Thursday, May 15, 2008

April 21, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

As you could tell, I'm staying! I was begging to get out but the Lord said to stay. So I will. And it just helps me get back on my feet and start again, and I feel that I really need to be more obedient and work a little more harder this (hopefully) last transfer here. It was a slap in the face, yes, but it was needed. One can't dictate where one goes, right?

So this week went by so fast! Work work work work! I can't even remember what we did, but we worked hard and did good things. I'm pretty sure we did. So we found out that our investigators want to get married so it was a pretty big step. Doesn't help that Yadira, my recent convert, keeps on saying 'you're living in sin!' That kind of ticks off her brother in law Gustavo. But, they're progressing. Our main investigators, the Jaimes, took a week off from us. They were working a lot this week so they said they wouldn't have time for us to stop by this past week. It was a sad week indeed when we found that out. But, they came to church without a reminder! So the work is getting better and better, but I know the Lord won't settle in this area because there are always greater things that need to happen. It's pretty sweet! It was just a shot in the arm for me. It's like, well, you can die here or you can go to work and don't care if it's your last. So, I pick the first. I completely understand how dying missionaries feel now, but now I know how to avoid it or cure it. Problem solved.

So one of our district missionaries, Sister Stringham, is going home this week. She called mission president to see if her brother could stay at our place on Saturday (he's going up to San Francisco for the summer so it's the only chance he'll get to see her for a while). And, we had a new comp for the weekend. This new missionary, Elder Walker, was transferred from Panama City Panama mission over here. And, he won't say why. A bit mysterious? It wasn't health related...a bit mysterious. But, if we needed to know everything President would've told us. 'The buck stops here' I guess. So Trevor Stringham came earlier than expected, a 12 hours earlier than expected. He had nothing to do, and wanted to go on splits to occupy his time. So my comp Lynn went with the other kid, Walker, and worked. I worked, but Trevor was a bit of a drain. First, I was a bit down because I was staying. Second, Trevor is a less active returned missionary with questionable language. It was really hard for me to feel the Spirit and to have the motivation to work. It was probably the worst day in the mission so far. I just was depressed, down, and didn't want to do anything. I learned that sometimes, you feel down and you just got to sleep to let it pass. And it did. A stress reliever. It also helped to call Pres. Goodrich and ask him what I should do in this situation. He told me a few things, and so it really helped me just get over this depression hump. And, I called Bethke and a few other elders to just talk it out. It was probably the worst weekend in my entire life. But, I learned that even returned missionaries fall, and sometimes fall really hard. I have to apply what I learned in the mission to post-mission life, and live it so I won't fall like Trevor. It was really sad, I really feel for him. Man, missionary to less active flame-out. But, he'll rebound, I hope.

One stressful transfer over as senior comp, at least one more to go! Now that I know what to expect, I'll be better and less stressed. I never realized how crazy life can be, and how stressed one can be before they can literally snap. But, the Lord provides and blesses his servants. He never abandons His children.

I'm sorry to hear Grandma is in the hospital, but I hope all is well. Please tell her I love her, and I pray for her to get better. I hope you are all not going crazy over there!

I really appreciate Uncle David's foodstuffs! It rocks! Thanks so much!

Six more weeks in this Santa Clarita Valley! I'm going to hit my year mark here! Sweet! Life is great, if it isn't right now it's definitely getting better.

May God keep you safe, my loving family.


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