Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 5, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

I never expected to be saying 'spring's greetings' from over here in Santa Clarita. But, here I am! I got the camera cord, but it's a bit tough making time to find a computer to use...I'll have to plan in some time one day to get it on CD and send it home. I have a lot of pics now...sweet! I'm not sure what time I'll be calling you on Mother's Day, probably sometime after 3 pm PST (so that's like 6 pm EST). We got church from 11 to 2, so that's why. And, members love to talk to the elders after church...and it wastes our time a bit. Oh well. And about calling Kristy...I haven't asked Pres. Goodrich, so I'll call him and ask him for permission. My number is 661-284-1689. Tell Grandma it'll make life easier just for a little bit, and that the windows won't affect her privacy cuz we got BLINDS covering them! Man...

And I'm trying to lose weight, finally. I've gotten fat out here, and my DL is super crazy about losing weight so I'll be running every morning here...and I don't like to run so we'll see how my knees will like it. But, I can see that I'm feeling better and better but not exactly dropping a lot of pounds just yet.

Which reminds me of one of the people we do service for. Her name is Patricia, and she's in her sixties. White woman, and very particular. I have never met someone that annoyed me so much. She's like, Irvine, do it this and that and this and that way...and I just ignore her and do it my way. She gets stressed, a bit unhappy, and I get a bit mad to be honest. Really annoying. But, she always says I appreciate your service and yet I'm not sure if she really understands what appreciation is- leave us alone and let us do our job! Patience is a virtue.

This week was a bit least it felt that way. But, the work goes on. I've been reading general conference talks, reading scriptures, praying...doing everything I can to get motivated again and I think it's really helping. When the Lord sees sacrifice and a true desire, he blesses his children. What a simple principle, obedience. Too bad the world doesn't understand it very well.

The Jaimes have come a long way. This week we committed them to baptism, again. We said if they come to church 2 straight weeks, stay for all the classes, then the third Sunday they'll be baptized. They said yes, a resounding yes too. It was amazing! The next lesson we had, we walked in there unsure what we were going to teach. I had a talk by Elder Callister, about testimony 'knowing that we know', and expected to read it all with them. But, the Spirit indicated that I had to teach about him, and about how to gain a testimony. It was pretty sweet. I went first, bearing my witness of the Spirit and how I know he exists and it's an example of God's love for us. They confirmed they've felt it's loving, peaceful, and tranquil presence when we teach them, and they love it. We read from Callister's talk, the Spirit was literally there and the room felt like it was bursting from his presence. Wow. I nearly cried when Hno. Jaimes bore his witness, that he knows this is the right path and he'll keep his commitments to God to attend church and be baptized. I absolutely love this work! God knows what each and every one of his children needs, and when. I needed a spiritual boost, and they needed to know what testimony was. They have come a long way in the past six months.

The Cardenas were so glad to see us! I felt so bad for neglecting them recently...we were overwhelmed this past week with appointments! So we stopped by and they were so happy to see us again! They thought I had left without saying good-bye...and the husband Alberto was so happy to receive my call! They asked some good questions, some off-topic, but we were able to re-teach and expound on the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom. It was funny that they were like, 'we didn't know the specific blessings of obeying this commandment of God' and I was confused. Hansen and I taught it thoroughly the first time through! But, I know some things are harder to grasp the first time around. I still thought that was funny...I was like 'huh?' I am so happy to know that he has received the Aaronic priesthood and is now ready to baptize his brother Gustavo, when he is ready to be baptized. How amazing would that be? I just hope that I'll see that while I'm here. But who knows?

I didn't realize how hard it is to answers questions about death. Why do people die? Why do murderers go free? Why do the family members of the victims suffer and the wicked go free? I had to try to answer these questions, literally on my own, this past week. A woman, Irma Miranda, lost her son this past December due to an unexplained shooting. Wrong time, wrong place. She's cried and pleaded to give her answers, to which I've tried to answer but haven't really found the answer she was looking for. I don't know what to do, but I know the Lord will provide an answer when I seek one from him. My comp has the same questions, so he can't answer them either. He just accepts it. But he can't bear to try to answer them. I accept it, understand it a little, but it's much harder to try to explain it to a grieving mother. But, I know the Lord will provide, through the help of a member or through the scriptures. It's something that I've been wondering about, but now I just have to choose to search for an answer not just wait for one.

Another soul into the waters of baptism. We baptized Selena, the daughter of active members, and it went well. The service went a bit long because one of the talks went really long due to translation (but it was a great talk!). She only understands English, so we had to have translation. The Jaimes came, and were impressed. They were tired though from a long day of church. It was pretty funny to see them there. I was really happy, but they looked tired from 3 hours at church, a 3 hour break then to the baptismal service for an hour and 15 minutes. Well, get ready cuz that's how it's going to be! It ain't going to be easy. They finally came, the Jaimes, because I had invited them to 5 previous baptismal services and they didn't go. Now that I think of it, by the end of my stay here in Santa Clarita, our ward will have 11 baptisms if the Jaimes get baptized. How sweet is that?

Life is going great, and I'm happier. The Lord let me stay here to build this area, and I'll do my best. I know that the Jaimes just needed an extra push, and I was here to help accomplish that. I know my Redeemer lives, and he loves me. He loves 'my' investigators, and I know he wants me to help them receive salvation.

I love you all, and may God keep you all safe. Less than a week now!


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