Thursday, March 6, 2008

February 19, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

Well, the weather calls for rain to move in. So it's a bit misty and moist over here, and it's a little chilly at nights again. Reminds me of back home actually. It is a bit strange for me, but it's California! I hope you all had a great President's Day, because it was a pretty chill p-day. Went to a member's house to throw a birthday party for one of the elders in the zone and then off to play some basketball in the afternoon. I really need to scale my basketball intensity back because my back hurts a bit after a good and hard game of basketball. I'm getting better at shooting (finally!) but it's not really good overall to have a sore back for the rest of the day and a bit the next morning. Thank you for your package, I love the Field's goodies! As for pictures, I'm saving them up to put on a CD to send to you, because if I send a memory card they'll get erased. But, I had my first baptism!

It was a crazy day and apparently that's how most baptism days go. We got the baptism all planned out on Tuesday and used a member's computer on Saturday to type the program up. It was a bit hectic when we had to use the computer in the clerk's office after church to print copies of the program. Rushed to drop the other elders off then off to fill up the baptismal font then off to a lunch appointment then back to get the other elders to get them to the baptism and got there about 20 minutes before people were going to arrive. I was so nervous we were going to be late! So I hurried up and rushed and dressed in my whites, and just waited. Of course, latinos arrive late to everything so we finally started at 5:15 instead of 5 pm, and a good amount of the ward came out with less than a day's notice (because we finalized the baptism this past week). I was so nervous, and it didn't help that one of the local members asked me, 'so, are you nervous?' and I was like 'heck yes I am it's my first baptism!'. I actually memorized the baptismal scripture in the morning (not that hard) and right before the actual getting into the font I was thinking, 'Habiendo sido comisionado...' in my head. The ward mission leader is sad that our efforts go to waste with this local bishopric, but is really doing his best to help us. So he, Hno. De La Cruz, gave a great talk on baptism. Then, a spectacular talk by Hno. Pablo Piedra on the gift of the Holy Ghost. Too bad it wasn't geared for a 10 year old girl, but I loved it. It was a bit long though, because Lesley (the girl) started to move her legs up and down during the talk and her dad was like 'Lesley calm yourself and listen!' in a hushed tone. It was pretty funny, considering it was completely out of her realm of understanding and that I was pretty nervous. And right before the service started, my friend Elder Humpherys told me, 'don't drop her'. Ha. Just great! So I walked down into the font and I just blocked everything out of my mind. I said the prayer then I pushed her under. I hesitated after the first push then just completely immersed her. I walked inside the bathroom to change, and I said a prayer thanking the Lord for His mercy to use me as His tool. I didn't even know that I was going to baptize her until Friday night and I didn't sleep well Friday or Saturday (I didn't pay attention to the mother's response when we were going over the program that Tuesday- so much for listening skills). It was amazing! I just felt so great! I was really blessed that the program went really well and that I was able to baptize someone. I just love it. And something funny that happened too was that our piano player is Elder Schinn from Seoul, Korea. Our ward mission leader went to tell him that he was going to start the meeting (Schinn was doing the prelude) and said 'vamos a comenzar'. Funny thing is, Schinn only knows English and Korean. Schinn was like, 'huh, what?' Then my pal Hansen flew in and told Schinn that meant, we're going to start. It was funny for me. I absolutely loved it, and I can't wait to see if the Lord will bless me with more baptisms in the mission I am serving for him. And yes, I did give her the necklace.

These last few weeks have been depressing. I didn't have the Spirit with me much, because of my own faults and weaknesses and not being exactly obedient or hopeful in receiving blessings. A bit pessimistic and human, you could say. But, I have gotten back on track. It's really rough because the other pair of elders that I room with are not very obedient and play music that doesn't invite the Spirit, they're pretty irreverent, and it really hurt me spiritually. It was a bit rough, and I do not look forward to having an apostate companion because it might just make me want to go home. I was a little depressed these past weeks because of the environment that I'm in. On top of that, my comp is a bit trunky, well he's trunky so he could listen to whatever music and to some small extent date girls, but he's still working so it's good. He'll end his mission working, no doubt. So a combination of things have been happening, but have only taught me to be patient, longsuffering, and kind. Not exactly me, but the Lord is teaching me in a hard way. And I felt my language suffer a bit since the Spirit wasn't really with me, but also because I was not in a great mood all the time and didn't study as much as I should. It's been rough, but it's getting better slowly. And, these other guys might be moved out and we might take over their area, but we'll see what happens. It just means a lot more work! Yes!

This week was hectic...if I would tell you all it'd take forever. But, we had zone conference and a trip to the temple and were busy all week. It was good, but it is very tiring! And I just love the temple! But now we're only going 3 times a year so it's a bummer instead of once every 3 weeks. But, it means it's more special. It should be, but now it will be even more special. And also, the wonderful Sister Flick had us over for dinner to wish me a happy birthday, so it was a very strange moment without my family. But, I'd do anything for them! They even made me a delicious strawberry and lemon-icing cake. It was so awesome! So I had a good and busy birthday!

The people that we're teaching are progressing. It was like a slap in the face this past Sunday. So we called some people to see if they were going to come to church, and most of them said no because of this and that, including the Cardenas since their little girl was sick. But, the father and son came while the mother and daughter stayed home. And, the Jaimes came for the first time in almost a month (though late and gave me a scare), and our baptism girl Lesley also came late (really giving me a scare). Also, another investigator came (they weren't even home for our last appointment with them) and a former investigator came. So we had 7 investigators without really doing much. It was really like a wake-up call. It was as if the Lord just said to me, 'wake up, have faith, go to work. And learn from this experience.' If the elect hear His voice, they'll come. Wow. I was really pleasantly surprised. I am being so blessed right is truly humbling.

The work is progressing, and I am seeing how good this area can become. Yes, the ward has its multiple problems (people are leaving to go to English wards since they're way more organized than this one, possibly my good friend the 2nd counselor), but it could be improved and replenished with new blood. I really would be curious to see what happens as the months roll on.

I love you all, and keep safe.

Elder Irvine

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