Thursday, March 6, 2008

February 11, 2008


Yeah, I got an e-mail from Steven telling me that he's doing pretty well this semester, so I'm really happy because I'd really like him to get into BYU. If Boyd could do it, Steven can too. Of course he can. Life is good, except for the fact that one of the AP's fouled me (reach in) while playing basketball and up ended me in the process (like he slipped after reaching in and slipped and then up ended me). So, I've had lower back pain for three days so I've been worthless in street contacting because my back hurt so much. And because we drive a lot (40 miles/day) and we work a lot, it gets really sore. So I asked my comp for a blessing this morning so it's getting better, slowly. It was a small trial, but it was to see if I really wanted to work. I didn't, but I did anyways because we have things to do. Eternal consequences you know.

As for my birthday, I'm turning 20. Not 21. Not just yet. Not for another YEAR! Thanks a lot Mom. And I don't have time to go celebrate because we have appointments all day so that's the life of a missionary. My zone leader, Elder Olson, was on exchanges with me on his birthday. He was a bit annoying on exchanges but he means well. It just re-emphasized the fact that we have too little time to be here.

As for the Cardenas, they are doing great! They got their marriage license so they're ready to go. In at least two weeks we're going to have their wedding and afterwards, their baptismal interviews and baptism. So I can finally get rid of the picture frames and stuff that you sent me. They came to church (as usual) and Yadhira told me. I was about to scream because a little voice screamed (YES!!!) inside my head. It was pretty great news for me. They are progressing very well. They always come to church, they always are there for our appointments, they always read the Book of Mormon. They only lack friends in the church, so we're bringing the second counselor to come and teach with us. And, Alberto is bringing his brother Gustavo to church with his 'wife' Berenice (we still don't know if they're married). The other elders are teaching them. It's pretty amazing. He has the fire, and he is way better than most (if not all) our members in the ward missionary work wise. I just love them! They want to take the Sacrament, and soon they will be taking it and it will have a great meaning for them. They ask us some great questions too, about what does the olive tree mean in Jacob 5 and all those things. I just love it! Missionary work is so great! And, they are so glad to know that there is a living prophet on the earth again. It is a blessing. It nearly made me cry when one of the sister missionaries told me that she (Yadhira) prayed in Relief Society so that Berenice could like church and so they can all learn. The Spirit is working with them, not working to strive but to thrive with them. They have so much excitement for the work, and just love for us to come over. They don't want us to leave, they even feed us some pan dulce and atole/aloli/don't know how to spell it (oatmeal and milk but a LOT of milk). Oh man, the blessings are coming!

The Jaimes family. We got them interviewed, but the men (father Jose and son Carlos) aren't ready. But of course the women (mother Dominga and daughter Diana) are. Go figure, the women are always ahead of the men spiritually. So what we're doing now is reading from the Book of Mormon with them, and helping them gain a testimony of this great book of scripture. They'll be ready soon, I just can't wait until the men gain a testimony of this book. But, all is well with them.

Lesley Diaz, the 10 year old daughter of Hna. Emma Vicencio. Well, she's done with the lessons and she passed the interview so she's being baptized this coming week! Now all we have to do is invite the ward to come (we didn't get the font reserved until after church...darn!). She's awesome! I don't care if she's 10 years old, she's way awesome and is always excited to read and talk about God. And, her mom just loves the missionaries. And, we're teaching her 'husband' Jesus the lessons. So it's going great!

This week was a bit rough, we didn't seem to have the Spirit with us in abundance. One day we taught 4 lessons and almost all of them were like I was a robot. I was like, man, what am I doing wrong? So it was just a depressing day because we didn't have the Lord's divine help and inspiration. Yes I know the church is true, the Book of Mormon is testimony didn't have that extra power of the Spirit. So before our last visit, with the Cardenas, we parked the car and we prayed. As soon as we walked to their house, I felt like I was forgiven and I felt great. It was as if a great burden had been lifted from us, and it was just another blessing from God to continue His work. It was a good week, but I really need to trust in the strength of God, not in my own strength and abilities. It was a really strong lesson for me. God knows us, and knows when to chastise us. I just hope that no one would drop us as a result of a Jehovah's Witness kind of lesson- without the Spirit.

I have the wonderful chance to have gone on exchanges with Elder Martinez, the new ZL that I actually had as ZL down in the San Fernando Valley. We had a great time! He teaches with clarity, with power, and with love. I wish someday that I could be a great teacher like he is. We really get along well, and what amazes me about him is that he, unlike all the other Latino elders out here, he's humble, he's obedient to the point he doesn't question but just does what is asked of him. We taught well, and I learned so much from him about how to be a bold, but loving, missionary. When we contacted people, he was brief but bold. I just love working with Latinos, because you really see how much they care for their people, and how much love they have for them. There are no people like me so at times it's hard for me to really love them. But, Elder Martinez really exemplifies to me what a great missionary should be. He loves our investigators, and he said that we are blessed. We are truly blessed, and I am so glad to know God thought us worthy enough to bless us. And, he knows the scriptures well. While Olson interviewed all of the Jaimes (Martinez taught them with me on exchanges so he couldn't interview them), he taught me scripture chains about how Jehovah is Christ (huge Latino doubt). I was sitting there, trying to do my best to absorb it all. I did an okay job. I just love the work!

Personal scripture study makes or breaks your day. One day I was tired so I slept a bit instead of studying (I was nodding off in personal study). Bad choice because I didn't really have the Spirit with me that day. So I'm more diligent now. I'm still stuck in 1st Nephi, I haven't made it out of it yet. Chapter 18 now. I love taking notes and letting my thoughts flow as I read, because it really opens up personal revelation. Nephi is my hero. He did so much to help his brothers, but they were Laman and Lemuel so it was almost impossible for them to listen to God's prophets. Time and time again they were chastised, but did the same soon afterwards. That's how God is with me because he's so patient that he keeps on sending trials to correct me for a while, and when I regress he sends another one to straighten me up. I love the Book of Mormon. I know it is God's word on the earth, and that through the Book of Mormon we can receive the fulness of the Gospel. I love His Holy scriptures.

I love the Joseph Smith manual for church. I read it a lot, and I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. All the things he went through are unimaginable, but he did it. What a faithful and 'quick' servant. Praise to the Man, Joseph Smith.

Something that we're trying to do now as a companionship is to present Preach My Gospel to families, and to ask members about their conversion story or their testimony of the Book of Mormon. We had a great experience last night with a few members. They (Hna. y Hno. Coronado and Hno. Cowan) both shared they conversion stories (one took forever to tell it- she's old that's why...Hna. Pinzon...) and it was amazing. It just reminds them of the importance of missionary work, that without it, they wouldn't be reaping eternal blessings. It is going to reap great benefits for those that follow me.

The work is going forth, and I just love more and more the Spirit, the word of God in the form of the Book of Mormon, and my wonderful Saviour Jesus the Christ. I am so glad I am in His service at this time.

I hope all is well, and I love you so much.

Elder Irvine

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