Wednesday, June 11, 2008

May 27, 2008

Dear Irvine Family,

I got news of the package on Saturday...but it was too late so I'll have to pick it up today or tomorrow due to the infamous Memorial Day weekend. I'm looking forward to it so don't disappoint me.

Haha, payback. Short e-mails for complaining about my whining. Sorry about all that murmuring, it's just stressful to have to deal with the gazillion problems that people have. And, it doesn't help these people don't trust their bishop, they trust me. Ah...stress ain't fun.

So this past week has been a whirlwind. I admit this past transfer has been rough work-wise and motivation-wise so it didn't go as well as planned. But I'm back on track and getting better, slowly. I can't believe it's already the last week of this transfer!

I have to say that it's been ups and downs this past week. Our DL Sanchez went on exchanges on Tuesday so one of the most unfriendly elders went with Cookie. It was awkward to say the least. Wednesday went well, cuz we got the baptismal program all finalized with the Jaimes and invited Hno. Jaimes to bear his testimony at the end. He agreed to! Sweet! Thursday, exchanges! I love working with Cookie. He wants to work! We walked all around his area (I'm clumsy on bike) and knocked doors all day. It was good, and I really felt like I was making a difference. It just felt good to take a break from one's companion to work in a (sorta) unfamiliar area. It was pretty sweet finishing the day with the Cardenas when they fed us all four dinner. Cookie knows a lot about the scriptures so he expounded according to their ability to understand and answered questions that I couldn't previously. Strength in numbers. Friday, we had a slow day. Combined district meeting and all. Ate with a really cool family, the Dubon's. Saturday, it was slow, but we got a new investigator from a member (member referral!). And, he came to church the next day. So this past week we struggled, but we got 2 member referrals that we didn't deserve. Just amazing when the Lord knows the hearts of his servants.

Sunday, it was sweet! The Jaimes all got baptized, and it was super because Neira didn't show up. His comp misunderstood me on the phone (thought I was someone else so he didn't pass the message on right). It went well. I had the chance to baptize the father, the mother, and the daughter. Lynn baptized the son Carlos. I was so happy! I was brought almost to tears after baptizing the father...he just gave me a hug...and I felt numb. This can't be real...Makes me feel like crying just thinking about it. I then baptized the mother Dominga then Diana...I had to do them twice cuz they weren't immersed completely. My bad. I didn't tell Diana (who was already a nervous wreck and afraid of the water!) to bend her knees so she completely came to the surface...oops! But, I got her in the second time. Like the mom (her hand came up...darn), second is best? It was just great! And, we're probably going to start teaching Hno. Jaimes' sister Maria. Before the service, she was like, 'I'm good where I am, I'm evangelical.' Afterwards, she was crying and felt joyful due to the Spirit. Sweet! A local member, Hna. Munguia, walked up to me and said, 'Elder Irvine, your work is done here. You were meant to stay here for a reason...and there it is. I'm not going to be surprised if you leave next transfer. I'm calling it.' Well, that's how I feel in a nutshell. But, as AP Peterson said, don't call it in until it's all done. Well said.

Yesterday was sort-of a good p-day. The usual stuff, and we went to a local chapel and our zone watched National Treasure 2 together. It was not that bad, but I still like the original ones better. Didn't help that good ole Nicholas Cage was going to live with his girlfriend at the end. As one of the AP's said, 'you meant 'will you marry me and we'll live together?' referring to Nicholas Cage. Funny guy Krutsinger. The senior AP, Peterson (who was my first ZL here in the mission) reprimanded me for going on exchanges on p-day cuz that's not what they're for. It doesn't help when your comp and your DL don't want to watch the movie and your comp has the keys to the car. And they're stubborn. So I felt a little bad for being disobedient and being reprimanded by one of my fave leaders. Got home and Cookie and I cleaned the apartment, went out to work, and then came back to finish our exchanges. Now I understand the rule about exchanges because it just creates havoc when two elders just go and lolligag and leave two others learns by experience. Now I know. So we had a good dinner appointment with our AP's and the Flick's to celebrate Lynn's birthday. Sister Flick made 'better than something' cake and Lynn was like, 'who told you that? I haven't told anyone in the mission that!' so Sister Flick told him (after much prodding) that she called his mom to know what to bake for him. So we get back home and relax. Then President Goodrich visits us at 10 pm to conduct interviews with Lynn and Sanchez. Scared the heck out of me. I walk up to the door, look in and see President in street clothes. In my head I was like hehe just some old PRESIDENT! Took a double take then opened the door. I was a nervous wreck. But, it went well, and Lynn and Sanchez were reprimanded I suppose. Sanchez told me that President told him something that scares the heck out of him. 'Who said Irvine was leaving?' He has a good point, it's not set in stone. The key concern: Will the members trust the missionaries after I leave? We'll see what happens. Either way, I'll just have to go to work and focus, and I'll need a new comp to do that.

Well, this week was a bit crazy. Ups and downs. But, the 'count of Irvine' is standing at 8. I don't deserve it at all. I don't deserve half the blessings I have received on the mission. There are better elders that have not had as much success as I have...yet I'm here reaping in my brethren and sisters. I have changed in Santa Clarita, and I owe that to my Lord and Savior.

I hope all is well, and thanks for being so patient.


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