-5 and pray about it. Shore up your testimony now, for when Satan throws his darts at you, you need a foundation (Helaman 5:12). Our rock and our foundation is Christ, and should never waver too much. Satan will tempt us, but not above which we are able. (Steven, name that scripture mastery!)

I love you all. I miss you all. But this is where I need to be. I've prayed about it, and I know it. This church is true. This work is true. I've been called for many reasons, which I might learn about in the field, that someone out there, some Mexican, is ready for me to teach them the Evangelio de Jesucristo. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, I know that he restored the Gospel of Christ on the earth. I love him so much, I'm indebted to him. I know Christ suffered all for us, I know that He loves each and every one of us. I know that the Holy Ghost exists, I know that we can all be an influence for good, wherever we are. Lead by example, others will follow.

Dad- I pray for you every night, so that you can have the Spirit to help you in your multiple callings- bishop, father, husband, son, boss. I hope you that I miss you, that your example means a lot to me.Mom- Keep up the good work. Don't wear out, I want to see you when I get back! Please read the scriptures, so you can feel that peace of the Spirit.Steven- Shore up that testimony! Not gonna be overnight, but just read the scriptures, bear testimony in the meetings, be proactive! Satan will try to get you, and he nearly got to me, but I know that if you trust the scriptures, read them, and pray daily, Satan has no power over you. You hold the Priesthood of God, and Satan has no power against such great authority.Grandma- I hope you're taking those vitamins! I love you so much! See you in two years- don't kill Steven with the cane just yet!I wish you all the best.


Elder Spencer Irvine

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