Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 3, 2008

Dear mom,

Oh how lovely banter we had going back and forth. Haha. So President exiled me back to the San Fernando Valley, back to my old roaming grounds. Almost. So I'm serving in the Van Nuys 1st ward of the Granada Hills stake in English! But, there's a bunch of Spanish people around town so I can still keep my Spanish up. President Goodrich knows inspired man. He gave me a great companion in Elder Erickson, who went through the same struggles I did last transfer, and so we'll do great here. I'm so excited for this coming transfer (but I have to admit he is a bit feminine but no one is perfect). I was so nervous too coming down from Santa Clarita down here again.

Thanks for the package! I love it! OVER THE HUMP! Almost...and as for another package...please send it to the mission office. My new address is...yet unknown. I'll have to send it to you ASAP with a package of old letters and the pictures CD I got.

So Alberto Cardenas took me down from Santa Clarita down to Van Nuys and was weird saying good-bye to him. I just love him and his wife and his two little kids Adalay and's going to be weird not seeing them anymore. For the time being. It was funny because I had a feeling that I was being moved down due to somebody's fervent prayers. So I was like, 'so brother Cardenas, did you or your wife pray to keep me close to y'all?' He was like...uh no but I'm really sure my wife did. So I thanked him because I knew I was coming to a really great English area, and he was happy. I guess I was a bit too emotional cuz he gave me a sorta surprised look when I said good-bye to him. But, we'll keep in touch once in a while.

My first day in English was busy! We picked up some money from a member and then off to a dinner appointment. The McKeens. A less active family (the husband is not all there in the head...he took some medicine to keep him calm) and it went well. The husband Ken is white, the wife is Filipino and the wife's sister is not a member. But, she's been going to church since January! So we got a golden investigator. She has so much faith, and she's out of a job right now (she's a caretaker/nurse). She said, 'well, if Jesus wants me to do the right things he'll provide a way. With this job or with another job, he'll do something for me.' I was I am surprised to find people that are that humble. Then again, we do cover the ghettos. It's funny because they talked a lot, made me eat a lot, and we had a good time. We went contacting in Spanish right outside their apartment, and went on our way home. I know we're going to have a lot of success here. I can feel it.

Erickson was really impressed with my Spanish, but c'mon, I've been in Spanish for 11'd better be good after THAT long among the Latino people. So we're going to work together on his Spanish. We had an amazing street contact too. We were like, can we just take a moment to talk to you? He's like yeah but I'm busy. So I go on a quick run on how we can be really happy in this life, then Erickson introduced the Book of Mormon pass-along card. He was really interested, and his look...changed. So I felt prompted and got his information down for the Spanish elders (weird to say that now...I'm an English elder). Hopefully it'll work out.

So my old stomping grounds are in my new area. But in English. It was weird seeing all the cholos everywhere doing their thing, the construction project on a main road that's been underway since I came into the mission was I was in a dream or something. And I could point out where all the old Arleta members live and remember the ridiculous things that happened around our apartment in Panorama City. It was really cool to be back in Arleta. The Lord has something great for me here, because this area is probably one of the best English areas in the entire mission because there's always a big turnover of people in Van Nuys.

I learned so much about obedience last transfer, and how important it is to maintain the Spirit in one's life. I definitely wasn't perfect last transfer, but I know that I can improve, pick myself back up, and go forth in the Lord's work. Much is given, but yet much is required.

This morning I was listening to the talk, "The Light in Their Eyes" by Pres. Faust. I love that talk! Just outlined even more to me the importance of the Spirit, something that I had lacked for a bit due to my depressed mood. I feel myself going up and up in this area! Then, I just reflected on the importance of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. Listened to some hymns...and just reflected. How great a blessing it is to know that God exists, He loves us, He called a prophet to guide us with His divine truths and that He restored His church for our gain and to obtain greater happiness. When one tastes the bitter fruits of depression, one appreciates more the light and life of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I just love this!

So I'm going to do my best, pick myself up, and just go to work! The Lord knows my heart, and he has something prepared for me here in this area.

May God keep you all safe, and I love you all.


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