Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 7, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

I have finally come to the realization that I have 6 pairs of black socks. I was going to buy 2 more pairs, but they weren't nylon, 5% acrylic. So the story is, I need at least 2 more pairs of black socks to get me through 1 week of laundry. Please! You can just send it to me in the field if you want. Also, I don't need all this food because my roommates are cutting back on their food and I have no one else to eat it. Don't send me food! Not here, but in the field! It's not worth it!

This week has been a jolt. Last week in the MTC. I can't believe it. Already?! It's a double-edged feeling- I've been here forever but I can't believe I've been here that long. Sort of strange.

I love personal study. This week I was going to study patience, so I flipped to Alma and started reading some scriptures about patience. I ran into the story of Ammon, so I spent the rest of the week just reading the miraculous story of Lamoni's conversion and I'm about to head into the rest of the sons of Mosiah's exploits among the Lamanites. I wish I could have that testimony like the sons of Mosiah, but then again they went through a lot to get that strong and secure of a testimony. I can only hope to have that unshakeable faith, that foundation on Christ that Helaman speaks of in Helaman 5:12, someday. If you want something to read full of the Spirit and is truly miraculous, just read the chapters of Alma, I love the scriptures so much.

Our district always goes to the RC, referral center, 1.5 hours on Wednesdays and 1.5 hours any other time to fulfill our goal of committing 20 people to meet with missionaries. This past week, my district slacked off. Another district in our zone joined us in the room and my district just lost it. Didn't make calls, just sat there waiting for inbounds (at least 2 come a day for us). So I got the entire total for the day at 2. Slackers! I know they knew they messed up, but I was not very happy with their efforts. So Elder Wheeler and I prayed and planned for guidance on how to get 20, when we had only 9 that entire week with a day to go. We planned and prayed with the Lord for 11 commitments in 2 hours on Sunday. We went after our Hasta Ver (farewell testimonies of the departing elders/sisters) for 2 hours. We were on a roll, we got 8 in about an hour. I asked if we should go eat, it was time to eat dinner at 5:30, but he said we're on a roll and I agreed. We finished at around 6:00, at the deadline we promised with the Lord. About a few minutes before, we exceeded our goal of 11, and received 12 commitments. Before, Elder Wheeler had only gotten 2 commitments in Spanish in this amount of time. But he got 6. I got 6. It was a miracle, it was the Lord helping us reach our goal that we promised to keep the previous week. I talked to a man in Rustburg, VA, who knew the Bible and believed that was all he needed. I testified, tried to tell him about the Church, but he was a bit stubborn and nice and we ended the conversation. It was amazing though. Hopefully he'll be prepared later on. Another close one was a man looking for the truth, but he was skeptical about churches in general. I shared the First Vision, but he was still skeptical. It's in the Lord's time. The 6 I received from the Lord were truly prepared. Willing to hear the missionaries. Loved the videos they received from the Church. Wanted to hear how the Book of Mormon can help their lives. It was truly a great time to spend 2 hours on the Sabbath serving the Lord, who in turn was helping us with His Omnipotent Hand. A Wonderful Work and a is very true!

I know that I can do the work that Ammon did. That Alma did. That Alma the Younger did. That Nephi and his brother Lehi (sons of Helaman) did. Bringing thousands unto Christ. I may just plant the seed (Alma 32), but that is what is necessary. Other missionaries will help the seed grow, and help nourish it, so it can and will bring forth good fruit. I can't stop thinking how wonderful this work is. All I have to do is put my trust in Him, and He will provide. He has blessed me for my faithfulness, He has blessed me for my service. I know that this work is important, to bring my Hermanos y Hermanas a venir a Cristo. The gift of tongues is real, it has really helped me gain confidence to go and do the work. It helped me so much to make outbound calls in Spanish, when it is suggested to start in the last few weeks. I've been doing them for almost 4 weeks now. God's gifts, as Moroni speaks of in the last chapter of his book, exist and will be given to us as we hearken to His voice, His will, and do His work.

I'm sad to leave here, I'm sad to see my district go. I love them so much. They're my brothers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what a blessing it is to be here with them. I know that we were meant to be in the same district with each other. I know that I was called to be their District Leader. One of the branch counselors, Bro. Wright, Associate Dean of Religion at BYU, said that I have really grown, and I know it. I would love to take his class when I get back, he knows the Gospel so well it's amazing. This appointment has really helped me come closer to Christ. How can I pay Christ back for all the blessings he's given me? Serve Him, Love Him, Bring His Sheep to Him. I know He is our Good Sheperd. I suggest two paintings, which I have copy of courtesy of the bookstore. The Good Sheperd by Simon Dewey, and Be Not Afraid by Greg Olson. Both artists are wonderful. The expression of Christ in Dewey's piece is one of care, and his sheperd's crook just illustrates to me of His love, His love to bring back that one sheep lost out of 100. I know that was me at one time, and He brought me back through His Supreme Love, Overpowering Love for all. Olson's piece illustrates to me His love for children. He is helping a child to climb the rocks in the middle of a creek, and is holding another in his arm. He is that Helper, that Supreme Being that helps us all along the paths of life, to lift us up at the last day and receive us in His mansions in Heaven.

I love this work. I love the mission. As Elder Holland says, "The mission means everything to me." It does. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wouldn't trade it for an opportunity to do anything else. I wouldn't sacrifice it for anything on the earth.

I know Christ lives. I know that He suffered for all. He suffered all pains and afflictions (2nd Nephi Ch 31) for us, to learn how to succor his people. He knows us. He knows our shortcomings, and He will NEVER give up on us. I am so grateful to know that you all support me. Thank you for your support.

Thank you for sending the pictures, I really enjoyed them. I miss you all so much, but this is the right thing to do. There is no doubt, there is no doubt in my mind of the importance of this work.

Mom- Be Strong. Just cry, it's therapeutic. I know it for myself now.
Dad- Help others come to Christ, please motivate the members to give referrals to help the missionaries. I can only hope the members can do the same for me.
Steven- you have a letter coming this week. Enjoy!
Grandma- I love you. Keep smiling. Take the Centrums. Enjoy the pictures so far...

I love you all. Next time, I'll be on my last p-day in the MTC.


Elder Spencer Irvine :-)

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