Wednesday, June 11, 2008

May 19, 2008

Dear Mom,

Yeah, I see why the liberal left thinks global warming is happening. All of them live over here in California and it's super hot. Not 'cool' at all. This weekend it hit 100 degrees, so it's getting really hot over here. I sweat my shirt through after just a few minutes being outside.

So the murmuring Irvine had a rough week here in Santa Clarita. Felt a bit homesick (usual day-long affair), but that's expected. We knocked doors, with no success. Just have to knock many more to find more people to teach. We dropped almost our entire teaching pool, so we're in the super re-building phase. Drop anyone else, we got like 2 investigators. So it's going to be a long haul these next few weeks.

But, we got one new investigator this week, Carlos (isn't that an original Latino name?). He talks a lot, but I think the gospel will really help him out with his problems. He lost his left arm in a railroad accident so he's trying to scrape by work-wise as a mechanic. He knows his stuff, he showed us around his shop in the back of his house when we stopped by with the AP's (they were handing him off to us). I think he'll be baptized in the coming months, but we'll see what happens. I believe he has a drinking problem (his breath smelled like beer). Anything is possible with Christ. Heck, we're getting the Jaimes baptized. That took awhile.

We delayed the baptismal date for the Jaimes so we can review the Restoration with them. Even though I taught it a gazillion times to them, they don't really understand it yet. But, they have a testimony so they're ready to be baptized. I'm so excited to see them baptized, but not so excited to see my old comp for obvious reasons. After they get baptized, my 'work' is done here.

I'm just counting the days until I get out of this place. The ward members are way awesome, but still needs a lot of improvement (and the members know it too). I've done my part, I'm ready to move on. People more and more ask me how long I've been here...

To avoid any more murmuring, I'll just end the e-mail. Happy Mom?

Love you all, hope all is well.


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