Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 27, 2007

Querido la Familia Irvine:

Life has been up and down! Really great days, really terrible days. This weekwas overall good, except for the fact we dropped 7 investigators and are in the process of finding new investigators because the old ones were wasting our time. That was about half of our teaching pool, but it needed to be done. My companion is no non-sense, if you are not progressing and not reading and not going to church, we are going to drop you. That is a great attitude, because we're here to teach and baptize and continue the cycle. Yesterday was great! We had church, had a great family come that is investigating the church. The problem is that the parents are breaking the law of chastity, and they know it. They're waiting until the father gets citizenship to for the 'wife' to divorce her real husband back in Mexico, but they're still breaking the law. Their oldest daughter, Myra, is really interested in the Book of Mormon and the Gospel, and so we're only there to baptize her. But, the entire family is progressing! Friday, we read and taught them from the Introduction of the Book of Mormon. The father, Antonio, used to hate having the missionaries over. But his biological son, Antonio, doesn't read Spanish well (4 years old) and asked his dad to help him read. Missionary and he doesn't know it! The mother, Maribel, is progressing. Myra is progressing. Eventually all of them will be baptized, but until then, just Myra. They are a family, though Myra is from a different father. They love each other,this message is for them. I just wish it'd be easier, that they wouldn't have to wait for eternal salvation. If it weren't for the divorce, we could get them married and baptized. Easily. They're ready. The main problem is the divorce they need to get as well as the terrible examples of members. Some members have done the wrong things, so we look like hypocrites. But the family knows we're following our Gospel, and now they trust us. Myra even brought her friend, Evelyn, to church, and they loved it! Gotta get 'em into the water soon before the devil can really tempt them. Great family, it's really sad we can't baptize all of them, they're ready to be saved and have the wonderful powers of the Atonement apply to their life! And, we're teaching this Christian woman, AnaMendoza, who can't read. She wants to know more about the word of God. She kept asking questions, she kept asking what is the spirit, how do you feel his presence, just excellent questions! She is ready, but she has a smoking problem. She has gotten rid of everything else except smoking, and she said she has tried but hasn't suceeded. As my teacher Bro. Busby said in the MTC, 'this time is different'. We as representatives of Jesus Christ will help you. I felt the Spirit so strong, and shared the promise in D&C 89 about health in the navel, marrow in the bones, hidden treasures of knowledge, and the like. It was beautiful! I loved it! It didn't seem like an hour, but we had to go to visit other people. It was truly a great experience. We stopped by a less active family, the Torres. The father was offended deeply by a member of the church, and hasn't gone back since. We talked for an hour, and I realized it was serious. We suggested that he should come back to church and talk to the bishop, because the bishop has the keys to this area. He was a bit stubborn. He realizes his children need the Gospel now more than ever. They're teenagers, and his son is starting to rebel. He is listening to rap music, and I know for myself that it is not of the Lord. I can't stand it now, being a missionary. I know now that it is not right for a member of the Church to listen to it, and now it is affecting Bro. Torres' son. Elder Sandoval bore his testimony, that his father was stood up by another member, but didn't stop going to church. It was the member, not the church, that made a mistake. Bro. Torres still resisted. We bore our testimonies of the church, that it's the only true church. And we left, but I felt that we did our job. We invited him back, we shared our testimonies, and we demonstrated to him how the church can help strengthen his family from the world. He'll come, we're working on him.

The worst part of the week was Saturday. We were going place to place and ended up going to the wrong Garcia's for dinner! There are 6 Garcia's in our ward, so we wasted 45 minutes chatting to one family then rushed over to the right one.Hno. Juan Garcia, not the family of Alejandro (the other one we visited), went to visit an investigator. Josefina Fermin reads the Book of Mormon. She knows it's the word of God. But she won't be baptized or go to church. This was our last chance, or her last chance to hear the missionaries and be baptized for a time. We shared our message, of obedience and pray daily and the like (1st 4 principles of Lesson 4). We asked her to come to church. She said no. We asked why, she expressed her doubts about changing churches. Hno. Garcia testified changing churches changed his life forever. She was still stubborn. We asked again, will you come to church and be baptized? She said, no. I bore my solemn testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and of baptism, the only way to return to live with God. And we left, with solemn and sunken hearts. We thanked Hno. Garcia for his efforts, and left. I have never felt so sad in my life, except when Grandpa had a stroke, when he died, and when my friend committed suicide, Kathleen Vasquez. It was really sad. She had the scriptures, she had a testimony, but she refused to be baptized. Not even to go to church! She was afraid for her own sake. She should've been more worried about her soul and salvation. It was a quiet ride home. I felt like crying, but I couldn't! I was in shock, I couldn't weep for the loss of a soul to the world. I couldn't believe that the missionaries had taught her for a month and a half, to reach this point. We were depressed, how we did our part but she chose to not follow Christ's path. Elder Sandoval had tears in his eyes! I couldn't say a word to him, and him to me. It was one of the most humbling experiences. I was rejected. My testimony were thrown aside. I was stabbed in the heart, more like my heart was taken from me. It more was buried and soaked in sorrow than anything else. I knew she knew the Gospel was true, she just couldn't let go of the world. I can only pray that she can be baptized someday...It really felt like she took a part of me. She took my heart and just squeezed all the happiness out of my life. Elder Sandoval said, as we were in the garage, that the greatest thing about this world is that ability to choose, whether right or wrong. And he is right. What a great gift we have! Agency! It is too bad she chose the wrong. As in the words of Elder Eyering, I felt empathy. The Spirit manifested to me that I was doing my job, that I was successful, that I cared about my investigators, that I wanted them to be saved in the kingdom of God. What could I do? Nothing else. Idid my part, the Lord will continue to do his. It hurt deeply, it really did. It hit me the next morning when her name wasn't on our investigator board. She has been erased from our records, temporarily, and will have to wait for eternal salvation for a time. She's in the Lord's hands now, we did our part. I know how Christ felt. Rejected by his brothers and sisters. I felt his sorrow. I felt his love for his brothers and sisters. I know He lives. I know He is our Savior and King. I cannot wait to see His face! I cannot wait to see Him in His Glory!

Stay safe, and I love you all.

Steven, stay strong, stay fit, be happy. Don't worry about me, I'm in theservice of my brothers and sisters and God's angels are sustaining me (D&C84:88).
Mom, be strong. Keep doing your work, and keep up that study of the scriptures.You will know God and Christ so much better!
Dad, put your shoulder to the wheel and push along! Help the members bring more to Christ!Grandma, I can't wait to see you! I love you so much! Keep Steven in line, and whack him with that cane once in a while!
Kristy, get down to business! This is the Lord's work, we have to do our absolute best! Work work work!I love you all.

Until next week!


Elder Irvine

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 20, 2007

Hola Familia Irvine!

All is well in the mission field. My district is amazing! Elder Sandoval is the District Leader and he's my senior companion. He is from Guadalajara Mexico and used to play semi-pro soccer, he's 21 years old and has two other brothers serving in Guadalajara and Veracruz right now! He's an amazing elder, he loves to work and push himself, but I'm afraid that sometimes he pushes himself too hard and bends the rules a bit to compensate for the work. I am trying to get him to go to bed on time because he's really tired in the morning because he stays up doing district business on the phone with the zone leaders (who are really good by the way) and other paperwork like progress reports, etc. He's a great missionary, but it's hard to be with him because he wants to learn English and I'm in a Spanish area, so I need to learn Spanish to teach and he needs to help me. I've tried to say it as nicely as I can, but I have to put my foot down and ask him to only speak Spanish to me, even though we get along well in English. That's the only 'problem' if it is one, other than that we are doing well and working hard. I feel bad because I work hard, but I don't feel I'm putting all my efforts into the work. I don't know what it is, I can't put a finger on it, but I guess I have to study harder in personal study before the day really begins, I'm not really sure. I am getting to love our ward and our investigators as well as the less actives (which are so hard to get a hold of). We had a strong message to a couple, who were married in the San Diego Temple some years back (sister is an RM- served in Salvador) and used DC 78 v.10 I believe, which has something like to keep your covenants or you will lose your office and rewards in heaven. Pretty strong, but it was needed. We kept on saying we love you, the ward misses you, the Lord wants to see you back, and they understood. It wasn't a chastisement, just a strong reminder of their covenants they made in the temple. The husband works on call for a funeral home to make ends meet (rent is insanely expensive out here- details later) and the wife is busy too, but both admitted, especially the husband, that there is no excuse. He said he works a lot, but he'll try to make it next week! The wife came, and how wonderful it was to see Hna. Huelta in the congregation sitting with members! I was pleasantly surprised! We taught a family via referral from the RC, which I loved at the MTC. Book of Mormon request, so we stopped by and knocked on the door. No answer. An old man pulls up in his white truck and E. Sandoval says we're missionaries of Jesus Christ here to deliver a book, and he invited us in. You should've seen the grin on E. Sandoval's face! We went in, then their family came in too, the wife, their son and grandson and granddaughter, their family basically. We taught the first lesson, the Restoration, and it went well. My problem is that I can't feel the Spirit when we teach pure doctrine, and I guess that's more like a truth not a problem. So we were teaching doctrine, and they agreed with us! The husband related how he gave up alcohol, and how he straightened his life out to have a better family, and he's happy now. He agreed with everything we said, but the wife said tradition, Catholic, the whole 9 yards of how they're devout. We taught, and testified of prophets and how the Book of Mormon was written by prophets for us and has the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We finished, and it was time to go (about an hour). We had a prayer to end (as we had one to begin), and said our good-byes. The wife, old-school Catholic, repeated every word of the prayer in the beginning when I said it and the end when E. Sandoval said it. Oh well, I was warned about that! So we left 2 'copies' of the Book of Mormon for the son and for the couple! We set up an appointment for this week, I can't wait to teach them again! By the way, their rent, as I mentioned, is 3,000 dollars/month for a house. Another investigator, Josefina Fermin, pays 2,500 dollars/month for a much smaller house. Ridiculo!We set a goal last night for 5 baptisms for this transfer. E. Sandoval said he wanted at least 4, and it is possible. We prayed about our investigators and have 5 names that should be ready for baptism and have a date by the end of this week! I can't wait! I'm so sad when people say 'not interested', or 'i don't have time for that', because their eternal salvation is at stake! How can you delay eternal salvation? Life with God forever? O ye of little faith! I feel like what the scriptures said, when I believe Mormon laments the loss of his brethren, and when the Lord mourns over the destruction of the Nephites after the cruxificion of Christ, because of their wickedness and abominations. I can't see how they could be astray in the world, it's really saddening. One of the 5 investigators is a family, the Pelayo's. We can't baptize the parents, the mother is still married to another but hasn't been divorced (in Mexico, so we can't do much about that) and the father is unmarried, but they live together with the mother's kids. They're a family, even though the children aren't really the father's biological children. It is beautiful! They really love each other, and I think this Gospel can really bring them more happiness in their busy lives. So we're focusing on baptizing their daughter, who has already been to church once! The little son, Tony, doesn't read Spanish so he asked the previously unreceptive father to read the Book of Mormon with him, and now the father is listening to us. It is a miracle! How great is the Lord! We will try to commit Meida (I think that's how you spell it) to baptism this week, I think she'll be ready. Unfortunately, Josefina Fermin, after going over the importance and authority and all that baptism doctrine, refused, so we have to try one final time or we have to leave her behind. I didn't want to, and I don't, but last time she admitted the Book of Mormon is the word of God, but she is hesitant to join the church due to her own fears of joining another church and her not-so-open-minded husband that doesn't believe in God. I can only hope and pray for her salvation. There is another family, La Inez, who I haven't had the chance to meet, and apparently they're almost golden, really receptive and love the missionaries, then Maria Suarez and Maria Mendez, both of whom aren't really reading but love having us over. Suarez always goes off on tangents, and so we end up not teaching an entire lesson, and with Mendez we didn't even reach halfway so we left a Plan of Salvation pamphlet behind for her to read. Maria Mendez is having a hard time, her husband of 30 years left her for another woman, and plans to sell her house. She doesn't work and she's really afraid of what is going to happen. So we talked of forgiveness and of peace, and she really enjoys us being over there (but she talks forever). What is really strange is that her husband mows the lawn from time to time and feeds the pets! Wow. So these are our potential baptisms.

This past week was crazy. Go here, go there, it was absolutely hectic. I'm in a car area, so it's a lot of driving, and I got us lost in neighborhoods because the streets cut off every 50 feet and start again every 20 feet, and that drives me crazy. But oh well. I'm getting used to it, but I have to work harder. The members are great, and really supportive, and I think they'll learn to work with us a lot better (other ones were rebellious). One family, Castillos, always have missionaries stop by and have a drink and it's really nice to just relax for a bit. Last night we stopped by and they fed us! Some cactus fruit from Mexico and pineapples, I felt terrible eating! But they appreciate our spiritual thoughts of encouragement (part member- mom goes, others don't, dad isn't a member). I love going there, a great spirit is there.

My district- Elders Sandoval (9 months), Villa (18 months from Chihuahua Mexico, really sincere and dedicated) and Raleigh (West Virginia, half black/white, really funny!), Pace (newbie like me, Utah, he loves being here, great humor and spirit) and Foust (been here for a bit and loves the mission and notoriously 'steals' our district supplies of Book of Mormon and DVD's to Sandoval's chagrin). Really obedient, really diligent. Apparently E. Raleigh's other comps were bad, especially E. Sant, because they were the 'know it all's' and never helped the newbies as senior companions, so Raleigh said it felt like he was a waste for 4 months. Terrible! But he looks forward to working with us, because the old ones were rebellious and didn't do the things as we should (calls the old ones apostates). I'm glad I landed with a good district. However, our mission has dropped in baptisms in general, so we're trying to double them. At this point last year, 266, now, 229. So we're working on it. We changed our music rules to MTC and EFY from anything that brings the Spirit as a sacrifice, not a big one but to show the Lord we mean business. We are going to do wonders! I love the work, I just have to work harder so when I get to bed, I'm dead. That's my goal, be dead tired!

I have a wonderful area, and I just hope that the Lord will bless me with His Spirit to continue to do his work, to find those escogidos, elegidos, escondidos, the chosen, elect, and hidden. I think of the scripture, how great your joy will be if you bring but one soul unto me. It is beautiful! I can't think of girls! I can't think of home (sorry, I love you though!)! I got too much stuff to do! And if I do, I'm not doing my job.

This is the Lord's work, and I know that Pres. Goodrich is trying to make this mission amazing, and I know that God looks out for us. I haven't been mugged, robbed or obviously killed, but I know that as long as I obey the rules I can succeed. The heat stinks, but I'm in a car so it's all good!

Just a thought- I was reading the thoughts from my teachers that I wrote down from the MTC, and started marking scriptures down this morning. Then, as I read Mateo 10:34-39, the last one struck me. E. Sandoval was playing some guitar hymns on his iPod, and it was Praise to the Man (Loor al Profeta in Spanish). Verse 39 reads, whoever shall lose his life for my sake, in me he shall live, something like that. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that he died for the Gospel, to seal his work with his blood. I am so grateful of his sacrifice and of his work to bring this book to the world. I cried, I know Joseph Smith restored the Gospel, and I know that this Church is true, the only true church in the entire world.

The work is true. The mission is everything to me. I have grown so much here so far, I just have to push for 22 more months to have the right to say, 'I did my best and I have NO regrets!' and say it with pride! Not pride, but with a sense of accomplishment. I know Christ lives, that He is our Shepherd, that He is our Redeemer, that through Him we can be saved for eternity. I love you all, and I hope all is well!

Steven- stay strong, and please read the scriptures. I love you, and I miss you so much. Don't be idle, because idleness is of the devil and work is of the Lord.

Mom- I love the mission. Don't worry about me, I am doing the right things here. Stay strong, continue to study the scriptures, because they are the word of God and you can gain strength from it. Thank you for your diligence in keeping a wonderful family in the Church.

Dad- Thanks for you testimony and example. I'm serving for you, Dad, among other things (serving my brothers, sisters and the Lord). I will make you proud, I will Serve with Honor, and Return with Honor. My promise. I thank you for keeping us active, because I have the wonderful opportunity to bring the Gospel of Christ to my lost brethren in San Fernando.

Grandma- I love you. I miss you. I'm happy you're doing well. If you're lonely, just read my words to you- I love you, God loves you, our family loves you. Thank you for being a wonderful example to all of us, of how we should treat each other. You are a light in our family, and I'm so happy I got to know you so well the past few years. Stay strong, and keep on looking pretty for us!

Kristy- Lose yourself in the work. There is no other purpose for missionaries than work. Work work work! Study with purpose, because the field is crazy and you don't have that wonderful personal time to focus on yourself and your needs as much. This work is true, and enjoy it! I love you, just convert those Koreans!

I love you all, and I hope you are all well. Muchas gracias por su apoyo para mi mision, la mision del Senor, y por su amor para la obra misional.

Love,Elder Spencer Irvine -_-

P.S. I found some 12 buck t-shirts of LA Dodgers and USC stuff at Wal-Mart, if you want me to send it home just let me know, I can buy them for you! (with your sorry?)

P.S.S. I have the e-mail addresses of my MTC teachers, so I'll send it next week. Can you send them parts of the e-mails starting next week (parts excluding the family notes?). They'd really appreciate it!

P.S.S.S. I love you.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August 15, 2007

This is the first letter from th mission field written on the day he arrived in California.

I’m here safely and with my wonderful companion Elder Sandoval (he played semi-pro soccer before the mission) He is a district leader and has been here 9 months. I’m going to be assigned to the San Fernando Valley and starting to speak Spanish. Tonight we have three appointments! I can’t wait!

I’m excited but nervous…but Elder Sandoval says my Spanish is good… for now. I love it but it’s not green… oh well.

I can’t wait to teach. I hope all is well, and I love you all!

Stay safe, stay strong, stay faithful! This is God’s work!

Bring my hemanos y hermanas to the Gospel!

Elder Spencer Irvine

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 14, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

I am heading out to the field tomorrow morning! I'm so excited and so nervous! I'm going to be immersed literally and figuratively in Spanish culture and language for 22 straight months! I am very excited but I am still learning the language, but I can do basic lessons and nothing really deep. I hope no one asks me details about the Fall...not a very simple subject!

I went to the temple for the last time probably for the next 22 months, and it's really depressing. I feel peace and I really feel relaxed and detached from the world. It is such a joy to have the temple right next to the MTC and have the opportunity to go once a week...I love the temple and doing endowments for my deceased brothers and sisters (all pre-Restoration days too!). The work is continuing beyond the veil, and I know that Grandpa is enjoying himself up there.

We had the opportunity to see the televised funeral services for Pres. Faust. It is really sad to see him go, but I am very happy he's moved on to holier spheres, without pain and suffering as he has been for the past year. He was a great man, and I believe the words of Elder Holland, Pres. Monson and Hinckley. I cried when I reflected on Grandpa's funeral, of the sadness and sorrow Ruth Faust must be feeling right now, that it is very similar to Grandma's situation. Elder Holland said that 'Jim' had a backbone of steel, and that he knew Jesus was the Christ and that there is a life after this mortality. Pres. Monson spoke of his wonderful relationship with 'Jim', and of his love for others he didn't know personally. Pres. Hinckley said as soon as he got called to be the President, he wanted 'Jim' to be his counselor. What a gallant servant of the Lord! I wrote some quotes from one of his talks, The Shield of Faith. He truly was a prophet of God, and I'm sad to see him go. He wrote the lyrics to This is the Christ, so the Choir sang it in closing the services. How happy he is now, to be with his friends and family once again! I'm very happy he's not in pain anymore.

Elder Wheeler and I have been alone for two days. My district left us! 4 to Mexico Monday morning! We had class by ourselves for the entire day, and it was a bit strange. But we practice contacts and references, which I'll be doing in the field. It is strange to think I'm heading there...I don't feel very ready but I know that I have to go sometime. I put my trust in the Lord
to guide my speech, to guide my tongue to say the things that those contacts need to hear.

These 9 weeks have flown by. I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe that I have only 22 months more to serve the Lord. I cannot even fathom when I am heading home, I don't even want to think about it. Right now I'm worried if I can still ride a bike!

I have a testimony of this work. There are people out there, waiting, just waiting for me and other missionaries to just knock on their doors and testify of Christ. I know that these 'escogidos' are just waiting and praying for the truth, and I have the incredible opportunity of sharing it with them, if it's 2 or 5 or 45 minutes of our message. I know that God lives. I know that Jesus suffered all for us so he can know how to help us and our needs (Alma 7). He is our Elder Brother, and He is our Shepherd.

I read the story of Ammon and Lamoni, as well as the stories of the conversion of Lamoni's father and the trials of the other sons of Mosiah, Omni, Himner, Aaron and Mulek (Muleki in spanish). I have that same power. I have that same calling, that same mantle. It's not going to be 14 years of missionary (how wonderful would that be?) but 22 short months of hard work, losing oneself, loving the people, distressed and devastated when they don't follow up on their commitments and put in jeopardy their eternal salvation. I am going to the Lamanites, the House of Lehi as my branch president always says. I am going to remind them of their knowledge that has been lost through the veil. As Nephi said, 2nd Nephi 33:15- I MUST OBEY AMEN. This is the work: to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Through baptism! Through the gift of the Holy Ghost! Through persevering to the end through going to church! This is the Gospel of Joy, Happiness, and Eternity.

The Spirit is unrestrained here. The Lord lets us feel the Spirit strong here so we can have that desire to replicate it in the field, to feel that joy and love of the Savior. I have had too many blessings of the Spirit here, God is too kind to me. I know that if I stay obedient, exactly obedient to his words and rules, hell cannot bring me down. No one can take this calling away if I am exactly obedient in every way. The White Bible, the rule book some could call it, is over the heart so we can always know and so it can be a protection to our most vital organ- the heart. I know that this is for my own good, and I dare not disobey.

I am not going to fail. I may fall short, but I have the wonderful chance to repent and offer myself to the Lord for forgiveness, if I fall short of both his and my expectations and goals. My teachers have taught me invaluable treasures of knowledge here, of to set goals with the Lord so we can be accountable, so we can know this is important, so we can have a measuring stick to measure it against. I have learned of the blessings of the work, of the joy of baptizing my brothers and sisters. My calling is to baptize, and baptize I will with the Lord's help and preparation. I am blessed to have my abilities, to love to talk, to love to get to know people. My teacher gave us blessings, and I specifically remember that he said (in spanish) that I will learn to talk and get to know the people, and that I will be able to teach in a way they understand. I read my patriarchial blessing, and it specifically says my testimony won't fail me. It hasn't yet, and it won't. I won't let it fail me, if that is possible. I feel the love of the Savior when I testify, I feel the truth of all things (Moroni 10:5) through the feelings of the Spirit. This is the Lord's work.

It's going to be hard to separate from Elder Wheeler, but I know that I will (or should) have a great trainer to guide me into the work and how to be a great missionary, that exhausts everything for the Lord. I want to be like my teacher, who exhausted everything for Him, there is no doubt. He baptized many, and I know he was a great missionary.

I know this church is true. I know that we have a living prophet on the earth today, and God will always call prophets in this dispensation. There is a life after this mortality, there is a haven for those that have worn themselves out in serving the Lord. I know families are forever. I know this is the work of the Lord, and I'm a part of it!

Steven- Stay strong, build and bear your testimony!Mom- Keep crying, because you know I'm crying with you too.
Dad- help the missionaries with referrals, they need it. Be good, will you? :-)
Grandma- I love you, stay strong and next thing you know, I'm back!

I love you all, take care. This is God's work, and I can't wait to start teaching my Mexican siblings!


Elder Irvine.

August 7, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

I have finally come to the realization that I have 6 pairs of black socks. I was going to buy 2 more pairs, but they weren't nylon, 5% acrylic. So the story is, I need at least 2 more pairs of black socks to get me through 1 week of laundry. Please! You can just send it to me in the field if you want. Also, I don't need all this food because my roommates are cutting back on their food and I have no one else to eat it. Don't send me food! Not here, but in the field! It's not worth it!

This week has been a jolt. Last week in the MTC. I can't believe it. Already?! It's a double-edged feeling- I've been here forever but I can't believe I've been here that long. Sort of strange.

I love personal study. This week I was going to study patience, so I flipped to Alma and started reading some scriptures about patience. I ran into the story of Ammon, so I spent the rest of the week just reading the miraculous story of Lamoni's conversion and I'm about to head into the rest of the sons of Mosiah's exploits among the Lamanites. I wish I could have that testimony like the sons of Mosiah, but then again they went through a lot to get that strong and secure of a testimony. I can only hope to have that unshakeable faith, that foundation on Christ that Helaman speaks of in Helaman 5:12, someday. If you want something to read full of the Spirit and is truly miraculous, just read the chapters of Alma, I love the scriptures so much.

Our district always goes to the RC, referral center, 1.5 hours on Wednesdays and 1.5 hours any other time to fulfill our goal of committing 20 people to meet with missionaries. This past week, my district slacked off. Another district in our zone joined us in the room and my district just lost it. Didn't make calls, just sat there waiting for inbounds (at least 2 come a day for us). So I got the entire total for the day at 2. Slackers! I know they knew they messed up, but I was not very happy with their efforts. So Elder Wheeler and I prayed and planned for guidance on how to get 20, when we had only 9 that entire week with a day to go. We planned and prayed with the Lord for 11 commitments in 2 hours on Sunday. We went after our Hasta Ver (farewell testimonies of the departing elders/sisters) for 2 hours. We were on a roll, we got 8 in about an hour. I asked if we should go eat, it was time to eat dinner at 5:30, but he said we're on a roll and I agreed. We finished at around 6:00, at the deadline we promised with the Lord. About a few minutes before, we exceeded our goal of 11, and received 12 commitments. Before, Elder Wheeler had only gotten 2 commitments in Spanish in this amount of time. But he got 6. I got 6. It was a miracle, it was the Lord helping us reach our goal that we promised to keep the previous week. I talked to a man in Rustburg, VA, who knew the Bible and believed that was all he needed. I testified, tried to tell him about the Church, but he was a bit stubborn and nice and we ended the conversation. It was amazing though. Hopefully he'll be prepared later on. Another close one was a man looking for the truth, but he was skeptical about churches in general. I shared the First Vision, but he was still skeptical. It's in the Lord's time. The 6 I received from the Lord were truly prepared. Willing to hear the missionaries. Loved the videos they received from the Church. Wanted to hear how the Book of Mormon can help their lives. It was truly a great time to spend 2 hours on the Sabbath serving the Lord, who in turn was helping us with His Omnipotent Hand. A Wonderful Work and a is very true!

I know that I can do the work that Ammon did. That Alma did. That Alma the Younger did. That Nephi and his brother Lehi (sons of Helaman) did. Bringing thousands unto Christ. I may just plant the seed (Alma 32), but that is what is necessary. Other missionaries will help the seed grow, and help nourish it, so it can and will bring forth good fruit. I can't stop thinking how wonderful this work is. All I have to do is put my trust in Him, and He will provide. He has blessed me for my faithfulness, He has blessed me for my service. I know that this work is important, to bring my Hermanos y Hermanas a venir a Cristo. The gift of tongues is real, it has really helped me gain confidence to go and do the work. It helped me so much to make outbound calls in Spanish, when it is suggested to start in the last few weeks. I've been doing them for almost 4 weeks now. God's gifts, as Moroni speaks of in the last chapter of his book, exist and will be given to us as we hearken to His voice, His will, and do His work.

I'm sad to leave here, I'm sad to see my district go. I love them so much. They're my brothers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what a blessing it is to be here with them. I know that we were meant to be in the same district with each other. I know that I was called to be their District Leader. One of the branch counselors, Bro. Wright, Associate Dean of Religion at BYU, said that I have really grown, and I know it. I would love to take his class when I get back, he knows the Gospel so well it's amazing. This appointment has really helped me come closer to Christ. How can I pay Christ back for all the blessings he's given me? Serve Him, Love Him, Bring His Sheep to Him. I know He is our Good Sheperd. I suggest two paintings, which I have copy of courtesy of the bookstore. The Good Sheperd by Simon Dewey, and Be Not Afraid by Greg Olson. Both artists are wonderful. The expression of Christ in Dewey's piece is one of care, and his sheperd's crook just illustrates to me of His love, His love to bring back that one sheep lost out of 100. I know that was me at one time, and He brought me back through His Supreme Love, Overpowering Love for all. Olson's piece illustrates to me His love for children. He is helping a child to climb the rocks in the middle of a creek, and is holding another in his arm. He is that Helper, that Supreme Being that helps us all along the paths of life, to lift us up at the last day and receive us in His mansions in Heaven.

I love this work. I love the mission. As Elder Holland says, "The mission means everything to me." It does. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wouldn't trade it for an opportunity to do anything else. I wouldn't sacrifice it for anything on the earth.

I know Christ lives. I know that He suffered for all. He suffered all pains and afflictions (2nd Nephi Ch 31) for us, to learn how to succor his people. He knows us. He knows our shortcomings, and He will NEVER give up on us. I am so grateful to know that you all support me. Thank you for your support.

Thank you for sending the pictures, I really enjoyed them. I miss you all so much, but this is the right thing to do. There is no doubt, there is no doubt in my mind of the importance of this work.

Mom- Be Strong. Just cry, it's therapeutic. I know it for myself now.
Dad- Help others come to Christ, please motivate the members to give referrals to help the missionaries. I can only hope the members can do the same for me.
Steven- you have a letter coming this week. Enjoy!
Grandma- I love you. Keep smiling. Take the Centrums. Enjoy the pictures so far...

I love you all. Next time, I'll be on my last p-day in the MTC.


Elder Spencer Irvine :-)

July 31, 2007

Dear Irvine Family,

All is well. Yes I am gaining some weight but I've been cutting back on how much I eat- don't worry! Just get whatever it was, 35 I think. Thanks for the t-shirt and cologne, even though I really don't need cologne that much. Thanks for the confidence you have in my odor :-)

This week has been a bit hard. Hit the 3 week mark and I'm starting to get really excited. Hard to concentrate a little bit...I'm so excited to go! I kinda lost some motivation this week, but my comp really helped me out and kept me focused as best as he could. The problem is being here is that you have to keep on motivating yourself and keep focus, and that is not very easy after 6 weeks. My friend, Elder Cruz from Texas, is in my mission right now. He's been there almost 3 weeks and will baptize someone this week. How amazing is that?! I can't wait to get out there and start speaking spanish. Let's just say I'll be eaten alive in my first discussion. I was doing outbound calls in Spanish in the RC and I talked to 2 consecutive Puerto Ricans- they are infamous along with Cubans with speaking REALLY fast. I thought I lost my head or something, it was insane. At least I'll be speaking with Mexicans, that's manageable. I haven't talked much to Elder Bethke, the newbies have a lot of stuff to do on their own. I'll keep an eye out for him.

This week has been great overall though. I've been reading some talks on about this and that. I suggest reading Elder Holland's talk He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things. Powerful testimony, and a truly touching testimony of the truthfulness of this Gospel that we all have. Also, Elder McConkie's last talk in this dispensation, The Purifying Power of Gethsemane. It made me cry, just how he described the trials the Savior had in his last 24 hours on this earth. It reminded me of Ben Hur, of the pain and anguish he felt on the cross as he bled for all of us. I cannot deny that Christ is not only my personal Savior, but the Savior for all my brothers and sisters out there in California. It is truly a wonderful gift we have as members of the Church to know this truth, and to have the powers of the Atonement in our own lives. I strongly suggest these two talks for all of you to just read.

I have learned to love the scriptures here. I can't wait to teach real people from them. I love the stories of Alma and Amulek, of how Alma fasted and prayed, was rejected and returned to Ammonihah, where Amulek was waiting to feed him. If you have time, ready Alma Ch. 32-34, and I just love the comparison of the seed to the Word, and of Amulek's stirring testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Both of those chapters stir my heart to rememberance, and I hope that you will feel the Spirit as they testify of the truths they have taught. I wish I could have that strong of a testimony of a convert like Amulek. I can't help but cry when the righteous were burned along with scriptures, and Amulek begs Alma to use the priesthood to save them, but Alma said the Spirit constrains him, so their deaths will hang on the wicked's head. Oh how great God is, in punishing them and destroying their powerful city in a day, to remember the cries and trials of his Saints. I can't tell how much I appreciate the teachings and testimonies of the prophets in the Book of Mormon. I know that this book is true. Please read it so the Spirit can testify of its truthfulness and purpose. I know that this can change lives, and I know it can be a strength in our busy lives.

I can't believe my time here is almost done. I can't believe that I'll have a companion other than Elder Wheeler. I have to say the Lord blessed me with an insightful and wise companion, and I'll miss him a lot. Talking about Elder Wheeler, he got in a collision with another elder in gym class and had to go to the hospital to get stitches. He looks a bit worse than the other, but had 1 less stitch- 7 and not 8. He's doing better, yesterday it was killing him. Definitely was zoning out being heavily drugged. He's a great missionary and his desire is so strong, nothing can stop him.

One scripture to suggest to read is Psalms 23, the famous psalm of David and the 'valley of the shadow of death'. Elder Holland closed with a reference to it, I strongly suggest to highlight this one. I love this scripture, because the Lord will be with us if we put all our trust in Him. Like that scripture in D&C 84:88, He will go before us with His angels, and will lift us up.

I know this work is true. I know that I am here doing the right work. I know there is someone in California waiting to hear my broken Spanish and convert them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know the power of the Holy Ghost, and I know the power of our testimonies- they can change lives forever. For the worth of souls is great in the sight of God, and if ye bring but one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy. This is what I am striving for. This is what I am here for. This is what all of you are sacrificing for me, this true work will bless us all. I thank the Lord for all the blessings he's given me out here, and I know He is a Loving Heavenly Father.

Steven- stay strong, and if you want a response, just write me back! Life isn't boring here...always working! Just do what you got to do and be efficient as best as you can in whatever you do. Listen to Mom, she always knows what's right. I miss you brother, just stay strong.

Dad- Being a bishop isn't easy. I know it takes a toll. I pray every night so you can receive help from our Lord in all the things you have to do. I admire your example, and your willingness to obey His will. I love you Dad, I miss you.

Mom- Thanks for the letters, not so much of the cologne. But thanks anyways. Please keep the personal study up, it does wonders for your knowledge and wonders for your soul. I love you, and you are always the anchor I am on. Thank you for your strength in tough times.Grandma- I miss you a lot

Grandma! I hope you're enjoying the pictures I sent and that you'll hang them all over your walls and dressers! I'm making you proud out here Grandma. This work is true, and I look forward to getting back home when I am done, when I have spent every last effort out in California.I love you all. Stay strong and stay safe. May God be with the Irvines! 2 missionaries of the Lord at the same time, what a blessing it is!

Thanks for being a wonderful and loving family, I can't tell all of you how much it has made me who I am today. Can't wait to hear from you soon!


Elder Spencer Irvine

July 24, 2007

Irvine Family,

Life is great. Tomorrow marks the 3 week mark until I hit the mission field, unless I tear an ACL playing basketball (don't worry, I'm not going too hard). Lessons are coming but we still have to work on asking good, solid, comprehensive questions. We've been working on it since day one but we still gotta improve a lot, especially me. I just can't ask questions, period. It's frustrating!!!

I got Kristy and Matt to get together so we took a few pictures, as well as just Kristy and myself. I should be sending it to you ASAP, please send the other back ASAP because I'm almost out of memory on the small one, I recorded my friend's testimonies at the Hasta Ver (farewell for the zone). So I got pictures! Matt's excited to go! Richardson comes in soon too! Danny comes into my branch this week! How exciting! Two Derwooders in the same branch! Tell Mom I don't need anything except more of the Spirit, I can't get enough of it here! I'll ask and tell Kristy about that stuff as soon as I see her. She was moping a bit about Scott, but she'll get over it. One of the latest speakers, the director of the mission dept, said to forget yourself in the work and more or less, if that person is meant to be there when you get back, it'll happen, if not, it won't and you wouldn't have made the mistake of marrying the wrong person for ETERNITY. Stephen Allen is hilarious! (name of the speaker).

We had an amazing experience in the TRC (where we practice teaching lessons to volunteers!). There was an RM sister who served in Tuscon, so we did our typical verification and whatever. The situation was a Methodist family, so they had questions of the BOM. So me, being the gung-ho and guns-blazing kinda of missionary without thinking twice about anything, goes on to start with the BOM, testifying of its truthfulness and how it helps us. Wheeler tries to follow the lesson plan, but I'm feeling the Spirit. We need to teach about the BOM and testify, like my teacher always says. So when Wheeler is going off, I think of Helaman 5:12. I love that scripture! So I had her read it and then I testified of how we can build our foundations on Christ, that he is obligated to help us, that if we build upon Christ, Satan has NO power to tempt us because we are God's children and he has no dominion over us when we are founded on Christ. The Spirit was so strong then, it felt like it was a tsunami or something. I just kept on going, that God knows each and every one of us, our trials, our problems, and that I don't know what you're going through, but I know that God knows each and every one of us. If we build upon Christ, he will help us get through our problems. I've read that scripture a lot here, but never thought I'd use it in a lesson, especially the first lesson in Spanish. (1st time doing it in Spanish too!) Wheeler brought the lesson back, but I would always testify of the BOM and its truthfulness. I couldn't think of anything else. Testify testify testify! The poor RM was crying! I knew that she was going through things, everyone does, but I knew that the Spirit testified through me that Christ is infallible, that we must rely on Him. It was truly wonderful. I can't forget that experience. It was just a strengthening experience for me.

So that was my Friday. It was wonderful. I couldn't shake the Spirit for 10 minutes, it was oozing. I love it. I'm going to miss the MTC.

So more Mayan: minaan taakin- I ain't got anything. chan paal- little son (aka senior comps refer to greenies).

Yeah Kristy told me that you were crying. I expected it. She hates that stuff, but I know that she was crying when she had to leave Scott. What a sister, one who tries to be tough but really needs some love!

It's such a wonderful experience being here. I learn so much from my teachers, especially Hmo. Busby. He served in Mexico del Sur (Mex City South) and he must've been one heckuva missionary. He always says to teach, then if you feel good about it, ask them to be baptized. He must've baptized at least 60 people. So it's like teach time..teach BAPTIZE!...I love it! I can't wait to ask that question and have a YES and then...I can't wait!!!! My other teacher, Hna. Roetto, served in Spain, so she's not so bold. She's great though, I learn so much about patience with her. We goof off sometimes in class, but we have a great unity and Spirit about us, I love it. We memorized DC 4, and the Standard of Truth. We set a goal to memorize 7 scriptures a week, that's a challenge, and by the end of this week I'm going to memorize the 13 Articles of Faith- we'll see how that goes.

I know the Lord has prepared someone in San Fernando for me. My friend out there just baptized 2 people, he's been there for about 2 weeks. I can't wait to find those 'escogido's', the chosen, the elect of God. We also learned to not waste time with those that won't commit to baptism, because we have those escogidos to find. I don't know if I can contain this excitement for 3 weeks!

I know this Church is true. I know that I was prepared to be here right now, with my district and zone. I know that this is the absolute no doubt right thing to do. There is no doubt in my soul of the divinity of Jesus Christ. He died for everything. As Elder Holland says, The mission means EVERYTHING to me! There is no turning back, there is no 'I want to go home', there is no 'let's not work today'. Work Work Work, this is what this mission is about. I must find those Escogidos, because they are praying for me to reach them. I just have to listen to the Spirit. I know that this work is truly marvelous. I know that you are all doing the right thing in supporting Kristy and me. I love this work. I love being a missionary. There is nothing I'd trade it in the world with. I know the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. I've read it, I've prayed, I've felt the Spirit's testimony in me. I know that families can be forever. I know that I want to be in the mission field forever, but that is up to our decision.

Thank you so much for supporting me. I love you all, stay safe and stay strong.

Steven- Just Do It. Do what you must to be successful. Be Obedient, it is essential in life. And I'll write you a letter! Just write me back! And use that Mayan! It's so cool!Mom- I love you. Be that anchor in the family.Dad- Keep crying. I cry so much nowadays, it's cool now. Be the righteous Judge of IsraelGrandma- Keep taking those Vitamins! I love you! Enjoy those pictures, ok?


Elder Irvine

p.s. laundry is fine, but can you please send some pics to be of me and my friends from BYU, just a few cuz I forgot to print some out with the last memory card I sent you. Thanks! Les Amo (I love you all).

July 17, 2007

Dear Family:

Steven, I just wanna say, I'm not writing my friends so don't worry. I spend my entire 30 minutes writing all of you.

Families are forever, right?

Here's some Mayan I learned yesterday. bash ka waak (like wike)- what's up? In Kabah Elder Irvine- my name Elder Irvine. I love Mayan, no verbs, no conjugations, too bad I'm not heading to Merida Mexico. San Fernando is gonna rock!

So we're finally starting to teach our lessons in Spanish. We taught the first lesson in Spanish a while back, but then the MTC changed the curriculum and my teacher didn't like it very much, we spent another week teaching a lesson in English. He's very gung-ho, he wants us to learn and teach in Spanish so we can find the 'elegidos'- the chosen, the elect of God. I agree with him, but whatever the MTC Pres. and First Pres. feel, I understand.

It feels strange being here for 5 weeks (tomorrow). I know this is the right place, that no matter what happens, I'll be safe in the Lord's hands as long as I put my trust (confianza) in Him. The Spirit is very strong in the MTC, the Lord doesn't hold it back here. He wants all the missionaries to feel it, and it is quite a wonderful feeling. I love it. Now I can't wait to help non-members, the elegidos, feel this wonderful feeling of peace and comfort.

I'll keep sending letters from time to time about some experiences, not too much time to write a lot. So don't worry!

I've been talking to Scott's cousin Elder Sinden or something like that. He's excited that Kristy enters tomorrow- he can't wait (neither can the sisters- they want another sister in their branch!) They're way excited, and so awesome! Kristy and I will have the same dining times! Sweet!

I've learned so much here at the MTC. I've been studying how to become a better person, as in Preach My Gospel has the Christlike Attributes section, so I'm working on (guess what?) Humility. And I know that I need to humble myself more here to have the Spirit teach me and guide me in my lessons. It is an amazing tool for the missionaries, I wish I had read it sooner and more thoroughly. It is a great tool, and is definitely inspired of the Lord. I love it. I love the scriptures. Nephi's lamentations, Benjamin's advice to the people, Moroni's promise, nothing can top the words they speak. It is beautiful, I wish I had read them more often. Steven, read the scriptures. Know them. Get to love them. They are for our times, they are here to guide us. I know that it will help you become more in tune with the Spirit and will help have the Spirit in the home. It is truly wonderful. Keep that in mind, brother.

The firesides blow my mind away. We had to usher this time around, it was interesting. It was crowded. It was full. The speaker is about to retire as the Int'l MTC Director, Bro. C Eugene Hill. He urged us to teach the investigators to have their own personal spiritual experiences, so they won't falter and not have a foundation to rest on. So true, we have all seen this in our lives. Whoever speaks at the MTC has the right message at the right time. I can't wait until tonight to hear from the speaker, it's one of the highlights of the week. Don't worry, I take notes for record-keeping- I don't want to forget what these inspired people have to say.

I love my district. I love my teachers. There is a unity here that is stronger than at BYU. We have the Spirit to bind us. We have the mantle of the Lord. It's so unique, so special. I will miss this place (not the food). I know that though I'm getting sick and tired of sitting in class, I'm not ready for the field yet. It was a tough week last week, just because it was the halfway mark.

About packages, their nice, but I still have to get through the Bountiful Irvine's stuff. Plus, I'm so tired after class I just get ready for bed, write in my journal, and sleep. So no food really. But I love Pringles! No candy please! And sorry it took me a while to write back, I figured that e-mail would suffice until I had the chance to write all my friends back. It's true, some friends aren't really your friends when you head out of their lives and into the hands of the Lord. Just a few.

Thanks for the memo. Chris Simpkins just wrote me and told me that Steve T. is going to the Peoria mission, and another BYU-er Chris Lee is going to Edinburgh Scotland. He has a little under 40 days to do his papers. He's way excited!

Chris Gill had his primary kids write me, and he sent me some CD's to listen to. Have him and his mom over for dinner, that was such a great service to me. He's such a great friend, I never wrote him once! Ah! By the way, please get me the Solyst's address and Boyd's, I need to write them! As the prophets say, The Spirit constraineth me to write why (I really don't know why), but I feel that the Solysts need a letter from me. Please send me their address!

Life is good. I know scriptures so much better now. I know the doctrine more soundly. I know the this is the work, as DC 4 goes, behold, a marvelous work and a wonder....we're going to memorize the Standard of Truth by Joseph Smith in Spanish this coming week! I'm excited! No unhallowed hand can stop this work from progressing....go forth to every continent....

We saw the Testaments the other night. There is no doubt, not one, in my body that Christ didn't die for us. I know that Jesus Christ died for us. I hope you all, family, know that. If not, follow the promise of Moroni 10:3-5 and pray about it. Shore up your testimony now, for when Satan throws his darts at you, you need a foundation (Helaman 5:12). Our rock and our foundation is Christ, and should never waver too much. Satan will tempt us, but not above which we are able. (Steven, name that scripture mastery!)

I love you all. I miss you all. But this is where I need to be. I've prayed about it, and I know it. This church is true. This work is true. I've been called for many reasons, which I might learn about in the field, that someone out there, some Mexican, is ready for me to teach them the Evangelio de Jesucristo. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, I know that he restored the Gospel of Christ on the earth. I love him so much, I'm indebted to him. I know Christ suffered all for us, I know that He loves each and every one of us. I know that the Holy Ghost exists, I know that we can all be an influence for good, wherever we are. Lead by example, others will follow.

Dad- I pray for you every night, so that you can have the Spirit to help you in your multiple callings- bishop, father, husband, son, boss. I hope you that I miss you, that your example means a lot to me.Mom- Keep up the good work. Don't wear out, I want to see you when I get back! Please read the scriptures, so you can feel that peace of the Spirit.Steven- Shore up that testimony! Not gonna be overnight, but just read the scriptures, bear testimony in the meetings, be proactive! Satan will try to get you, and he nearly got to me, but I know that if you trust the scriptures, read them, and pray daily, Satan has no power over you. You hold the Priesthood of God, and Satan has no power against such great authority.Grandma- I hope you're taking those vitamins! I love you so much! See you in two years- don't kill Steven with the cane just yet!I wish you all the best.


Elder Spencer Irvine

July 10, 2007


I have about 100 pictures so far, but I'll send them your way as soon as I can. Enjoy!

That is so crazy! Kristy sent me a letter that she wants to marry Scott and that I'd better hurry back after my mission so I can make it to her wedding! I was a bit hesitant when I read it, but I understand that Scott is an amazing young man. It'll be good for her to go on a mission, become a better and more patient person, and then get married. It'll do her good. Sounds like a busy week....

Life is good. Tomorrow is the 4 week mark in the MTC. I want to get out, but I know that I'm not really prepared. I've only taught a lesson in Spanish once! But it is sort of hard motivating yourself to make lesson plans for situations that volunteers don't have anything to do with, such as the Law of Chastity and that stuff. It is tough.

We had a good 4th of July, with a special devotional where all missionaries had a chance to play chimes to the tune of patriotic songs and then watched the fireworks from the boundaries of the MTC (no field- already occupied by non-missionaries). Nothing like the D.C. fireworks though. It was enjoyable.

I get homesick from time to time, but the Lord helps me with my companion keeping me busy and there is something else to do. Always. No rest, always moving, going somewhere, preparing something. It's really hard for me to focus sometimes. I know this is the right thing to do, but it's hard at times. Nothing scriptures can't fix!

My comp and I had to teach our teacher as herself. She's an RM, served in Spain so she got that annoying lisp thing, but she's a great teacher. So I was a bit nervous. How do I teach someone I respect so much? I don't want to embarrass her or make things awkward. So we fasted for inspiration. Ridiculous, but under the circumstances we had to. All I could think of was 'God loves her.' I was like, okay? So God loves her. I got some scriptures down and a commitment along the lines of 'will you pray to develop a closer relationship with your Lord Jesus Christ?'. Strange coming from a newbie missionary to an RM. My comp said he was inspired to write about patience. So we had scriptures and a commitment for each of us, but no lesson plan. We trusted the Spirit could and would guide us. It did. We started, and I said that God loves you, Hermana Ruetto. The Spirit filled the room, and it was just amazing to testify that He loves everyone. I asked for her to apply the scripture Moroni 8:2 to her, putting 'daughter' instead of 'son' and her name instead of 'Moroni'. Powerful. I know that God loves each and every one of us. My comp's message was powerful, but I felt the Spirit when I testified that He lives. I guess I only feel the Spirit when I testify with my comp, I really don't feel it when he was an amazing experience.

A GA called us to pray with more sincerity. I needed it, I felt my prayers were lacking. The Lord looks out for us, and he really helped me this time. I really love it when I kneel down at night to pray, to pour my heart out to him and ask him to help me. Just wonderful.

My friend Kim is starting a newsletter for all the missionaries of my beloved 52nd Ward. I'm so excited! Now I don't really have to write a bazillion letters! So much for being pro-active!

The Lord has really helped me realize that I should concentrate on my mission, and if things go the way I would like to, it's because I have served him with all my heart, mind, and strength. You know what I speak of, but I know I must persevere and get over it. With the Lord all things are possible.

By the way, Linda Irvine sent me a package with beef jerky, candy, and popcorn. I don't know if I can eat it. I'm getting fat as it is! I hope August 15th could come sooner!

Scott's cousin is a bit odd, Elder Sinder or whatever his name is, but he's looking forward to seeing Kristy when she comes in. 1 Korean branch, about 60 missionaries. A Sister Mitchell says it's about time more sisters come in, there's too many elders! Just so Kristy knows.

Life is good. The Spirit is strong, the people here are great. I just got appointed District leader, if I haven't told you all yet. Just more stuff to do, mail, meetings...o brother. Well, I was chosen and I must serve. With a glad heart of course.

I felt inspired to write to the Solysts. Can you please send me their address? I think Sister Solyst needs a letter from one of her old students.

Steven, be strong. I love you. I want you to know that the work is true. I know it with all my soul.Kristy, prepare as best as you can, and if you don't, the Lord will help you, but it will be hard. Your testimony is your strongest asset. I love you.Mom, you're such a great example to me. I miss your sarcasm. I miss you Mom. I love you.Dad, your example and hard work have really helped me become a better person. Thanks for being my father that has always looked out for me. I love you.Tell Grandma I love her and I can't wait to see her again. Take those vitamins!

I pray for all of you every night and I can't wait to see you in 2 years. May God be with you all. I love you.I know this work is true. I know the Holy Ghost does exist.

I know that life doesn't end after this time here on earth. I know I am in the right place to teach the San Fernando-ans the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ lives and died for each and every one of us. I owe everything to him. This mission means everything to me. I would not ask to be sent home early. Go forth and serve, RETURN WITH HONOR. Please continue to pray for me, I need all the help I can get. I love you all. Until next week.


Elder Spencer Irvine

July 3, 2007


How could I have sent thank you's? I don't have any of the cards and neither do I have any of their no. She'll have to figure it out because I'm really busy. I would like to, but I can't right now.

President Monson came last Monday, that was sweet. He said that we as missionaries need to 1-know our product (book of mormon) 2-use good methods like referrals and 3-understand and like people. I don't have trouble with the last one, but the other two are gonna be hard. Elder Holland spoke at the Tuesday night devotional, and 5 other apostles were on the stand with him. Elders Eyering, Perry, Uchtdorf, Ballard, Scott. The Spirit was so strong in the room. He said that his mission meant everything to him, and that no one should go home. He was stern, but it is necessary because the Church puts a lot into the work. He said that the central message that missionaries always forget is the Plan of Salvation and of Jesus Christ, that we always get caught up in details but those things don't matter: Christ does. That really helped me and my companion focus our lessons more. Everyone was impacted. The district testimony meeting we had was amazing. The Spirit was so strong. I decided to bear my testimony in Spanish, since the future mission presidents of Panama City Panama, Pres. Madrigal and his wife, were there and they only spoke Spanish. When I was waiting my turn, I had some words I wanted to say, so I looked them up in the dictionary. But, when I opened my mouth, it really wasn't me speaking. I can't really tell you what I said, except that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I know that He lives. Apparently it was amazing, but it wasn't me, it was the Spirit talking through me. I have learned that testimony bearing is so much more powerful than logic. And I love to cry when the Spirit is with me. Great. So much for being 'manly'. We gave our second lesson in English this past Friday in the TRC to a volunteer, but our problem is that we forget to have comprehension questions to ask. We're still working on it. I was not as nervous as my first lesson, where we did alright but Elder Wheeler just kept on talking and I was frustrated. That time, the volunteer, a real investigator, asked about the BOM and Elder Wheeler just went straight on with the lesson. Right then I wanted to kick him or something so we could get right to the BOM, but he learned from the post-TRC evaluation, no harm done. We complement each other's strengths. He can teach. I can testify (with power apparently, he keeps on saying that). He says things simply in Spanish through testimony, and I use frankness. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful companion in the MTC. I can only hope and wish for one that's just as good or better than him in the mission field.

I've seen two 'hasta ver's', which means until we see each other again. it's the missionary way to say good-bye to everyone before they leave. Sunday nights everyone gets together after class and sings God Be With You Till We Meet Again in Spanish. Amazing. Those who are leaving then bear their testimonys, with people recording on their cameras or taking pictures. It gets real emotional, I think I'm gonna fall apart in 6 weeks. Time flies. I can't believe I've been here for almost 3 weeks. Wow.

Sister Jupiter wanted me to meet her sister or someone she knows at the MTC, but this Sister Markov is always out and about. Tell her that it's hard to find people, along with the tight schedules we have. I'm so sorry! But she did lead the music at a devotional once.

All my friends are starting to come in. Brett and Chase came in the last few weeks. So strange..Hey...Elder!

I don't remember if I told you yet but the Monson talk was a surprise. An announcement came on at night, Sunday night, saying to forget going to the temple that there's a meeting at 8:30 am the next day. We knew it was big, we knew that somebody was coming. People said Monson, but who really knows. I was so excited I didn't get much sleep at all. I love him so much, he's so kind. After he spoke, he went on the side and talked to some elders. Lucky!

Everyone that speaks nowadays reminds us that this is God's work, that we must wear ourselves out for him. Someone said, Mary had a little lamb, it was a beautiful sheep. Then they joined the Mormon Church, and died from lack of sleep. Hilarious!

I love it here. By the way, I'm getting so much mail from all of you and from my friends. If you added all the mail my district got versus mine, they fall a bit short. But I know that'll stop as soon as school starts, oh well. I love my district, I'm gonna miss them all. 3 going to Mexico Merida and 1 to Tuxla Gutierres Mexico. Oh yeah, I'm the new District Leader starting next week since my current one, Elder Johns, is going to be a zone leader. We're gonna be the oldest district in two weeks. That is gonna be strange for sure. Elder Johns dated Laura Van Duker, he's from Gig Harbor. He said she is cute and cool but when you get to know her she is dramatic. He was a little jazzed when I told him that Scott was dating Kristy. Small world the MTC is.

Spanish is coming along fine, the gift of tongues is real, as long as you try. Speaking of Spanish, we had a substitute yesterday (other teacher was back home celebrating her dad's 60th birthday) and he told us that we're gonna teach the first lesson in Spanish in about 20 minutes or less. Elder Johns asked if he knew we were on lesson 3 in English, and he said yes. So we had to prep for 20 minutes in a language we're doing ok in, but not in Church terms. I was taught first, and I caught the elders off guard. I was supposed to be a Methodist that didn't believe in prophets. So I wasn't very good, lame remarks until the end. Then I whipped out Revelations 22:18, which says don't add to the book or the Lord will send plagues. They were caught off guard, but didn't show it. They adequately answered in Spanish, but not completely. I was content, but the teacher said it could've been better, that they could've pointed out in Deuteronomy that is says the same thing but there are more books afterwards. So much for Christlike service. Well, we started our lesson, which focuses on God loves us, prophets, dispensations, the Restoration and BOM. I started out, and it was bad. I thought it was. I had no idea what I was saying. We got on a roll with the prophets though. Then we got to the Restoration. I recounted the Joseph Smith story, my favorite. I said, estas son sus palabras: 'vi una columna, mas brillante que el sol, directamente arriba de mi cabeza...' the Spirit came in and it was beautiful. We ran out of time soon afterwards, but everyone said the Spirit was there, and thanks for my strong testimony. I know for a surety that the Holy Ghost exists, that He can help me, and He can convert people and not me. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I know that he restored the Gospel and translated the BOM. There is no doubt in my mind or heart.

I love the gospel. I love being here.

I know I am going to miss being a missionary when my time is up.I know that this is the true church. I know that I am doing the right thing. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know we are called, but few are chosen.

Stay safe, and I love you all.

Yours truly,

Elder Spencer Irvine

June 26, 2007


Tell Kristy I can't really reply to her e-mail because it's a 30 minute time limit and she is gonna waste my time writing you. JK! but kinda serious. I love her, not as much as I love the family.

President Monson came to speak to us yesterday. Sunday night, they made an announcement to eat at 6:45 AM and be at the Snow bdg at 8:30, so we knew something was up. My comp and I went about 2 hours early, and got seats in front of the choir. President Monson and Elder Scott look so old. I love them so much. Elder Scott testified, shortly before President Monson got up. He spoke of wonderful stories of serving as a mission president in Toronto, all of which I wrote down so I can tell them to you later. But wow. An Apostle of the Lord. What a blessing. And tonight, Elder Holland is coming to speak to us. Talk about lucky! It's because over 100 mission presidents are being trained, and we got to meet 2 of them, the Livingstones of UT going to Congo French and the Madrigals of Mexico going to Panama City. They are truly going to be great guides for missionaries like me in their respective missions. I can't wait to get out of here and into the mission field.

Spanish is coming along fine, especially since my district decided yesterday to 'solamente habla espanol'. It's tough. Breakfast was awfully quiet today. My comp tries so hard, and sometimes I have to laugh, then I remember if he works harder than me I won't have the gift of tongues like he will, so I have to try harder. Great! I taught my first lesson in English, now I know how hard it is going to be with Spanish, oh boy! My comp and I have memorized James 1:5 in Spanish as well as some hymn verses like Called to Serve and I Stand All Amazed. I love it. Singing brings the Spirit so strongly into our hearts. I am so blessed to have a great grasp of the language already, and I enjoy being able to learn it from some great teachers. Now I know why it's so hard to be an MTC teacher, you have to WANT it with all your heart and mind as well as a strong presence of the Spirit. My teachers are so spiritual and they teach me something new everyday, they are very humble and I bet they were great missionaries too. I love going to the temple, where I can leave everything behind. It's wonderful, why don't you go to the temple more often? The peace you feel there is...soothing. I can't really describe it but I love it.

Sounds like things are going well back home, that's sweet. But yeah, Elder Murri is Spanish-speaking and he left Sunday night, so he might be in Olney 2nd ward, who knows? He was a zone leader the first day, and did one heckuva job.I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. We saw the recent Joseph Smith movie Sunday night, and I know with a surety that he was called to open this dispensation.

I know that he suffered so much for us, that (Isaiah 53:7), he went as a lamb to the slaughter. I know that Christ lives, I have felt His love here. His Spirit is everywhere, it is so strong. I know that the Plan of Salvation is true, because I have felt the love of the Lord and I know that through this, we can see Grandpa again. I can't wait to see his face once more, but it depends on the Lord to when that will happen. I am honored to be serving with such wonderful elders and sisters (it must be the MTC because they are all the cream of the crop- spiritually and looks-wise). But that's another matter. I know that the Lord lives and loves each and every one of us. I know I was prepared to be here, and that there is someone out there waiting for me to teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Spanish or English in California. I love the people here, and I know that I'll love the people there. I pray to be the best, most effective missionary of the Lord. Thanks for your prayers and support. I pray for your safety every night, and I can't wait to see you in 102 weeks. God be with you Dad. I love you. I love Mom, tell her that I TOLD YOU SO!. I love Steven, but tell him to shape up grades-wise. I love Grandma, tell her I miss her too. I love Kristy, tell her that the Lord will be her comfort when Scott is outside the MTC and she's inside (from personal experience). Stay safe.

Muchas gracias,
Elder Irvine

June 19, 2007

I'm doing well over at the MTC. Food is just like the Cannon Center, so it wasn't really good overall. Just 8 more weeks here! My companion Elder Wheeler is amazing. I'm so blessed to be here right now with him as my companion, he really strengthens my testimony daily. I wish you could meet him in person.

I really appreciate you and Mom sending both Kristy and me out to the mission field. It's a great sacrifice to let your two oldest kids leave for 18 plus months. It's the right thing. I know it is, I've felt the Spirit so strong here. I know when I leave the MTC that I'll miss the strong Spirit that rests here 24/7. My Spanish is coming along well enough, it's due to the 'gift of tongues'. My district is blows my mind, they're above and beyond fantastic. We're trying to speak Spanish all the time, so it's really helping us get better. I'll be teaching my first English lesson this week, so wish me luck. I'm so nervous, but I think myself and Elder Wheeler got it down pretty well so far. Lesson 1 on the Restoration. Tell Steven that a mission is the best thing he could possibly do. First of all, he's blessed richly. If kids in third world countries had a Wii, XBOX, XBOX 360 AND a new computer from an older brother, they'd be in heaven. Tell him I love him and I'm gonna make him proud out in California. Tell Grandma that I love her and I hope to see her soon, and take those vitamins! Mom, thanks for being so strong for me. You're a great example to me, of strength and perseverance. Dad, your humor has made even the worst days my best. Thanks for your support, and I'll be writing you every week, I promise.

As a General Authority once said, "Sacrifice means giving up something good for something better", and it's my theme right now. (Elder Hubie Brown?). The devotionals are inspiring and uplifting here, it's wonderful. And on a side note, over 100 mission presidents will be trained starting next Sunday so I might see the First Presidency, who knows? I'll be carrying my trusted camera around all week for sure!

I hope you are all doing well back in Maryland, and I'm doing my best to work hard and get lost in the work of the Lord. Gracias para su apoyo y hasta luego familia! (Thanks for your support and until later family!)

Su hijo misionero (your missionary son),
