Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 20, 2007

Hola Familia Irvine!

All is well in the mission field. My district is amazing! Elder Sandoval is the District Leader and he's my senior companion. He is from Guadalajara Mexico and used to play semi-pro soccer, he's 21 years old and has two other brothers serving in Guadalajara and Veracruz right now! He's an amazing elder, he loves to work and push himself, but I'm afraid that sometimes he pushes himself too hard and bends the rules a bit to compensate for the work. I am trying to get him to go to bed on time because he's really tired in the morning because he stays up doing district business on the phone with the zone leaders (who are really good by the way) and other paperwork like progress reports, etc. He's a great missionary, but it's hard to be with him because he wants to learn English and I'm in a Spanish area, so I need to learn Spanish to teach and he needs to help me. I've tried to say it as nicely as I can, but I have to put my foot down and ask him to only speak Spanish to me, even though we get along well in English. That's the only 'problem' if it is one, other than that we are doing well and working hard. I feel bad because I work hard, but I don't feel I'm putting all my efforts into the work. I don't know what it is, I can't put a finger on it, but I guess I have to study harder in personal study before the day really begins, I'm not really sure. I am getting to love our ward and our investigators as well as the less actives (which are so hard to get a hold of). We had a strong message to a couple, who were married in the San Diego Temple some years back (sister is an RM- served in Salvador) and used DC 78 v.10 I believe, which has something like to keep your covenants or you will lose your office and rewards in heaven. Pretty strong, but it was needed. We kept on saying we love you, the ward misses you, the Lord wants to see you back, and they understood. It wasn't a chastisement, just a strong reminder of their covenants they made in the temple. The husband works on call for a funeral home to make ends meet (rent is insanely expensive out here- details later) and the wife is busy too, but both admitted, especially the husband, that there is no excuse. He said he works a lot, but he'll try to make it next week! The wife came, and how wonderful it was to see Hna. Huelta in the congregation sitting with members! I was pleasantly surprised! We taught a family via referral from the RC, which I loved at the MTC. Book of Mormon request, so we stopped by and knocked on the door. No answer. An old man pulls up in his white truck and E. Sandoval says we're missionaries of Jesus Christ here to deliver a book, and he invited us in. You should've seen the grin on E. Sandoval's face! We went in, then their family came in too, the wife, their son and grandson and granddaughter, their family basically. We taught the first lesson, the Restoration, and it went well. My problem is that I can't feel the Spirit when we teach pure doctrine, and I guess that's more like a truth not a problem. So we were teaching doctrine, and they agreed with us! The husband related how he gave up alcohol, and how he straightened his life out to have a better family, and he's happy now. He agreed with everything we said, but the wife said tradition, Catholic, the whole 9 yards of how they're devout. We taught, and testified of prophets and how the Book of Mormon was written by prophets for us and has the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We finished, and it was time to go (about an hour). We had a prayer to end (as we had one to begin), and said our good-byes. The wife, old-school Catholic, repeated every word of the prayer in the beginning when I said it and the end when E. Sandoval said it. Oh well, I was warned about that! So we left 2 'copies' of the Book of Mormon for the son and for the couple! We set up an appointment for this week, I can't wait to teach them again! By the way, their rent, as I mentioned, is 3,000 dollars/month for a house. Another investigator, Josefina Fermin, pays 2,500 dollars/month for a much smaller house. Ridiculo!We set a goal last night for 5 baptisms for this transfer. E. Sandoval said he wanted at least 4, and it is possible. We prayed about our investigators and have 5 names that should be ready for baptism and have a date by the end of this week! I can't wait! I'm so sad when people say 'not interested', or 'i don't have time for that', because their eternal salvation is at stake! How can you delay eternal salvation? Life with God forever? O ye of little faith! I feel like what the scriptures said, when I believe Mormon laments the loss of his brethren, and when the Lord mourns over the destruction of the Nephites after the cruxificion of Christ, because of their wickedness and abominations. I can't see how they could be astray in the world, it's really saddening. One of the 5 investigators is a family, the Pelayo's. We can't baptize the parents, the mother is still married to another but hasn't been divorced (in Mexico, so we can't do much about that) and the father is unmarried, but they live together with the mother's kids. They're a family, even though the children aren't really the father's biological children. It is beautiful! They really love each other, and I think this Gospel can really bring them more happiness in their busy lives. So we're focusing on baptizing their daughter, who has already been to church once! The little son, Tony, doesn't read Spanish so he asked the previously unreceptive father to read the Book of Mormon with him, and now the father is listening to us. It is a miracle! How great is the Lord! We will try to commit Meida (I think that's how you spell it) to baptism this week, I think she'll be ready. Unfortunately, Josefina Fermin, after going over the importance and authority and all that baptism doctrine, refused, so we have to try one final time or we have to leave her behind. I didn't want to, and I don't, but last time she admitted the Book of Mormon is the word of God, but she is hesitant to join the church due to her own fears of joining another church and her not-so-open-minded husband that doesn't believe in God. I can only hope and pray for her salvation. There is another family, La Inez, who I haven't had the chance to meet, and apparently they're almost golden, really receptive and love the missionaries, then Maria Suarez and Maria Mendez, both of whom aren't really reading but love having us over. Suarez always goes off on tangents, and so we end up not teaching an entire lesson, and with Mendez we didn't even reach halfway so we left a Plan of Salvation pamphlet behind for her to read. Maria Mendez is having a hard time, her husband of 30 years left her for another woman, and plans to sell her house. She doesn't work and she's really afraid of what is going to happen. So we talked of forgiveness and of peace, and she really enjoys us being over there (but she talks forever). What is really strange is that her husband mows the lawn from time to time and feeds the pets! Wow. So these are our potential baptisms.

This past week was crazy. Go here, go there, it was absolutely hectic. I'm in a car area, so it's a lot of driving, and I got us lost in neighborhoods because the streets cut off every 50 feet and start again every 20 feet, and that drives me crazy. But oh well. I'm getting used to it, but I have to work harder. The members are great, and really supportive, and I think they'll learn to work with us a lot better (other ones were rebellious). One family, Castillos, always have missionaries stop by and have a drink and it's really nice to just relax for a bit. Last night we stopped by and they fed us! Some cactus fruit from Mexico and pineapples, I felt terrible eating! But they appreciate our spiritual thoughts of encouragement (part member- mom goes, others don't, dad isn't a member). I love going there, a great spirit is there.

My district- Elders Sandoval (9 months), Villa (18 months from Chihuahua Mexico, really sincere and dedicated) and Raleigh (West Virginia, half black/white, really funny!), Pace (newbie like me, Utah, he loves being here, great humor and spirit) and Foust (been here for a bit and loves the mission and notoriously 'steals' our district supplies of Book of Mormon and DVD's to Sandoval's chagrin). Really obedient, really diligent. Apparently E. Raleigh's other comps were bad, especially E. Sant, because they were the 'know it all's' and never helped the newbies as senior companions, so Raleigh said it felt like he was a waste for 4 months. Terrible! But he looks forward to working with us, because the old ones were rebellious and didn't do the things as we should (calls the old ones apostates). I'm glad I landed with a good district. However, our mission has dropped in baptisms in general, so we're trying to double them. At this point last year, 266, now, 229. So we're working on it. We changed our music rules to MTC and EFY from anything that brings the Spirit as a sacrifice, not a big one but to show the Lord we mean business. We are going to do wonders! I love the work, I just have to work harder so when I get to bed, I'm dead. That's my goal, be dead tired!

I have a wonderful area, and I just hope that the Lord will bless me with His Spirit to continue to do his work, to find those escogidos, elegidos, escondidos, the chosen, elect, and hidden. I think of the scripture, how great your joy will be if you bring but one soul unto me. It is beautiful! I can't think of girls! I can't think of home (sorry, I love you though!)! I got too much stuff to do! And if I do, I'm not doing my job.

This is the Lord's work, and I know that Pres. Goodrich is trying to make this mission amazing, and I know that God looks out for us. I haven't been mugged, robbed or obviously killed, but I know that as long as I obey the rules I can succeed. The heat stinks, but I'm in a car so it's all good!

Just a thought- I was reading the thoughts from my teachers that I wrote down from the MTC, and started marking scriptures down this morning. Then, as I read Mateo 10:34-39, the last one struck me. E. Sandoval was playing some guitar hymns on his iPod, and it was Praise to the Man (Loor al Profeta in Spanish). Verse 39 reads, whoever shall lose his life for my sake, in me he shall live, something like that. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that he died for the Gospel, to seal his work with his blood. I am so grateful of his sacrifice and of his work to bring this book to the world. I cried, I know Joseph Smith restored the Gospel, and I know that this Church is true, the only true church in the entire world.

The work is true. The mission is everything to me. I have grown so much here so far, I just have to push for 22 more months to have the right to say, 'I did my best and I have NO regrets!' and say it with pride! Not pride, but with a sense of accomplishment. I know Christ lives, that He is our Shepherd, that He is our Redeemer, that through Him we can be saved for eternity. I love you all, and I hope all is well!

Steven- stay strong, and please read the scriptures. I love you, and I miss you so much. Don't be idle, because idleness is of the devil and work is of the Lord.

Mom- I love the mission. Don't worry about me, I am doing the right things here. Stay strong, continue to study the scriptures, because they are the word of God and you can gain strength from it. Thank you for your diligence in keeping a wonderful family in the Church.

Dad- Thanks for you testimony and example. I'm serving for you, Dad, among other things (serving my brothers, sisters and the Lord). I will make you proud, I will Serve with Honor, and Return with Honor. My promise. I thank you for keeping us active, because I have the wonderful opportunity to bring the Gospel of Christ to my lost brethren in San Fernando.

Grandma- I love you. I miss you. I'm happy you're doing well. If you're lonely, just read my words to you- I love you, God loves you, our family loves you. Thank you for being a wonderful example to all of us, of how we should treat each other. You are a light in our family, and I'm so happy I got to know you so well the past few years. Stay strong, and keep on looking pretty for us!

Kristy- Lose yourself in the work. There is no other purpose for missionaries than work. Work work work! Study with purpose, because the field is crazy and you don't have that wonderful personal time to focus on yourself and your needs as much. This work is true, and enjoy it! I love you, just convert those Koreans!

I love you all, and I hope you are all well. Muchas gracias por su apoyo para mi mision, la mision del Senor, y por su amor para la obra misional.

Love,Elder Spencer Irvine -_-

P.S. I found some 12 buck t-shirts of LA Dodgers and USC stuff at Wal-Mart, if you want me to send it home just let me know, I can buy them for you! (with your money...um sorry?)

P.S.S. I have the e-mail addresses of my MTC teachers, so I'll send it next week. Can you send them parts of the e-mails starting next week (parts excluding the family notes?). They'd really appreciate it!

P.S.S.S. I love you.

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