Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 12, 2008

Dear Mom,

Well, there's not much to talk about. But, I did burn a CD with all my pics and videos on it (hopefully you won't find anything too offensive) and I'll send it off ASAP, probably around mid-week when we go to the mission office (and the post office is a block away from it). Looking back at them, just some great memories here.

The weather has been strange. Cool and mostly cloudy. Confuses the heck out of me to be honest. It's not what I expected, it reminds me of home.

This past week was better, but a bit depressing. Our amazing member, Hna. Carrillo, told us that she was dying and she will probably not make it much longer. I was sad, as was Lynn, so we gave her a blessing and went on our way. I heard she's still in this world, but doing even worse than last Tuesday. It's sad. But, I do have to say, I love doing service at Sister Flick's. I trimmed tree limbs, and my arms were super sore from holding those things for a few hours and trimming them off, as well as my neck. Not much happened, except a great lesson with the Jaimes, just reviewing the baptismal questions with them, and before that we just visited with them and...I blanked. But, we did something with them and they understood it. I'm sure they're ready for baptism now, I just have to suck my pride up, call Neira and ask him to come up to baptize the father. That's a whole other issue in itself.

Overall, we had a good lesson with Lesley's 'step-dad' (not married to her mom who is a member!) and he said that he's seen divorces so marriage is not exactly for him. We're planning to bring the Cardenas to set him right. We had a sweet day at the temple on Friday, and I received revelation for our investigators and less's the place to be when one has questions. I felt comforted that Grandma will do well, and I know that God is watching over her especially right now. Zone conference was good, and I learned a lot, but it gets tiring sitting down for a few hours straight listening to scriptures and trainings. Celestial fatigue comes to mind. Never ends, meetings and more meetings. Probably are a lot of meetings in the heavens too. Just never ends.

Friday also was dinner with the bishop and his family. Really great guy, but he talks so much. It was like 7:55 and I was going to say 'we got to go' but he just kept on talking and talking...we got out at like 8:40 and got to our next appointment. But, the member was cool with it, she understood the bishop is a bit enthusiastic socially. Man, I realize how blessed I am to have two parents that obey their temple covenants (even just marital covenants in this member's case) and that I have a loving father and mother who sacrifices a lot to support me. Wow. Just the 'little things' help.

Saturday was a slow day. We donated blood, and I felt good overall. It's just when I got home I fell asleep for a few hours and then felt even better. My comp went to look at some things with my DL (he's itching to get a phone...but the plans really aren't good) so I went with my DL's greenie 'Cookie' to knock doors and contact people. It made me feel so much better. As Pres. Benson said, depression is cured by work. I ended the day well with a dinner at the Umana's, my fave members here.

Other than that, I'm excited to baptize! It really helped talking to you Mom. I was a bit down. I've been down, and Lynn has done a great job dealing with my incessant whining (I don't like to admit it, I have been moaning about this area for a bit...but he wants to work sometimes so it helps me out). So I'll baptize and knock doors to baptize some more people! Love it!

I hope you doing great Mom! I love you!

I love you, the greatest family in the world!


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