Wednesday, August 15, 2007

July 10, 2007


I have about 100 pictures so far, but I'll send them your way as soon as I can. Enjoy!

That is so crazy! Kristy sent me a letter that she wants to marry Scott and that I'd better hurry back after my mission so I can make it to her wedding! I was a bit hesitant when I read it, but I understand that Scott is an amazing young man. It'll be good for her to go on a mission, become a better and more patient person, and then get married. It'll do her good. Sounds like a busy week....

Life is good. Tomorrow is the 4 week mark in the MTC. I want to get out, but I know that I'm not really prepared. I've only taught a lesson in Spanish once! But it is sort of hard motivating yourself to make lesson plans for situations that volunteers don't have anything to do with, such as the Law of Chastity and that stuff. It is tough.

We had a good 4th of July, with a special devotional where all missionaries had a chance to play chimes to the tune of patriotic songs and then watched the fireworks from the boundaries of the MTC (no field- already occupied by non-missionaries). Nothing like the D.C. fireworks though. It was enjoyable.

I get homesick from time to time, but the Lord helps me with my companion keeping me busy and there is something else to do. Always. No rest, always moving, going somewhere, preparing something. It's really hard for me to focus sometimes. I know this is the right thing to do, but it's hard at times. Nothing scriptures can't fix!

My comp and I had to teach our teacher as herself. She's an RM, served in Spain so she got that annoying lisp thing, but she's a great teacher. So I was a bit nervous. How do I teach someone I respect so much? I don't want to embarrass her or make things awkward. So we fasted for inspiration. Ridiculous, but under the circumstances we had to. All I could think of was 'God loves her.' I was like, okay? So God loves her. I got some scriptures down and a commitment along the lines of 'will you pray to develop a closer relationship with your Lord Jesus Christ?'. Strange coming from a newbie missionary to an RM. My comp said he was inspired to write about patience. So we had scriptures and a commitment for each of us, but no lesson plan. We trusted the Spirit could and would guide us. It did. We started, and I said that God loves you, Hermana Ruetto. The Spirit filled the room, and it was just amazing to testify that He loves everyone. I asked for her to apply the scripture Moroni 8:2 to her, putting 'daughter' instead of 'son' and her name instead of 'Moroni'. Powerful. I know that God loves each and every one of us. My comp's message was powerful, but I felt the Spirit when I testified that He lives. I guess I only feel the Spirit when I testify with my comp, I really don't feel it when he was an amazing experience.

A GA called us to pray with more sincerity. I needed it, I felt my prayers were lacking. The Lord looks out for us, and he really helped me this time. I really love it when I kneel down at night to pray, to pour my heart out to him and ask him to help me. Just wonderful.

My friend Kim is starting a newsletter for all the missionaries of my beloved 52nd Ward. I'm so excited! Now I don't really have to write a bazillion letters! So much for being pro-active!

The Lord has really helped me realize that I should concentrate on my mission, and if things go the way I would like to, it's because I have served him with all my heart, mind, and strength. You know what I speak of, but I know I must persevere and get over it. With the Lord all things are possible.

By the way, Linda Irvine sent me a package with beef jerky, candy, and popcorn. I don't know if I can eat it. I'm getting fat as it is! I hope August 15th could come sooner!

Scott's cousin is a bit odd, Elder Sinder or whatever his name is, but he's looking forward to seeing Kristy when she comes in. 1 Korean branch, about 60 missionaries. A Sister Mitchell says it's about time more sisters come in, there's too many elders! Just so Kristy knows.

Life is good. The Spirit is strong, the people here are great. I just got appointed District leader, if I haven't told you all yet. Just more stuff to do, mail, meetings...o brother. Well, I was chosen and I must serve. With a glad heart of course.

I felt inspired to write to the Solysts. Can you please send me their address? I think Sister Solyst needs a letter from one of her old students.

Steven, be strong. I love you. I want you to know that the work is true. I know it with all my soul.Kristy, prepare as best as you can, and if you don't, the Lord will help you, but it will be hard. Your testimony is your strongest asset. I love you.Mom, you're such a great example to me. I miss your sarcasm. I miss you Mom. I love you.Dad, your example and hard work have really helped me become a better person. Thanks for being my father that has always looked out for me. I love you.Tell Grandma I love her and I can't wait to see her again. Take those vitamins!

I pray for all of you every night and I can't wait to see you in 2 years. May God be with you all. I love you.I know this work is true. I know the Holy Ghost does exist.

I know that life doesn't end after this time here on earth. I know I am in the right place to teach the San Fernando-ans the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ lives and died for each and every one of us. I owe everything to him. This mission means everything to me. I would not ask to be sent home early. Go forth and serve, RETURN WITH HONOR. Please continue to pray for me, I need all the help I can get. I love you all. Until next week.


Elder Spencer Irvine

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