Thursday, May 15, 2008

April 7, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

I really thought that I ought to have done an April Fool's number just to keep everyone on their toes. But, I wouldn't mind if that happens, but whatever the Lord wants. It's hard to keep working when one gets in a routine so I've been mixing things up a little bit to keep me balanced and not bored. Yes, I got the traveler's checks so I'll cash it in soon. And I have so many pictures to send you, but I need the cord to burn it to a CD to send home. Don't want a memory swipe to happen again. And that's sweet that Steven is improving his grades- I'd love to see him out at BYU! It's the best thing to have siblings out at the same college so you're not too lonely.

This weekend was edifying. I loved conference. I missed the main points of Elder Hales' talk because I fell asleep during his talk and maybe another talk in that session. But, it went well for me. I was really happy to hear Elder Bednar call the members out, because all the members pray for the missionaries but are really passive in helping us with better investigators than we can find- their friends! Talk a lot, do nothing. The ward is getting better missionary work wise because they want to come out with us, but I'm hesitant bringing a lot of converts out to teach because they don't know much and they think they do so they say really wacky things sometimes. An example, Adam and Eve didn't have bodies in the Garden of Eden. Among other things. This conference was really great! I soaked in a lot. Bednar's was really great, Holland's wasn't as argumentative as his last one (I felt energized to go bash after last conference after hearing his talk), and I loved Uchtdorf's talk in priesthood session. I learned so much, and the importance of prophets most of all. Almost (if not) everyone mentioned they sustained the new prophet Thomas S. Monson and testified that the heavens aren't closed. I really loved Holland's talk, how he explained that if we believe in closed canon, we don't believe God is the same as he was yesterday. It was a weekend full of being edified by living scriptures. I can't point out one that I really liked more than the rest.

I am so grateful for a living prophet. It's sad that people think God doesn't talk to us anymore. When I teach, I ask people, do you believe God is the same as he was yesterday? Yes. So do you believe that he has always called prophets? Yes. So would you think that he'd call prophets today? He's the same, right? They waffle on this one. Do we not need God's help even more today? They agree, then try to add something else. But, without a prophet, we are lost. God is really merciful with us.

This week was pretty busy, but relaxed at the end. A good finish. At midweeks, we taught 15 lessons, probably one of the best weeks in the mission. I was really happy. We had 4 straight lessons on Tuesday, and that was really tiring! No matter how hard we try to relax and regain strength each p-day (D&C 10:4 says don't run faster than you have strength), never works. We're tired. Celestial fatigue...

Our 'golden' investigator Johnny is a bit questionable. He has quite a temper and is a bit too impatient. He's been baptized in other churches, and I only found that out talking to his friend Raul (who's a member). We're going to take our time with him, knowing he's been baptized in several churches. It ain't a game, and I don't believe he knows that yet. We'll see what he really feels when we take our time teaching him. But, he did come to watch conference.

We did have some good news with a woman we've been helping clean her house, Patricia. She, at first, said she doesn't want to hear our message, but wants us to come back and help her. But, she was excited to hear General Conference, and she listened to the afternoon session on Sunday. So she called us afterwards and asked many questions, which I hope I answered clearly for her understanding. She said she felt great hearing their words, but they weren't like TVN (televangelists) pastors. I nearly said, 'well, we aren't for entertaining and gaining money'. But, I held my tongue because she loves watching TVN. She's progressing, slowly, but she's opening up little by little. I feel good about her progress.

Alberto and Yadira are doing great! They loved conference, and are just soaking everything in like a sponge. I am so happy they're progressing a lot even after baptism.

It was strange because we had a lot more less active/recent convert lessons. We committed two of our less actives to meet with the bishop, and we'll follow up on that. And our recent converts are strong as ever. It's really too bad to know that it's great that we do this, but this should be the job of the ward missionaries, home and visiting teachers that don't exist right now. But, the ward is working with it...we just have to be patient. I expressed this concern to the second counselor Hno. Umana, and he said it's just a long process with this ward. Hopefully, it'll be done by the time I end my mission. If not...I don't like to think about it.

One thing I learned from Hno. Pablo Piedra was that the reason why John the Baptist was the Elias, was that he was waiting for the higher priesthood. He told me that he realized that Israel lost the Melchezidek priesthood when Israel idolized the golden calf, and so only the Levites up until John had the Aaronic priesthood. So John prepared the way, but was waiting for not only the Christ, but for the higher power and authority of God to be restored through Christ and the First Presidency of Peter, James, and John. Always learn something new every day.

I have been reading Jesus the Christ, and it is just full of knowledge waiting to be extracted and soaked in. It is so sweet! It is truly inspired gospel knowledge, and it is really helping me understand the Atonement better and how it applies to me. I love my Savior Jesus Christ.

I have also been reading of how I can be a better missionary. And the Lord has guided me to read the great stories of Ammon, Amulek, Alma, Aaron (all start with A's...hmm) to give me an extra motivation to do better. I just feel the Spirit in reading their accounts, of how their efforts led to even greater things. They endured a lot, a lot of suffering and pain and imprisonment, but came out on top. I thought my life was bad. It'd really be bad to be smitten on the cheeks and spit on by chief judges and left naked. Wow, what great examples for me.

Life is great, and tiring. We are being blessed with some cool potential investigators and are really receiving the Lord's blessings in this area. I don't even feel like I'm working very hard, but I know I'm working smartly so I won't burn out. I love missionary work. In six days, my ten month mark! Oh my gosh! Time does fly!

I'm glad to know all is well at home. Stay safe, and I love you all!


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