Wednesday, August 15, 2007

July 31, 2007

Dear Irvine Family,

All is well. Yes I am gaining some weight but I've been cutting back on how much I eat- don't worry! Just get whatever it was, 35 I think. Thanks for the t-shirt and cologne, even though I really don't need cologne that much. Thanks for the confidence you have in my odor :-)

This week has been a bit hard. Hit the 3 week mark and I'm starting to get really excited. Hard to concentrate a little bit...I'm so excited to go! I kinda lost some motivation this week, but my comp really helped me out and kept me focused as best as he could. The problem is being here is that you have to keep on motivating yourself and keep focus, and that is not very easy after 6 weeks. My friend, Elder Cruz from Texas, is in my mission right now. He's been there almost 3 weeks and will baptize someone this week. How amazing is that?! I can't wait to get out there and start speaking spanish. Let's just say I'll be eaten alive in my first discussion. I was doing outbound calls in Spanish in the RC and I talked to 2 consecutive Puerto Ricans- they are infamous along with Cubans with speaking REALLY fast. I thought I lost my head or something, it was insane. At least I'll be speaking with Mexicans, that's manageable. I haven't talked much to Elder Bethke, the newbies have a lot of stuff to do on their own. I'll keep an eye out for him.

This week has been great overall though. I've been reading some talks on about this and that. I suggest reading Elder Holland's talk He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things. Powerful testimony, and a truly touching testimony of the truthfulness of this Gospel that we all have. Also, Elder McConkie's last talk in this dispensation, The Purifying Power of Gethsemane. It made me cry, just how he described the trials the Savior had in his last 24 hours on this earth. It reminded me of Ben Hur, of the pain and anguish he felt on the cross as he bled for all of us. I cannot deny that Christ is not only my personal Savior, but the Savior for all my brothers and sisters out there in California. It is truly a wonderful gift we have as members of the Church to know this truth, and to have the powers of the Atonement in our own lives. I strongly suggest these two talks for all of you to just read.

I have learned to love the scriptures here. I can't wait to teach real people from them. I love the stories of Alma and Amulek, of how Alma fasted and prayed, was rejected and returned to Ammonihah, where Amulek was waiting to feed him. If you have time, ready Alma Ch. 32-34, and I just love the comparison of the seed to the Word, and of Amulek's stirring testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Both of those chapters stir my heart to rememberance, and I hope that you will feel the Spirit as they testify of the truths they have taught. I wish I could have that strong of a testimony of a convert like Amulek. I can't help but cry when the righteous were burned along with scriptures, and Amulek begs Alma to use the priesthood to save them, but Alma said the Spirit constrains him, so their deaths will hang on the wicked's head. Oh how great God is, in punishing them and destroying their powerful city in a day, to remember the cries and trials of his Saints. I can't tell how much I appreciate the teachings and testimonies of the prophets in the Book of Mormon. I know that this book is true. Please read it so the Spirit can testify of its truthfulness and purpose. I know that this can change lives, and I know it can be a strength in our busy lives.

I can't believe my time here is almost done. I can't believe that I'll have a companion other than Elder Wheeler. I have to say the Lord blessed me with an insightful and wise companion, and I'll miss him a lot. Talking about Elder Wheeler, he got in a collision with another elder in gym class and had to go to the hospital to get stitches. He looks a bit worse than the other, but had 1 less stitch- 7 and not 8. He's doing better, yesterday it was killing him. Definitely was zoning out being heavily drugged. He's a great missionary and his desire is so strong, nothing can stop him.

One scripture to suggest to read is Psalms 23, the famous psalm of David and the 'valley of the shadow of death'. Elder Holland closed with a reference to it, I strongly suggest to highlight this one. I love this scripture, because the Lord will be with us if we put all our trust in Him. Like that scripture in D&C 84:88, He will go before us with His angels, and will lift us up.

I know this work is true. I know that I am here doing the right work. I know there is someone in California waiting to hear my broken Spanish and convert them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know the power of the Holy Ghost, and I know the power of our testimonies- they can change lives forever. For the worth of souls is great in the sight of God, and if ye bring but one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy. This is what I am striving for. This is what I am here for. This is what all of you are sacrificing for me, this true work will bless us all. I thank the Lord for all the blessings he's given me out here, and I know He is a Loving Heavenly Father.

Steven- stay strong, and if you want a response, just write me back! Life isn't boring here...always working! Just do what you got to do and be efficient as best as you can in whatever you do. Listen to Mom, she always knows what's right. I miss you brother, just stay strong.

Dad- Being a bishop isn't easy. I know it takes a toll. I pray every night so you can receive help from our Lord in all the things you have to do. I admire your example, and your willingness to obey His will. I love you Dad, I miss you.

Mom- Thanks for the letters, not so much of the cologne. But thanks anyways. Please keep the personal study up, it does wonders for your knowledge and wonders for your soul. I love you, and you are always the anchor I am on. Thank you for your strength in tough times.Grandma- I miss you a lot

Grandma! I hope you're enjoying the pictures I sent and that you'll hang them all over your walls and dressers! I'm making you proud out here Grandma. This work is true, and I look forward to getting back home when I am done, when I have spent every last effort out in California.I love you all. Stay strong and stay safe. May God be with the Irvines! 2 missionaries of the Lord at the same time, what a blessing it is!

Thanks for being a wonderful and loving family, I can't tell all of you how much it has made me who I am today. Can't wait to hear from you soon!


Elder Spencer Irvine

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