Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 12, 2008

Dear Mom,

Well, there's not much to talk about. But, I did burn a CD with all my pics and videos on it (hopefully you won't find anything too offensive) and I'll send it off ASAP, probably around mid-week when we go to the mission office (and the post office is a block away from it). Looking back at them, just some great memories here.

The weather has been strange. Cool and mostly cloudy. Confuses the heck out of me to be honest. It's not what I expected, it reminds me of home.

This past week was better, but a bit depressing. Our amazing member, Hna. Carrillo, told us that she was dying and she will probably not make it much longer. I was sad, as was Lynn, so we gave her a blessing and went on our way. I heard she's still in this world, but doing even worse than last Tuesday. It's sad. But, I do have to say, I love doing service at Sister Flick's. I trimmed tree limbs, and my arms were super sore from holding those things for a few hours and trimming them off, as well as my neck. Not much happened, except a great lesson with the Jaimes, just reviewing the baptismal questions with them, and before that we just visited with them and...I blanked. But, we did something with them and they understood it. I'm sure they're ready for baptism now, I just have to suck my pride up, call Neira and ask him to come up to baptize the father. That's a whole other issue in itself.

Overall, we had a good lesson with Lesley's 'step-dad' (not married to her mom who is a member!) and he said that he's seen divorces so marriage is not exactly for him. We're planning to bring the Cardenas to set him right. We had a sweet day at the temple on Friday, and I received revelation for our investigators and less's the place to be when one has questions. I felt comforted that Grandma will do well, and I know that God is watching over her especially right now. Zone conference was good, and I learned a lot, but it gets tiring sitting down for a few hours straight listening to scriptures and trainings. Celestial fatigue comes to mind. Never ends, meetings and more meetings. Probably are a lot of meetings in the heavens too. Just never ends.

Friday also was dinner with the bishop and his family. Really great guy, but he talks so much. It was like 7:55 and I was going to say 'we got to go' but he just kept on talking and talking...we got out at like 8:40 and got to our next appointment. But, the member was cool with it, she understood the bishop is a bit enthusiastic socially. Man, I realize how blessed I am to have two parents that obey their temple covenants (even just marital covenants in this member's case) and that I have a loving father and mother who sacrifices a lot to support me. Wow. Just the 'little things' help.

Saturday was a slow day. We donated blood, and I felt good overall. It's just when I got home I fell asleep for a few hours and then felt even better. My comp went to look at some things with my DL (he's itching to get a phone...but the plans really aren't good) so I went with my DL's greenie 'Cookie' to knock doors and contact people. It made me feel so much better. As Pres. Benson said, depression is cured by work. I ended the day well with a dinner at the Umana's, my fave members here.

Other than that, I'm excited to baptize! It really helped talking to you Mom. I was a bit down. I've been down, and Lynn has done a great job dealing with my incessant whining (I don't like to admit it, I have been moaning about this area for a bit...but he wants to work sometimes so it helps me out). So I'll baptize and knock doors to baptize some more people! Love it!

I hope you doing great Mom! I love you!

I love you, the greatest family in the world!


May 5, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

I never expected to be saying 'spring's greetings' from over here in Santa Clarita. But, here I am! I got the camera cord, but it's a bit tough making time to find a computer to use...I'll have to plan in some time one day to get it on CD and send it home. I have a lot of pics now...sweet! I'm not sure what time I'll be calling you on Mother's Day, probably sometime after 3 pm PST (so that's like 6 pm EST). We got church from 11 to 2, so that's why. And, members love to talk to the elders after church...and it wastes our time a bit. Oh well. And about calling Kristy...I haven't asked Pres. Goodrich, so I'll call him and ask him for permission. My number is 661-284-1689. Tell Grandma it'll make life easier just for a little bit, and that the windows won't affect her privacy cuz we got BLINDS covering them! Man...

And I'm trying to lose weight, finally. I've gotten fat out here, and my DL is super crazy about losing weight so I'll be running every morning here...and I don't like to run so we'll see how my knees will like it. But, I can see that I'm feeling better and better but not exactly dropping a lot of pounds just yet.

Which reminds me of one of the people we do service for. Her name is Patricia, and she's in her sixties. White woman, and very particular. I have never met someone that annoyed me so much. She's like, Irvine, do it this and that and this and that way...and I just ignore her and do it my way. She gets stressed, a bit unhappy, and I get a bit mad to be honest. Really annoying. But, she always says I appreciate your service and yet I'm not sure if she really understands what appreciation is- leave us alone and let us do our job! Patience is a virtue.

This week was a bit least it felt that way. But, the work goes on. I've been reading general conference talks, reading scriptures, praying...doing everything I can to get motivated again and I think it's really helping. When the Lord sees sacrifice and a true desire, he blesses his children. What a simple principle, obedience. Too bad the world doesn't understand it very well.

The Jaimes have come a long way. This week we committed them to baptism, again. We said if they come to church 2 straight weeks, stay for all the classes, then the third Sunday they'll be baptized. They said yes, a resounding yes too. It was amazing! The next lesson we had, we walked in there unsure what we were going to teach. I had a talk by Elder Callister, about testimony 'knowing that we know', and expected to read it all with them. But, the Spirit indicated that I had to teach about him, and about how to gain a testimony. It was pretty sweet. I went first, bearing my witness of the Spirit and how I know he exists and it's an example of God's love for us. They confirmed they've felt it's loving, peaceful, and tranquil presence when we teach them, and they love it. We read from Callister's talk, the Spirit was literally there and the room felt like it was bursting from his presence. Wow. I nearly cried when Hno. Jaimes bore his witness, that he knows this is the right path and he'll keep his commitments to God to attend church and be baptized. I absolutely love this work! God knows what each and every one of his children needs, and when. I needed a spiritual boost, and they needed to know what testimony was. They have come a long way in the past six months.

The Cardenas were so glad to see us! I felt so bad for neglecting them recently...we were overwhelmed this past week with appointments! So we stopped by and they were so happy to see us again! They thought I had left without saying good-bye...and the husband Alberto was so happy to receive my call! They asked some good questions, some off-topic, but we were able to re-teach and expound on the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom. It was funny that they were like, 'we didn't know the specific blessings of obeying this commandment of God' and I was confused. Hansen and I taught it thoroughly the first time through! But, I know some things are harder to grasp the first time around. I still thought that was funny...I was like 'huh?' I am so happy to know that he has received the Aaronic priesthood and is now ready to baptize his brother Gustavo, when he is ready to be baptized. How amazing would that be? I just hope that I'll see that while I'm here. But who knows?

I didn't realize how hard it is to answers questions about death. Why do people die? Why do murderers go free? Why do the family members of the victims suffer and the wicked go free? I had to try to answer these questions, literally on my own, this past week. A woman, Irma Miranda, lost her son this past December due to an unexplained shooting. Wrong time, wrong place. She's cried and pleaded to give her answers, to which I've tried to answer but haven't really found the answer she was looking for. I don't know what to do, but I know the Lord will provide an answer when I seek one from him. My comp has the same questions, so he can't answer them either. He just accepts it. But he can't bear to try to answer them. I accept it, understand it a little, but it's much harder to try to explain it to a grieving mother. But, I know the Lord will provide, through the help of a member or through the scriptures. It's something that I've been wondering about, but now I just have to choose to search for an answer not just wait for one.

Another soul into the waters of baptism. We baptized Selena, the daughter of active members, and it went well. The service went a bit long because one of the talks went really long due to translation (but it was a great talk!). She only understands English, so we had to have translation. The Jaimes came, and were impressed. They were tired though from a long day of church. It was pretty funny to see them there. I was really happy, but they looked tired from 3 hours at church, a 3 hour break then to the baptismal service for an hour and 15 minutes. Well, get ready cuz that's how it's going to be! It ain't going to be easy. They finally came, the Jaimes, because I had invited them to 5 previous baptismal services and they didn't go. Now that I think of it, by the end of my stay here in Santa Clarita, our ward will have 11 baptisms if the Jaimes get baptized. How sweet is that?

Life is going great, and I'm happier. The Lord let me stay here to build this area, and I'll do my best. I know that the Jaimes just needed an extra push, and I was here to help accomplish that. I know my Redeemer lives, and he loves me. He loves 'my' investigators, and I know he wants me to help them receive salvation.

I love you all, and may God keep you all safe. Less than a week now!


April 28, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

I am officially the oldest missionary in the ward, in terms of how long I've been in this area. The local high councilman pointed that out to me and it was just a reinforcement of how long I've been here. And, I just realized how old I am in the mission field. Time flies, but at time it really seems like it stops and freezes just to mess with me. It's pretty amazing to see the changes in the ward from how it was six months ago. We are getting home and visiting teaching started...finally. It's been six months of waiting and waiting and waiting...and it's come to fruition. Finally, these Latinos got the ball moving. Two years in the making. We have a trio of sister missionaries in our ward, Molina (from Monterrey, Mexico), Frisby (she's been here second-longest) and Martin (from Dallas, Texas). The four elders are Lynn, Sanchez (our DL), his greenie Gaete (Chilean kid whose name sounds like cookie in Spanish- a.k.a. galleta so that is his nickname), and me. I really feel that the Lord has kept me in this area for a reason, to test my diligence. And so far, I'm not exactly doing well but I'm not completely dead yet. And, as far as I know, we are going to have a lot of baptisms this coming transfer. If all goes according to plan, we'll have at least 6 in our companionship, 2 from the other elders, and 1 from the sister missionaries. Our zone goal is 12 baptisms this transfer, which would tie my first zone San Fernando for mission high in recent history. Hopefully we'll do it, and I'm pretty sure we can this transfer.

It was a crazy week. Not a lot of work, just a lot of adjustment. Two new roomies, and a newbie to the field. A lot of switching around and adjusting our schedule to fit with our new DL and his greenie that arrived midweek. It was good though, to take a step back and take a deep breath. The only downside is that I felt like I wasn't doing much work, but Sanchez said to cool down cuz it's the first week. He has a point, I just am not used to getting a new comp midweek and having to adjust our schedule to help him get his greenie comfortable. Gaete, the greenie, is way cool. He is really intelligent, and pretty witty too. He's not like the natives that I have dealt with before, so we get along well. This transfer is going to be really good. The sister missionaries work hard, we work, and Sanchez and Gaete work. So this is going to be a good transfer.

It was a bit sad because we haven't been able to meet with the Jaimes for two weeks now due to work and paperwork with the immigration. They came to church last week, but yesterday they didn't. I called them and the father said, 'sorry, the truth is we have a lot of chores to do.' I couldn't believe it. It's the gazillionth time that they've done this to me. I have already called them to repent and go to church no matter what, but now I have to find a better way to motivate them. Literally, they're not going to church because they have to do their laundry. I'll have to do a lot of prayer and fasting to find what I need to say to help them out. That's the only thing. They know it's all true, they have a sure testimony. They just don't follow it up with church attendance. When they do go, it's only for sacrament meeting. So our new commitment is going to be along the lines of, if you want to be baptized, you have to show your commitment. Go to church, all three hours of it, for three straight weeks. Then you've shown us you want to follow Christ's example. But, they've floundered as of late, but we'll be more specific this week. Patience is a virtue, and I seem to need to learn more about it this coming transfer.

It's been a rough past transfer, so I'm trying to find more new ways to motivate me and to help me be more obedient. So last night, I drew a chart with things I could do to be more obedient. I never thought I'd need a chart to be more obedient, but here I am! We'll see how it goes from here on out. The little things make a big difference, and I need to just work on the little things to find more investigators to baptize.

We have a baptism coming up this next Sunday, and I'm a little excited for it. It's the daughter of local active members, and I don't know why she wasn't baptized, it was like they forgot about her. But, it's a 'gimme' baptism because she has a good support group at church and an active and faithful family. We go, teach, she understands, and voila! Convert Baptism! She's so smart too, I wonder how the heck she understood the Fall so fast. One more saint into the celestial kingdom!

On Wednesday we had a sweet baptismal service. A golden investigator that the sisters taught got baptized before she went home to Colombia, and it was a great service. The Spirit was strong, it was so great! A local member cried giving her testimony, and it made it just so much more amazing. Now that I think of it, we got six baptisms in the last two transfers, by far out-pacing our zone. But then again, we're the only Spanish missionaries here so...a bit unfair by comparison. The work is truly progressing!

So the work is going well, and I'm doing relatively well. The Lord knows our strengths and weaknesses, and I know that I'm learning something this transfer. I haven't exactly put a finger on it yet, but I know the Lord has something in store for me.

Tell Grandma that I hope she gets better soon, so I can talk to her this Mother's Day. I hope all is well, and I can't wait to talk to you all soon!


April 21, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

As you could tell, I'm staying! I was begging to get out but the Lord said to stay. So I will. And it just helps me get back on my feet and start again, and I feel that I really need to be more obedient and work a little more harder this (hopefully) last transfer here. It was a slap in the face, yes, but it was needed. One can't dictate where one goes, right?

So this week went by so fast! Work work work work! I can't even remember what we did, but we worked hard and did good things. I'm pretty sure we did. So we found out that our investigators want to get married so it was a pretty big step. Doesn't help that Yadira, my recent convert, keeps on saying 'you're living in sin!' That kind of ticks off her brother in law Gustavo. But, they're progressing. Our main investigators, the Jaimes, took a week off from us. They were working a lot this week so they said they wouldn't have time for us to stop by this past week. It was a sad week indeed when we found that out. But, they came to church without a reminder! So the work is getting better and better, but I know the Lord won't settle in this area because there are always greater things that need to happen. It's pretty sweet! It was just a shot in the arm for me. It's like, well, you can die here or you can go to work and don't care if it's your last. So, I pick the first. I completely understand how dying missionaries feel now, but now I know how to avoid it or cure it. Problem solved.

So one of our district missionaries, Sister Stringham, is going home this week. She called mission president to see if her brother could stay at our place on Saturday (he's going up to San Francisco for the summer so it's the only chance he'll get to see her for a while). And, we had a new comp for the weekend. This new missionary, Elder Walker, was transferred from Panama City Panama mission over here. And, he won't say why. A bit mysterious? It wasn't health related...a bit mysterious. But, if we needed to know everything President would've told us. 'The buck stops here' I guess. So Trevor Stringham came earlier than expected, a 12 hours earlier than expected. He had nothing to do, and wanted to go on splits to occupy his time. So my comp Lynn went with the other kid, Walker, and worked. I worked, but Trevor was a bit of a drain. First, I was a bit down because I was staying. Second, Trevor is a less active returned missionary with questionable language. It was really hard for me to feel the Spirit and to have the motivation to work. It was probably the worst day in the mission so far. I just was depressed, down, and didn't want to do anything. I learned that sometimes, you feel down and you just got to sleep to let it pass. And it did. A stress reliever. It also helped to call Pres. Goodrich and ask him what I should do in this situation. He told me a few things, and so it really helped me just get over this depression hump. And, I called Bethke and a few other elders to just talk it out. It was probably the worst weekend in my entire life. But, I learned that even returned missionaries fall, and sometimes fall really hard. I have to apply what I learned in the mission to post-mission life, and live it so I won't fall like Trevor. It was really sad, I really feel for him. Man, missionary to less active flame-out. But, he'll rebound, I hope.

One stressful transfer over as senior comp, at least one more to go! Now that I know what to expect, I'll be better and less stressed. I never realized how crazy life can be, and how stressed one can be before they can literally snap. But, the Lord provides and blesses his servants. He never abandons His children.

I'm sorry to hear Grandma is in the hospital, but I hope all is well. Please tell her I love her, and I pray for her to get better. I hope you are all not going crazy over there!

I really appreciate Uncle David's foodstuffs! It rocks! Thanks so much!

Six more weeks in this Santa Clarita Valley! I'm going to hit my year mark here! Sweet! Life is great, if it isn't right now it's definitely getting better.

May God keep you safe, my loving family.


April 14, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

Lots and lots of pictures...but I need the camera cord so I can do it free at a member's house or something like that. Don't want to pay some bucks if I can do it for free and if it's convenient. Probably you'll get them sometime in the next six weeks, if the camera cord is ever going to make it here to me in time before I ship out. Amish bread? I got it a while back, but it'd be cool to get some more (but not absolutely needed- I'm fine). So yes, I told Pres. Goodrich I wanted to move. Too long here in this area, with the same darn less actives that won't meet with the bishop and the same type of people- dang Mexican Catholics that don't want to change. I just don't like the bishop, but that's me. I'm honest, it's really tiring and it's really tough to keep one motivated in an area for six months or more.

This week was rough. Not many people were home and so it was just a rough week. Considering Elder Lynn and I were about dead from doing a lot of service and teaching people in a language that is not our own. It's really tiring...I didn't realize it. Especially when you're the senior comp and have to direct everything to make sure we get in and out on time.

Our investigators are doing pretty well. We had a strong visit with the Jaimes and called them to repentance by going to church, and it went over really well. They know they need to go to church, and they did come yesterday. Progressing, yet again! But, our following appointment with them was a bit sad. We get there, and find out that the husband was talking to relatives over in Mexico because his uncle just passed away. So we went to visit some other semi-dropped investigators, the Murcias with our member friends the Cejas. A bit awkward getting them to another home to help us teach, we made it short and simple and then went back to the Jaimes. We shared a Plan of Salvation lesson, how appropriate. They really felt better, just the confirmation that there's something better after this life helped them out. It was peaceful, and really tranquil. The Spirit is striving to live with them, they just have to go to church! And they will!

Selena Coronado is so smart. She's a daughter of a local member and never got baptized (she's 9 or 10 years old) so we're teaching her. We went over the Fall once, and when we went over it again, we began with, 'so what do you remember about Adam and Eve?' She spat it back at us in her own words, much simpler than we explained it the time before. I was I wish I was that smart when I was her age.

One of our investigators called us and dropped us. Alex Gonzalez...I had a feeling he was just hearing us to please his wife Claudia (a member from Guatemala). Well, that made it easy.

Johnny Martinez is a head case. I can't figure this kid out. 23 years old, no job, wants to be baptized...but yet I don't get the impression he really understands us. But, our member bore a strong witness of his testimony to bring in the Spirit. But then, as usual with members, he blabs on and the Spirit fled. Johnny will get there, but we'll have to be patient.

The recent converts are doing well, the Cardenas. We missed them the last half of the's great visiting them twice a week to feel the Spirit and get excited for the next few days. It's like a 'Spirit check' whenever we go there. I love it! But, they're doing well.

We had the opportunity on Saturday to go to a 'quinceanera' at the church. Our bishop interesting character. The Coronado family wanted to hold a quinceanera in the church building, so the bishop approved it (I wasn't a fan of it- it's a Catholic tradition in a Mormon building!). It was ridiculous! We go over there and it started late (Latino standard time) so we ended up just helping serve the guests and stuff (we had no appointments that night...and no one is ever home Saturday night willing to listen to us). About 100 guests, and utter chaos! Ran out of rice and waited for rice...just crazy. Good food though. So we get the food cleared and all then the ceremony started. Some really weird ceremonial dances, La Muneca (the doll) signifying the girl's last doll now that she's entering womanhood, and a Lost Slipper dance. The girls all had matching pink dresses and shoes...must've been ridiculously expensive! And, they had like 60 bottles of Sunkist and 7-Up soda...and huge pots of carne asada, beans, and rice. I couldn't believe it...but it was cool. I just didn't like how it was in the church building. The First Presidency even said to not hold quinceaneras in church buildings, but the bishop felt he could so he did. I differ, but that's just me and the First Presidency (and my pal Hno. Umana).

We had exchanges most of Saturday, me with the district leader Elder Austin (who I met at BYU actually- how weird). We've been out the same time but he's been in English work for almost his entire mission so far. Man, I'm really lucky. We had a good time, contacting people, knocking some doors and finding referrals. But, a typical Saturday means no real lessons. But, we did find a former investigator Jose Vidal. He's been on and off with missionaries because he goes between here and Mexico every few months. We taught him a first lesson, but it wasn't really good because he's like yeah I know it's right but my family doesn't want to join me so I'm waiting for them...not conducive for the Spirit to come in. But, he knows it's all true, he just needs to get baptized and go to church. He felt bad knowing he's been investigating for over 2 years and hasn't gotten into the font. He knows he needs to make a choice, he's just putting it off for reasons of his diehard Catholic wife. He'll understand...someday. And, he came to church so it was cool.

So that's my week. Tiring, frustrating, but successful. We worked and put our time in, it's just that we're having a rough time motivation-wise. I hope the Lord sends me to a good area, Spanish or English, so I can get to work. All is well!

I love you all. Stay safe!


April 7, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

I really thought that I ought to have done an April Fool's number just to keep everyone on their toes. But, I wouldn't mind if that happens, but whatever the Lord wants. It's hard to keep working when one gets in a routine so I've been mixing things up a little bit to keep me balanced and not bored. Yes, I got the traveler's checks so I'll cash it in soon. And I have so many pictures to send you, but I need the cord to burn it to a CD to send home. Don't want a memory swipe to happen again. And that's sweet that Steven is improving his grades- I'd love to see him out at BYU! It's the best thing to have siblings out at the same college so you're not too lonely.

This weekend was edifying. I loved conference. I missed the main points of Elder Hales' talk because I fell asleep during his talk and maybe another talk in that session. But, it went well for me. I was really happy to hear Elder Bednar call the members out, because all the members pray for the missionaries but are really passive in helping us with better investigators than we can find- their friends! Talk a lot, do nothing. The ward is getting better missionary work wise because they want to come out with us, but I'm hesitant bringing a lot of converts out to teach because they don't know much and they think they do so they say really wacky things sometimes. An example, Adam and Eve didn't have bodies in the Garden of Eden. Among other things. This conference was really great! I soaked in a lot. Bednar's was really great, Holland's wasn't as argumentative as his last one (I felt energized to go bash after last conference after hearing his talk), and I loved Uchtdorf's talk in priesthood session. I learned so much, and the importance of prophets most of all. Almost (if not) everyone mentioned they sustained the new prophet Thomas S. Monson and testified that the heavens aren't closed. I really loved Holland's talk, how he explained that if we believe in closed canon, we don't believe God is the same as he was yesterday. It was a weekend full of being edified by living scriptures. I can't point out one that I really liked more than the rest.

I am so grateful for a living prophet. It's sad that people think God doesn't talk to us anymore. When I teach, I ask people, do you believe God is the same as he was yesterday? Yes. So do you believe that he has always called prophets? Yes. So would you think that he'd call prophets today? He's the same, right? They waffle on this one. Do we not need God's help even more today? They agree, then try to add something else. But, without a prophet, we are lost. God is really merciful with us.

This week was pretty busy, but relaxed at the end. A good finish. At midweeks, we taught 15 lessons, probably one of the best weeks in the mission. I was really happy. We had 4 straight lessons on Tuesday, and that was really tiring! No matter how hard we try to relax and regain strength each p-day (D&C 10:4 says don't run faster than you have strength), never works. We're tired. Celestial fatigue...

Our 'golden' investigator Johnny is a bit questionable. He has quite a temper and is a bit too impatient. He's been baptized in other churches, and I only found that out talking to his friend Raul (who's a member). We're going to take our time with him, knowing he's been baptized in several churches. It ain't a game, and I don't believe he knows that yet. We'll see what he really feels when we take our time teaching him. But, he did come to watch conference.

We did have some good news with a woman we've been helping clean her house, Patricia. She, at first, said she doesn't want to hear our message, but wants us to come back and help her. But, she was excited to hear General Conference, and she listened to the afternoon session on Sunday. So she called us afterwards and asked many questions, which I hope I answered clearly for her understanding. She said she felt great hearing their words, but they weren't like TVN (televangelists) pastors. I nearly said, 'well, we aren't for entertaining and gaining money'. But, I held my tongue because she loves watching TVN. She's progressing, slowly, but she's opening up little by little. I feel good about her progress.

Alberto and Yadira are doing great! They loved conference, and are just soaking everything in like a sponge. I am so happy they're progressing a lot even after baptism.

It was strange because we had a lot more less active/recent convert lessons. We committed two of our less actives to meet with the bishop, and we'll follow up on that. And our recent converts are strong as ever. It's really too bad to know that it's great that we do this, but this should be the job of the ward missionaries, home and visiting teachers that don't exist right now. But, the ward is working with it...we just have to be patient. I expressed this concern to the second counselor Hno. Umana, and he said it's just a long process with this ward. Hopefully, it'll be done by the time I end my mission. If not...I don't like to think about it.

One thing I learned from Hno. Pablo Piedra was that the reason why John the Baptist was the Elias, was that he was waiting for the higher priesthood. He told me that he realized that Israel lost the Melchezidek priesthood when Israel idolized the golden calf, and so only the Levites up until John had the Aaronic priesthood. So John prepared the way, but was waiting for not only the Christ, but for the higher power and authority of God to be restored through Christ and the First Presidency of Peter, James, and John. Always learn something new every day.

I have been reading Jesus the Christ, and it is just full of knowledge waiting to be extracted and soaked in. It is so sweet! It is truly inspired gospel knowledge, and it is really helping me understand the Atonement better and how it applies to me. I love my Savior Jesus Christ.

I have also been reading of how I can be a better missionary. And the Lord has guided me to read the great stories of Ammon, Amulek, Alma, Aaron (all start with A's...hmm) to give me an extra motivation to do better. I just feel the Spirit in reading their accounts, of how their efforts led to even greater things. They endured a lot, a lot of suffering and pain and imprisonment, but came out on top. I thought my life was bad. It'd really be bad to be smitten on the cheeks and spit on by chief judges and left naked. Wow, what great examples for me.

Life is great, and tiring. We are being blessed with some cool potential investigators and are really receiving the Lord's blessings in this area. I don't even feel like I'm working very hard, but I know I'm working smartly so I won't burn out. I love missionary work. In six days, my ten month mark! Oh my gosh! Time does fly!

I'm glad to know all is well at home. Stay safe, and I love you all!
