Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 4, 2008

Dear my 'oh so dear yet not near' Irvine Family:

It was a very touching occasion to see Pres. Hinckley's funeral service, and it was really rouhg for me. Just being at one General Conference I gained a testimony that he was a prophet of God, and it was so sad to hear that he had passed beyond the veil, but, it was for the best. To just know that he is with Marjorie again for eternity is something that gives me solace. I am so glad that I am a member and missionary for the only church of Jesus Christ that is on this earth. As Nephi said, there's two churches: one of the Lamb of God, and the other of the devil.

This week was a bit rough. The weekend especially, because no one was home and we couldn't visit anybody for that reason. But, the work is progressing. After Pres. Hinckley's funeral, my comp complained that he should've gone to the English session and not the Spanish one so I told him to stop complaining and so he said 'well stop always commenting on everything' so I ignored him and we drove home in silence. He loves to complain, so I'm getting used to it by just keep on saying, 'it could be worse', or 'things happen', or whatever seems neutral. It is very irritating, but from his background it makes sense. Pres. Goodrich told me that he has very low self-esteem so I'm here to boost him up his last transfer. So I'll do that, but I don't exactly love doing it. We teach well, we get along fine. I am pretty stubborn and like to push him to do what I feel is right because he's indecisive, but he's cool with it sometimes. I'm getting better though. I just miss my other comp because Neira knew what he wanted to do and would actually do it. With Hansen, I feel sometimes depressed because we're not exactly working as hard as I did with Neira (but then again we skipped lunch and dinner so there's some downsides). It's getting better, slowly.

I've been reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish lately, and have been taking notes prompted by the Spirit. It's really helped me focus and actually learn from the Book of Mormon. Yes, it's in Spanish, but I like the language better (the translations). I have learned to love Nephi even more and I just love how he is so clear in his writings. His bravery, his faith especially, and steadfastness to go on when his family is weak. I have really come to appreciate the Book of Mormon more through studying in this way. When I read, everything else is blocked from my mind and I feel like a sponge. It's so great! Something that's impressed me is how Nephi loved his brothers, his family, and his posterity that he would never live to see in his life. Godly sorrow just came to my mind time and time again as I studied his words, because he knew his people would fall and be destroyed, and it hurt him to the very soul. At one point, he felt so terrible he had to gain strength again to even talk to his brothers. Little by little I am reading the Other Testament of Jesus Christ and gaining a spiritual witness as the apostles have counseled us.

The most important things happened this week. Transfers! So the most infamous apostate missionary came into my apartment and district, so this'll be a learning experience of how to fight to have the Spirit and how to really appreciate obedience. But, it's what President felt so I'll deal with it. And, one of my buddies went home, Elder Villa. So we went to his 'despedida' or departure devotional for him and some other missionaries. He ended up giving a talk, which bored me, but I really will miss him. But, we got our investigators, the Cardenas, there (we can only go if we bring investigators). They are progressing so fast it's truly a miracle! Every time we teach them, questions from the Book of Mormon come up (they've been reading like crazy!) and then we see how're they are and then we's just my absolute favorite appointment each week. They are going to get their marriage license soon so then we'll set a date for them to get married by the bishop and then get them interviewed then baptized. I can see a change in them, they're happier, excited to see us, and really love participating in the lessons and also in Gospel Principles. The father, Alberto, even said that he's felt a change in his life. There's hope, peace and joy in his life now. He has a purpose. And he said he's dealing with his children even better, and truly wants to receive the blessings of the Restored Gospel. The second counselor in the ward visited them with us, Hno. Umana, and he wants to come back to teach them. As an RM, he knows they are golden and wants to fellowship them and help them out. It's so awesome! Alberto even invited his brother to be taught by the other two missionaries that live with us, and he even came to church. It was just great! They have the fire of the Holy Ghost, and I truly love it! The Lord has blessed us too much with this family...I am so blessed! It was really strange teaching them because they are already keeping the first three commandments of the fourth lesson (commandments of God)- obedient to God's will (trying to get married), reading the scriptures (yup, they're awesome) and praying often (yup, that too!). So, it's pretty much amazing and uplifting every week. We always have the Cardenas to look forward to, when all else goes bad. It's so great! The elect are just waiting to be found!

To be truly honest, I cringe every time there's a fast and testimony meeting. Members go up and say the 'darndest' things. Last time, American citizenship and the blessings of being in America as a Latino. The same woman went up and didn't exactly scare me, but it could've been more tactful. I wish members would realize what they say can confuse or turn off investigators. Latinos don't really care, they say what they want and to 'heck' with it. Frustrating at times. Some girls went up and bore their testimonies (one of them is desperate cuz she talked about eternal marriage and that stuff and she's not even in college), it was alright. But, my comp went up at the end and bore his testimony so it lifted it up at the end. Yes! And in Gospel Principles, the first counselor basically talked to the teacher (ward mission leader) the entire time so we didn't participate much. He likes to hear himself talk to look smart. Not very uplifting at all. As was priesthood class. The teacher taught us the organization after a prophet dies, and then everyone got loud and I couldn't feel the Spirit and hear what everyone was yelling (Latinos love to be loud and heard). Then the teacher calmed it down, and bore his testimony and the Spirit was there. At the end. Just great. But, it could've been worse! I still say the Adventist church I went to with Neira had more of the Spirit than does this ward. Know what? I'm still gonna work and bring people to church even though the ward is a bit kooky. I'm the Lord's servant, not Spencer Irvine. It's so hard to suck it up and get to work...argh! The ward is getting better, but it is really a trial of my patience.

We're teaching Lesley, an easily distracted 10 year old girl, and finally finished the discussions so she's ready to be baptized (or bathetized as she says it), but man! It was really frustrating when her dog would jump onto my lap during the lesson, she'd try to get it from was annoying. But we're done! Phew!

It's an odd week because we're starting to weed investigators in and out now so we are doing a lot of finding and not so much teaching. Not much else is really happening, but we are having a lot of success here. The Lord sees sacrifices, and blesses his servants that do His will and not theirs. The Lord has called me to Santa Clarita and I'll build up this ward as best as I can until the Lord sees fit to send me elsewhere. I love His work so much!

Side note, my comp is trunky! Well not super trunky, just talks once in a while about what he'll do when he gets home (which really annoys me a lot because it really makes it hard for me to focus on the work), but he does it to tease another elder who is sorta dead right now and he has 9 months left. So yeah.

I hope you all are well, and that you all are not freezing to death in cold MD! I love you all and I'm praying for you always!


Elder Irvine

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