Monday, March 31, 2008

March 10, 2008

Dear Irvine family:

Wow, Hawaii eh? Back to the Hawaiian stomping grounds. Well, that's what you get when you're a skier. Snowboarders are better. I'm joking, but snow sports accidents are SO bad...I'd be careful with Steven if I were you. I am envious that you are going to be in town for Easter...and about Sandoval he is so grateful for the packages you've sent him. He's such a great guy, even though he was pretty stubborn...I still love him. As for Hansen, he's leaving Wednesday morning so I hope that package gets here ASAP so he can get it in time. As for my p-day today, it's basically a wasted day. My comp, Lynn, is stuck in Bishop (4-5 hours away) because his comp doesn't want to drive down and drop him off since his greenie is coming in on Wednesday. But, he doesn't consider that we have important visits so basically this Elder Hart is just messing with the mission work here. I can't believe how selfish he is! So I'm stuck with the Korean elders until Wednesday. Not their fault, it's Hart's. And the AP's basically gave him an ultimatum and he refused to comply. So, this guy is just...himself.

And my credit card expired, so I'll have to use the debit card but I forgot the PIN number...oh well. And killing off Hansen makes me a bit trunky, but I know why I'm here. He didn't succumb (we worked so hard this transfer) so why can't I do the same?

The baptism went very well. The Cardenas were excited, but were calm. It was really great. So my old comp baptized the both of them and it was just amazing. I loved it. Hansen and I gave the missionary moment while they all changed, and it went very well. The Spirit just filled the room so much I felt it was about to burst. Neira got a ride up from Burbank from some investigators that he found and they were really touched by the Spirit. It was the best first lesson that I've ever taught, and it was in front of a large crowd and not in a personal setting at all. Wow. We walked out of there and wondered, 'what the heck? how'd did we pull that off?' sort of feeling. It was a great blessing to just bring the Spirit in that baptismal service. Considering that we did everything, I was very stressed, but when the service started I just felt calm. We forgot Spanish himnals, but the hymns selected were so common it didn't matter that we forgot them. It's stressful, but it's how Spanish work is. The thing is, 2 more have become a part of the Lord's covenant people. We stopped by a bit later so I could give them the framed picture, and I hoped they like it. It's such a blessing to have found them, to have taught them, to have seen them baptized. If I died today, I'd die happy.

Saturday. I spent the day inside so Hansen could pack his stuff. He had a lot of stuff, that's what happens to missionaries who don't periodically clean our their stuff. So I spent the day indoors, we went to the office to print baptismal programs (yup we do that too) and visited a less active lady in Stevenson Ranch. It went well, and they fed us dinner (her and her daughter). This is the same woman that I felt was a fire-breathing born-again Christian woman, but she has crazy mood swings. She railed against Glenn Beck and his anti-illegal immigration rants because he targets Mexicans. Boo hoo. And we finally had correlation meeting with our ward mission leader, whose son had his eye shot out from a bb gun and is in serious condition (23 years old and it was an accident) and his work is really heavy right now. We need a new one, he's too busy to help us.

Well, Friday we walked outside to check out our car and found that we've been robbed. One of us, I believe me, left the car door slightly ajar and so some person went in and stole our vehicle driver's report (useless), Hansen's wallet, his change for laundry, and our gas card. Pretty ridiculous. So we have had to park the car outside the apartment (gasp!) for the past few days. So Hansen has to use his student ID to get on the flight home, but the office gave him a huge photocopy of his driver's license that they had on file. So it ended well. Luckily, nothing else was in there. What a punk...I'm much more careful now with locking the car. I can't believe I forgot to close the door tighter...we were late the night before and rushed inside...darn. Well, all is well now. So that meant the police came and we filed a police report, so we were late for district meeting. So the sister missionaries and the ZL's went to another district's district meeting, and we arrived late to ours. We ended up having a testimony meeting and went to lunch. Frustrating beginning...then we ate lunch at a member's and had a lesson-filled day. And the Cardenas had their interview that they passed (we knew they've been ready). Then, the Jaimes! We're reading the Book of Mormon with them, and they're progressing a little. Just need to go to church, and so I'll call them to repentance this coming week. Just great! And we had a good dinner with some members, the Dubon's. They're so cool! And I raced home (literally) going 60 mph the entire way and got home in like 10 minutes when it takes 15-20. I got out and smelled burned rubber...yes I sped and it was sweet! The Corolla can't take much of it though...too bad.

Thursday was sweet! We finally talked to one less active, Areli, and she said she'll talk to the bishop. Yes! And, we had a sweet lesson with Rolando. He has a testimony of the Book of Mormon but doesn't know it. As with Joseph Smith. Problem: works Sundays and missionaries didn't pass by for 2 years. Don't know why, but he's got a lot of potential. And basically we taught the rest of the commandments with the Cardenas in a quick manner but they already knew them. And if not, we'll pass it by them again.

The baptism was the pinnacle, the peak of our success this past week. Stressing out, freaking out on my part...but it ended well. I absolutely love this work! I love serving the Lord! Just to see the is such a blessing. The ward is slowly getting better, but I know it will. I am so blessed to be here, and I just love this area!

I hope all is well, and thank you so much for your love and support. Just stay safe, and have fun! Enjoy Utah for me! And I'll enjoy the California sun for all of you! ;-)

I love you Grandma! I can't wait to talk to you on Mother's Day! :-) And party it up!

Elder Spencer Irvine

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