Sunday, May 31, 2009

February 23, 2009

Dear Mom,

Thanks for your support and love, because as time closes on the mission I need all the help I can get.

So it's a bit overcast over here and we're expecting rain soon. I'm going to be a bit wet the next few days, but it's what the Lord requires of me so I'll do it...not very willingly!

Life is great. I'm ready to find more investigators because right's pretty rough. But, we must go forward. It's not easy right now. Trials will come though.

So the recap of the week!

Monday, way chill p-day. So today!

Tuesday, we had a fun appointment with our Peruvian member and she asked more details about the Word of Wisdom due to her status as a recent convert, she doesn't know much! We had a good dinner with a member I've never met before and it was good! We went on exchanges and had a good lesson with a member family that was a bit less active before but they're on a roll now! Their daughter is going on a mission to Chicago North mission. She's gonna freeze out there- she's a stick!

Wednesday was a bit of a downer. We did have a great lunch appointment with a Salvadoran member who fed us so many full, but her friend shared her conversion story which was great. I loved it. But, we found out our favorite less active family is having a bunch of trouble, so that was an awkwardly sad dinner appointment. But, we had a sweet plan to help them out the next night for our teaching appointment with them.

Thursday was good. Finally found a less active and invited her to church, but she still didn't come. It was so spiritual and yet it was unplanned at the same time. I really loved it. She cried, knowing she needs to go back and that all will be well...and that God still loves her and will help her during her trials. But, that stubbornness and the old habits...she still has a chance, I hope. But, we got to throw it down with the Lopez's, the favorite LA family. But, it went well. Just a listening session as they vented, of how their two oldest children are in trouble with the law and the stuff that comes with it. Oh man. Poor family, but we did our best with our lesson on adversity, of how even prophets overcame these family problems and their children even chose the right in the end. We did our best. And before that, we got Finch to eat Pico de Gallo sauce at our's spicy and hot! Poor kid got a slice of an orange just covered and smothered with it...he was on fire! Ooh, I did likewise so I didn't wimp out. Man that was hot!

Friday...slow day. Got to meet with our LA's again, the Villalobos. Way cool, but they just have issues with money right now...poor people! But, they're firm and want to come back, they're just out of the habit. Oh yeah, Finch gave his first training ever in district meeting! Not bad, but it was good considering it was his first one!

Saturday was just way slow. My bike broke down and it was frustrating. But, such is life on bike. So we walked around everywhere and did our best, but no one was home. Oh well, we did our part, and we showed the Lord we wanted to receive more blessings. Sunday was likewise too.

Sorry it was so short, but I'm out of time. I hope all is well at home, and I love you all.


February 16, 2009

Dear Mom,

It was one of the most odd things to see a Maryland number on a California cell phone, and then to instantly recognize that it was you by the number. How odd was that! It was a bit ironic because last night my comp Finch called home to talk to his parents about sending glasses out here due to some constant headaches he has had as of late. Just killer migraines from about 10 am to the end of the day. But yet, he wants to work most, if not all the time, so we get the work done at a practical pace. And, the Lord has been blessing us with strength to go out and work even though the work is not so great right now.

About the rain, it's rough biking around in the rain. I have to squint even more so I can see what's ahead of me. And with the constant fear of just wiping out and getting even more soaked. But, the desert needs some rain desperately. We've been getting a lot lately. Last p-day it snowed...then became rain. So we're being blessed with water from the heavens!

Monday we chilled all day and watched movies. Way chill. So relaxing. I realized that The Incredibles is one of the greatest movies of all time! Just love it!

Tuesday, Finch wasn't feeling so great, so we went to an appointment, which canceled, and we came back and I let him just sleep. Just overwhelmed by headaches. Nothing really went right that day. But, we did have a good appointment with Anayansi and she's doing her best to set a day to be baptized. We came home for a quick dinner and went down to Sta. Clarita for the despedida! Got to see some elders go home, and it just reminded me of how I must use my time wisely so I'll have no regrets when my time does come. No regrets. Finch was so excited to go down...he wants to go everytime to see all his pals in the mission. Our investigator Mario Sanchez came with us, and he was having a good time. From what I could see, he was soaking it all in. It was just what he needed, as missionaries testified about prayer, about the Restoration, and about the Book of Mormon. Being with Finch going down brought up a lot of mission stories out of me...I told him a lot of them. Good times! Long night...home right before 10 pm and we had a quick planning then to bed!

Wednesday was almost the same. Got to see an eye doctor for Finch, and he just needs glasses. Headaches are coming from somewhere else! But, we went to a few appointments, and contacted the rest of the day. Finch's head was killing him so we stayed inside after dinner...poor guy. Our one appointment (the one that canceled on Tuesday) with our Peruvian member, was spectacular. She had a few concerns about the temple and we answered as best as we could. She wasn't digging deep either so it was good. We shared story after story about the temple, of blessings we have received there. An abundance of the Spirit!

Thursday went better. We ended up walking around so the other elders wouldn't have an excuse to not work (Cid is dying...literally). A sacrifice that got them to go out and work. We did find a less active family in the English ward, the Moores, who speak Spanish also. The wife is quite...adamant. Just stubborn. Daughter wants to come back though, she loved going to church at school in El Salvador. So, we have hope!

Friday! District meeting! We all were a bit down...just depressed and stressed. One of the sister snapped at us as we were trying to lighten the mood up. Oops...but the day went pretty well. We had a great time at dinner with an Argentine family and then a movie night at the church...good day. Saturday was the best by far.

I had a very pleasant surprise on Saturday evening. We were coming from a very long dinner appointment and we had just eaten pupusas. Not the greatest 'let's go and bike' food. So, we felt a bit sick on the way there. We get there, a bit wet from the puddles around the place and I just feel so sick. We knock on the door and we hear some muffled noises on the other side. We're like...well, what's taking them so long to open the door? Next thing I know, the door opens and I hear 'Happy Birthday'. Right now it just brings tears to my eyes because it was too nice of them to do that for me. I was very grateful and I really felt at home. I love the Villanueva family. I can't ever express how glad and happy I was to be welcomed to their home and to celebrate my birthday. Their kids made a hat for me, and we just had a great time. We shared a scripture, well I did because I was so humbled by it all, and I really couldn't express my gratitude. The past week was really rough, and to just finish with a birthday celebration just lifted my spirits! With my favorite family here, the Villanueva's! The Lord uses others to touch my life. There is no doubt that this is true, especially on Saturday. These are the memories I treasure most, of the kindness and love the members have for us, the missionaries. One of the most memorable birthday parties I've ever had!

Sunday was good too! The talks that the stake speakers gave were excellent. The stake YW speaker spoke of returning to virtue. I understood it all due to the language was English, and it really reminded me of how virtue fights vice. A good reminder in this muddled world. The high councilman gave a splendid talk, at least it seemed to be a typical talk at first. His Spanish was pretty good, and I knew he put a lot of preparation in it and a lot of love. He served in Villahermosa, Mexico back when he was younger. He shared Elder Wirthlin's last talk, and used Miguel Cervantes' life as an example of how we ought to persevere during trials to eventual;ly recieve a reward. I really liked it, until he put all his notes and books away. "I want to share a personal story with you, brothers and sisters," he began. Then, he shared how his first marriage failed, how he was deep in debt, and he even had to live in a noisy and dirty room in the place he worked because he could barely stay afloat. There, he said, he learned what it is to have faith and to endure to the end. He learned about the love of His Savior, and that he had to wait for promised blessings. 'Why me?' he asked. But, as time went on, he was blessed with another wife and another family and here he is today. What a testimony! Just shook the ward! Everyone was really appreciative of the talk, and I was too. I had to thank him for that moving talk he gave, and he humbly said he did his best and he tried his best with his Spanish. A humble man of the Lord. Church went well, classes were...classes. My favorite was our priesthood class. I felt moved to participate more, since usually us missionaries wait for others to contribute. But, I did and it ended up contributing a lot to the message on 'beware the bitter fruits of apostasy'. Thoughts came to mind and I contributed, and it became a great discussion. Thanks to the other members there, it was an edifying and learning experience for all. We got home, ate lunch, relaxed, napped, out to work! Found Michael Ruiz, finally, and set a tentative baptismal date for March 7th. We walked around and knocked doors, with little success, but we did get into a Jehovah's Witness house. Oh man, a weird feeling as my comp said. But, we talked about prophets to this old woman Maria de Jesus and she believed it. We bore witness of the Restoration, and she felt the Spirit. Yet, like all JW's, they deny it. Pity on her. She corrected Finch when he bore witness of the Restoration, saying, '...God is Jesus Christ.' No...God is the Father and Christ is His Son. Darn distorted doctrines of man! Oh well, we did our best. Went to support our fellow Stewart as he did a musical number singing in a trio with Cid on the guitar. A few mistakes, but what can you say? They had just practiced for about ten minutes prior. Good number though, and the service was very spiritual. Just loved it. Home, Finch called home, and we called it a night. I love the work!

The work is improving, I just have to do better with a lot of things as a missionary. My greenie is quite the foot soldier and doesn't complain, just deals with it now. Good kid. The Lord is just testing us right now...we have to be patient!

I really appreciated your letter Mom, it really helped me pick up my spirits and run with the work! It came at the right time, when all was looking down. And yes, Volk wrote me and I wrote him back. A great man, indeed. I hope all is well, I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to talk to you again!


February 9, 2009

Dear Mom,

Sorry, just had to make fun of your accent. Sorry! Well, it's raining over here, as it has been the entire weekend. It's been a little miserable (understatement) riding around on bike in the driving rain. But, such is the life of a missionary. Didn't help my greenie was reminding me of why I need to be a better person by whining a lot. Gosh, I love him, but... the whining in the rain just ate away at my patience. How can I blame him? It rarely rains out in Utah, and it's rarely cold like it is here. And, we're on bike. It's a learning experience, step by step. He's doing really well, considering that he has had some killer headaches here and there due to a nagging astigmatism in his eyes. So, we'll have to see the eye doctor asap as well as for me. It was crazy because along the road where our apartment complex is, there's a constantly flowing river of sludge and water...and due to the rain it was covering most of the right it made life interesting to bike around. I was so afraid of people splashing me as I was riding...oh...not fun. We had some great lessons though, due to us just going out and working!

Thanks for the package, it is greatly appreciated. And I love the hoodie and shirt you sent is so very warm!

So, the week!

Monday was fun! We got to play softball, and we mixed up the two zones that showed up. The downside of taking pictures is that you often get left out..oh well. I nearly got hit in the head by one of the sister missionaries (so now I know how she feels about me!), and I was playing catcher so I got run over several times tagging people out. Zonie Waite, who is a track star at Oregon, ran into me. A wiry but tall kid, so I felt enveloped by him as I tagged him out by a long shot. Then a kid named Smith (bald Mark Smith) was running, but the ball was relayed very fast by my greenie so I just walked up to tag him out- he drop kicked me to the ground! In a playful fashion, didn't hurt, but completely took me by surprise! Words can't describe how dumb I felt because I slowly saw him jump and I just stood there...duh...? It was hilarious! Then, I tried to extend a single to a Dumb decision. Just dumb and aggressive. Mostly dumb. So I'm wearing shorts and I just see Smith about to get the ball to tag me out at second...I just slide! I was out by a long shot, but I just had to slide! I scraped up my leg a bit and it stung for a while due to the dirt. Oh was just so goofy. I had to ask, 'am I out?' Smith said, 'I liked the effort, but you're still out.' It was funny! Just a good game overall!

Tuesday was just hilarious! Our Peruvian family was just funny as heck! We had a good lesson with them, since they're recent converts of a year, and then we had our English class. Oh gosh, Finch and I speak English like normal, which is so fast for them! I felt bad, but Finch said, 'now they know how I feel with Spanish', so we just kept...talking. We taught them how to sing 'In Our Lovely Deseret' in English, because I told them that the Spanish one was better so they got curious. It was just a lot of fun joking around and teaching English, as well as the Gospel. We found out a member's daughter is going to Chicago North mission in April. Do you know if Alfredo is in that mission? That was way exciting! She saved her money up since high school, when her family was very less active. She just knew and hoped the day would come. She'll be a great missionary.

Wednesday was a long day. We found out that our less active wasn't home in the morning, and I had an impression to visit a long-time media referral out in the far reaches of our area. I forgot our DVD they ordered so we went a few blocks home, got it, then went all the way out to deliver it. I got lost, not knowing for sure where the road they lived on was located, so we went in a circle, then finally found it. Phew! But, we were exhausted for sure. They weren't home, who is home these days? So we contacted some people and got dead. We got home and just relaxed...ahh our feet! Then our buddy Mitchell turned the heater on because it was getting cold (pre-rain weather)...and we both just fell asleep on the couches. An hour passes and I wake up to see Mitchell back from an appointment an hour later! Ah! Just was so tired...didn't even think of setting an alarm for it! Oops. So we went out to knock doors, not much success, then we ate dinner with our bishop. Way cool guy and I love his family. He just sort of vented to me, I don't know why. Just because I show I love the ward I guess. Poor guy, dealing with all these money-grabbing people. I don't know how you do it Dad. We taught a media referral from Chile, an interesting accent, but he wasn't interested so we taught him, got his son really interested, and left for home.

Thursday it was good, but it began to rain. So, it was a bit wet. We got to our member's house just soaked, for a home evening. We then called our zonies for a ride to our dinner, and so we were about half an hour late because it was way wet and we didn't feel like biking all the way on the other side of our ward for dinner. And, eight of us were eating there because two pairs of elders knew this family from my first ward, Arleta. Way cool family... and I left that house satisfied! Late to correlation and our ward mission leader reprimanded me for it. I deserved it, but it wasn't my fault that the other elder's delayed sharing the scripture at their member's house. Oh well, we got everything hammered out.

Friday was district meeting, and it was the shot in the arm I needed! Just so excited to go out and work, and I was comforted by the training- how to know you're a successful missionary. Not an easy area, but I have to move forward with faith and hope people will accept us, one day. And, considering that I'm the kid out of the cool elder group. It was just a great training and it was great for me. Weekly planning, then knocking doors in the driving rain and in darkness...oh not so fun. But I knew God was just testing our diligence, and we passed it. Lots of work for sure, and a lot of trials, but it was worth it. Our member, the Villanuevas, fed us a great beef and potato and rice dinner...and we had a great time with them. I love them so much! We shared one of Wirthlin's last talks and it just applied to them. I had no idea how, but it applied to them. The Spirit guided me to prepare to share this talk- be diligent, learn, and apply as well as be obedient to receive more blessings. A great evening indeed! All but one elder were in our apartment due to leadership calls, and to hang out. Problem was they all didn't leave until after curfew...I rarely get sleep the last weekend of the transfer!

Saturday was a long day because we went out to work, and got home. Then, it hailed. And rained a lot. I wasn't going to go out and get sick. Then, poor Finch got a bad headache and couldn't work, let alone stay awake. So I wrote in my journal while he got some much needed rest. We had a great lesson with Mario about his doubts and then we just laid it down- pray, try to recognize your answer, and do what the Lord tells you. Just a great lesson. Dinner with the Hidalgo's, and we just ended up spending the rest of the time there just relaxing...since no one likes us coming by at 8 pm. And I lost track of time. Whoops! Just a lovely family. I felt like I was home.

Sunday was good. The Villanueva's, the wife and her sister, gave great talks. Hna. Enriquez, the sister, just laid it down. Do missionary work because the elders can't do it alone. She has a gift for speech. It was incredible. Wow! Class was boring...we did some weekly planning post-church, and said good-bye to one of our members because she's going home to Peru. She wants me to visit her over there...hmm...we'll see about that. A great dinner with Hna. Reynaga, who is really poor but still feeds us. A testimony of how she listened to the Spirit, and wasn't harmed. Just amazing testimonies these members have. Then, we passed by another member, the Villedas, and shared some scriptures that I hope touched their hearts. Poor members...their children have all gone less active...I can't understand how they feel

This week was long, but it was a good working week! I'm looking forward to another six with Finch! Woo! Thanks for rooting for me back home and for your prayers, because lately that's what has been helping me out as of late. I love you all, stay safe!


February 2, 2009


About BYU, my registration is for April 10, 2009. So sometime soon. And thanks for the BYU gear, I love it! I'm sporting it for duo-zone baseball. Yeah boy! As for things I need, if you want to send me like granola bars or something sort of healthy for snacking on, and maybe some chips. Please? As for summer plans, I have no idea. I guess I'd better get a move on it, right? Maybe EFY counselor, that'd be fun! And yes, training is fun but is heavy. Finch's Spanish is superb considering the time he has out. I push him, and he pushes himself. We've found the balance for now. Good kid, and I know the Lord sent him to me so I could chill out a bit.

About the Lunas, Brother Luna couldn't stop laughing about you calling him. Good family. They really appreciated the call.

The week! Recap!

P-day was way chill. Fun though! Only problem was that the kids of a LA family just acted up and just drove away the Spirit. Their parents were so very sorry and apologetic, but their teenagers are just out of control! I love that family though!

Tuesday was fun, but long. Good old English class with the Peruvian family, and when I brought up Chile they got a bit incensed at the fact that they lost to Chile in their last war. I just mentioned that our Chilean companion just wanted to say that in his hometown of Concepcion, their boat, the Huascar, is okay. Oh man, I touched off a storm of resentment! I have never seen Peruvians so adamant about something. Oops...thank goodness that was post-lesson. Since they're both recent converts, they had a lot of questions about the plan of salvation, so we taught it and boy! They had me stumped sometimes. I just let them read Alma 40-42 to answer their doubts. I can't answer it was way cool! They talk very fast!

Wednesday, Finch's tire went flat after an appointment, so we were stuck. But, we got a new tube so we were able to go and work thank goodness. Not much really happened.

Thursday was a good day. District meeting and we got trained on obedience. Hna. Quintanilla socked it to us. Be obedient, don't ask why, because the Lord knows all. Just do it. I need to be more diligent, but Finch keeps me on the straight and narrow. Later, we biked up the Lopez Run, and that was fun. Sort of. I was so dead at the end though! Oh man! Anayansi still didn't get her answer to baptism, and we found out when we could catch her dad at home to get him to come back to church. Raced down the hill, no hands! So fun! A good taco dinner, a great home evening taught by our ward missionary Hno. Figueroa, and a good correlation meeting. Late to an appointment, the Lopez's (LA ones), and found out that there was a drug bust or something along the way there. Man, I don't like being close to danger anymore. Crazy day! But good!

Friday was interviews! I'm probably going to stay. Poor Finch was in the interview for a long time, just some problems he's been having. It's not easy being on a mission. I'm happy I haven't really caused President headaches. A great appointment with the activated Villanueva family. Good dinner, even better lesson! Elder Wirthlin's last talk on the earth in this life- they soaked it up! Then we played a game and that was just hilarious. The kids were so afraid they didn't play, and we just had a great time. I know I was sent here to lighten things up a bit, and to find families to re-activate.

Saturday was service, then we had a sweet member present lesson about the Spirit with Mario, our prime investigator. He had questions about the Spirit, because he's been struggling lately. Our members just socked it to him, told him what it is, how we feel it, and his purpose. Now he'll know how to get an answer to his prayers. Then, a fast track to baptism! Hna. Hidalgo fed us a great fajita dinner...oh so full afterwards. And, then a sweet less active lesson which led to her coming to church! I love using general conference talks to motivate people to come back!

Sunday was good...but we got out and worked while people were watching the Super Bowl. Got updates all day though, that was cool. Came home early due to drunk potentials and the like. Not good to be out at dark post-Super Bowl. Two investigators, Anayansi and Mario, and a less active, Hna. Villalobos.

The work rocks! Woo! Exhausted, but it's so worth all the work we put in. I love being a missionary for sure! I hope all is well back home! Love you all!


January 26, 2009

Dear Mom,

I'm doing great out here in Palmdale. I love it here. The work is a bit rough right now, but I know the Lord is just testing us. We even fasted on Wednesday and nothing happened immediately. But, just little by little. Training is fun and I really love it. It's not easy though because my Spanish is significantly better than Finch's, but wow! Finch is catching up. He's done a great job so far and he's hard on himself, but he'll do just fine. I'll find out my fate here on Friday, so wish me luck! I hope to stay here...but President did mention that he might need me elsewhere. I'll go where the Lord wants me to go!

I'm so happy for Rod! Can you send me his address, either e-mail or snail mail, so I can get in touch with him? He's a great kid, I'm so happy he's going back!

Funny story about the whole Bro. Luna conversation. I actually called him the other night and asked his side of the story, since I called my comp Woods down in the Valley and he told me about it. He really appreciated the call and he said he thought it was a telemarketer at first, then he just answered it. It was great though because he said when you asked for Bro. Luna, he was like great someone from church! Haha, talking about throwing a curveball! He had no idea it was coming! It took him a second to realize that you are my mother. Hilarious! Cindy, his wife, apparently cracked up on hearing you talked to him and caught him off guard. Oh man, I miss that family so much!

I found out that the Jaimes family probably won't be ready to go to the temple by the time I go...sad...but the Cardenas are working on it so I'm pretty pumped about it all. Woo hoo!

Great quote by Pres. Hinckley, that's one to save for sure!

The week recap!

We had some great appointments with members this past week, since our pool is really small and hard to find. Our prime investigator moved and is impossible to get a hold of, and our other one put us on hold due to work, and our third one is postponing her baptism so her LA dad could get everything together but he's not doing his craziness!

Monday was a fun p-day, rested and watched movies. Oh Princess Bride! I never realized how cheesy it is, but it was hilarious! We had a great FHE with our LA Lopez's and they actually calmed down and listened to our message! I think they appreciate us actually making the effort to have a lesson with them, even though they aren't the most reverent. It was great though.

Tuesday was zone conference! We were at an appointment earlier that day and raced back in time for zone conference! It was good, but it was long. Just half the time, but man it was rough. I learned a lot, especially when President asked how diligent have we been with our planning. I'm proud to say Finch has whipped me into shape and we're doing pretty well as it is. We had a great time with our Peruvian members and they asked us hard questions

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

January 19, 2009

Dear Mom,

I absolutely love bike. I love being here in Palmdale, and though the work is hard right now all we can do is get down to it and just work our butts off. Being a trainer is hard because your comp naturally doesn't speak very good Spanish, so you're in charge of it all and absorb most, if not all, the responsibility. I can only imagine what it'll be like after the mission! But, life is going great right now and Elder Finch is a riot. A really reserved and quiet kid, quite the opposite. He asks great grammar and vocabulary questions and it really pushes me to excel and push my own learning of Spanish. So we get along so far and all is well over here.

As for birthday wishes, nothing really. I love being a missionary and I don't want it to stop anytime soon! I wish you could grant that wish for me. But, since you can't, the only thing is thanks for the new 4 GB memory card for my camera and for being the cheerleaders on the sideline. The only thing I really need is just love and support right now. Snacks, not so much, but thanks! Maybe a hoodie, but it's not as cold as it used to be. Whatever you feel like, but I'm fine out here!

So we have at least two baptismal dates to end this transfer, Anayansi and Michael. We just have to talk to Michael to set the actual date, as well as Anayansi. Both are ready, one is waiting for the LA dad to get ready (not going to happen) and with Michael we just got to set the date. But, his mom is hard to get a hold of, and they're moving. So it's a bit hectic right now. We're knocking doors like no other, and might have to sacrifice more of our 'let's trust our members' motto to give more time to such way of contacting. But, we're starting to ask for referrals from members so we can spend the rest of the time teaching potential investigators and less actives that have a desire to come back. I can only see the success that we can have as soon as we challenge members to get in the trenches with us!

Recap of the week!

Monday was p-day, just a regular chill day. Actually, we played basketball for a long time and then indoor soccer to finish it off. I was exhausted, not the greatest way to start off the week. And very sore. It was fun though. Our buddy Mitchell totally stuffed this Hessing kid who is a greenie and prides himself on jump shooting. Pretty sweet swat though. Just fun playing ball with the guys.

Tuesday we visited the always fun Peruvian members, Beti and Esperanza. A very fun English lesson indeed! There are some sounds in English that Latinos can't make. So now they know how we feel! Beti kept saying 'que malo!' which means, 'how bad!' something like that. So fun. We had a great lesson on faith with Mario, where we challenged him to be baptized and he said he'll consider it. That guy just doesn't get it, but more on him later. It was a great lesson, talking about faith and how we need to follow his example and be baptized. He knew it was coming. But, he'll be a long-term one. On splits with the elder's quorum we went to a less active and our first counselor called him out on not going to our congregation. 'Oh I'm going to another branch' he said, good ole' Barrios, and the counselors said that he translated for the stake presidency there that day...Barrios' mouth was wide open. Hilarious. Got ya!

Wednesday we visited a very old and weird member, Hna. Gallardo. She loves having us over cuz no one visits her (no home or visiting teaching up here). We spent a long time there because she wouldn't let us go! Gosh! But, we were able to clarify her concerns over cremation and stuff because a colleague of hers passed away and they pulled the plug on him for fear of him being a vegetable. We all know how that goes. So yeah...she took forever. But, it was good to pass by. At our dinner with the LA elder's quorum president, him and his wife vented on how difficult it is to get their children to do the right. Good kids, but when they're with friends, a completely different ball game. Completely different. So we listened, and learned, and did our best to comfort them according to our limited knowledge and the extent of our stewardship. I'm so happy I had never walked with those kind of kids, cuz they weren't good. We met them outside as we were walking in. But, they know as they try to go to church, more trials will come. More trials will come, but they know what to do. We went by a LA Villalobos family to comfort the RC husband, Jose. His sister passed away due to cancer, so we shared Finding Faith in Christ with them, and it was beautiful as always. Without a doubt, the Spirit was there, and we testified of the reality of faith and of hope. It was the right lesson. Words can't describe how great it was.

Thursday was a bit boring, weekly planning, a dinner, then home. No one is ever home at night! Gosh, darn it! Dinner was fun, with the Hidalgo's. I feel at home, we joked around a lot and we thanked them for always being there for us. I am on a mission to strengthen others, only for a brief time.

Friday was long. District meeting, etc. But, we had a great lesson with Mario. He said he didn't feel ready, that he wants to soak it all in. So I started with the Bible and then it got crazy. Revelations 22:18 about no more revelation, so we got in an argument and it spiraled out of control until he, Mario, testified about the Book of Mormon. Wow, reality check. I need to testify, not argue. Testify, not show off about how much I know about the scriptures. I turned to Finch and he was lost, but testified right on the money about the Book of Mormon, and the Spirit just entered. A humbling experience 'ha trainer you don't know jack squat' sort of deal. He's ready, he just doesn't want to accept change that fast. Next up, recognizing the Spirit and how He answers us.

Saturday was long. Knocked forever as a part of a blitz for the English elders. Oh man, so freaking long. But, we had a great day. Got Michael, after a lot of searching for rides, to a baptismal service. The most embarrassing part was when the person baptizing had to redo the girl's baptism like five times. First, he missed a few words (native Spanish speaker). Second, name was in the wrong order. Poor guy! But, the talks were great and I learned from them. The Holy Ghost goes to all, but we must invite it as members to influence us. A great reiteration. We got back to Michael's for our bikes, already a half hour late, and got to our dinner in seven minutes. Holy snap, so fast! I was exhausted and sweating so much! But, the members, the Padilla's, were very forgiving, and only because I sent them a thank you card the week before. I was prompted to do that, so I could be forgiven.

Sunday, about the same. Church was long and I was exhausted for sure. It was good, but I wasn't in the mood. But, the stake speakers were amazing. Just blew me out of the water. One testified with power about how we must be examples and how we must not respond with anger to false accusations. Just as Christ was quiet, sometimes we too must be quiet in our responses. One Bro. Skinner bore testimony of the Gospel and how he lost his child due to sickness, and how he knew he could hold her once again. It was precious. It was great!

I love the work! Oh how I long to start the mission over again...but such is life! I hope all is well, and an early Happy Birthday Mom!

Love you all,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

January 12, 2009

Dear Mom,

Life is pretty cold over here, but it's gone down a bit. Now it's like spring weather. Weird. Welcome to California!

So Elder Finch is on his third week. I'm really proud of him. I feel bad sometimes because he makes greenie mistakes then I realize, hey, I did the same thing too! But, he's doing just great. He got in a few Spanish contacts under his belt and his English contacting is really good considering he's green. But, we get along fine. He's a beast on a bike. I'm just a slow bum. Speaking of bikes, I lost a screw on the left pedal side so I have no left pedal. Long story, believe me. Several times I have lost this darn screw...and it's nowhere to be found. Oh well!

This week was pretty interesting. Lots of...interesting trials. Just a lot of walking Monday and Tuesday and we got bikes on Wednesday. So we've been doing our best since Monday according to circumstances. On Monday, we had a great Family Home Evening with the recent converts the Molinas. We shared Finding Faith in Christ with them...and that is a great film. Just super spiritual. I felt inspired by the Spirit to say a few things and it went over well. We all felt the Spirit and were edified by all our testimonies. I love testimony. Just brings the Spirit. Wednesday was rocking! Bikes! Woo! We did our best to find people at home, and we ended up having a ball of a time at the Lopez's, just fun-loving members. They invited us to come back to do service, and we were pumped to do that. We took part in the ward's Mutual for the YM about missionary service. It was so fun to share how fun and great the mission is! Thursday we had district meeting because we were going to the temple on Friday. I felt inspired to do better in involving members so we did our best in making practical plans. We'll see though. We biked all the way to Anayansi, the Lopez Run, and it was rough. Across the railroad tracks, lost the screw so we looked for it for a while, then to Anayansi's. Bike didn't work going up the hill, so we were way late and did our best with the time restraints. We challenged her to be baptized, and I really hope she'll go through with it. Darn less active dad's! She won't get baptized without him and he won't meet with us. So we made it from their hilltop house down the hill to dinner across the next major street in nine minutes. Holy snap! I was booking it down the hill so fast that Finch lost me in the darkness. I realized that the road becomes a dirt path, really uneven, and I saw a Joshua tree coming up from a distance. So I braced to hit the dirt, avoided wiping out, then braced as I was hitting bumps here and there. Definitely had time to avoid the Joshua tree, ample space and time. Friday was temple day! I love the temple! I really need to make time post-mission to go to the temple as often as time permits. It is beautiful! All my worries went away, as I was instructed by the Spirit. The new temple president just blew me away with his spiritual knowledge, and made me feel like I have much to learn, but I got time, right? A super spiritual lesson with Mario Sanchez. Still has doubts over authority and baptism, but we had a plan that was to slam it home. We get there, and I get the feeling, 'don't share it. Gift of the Holy Ghost.' We ran with it. Finch backed me up like a pro. The Spirit led me to share one scripture, and as we read it the Spirit told me to stop right before the last verse. I did, and I realized it helped Mario understand he didn't receive this gift. If I didn't jump on that prompting, the scripture would have confused more than done good and profound thinking. We just bore our hearts to him, how we want him to be happy, to have this eternal gift. I left, feeling that love for others and how much more I ought to open my mouth for all to hear. I felt I could talk to everyone afterwards! It was spectacular! Saturday we did service most of the day. Finch had a headache but he endured through it. Good kid. We helped the Lopez's with yardwork, then our first counselor Escobar with his tree. Big tree. Huge tree. Bishop Berganza was chopping them down with a chainsaw and one time, the tree swung down and hit his ladder, knocking him off-balance for a second and caught himself up there. Oh...scary! But, we did our part and left to proselyte. We had a great lesson with our active family, the Villanueva's. Father wants to baptize his girl, since he's been LA for a long time. I'm pumped for that! So happy to hear that from his mouth! Sunday was a long day. Just exhausted, the both of us. But, here we are! A fun lesson with the Molina's to finish the week, a lot of MTC games, but at the end, we shared a thought about trust in God. Hno. Molina has barely a year in the Church, and is now the YM President. Crazy stuff!

Hey, got to go! I hope all is well! Love you all and God be with y'all!
