Wednesday, August 15, 2007

June 26, 2007


Tell Kristy I can't really reply to her e-mail because it's a 30 minute time limit and she is gonna waste my time writing you. JK! but kinda serious. I love her, not as much as I love the family.

President Monson came to speak to us yesterday. Sunday night, they made an announcement to eat at 6:45 AM and be at the Snow bdg at 8:30, so we knew something was up. My comp and I went about 2 hours early, and got seats in front of the choir. President Monson and Elder Scott look so old. I love them so much. Elder Scott testified, shortly before President Monson got up. He spoke of wonderful stories of serving as a mission president in Toronto, all of which I wrote down so I can tell them to you later. But wow. An Apostle of the Lord. What a blessing. And tonight, Elder Holland is coming to speak to us. Talk about lucky! It's because over 100 mission presidents are being trained, and we got to meet 2 of them, the Livingstones of UT going to Congo French and the Madrigals of Mexico going to Panama City. They are truly going to be great guides for missionaries like me in their respective missions. I can't wait to get out of here and into the mission field.

Spanish is coming along fine, especially since my district decided yesterday to 'solamente habla espanol'. It's tough. Breakfast was awfully quiet today. My comp tries so hard, and sometimes I have to laugh, then I remember if he works harder than me I won't have the gift of tongues like he will, so I have to try harder. Great! I taught my first lesson in English, now I know how hard it is going to be with Spanish, oh boy! My comp and I have memorized James 1:5 in Spanish as well as some hymn verses like Called to Serve and I Stand All Amazed. I love it. Singing brings the Spirit so strongly into our hearts. I am so blessed to have a great grasp of the language already, and I enjoy being able to learn it from some great teachers. Now I know why it's so hard to be an MTC teacher, you have to WANT it with all your heart and mind as well as a strong presence of the Spirit. My teachers are so spiritual and they teach me something new everyday, they are very humble and I bet they were great missionaries too. I love going to the temple, where I can leave everything behind. It's wonderful, why don't you go to the temple more often? The peace you feel there is...soothing. I can't really describe it but I love it.

Sounds like things are going well back home, that's sweet. But yeah, Elder Murri is Spanish-speaking and he left Sunday night, so he might be in Olney 2nd ward, who knows? He was a zone leader the first day, and did one heckuva job.I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. We saw the recent Joseph Smith movie Sunday night, and I know with a surety that he was called to open this dispensation.

I know that he suffered so much for us, that (Isaiah 53:7), he went as a lamb to the slaughter. I know that Christ lives, I have felt His love here. His Spirit is everywhere, it is so strong. I know that the Plan of Salvation is true, because I have felt the love of the Lord and I know that through this, we can see Grandpa again. I can't wait to see his face once more, but it depends on the Lord to when that will happen. I am honored to be serving with such wonderful elders and sisters (it must be the MTC because they are all the cream of the crop- spiritually and looks-wise). But that's another matter. I know that the Lord lives and loves each and every one of us. I know I was prepared to be here, and that there is someone out there waiting for me to teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Spanish or English in California. I love the people here, and I know that I'll love the people there. I pray to be the best, most effective missionary of the Lord. Thanks for your prayers and support. I pray for your safety every night, and I can't wait to see you in 102 weeks. God be with you Dad. I love you. I love Mom, tell her that I TOLD YOU SO!. I love Steven, but tell him to shape up grades-wise. I love Grandma, tell her I miss her too. I love Kristy, tell her that the Lord will be her comfort when Scott is outside the MTC and she's inside (from personal experience). Stay safe.

Muchas gracias,
Elder Irvine

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