Wednesday, August 15, 2007

July 3, 2007


How could I have sent thank you's? I don't have any of the cards and neither do I have any of their no. She'll have to figure it out because I'm really busy. I would like to, but I can't right now.

President Monson came last Monday, that was sweet. He said that we as missionaries need to 1-know our product (book of mormon) 2-use good methods like referrals and 3-understand and like people. I don't have trouble with the last one, but the other two are gonna be hard. Elder Holland spoke at the Tuesday night devotional, and 5 other apostles were on the stand with him. Elders Eyering, Perry, Uchtdorf, Ballard, Scott. The Spirit was so strong in the room. He said that his mission meant everything to him, and that no one should go home. He was stern, but it is necessary because the Church puts a lot into the work. He said that the central message that missionaries always forget is the Plan of Salvation and of Jesus Christ, that we always get caught up in details but those things don't matter: Christ does. That really helped me and my companion focus our lessons more. Everyone was impacted. The district testimony meeting we had was amazing. The Spirit was so strong. I decided to bear my testimony in Spanish, since the future mission presidents of Panama City Panama, Pres. Madrigal and his wife, were there and they only spoke Spanish. When I was waiting my turn, I had some words I wanted to say, so I looked them up in the dictionary. But, when I opened my mouth, it really wasn't me speaking. I can't really tell you what I said, except that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I know that He lives. Apparently it was amazing, but it wasn't me, it was the Spirit talking through me. I have learned that testimony bearing is so much more powerful than logic. And I love to cry when the Spirit is with me. Great. So much for being 'manly'. We gave our second lesson in English this past Friday in the TRC to a volunteer, but our problem is that we forget to have comprehension questions to ask. We're still working on it. I was not as nervous as my first lesson, where we did alright but Elder Wheeler just kept on talking and I was frustrated. That time, the volunteer, a real investigator, asked about the BOM and Elder Wheeler just went straight on with the lesson. Right then I wanted to kick him or something so we could get right to the BOM, but he learned from the post-TRC evaluation, no harm done. We complement each other's strengths. He can teach. I can testify (with power apparently, he keeps on saying that). He says things simply in Spanish through testimony, and I use frankness. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful companion in the MTC. I can only hope and wish for one that's just as good or better than him in the mission field.

I've seen two 'hasta ver's', which means until we see each other again. it's the missionary way to say good-bye to everyone before they leave. Sunday nights everyone gets together after class and sings God Be With You Till We Meet Again in Spanish. Amazing. Those who are leaving then bear their testimonys, with people recording on their cameras or taking pictures. It gets real emotional, I think I'm gonna fall apart in 6 weeks. Time flies. I can't believe I've been here for almost 3 weeks. Wow.

Sister Jupiter wanted me to meet her sister or someone she knows at the MTC, but this Sister Markov is always out and about. Tell her that it's hard to find people, along with the tight schedules we have. I'm so sorry! But she did lead the music at a devotional once.

All my friends are starting to come in. Brett and Chase came in the last few weeks. So strange..Hey...Elder!

I don't remember if I told you yet but the Monson talk was a surprise. An announcement came on at night, Sunday night, saying to forget going to the temple that there's a meeting at 8:30 am the next day. We knew it was big, we knew that somebody was coming. People said Monson, but who really knows. I was so excited I didn't get much sleep at all. I love him so much, he's so kind. After he spoke, he went on the side and talked to some elders. Lucky!

Everyone that speaks nowadays reminds us that this is God's work, that we must wear ourselves out for him. Someone said, Mary had a little lamb, it was a beautiful sheep. Then they joined the Mormon Church, and died from lack of sleep. Hilarious!

I love it here. By the way, I'm getting so much mail from all of you and from my friends. If you added all the mail my district got versus mine, they fall a bit short. But I know that'll stop as soon as school starts, oh well. I love my district, I'm gonna miss them all. 3 going to Mexico Merida and 1 to Tuxla Gutierres Mexico. Oh yeah, I'm the new District Leader starting next week since my current one, Elder Johns, is going to be a zone leader. We're gonna be the oldest district in two weeks. That is gonna be strange for sure. Elder Johns dated Laura Van Duker, he's from Gig Harbor. He said she is cute and cool but when you get to know her she is dramatic. He was a little jazzed when I told him that Scott was dating Kristy. Small world the MTC is.

Spanish is coming along fine, the gift of tongues is real, as long as you try. Speaking of Spanish, we had a substitute yesterday (other teacher was back home celebrating her dad's 60th birthday) and he told us that we're gonna teach the first lesson in Spanish in about 20 minutes or less. Elder Johns asked if he knew we were on lesson 3 in English, and he said yes. So we had to prep for 20 minutes in a language we're doing ok in, but not in Church terms. I was taught first, and I caught the elders off guard. I was supposed to be a Methodist that didn't believe in prophets. So I wasn't very good, lame remarks until the end. Then I whipped out Revelations 22:18, which says don't add to the book or the Lord will send plagues. They were caught off guard, but didn't show it. They adequately answered in Spanish, but not completely. I was content, but the teacher said it could've been better, that they could've pointed out in Deuteronomy that is says the same thing but there are more books afterwards. So much for Christlike service. Well, we started our lesson, which focuses on God loves us, prophets, dispensations, the Restoration and BOM. I started out, and it was bad. I thought it was. I had no idea what I was saying. We got on a roll with the prophets though. Then we got to the Restoration. I recounted the Joseph Smith story, my favorite. I said, estas son sus palabras: 'vi una columna, mas brillante que el sol, directamente arriba de mi cabeza...' the Spirit came in and it was beautiful. We ran out of time soon afterwards, but everyone said the Spirit was there, and thanks for my strong testimony. I know for a surety that the Holy Ghost exists, that He can help me, and He can convert people and not me. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I know that he restored the Gospel and translated the BOM. There is no doubt in my mind or heart.

I love the gospel. I love being here.

I know I am going to miss being a missionary when my time is up.I know that this is the true church. I know that I am doing the right thing. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know we are called, but few are chosen.

Stay safe, and I love you all.

Yours truly,

Elder Spencer Irvine

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