Thursday, March 6, 2008

March 3, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

This past week went by so fast! So much stuff is happening and it is just so great! I love it! This morning we went hiking as a district in a place called Placerita Nature Area, and it was way awesome! The hermanas were a bit intrepid and caught all of us off guard because we were like, 'nah Hermana Stringham won't get dirty and climb this and that' but her and her greenie Frisby did so it was pretty much a slap in the face. We got to see some really small waterfalls and we climbed up and hiked up the trail forever! We were there for about 4 hours, and it was a blast! We ended up being on the mountains between our area, and the San Fernando Valley. We were standing right inbetween the two valleys, and it was a gorgeous view. But, we did lose track of my comp Hansen and the other elder Suarez, only because Humpherys and I just took our time (I was super tired and a bit slow- didn't drink as much water as I should have). I'm really going to miss this district, we've had so many fun times, but many good times too. I have so many pictures and it's definitely the best p-day I've ever had in the mission field! I can't wait to do this more and more this coming transfer with my new comp. So today was really good, but I'm super tired. I'm out of shape....and we hiked about 10 miles. The last 2 really stunk. But, it was great. And, we're playing basketball in less than an hour's going to be a full day!

The wedding started a bit rough, but it went well. So because everyone is Latino, it started late. We set up the Relief Society room but they ended up using the chapel, so it was a waste of time and energy. And the bishop arrived late, but the Cardenas arrived right on time. So it was really simple, but it was a great service. They are progressing so well! We figure that we might have 3 more marriages coming up this next transfer, so this ward is going to see some really sweet things coming up. I was so happy when the bishop basically said, 'man and wife' so I could've died happy there at that moment. They had a little falling out with the Relief Society President because she wanted to make it a big thing but they wanted to keep it simple, but it was made up when one of her counselors gave the Cardenas a triple combination. Yup, they're basically baptized. And yup, they're going to be baptized this coming week if all goes well. Hansen's last baptism!

We read Lehi's vision (1st Nephi chapter 8) with the Jaimes family and they really understood it and applied it without us even really saying anything. So they know what's up and what they need to do. The next time we went over there, it was their son's birthday. We ate a little dinner, talked a bit, then ate some cake to celebrate Carlito's birthday. It was great! And, we ended up (at least Hansen did) teaching a short Restoration lesson to Hna. Jaimes' sister right then and there, because she doubted our message was something really special. Afterwards, she was quiet, calm, and respectful. She felt the Spirit testify to her of the truthfulness of the message. Then, we taught a lesson to the Jaimes after her sister left. We basically threw our lesson plan out the window and I just followed Hansen's guidance. He started talking and testifying of the Spirit, of how we can receive a testimony. Then, the light went on in my head. For about 5 minutes I had no idea what we were going to teach, so then the Peter scripture came to mind. That Peter, when he said, 'thou art the Christ', had received a confirmation by the Spirit that these things were true and most of all, that Christ was the Son of God. It was sweet! We basically taught them how to gain a testimony and why a testimony is very important to them. They didn't come to church (saddening) but they are progressing, more and more. I hope to see them baptized before the next transfer is over!

And, most important, I'm staying for another six weeks. President Goodrich basically told me that, so I expect to see my name under Santa Valencia Zone for this coming transfer sheet. I'm happy, but sad to lose Hansen. Yes, he's forgetful and stressed out sometimes, but he's probably the best companion I've had so far. Sandoval was good, Neira was good, but I can actually relate to an American. It was a great 9 weeks to have served with him, and I'll be seeing him off next week as he gets shipped back home. What a great guy! And, they're going to take the bike elders out of the Spanish ward and just leave 4 missionaries for the ward since the bike area has been dry as of late (and the other elders slacked off a's a rough area). So I'll be taking over (again) this half of the valley. I wonder who my next companion will be...

And one of my investigators is really confusing the heck out of me. His name is Alex, and he came to church with his wife (they got married on their own a week ago now- they've been planning it for a while) and he has a poker face. I just can't read if he's really progressing or going through the motions. So tomorrow, we're having a 'showdown' where we're going to gauge where he really is. He's cool and all, but I don't know if he has a testimony of the things we've taught. We're at an impasse, but I feel our next lesson will clear things up. But, he's reading! And, coming to church!

We finally got a hold of some of the less actives that I haven't seen a while, and one of them ended up feeding us a delicious chicken soup. It was so good, probably the best soup I've had in the mission so far. I can't describe it, but we walked out full and really satisfied. It was amazing! She's awesome, Hna. Santillan, but her health problems keep her from church (her sugar level falls really fast and she could go into a coma at any given moment). But, she knows this is God's true church, that's what matters. And our other less active, Fridel Zaldana, came to church after we taught him on Saturday. He's quiet and calm, and knows that he comes to church to progress and eventually make it to the temple for his endowments. I hope he goes in the next year so I can go with Pres. Goodrich's permission. That'd be sweet! Yup, Spanish work is hard, but it's a lot of fun, spiritually of course!

This week has been super busy, and I've been so blessed to have been placed here to work in Spanish! Yes, I'd love to go to English work so I can see how the church really works and should work, but I'm here now and nothing is going to change it. I am so grateful for the Lord's mercy in sending me here to get my enthusiasm going again and to baptize more of his children. I love the work! I love the people here!

Well, not much else happened this week. Just a lot of Restoration lessons and some things here and there...but it's going really well over here. It's getting hotter (finally) and the ward is getting better very slowly. It's all good.

I love you all, and hope all is well in the Irvine home! Best of luck and I hope all will stay safe!

Elder Spencer Irvine

P.S. Spencer sounds weird to me know...I'm either Irvine or Chun or Chinito (little chinese man).

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