Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

I'm going ENGLISH!!!!

Yup, President wants me to take a break and go English. To the desert, going to be driving a Chevy truck in the middle of the desert. What luck, eh? I'm gonna be hangin' with the Joshua trees.

APRIL FOOL'S!! Yeah, I'm kidding. But, I really enjoyed this week. Not as stressed, now I'm getting used to being senior comp and my comp Lynn is way chill so he's making it really easy on me. I get all uptight sometimes but he's cool with it so we get along real well. Yeah...try to have a comp who hasn't spoken much Spanish in about 7 months and having a ton of appointments and having to speak about 90% to start off the transfer. Rough! But, it taught me I have to help him out more. It's funny what Kristy said- where'd all the money go? Well, bought photos and a 100 buck bike. Yup, that's about it. At least I don't waste money asking the parents to send stuff every week. :-) Oh yeah, Uncle David sent me 100 bucks too. How nice!

New investigators are falling into our laps, literally. Because we took over the bike area (other elders didn't work at all) we got new referrals. Technically we got 2 new investigators but we have at least 3 others that we'll have appointments with this coming week. So the work is picking back up, and everything is calming down for me. I'm not all over my head now's all good now. I'm so glad that President blessed me with Lynn, because if I had a pushy comp I really would be going nuts. His Spanish is coming, so I'm really glad of his progress and now he's really getting his confidence up (which helps a lot in teaching lessons). I used to teach the entire lesson because he wasn't exactly confident, but now he chips in once in a while and I'm turning more and more over to him. I'll have to let him teach more now we hit the 3 week mark together.

Well, no one is really progressing, with the exception of a few. The Jaimes didn't come to church because the father was working (that sabbath day thing doesn't click just yet nor does the application of faith) and the mother was really sick. She answered the phone and I thought it was the father. I was like huh? who? oh...sorry...hope you feel better. A bit awkward at first. Alex Gonzalez came to church with his wife (a member), as did a friend of a member whose name is Johnny Martinez. He's progressing, he's come to church two weeks in a row and we finally got an appointment with him. He asked to get baptized, but I said just a little more preparation and you'll be good. He's way excited! And, the non-member wife of a member has come to church for the last month, she even came without her husband yesterday! She dropped us in January...maybe we need to go teach her now. I'll have to check into that. After the baptism, we finally found an investigator! She used to have a baptismal date, but went to Mexico and lost her testimony. Now she's asking, 'which church is true?' yet again. All the work that the other elders put in, lost. We gotta start from ground zero did she go to Mexico for two months? Right before baptism? Well, she's a really good friend with a local member so we'll see what happens. I'm afraid it'll take a while until she gets her testimony back. It's sad to see that...Well, being senior comp means a lot of phone calls and appointments set, but I'm handing that over slowly to Lynn so I don't have too much to do. The sister missionaries had a baptism yesterday, so it was a good day overall.

We did some service this past week, more than usual. On Tuesday we helped the amazing Sister Flick with weeds (so lame but she needs a lot of help in that department) and the next day we helped an elderly member pull weeds. It was weird because we got their in street clothes ready to dig in and the sister missionaries were there in proselyting attire. We were like...uh...sister Carrillo? Hermanas? So they helped us weed too. It got hot too, that's what you get when you weed in the afternoon. It's all good!

We had some really great and spiritual lessons this past week. The Cardenas, just money in the spiritual department. They always testify of how they've changed, how great they feel and that inner peace that they have. And, we found out last week that Alberto's brother wants to start listening to us. We're already teaching Gustavo, Alberto's other younger brother. Sweet! So we taught the third lesson, the Gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, the whole she-bang). The first time, we tried to just go through it to finish it all. But, the Spirit was strong and they kept on saying of how the Gospel has changed was beautiful! Faith, repentance, baptism. They said they really felt great after baptism and that they are really happy where they are. Yadira mentioned how her faith has increased since their children, Adalay and Jeffrey, always say 'let's pray' when they have a problem. They were running out of gas, 'let's pray mommy!'. She said it was great to see their faith, even as little children. That was sweet. The next lesson was probably better. They asked us how they can tell people that they need the gift of the Holy Ghost, and thank goodness for personal study! I studied the Holy Ghost and how to describe it that morning, so I just whipped out some scriptures that illustrates the importance of it. Both were in the book of Acts (a really great book by the way) and they were happy to find evidence in the Bible to convince their Christian friends. These scriptures helped them understand the importance better, how Paul went preaching and found some disciples that were baptized after the manner of John, but needed the gift of the Holy Ghost (which Paul gave them after they were baptized in the name of Christ) which is found in Acts 19 (I think). And, about the magician Simon asking for money for the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 8). It was awesome! I just love them! They know the path will be hard, but they said they're preparing for it. I can only hope that I'll see them sealed in the temple this coming year...I'm so excited!

Our investigator Alex took us out to eat lunch at a local Mexican joint in Saugus (not as good as I expected- but it's Mexican food what can I expect?). It was good food, but not great. But, we had a great time with them. We joked around, and I think he's opening up to us more and more. We're his friends now, and his teachers. As usual, he made fun of me being Asian (actually they say I'm Chinese) and it was pretty funny for him. It's kinda getting old now...but whatever makes people happy, right? Even my comp Lynn says it's getting old after 3 weeks of hearing it.

We had the longest zone conference ever on Friday. 6 hours. Pure role-play. Really long. I learned some things, especially how to get members comfortable in asking neighbors to listen to the missionaries. Now I have an idea of how to get members involved, little by little. I think it'll really help this area, if I put it into practice. And I felt embarrassed when Sister Goodrich called us out to teach in a role-play about how to really describe the Holy Ghost. I was baffled, as was Lynn, because I tried to play it off a scripture and it didn't work. It was a good learning experience, and that's why the next personal study I studied the Holy Ghost. It was really long....gosh I don't like role-plays that much.

I have to admit, little children have the hardest and deepest questions ever. Our recent convert Lesley gave us a headache in our last lesson this past week, with all her questions. She asked us, 'who does God pray to? Does he need to pray?' I was like...uh...Lynn? I gave a neutral answer that didn't satisfy me. I really don't know. I just assume that he prays to his father, to his father...etc. But I didn't want to get into it too deep. So it was like 'well we don't know'. At least we're honest. Wow. She's loving church though, so that's good!

Life is great! The work is progressing!

I'm so ready to leave this area though...either a new Spanish area or just English. It's hard being in an area for over 6 months...I'm hitting that mark next month. Rough...and I'm happy knowing that the Cardenas are baptized. More and more I feel that the Jaimes will need more time...more time than I can really tell. But they will be, it depends when they decide that Sunday is the Sabbath, that the Lord will provide blessings, and if they really want to learn more and progress by staying for all classes on Sundays. It's their decision, I've done almost all that I can. I'm ready to go...elsewhere. I've been talking to other elders and they say that usually 6 months then we move on or one gets a bit lazy. I completely understand that point.

And Steven, I didn't mean it at all. Not supposed to have been a pun 'Davidson is a giant killer'. Lucky...sentence?

I love you all! I'm glad you are all safe!

Elder Spencer Irvine

March 24, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

Truman G. Madsen has written some sweet books, from what I can tell. That is really great to hear someone with a strong testimony share their personal witness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lucky! About the call, I'm broke right now because I got no card nor get photos and stuff that I'll need a little later on. Oh well, I'll wait for next week. Thank you so much for the Easter package, I got it on Thursday I think. I didn't even know when Easter was when we made our plans this week, until about Wednesday I didn't even know it was that close. It was pretty good, but the work has been a bit slow this week. But, it's going to get better. 15 months until I get to snowboard...ahhhhh....and the sun is coming out. Great weather.

So I've been stressed out a lot as of late because I'm the senior companion and my new comp is still learning Spanish. Not his fault, it's just that it puts a lot of pressure on me to teach and to listen and then teach for understanding. Every night I've gotten home, planned for the next day, and just got ready for bed. I've had no energy lately to do anything. It just takes so much out of me to be the senior comp and in Spanish work. But, it's getting better since my comp is slowly learning and catching up to speed in Spanish. I really took my skills in Spanish for granted. And my two native comps and Hansen who was at the end of his mission. Yup, so I've just been exhausted. Such is the work! And I kinda let my concerns fly with some really cool elders in my zone the other day and they suggested a few things to help me cope with the new responsibilities. But, it's really rough.

This week went pretty well, I guess you could say. Our best lesson by far was with the new recent converts, the Cardenas. Tuesday we had the bright idea to watch The Testaments movie with them, and we did. They love movies, they have a room full of them! It reminds me of back home a little. So we watched it, and at the end we couldn't say anything. The Spirit was there, and they were both crying. Lynn just quipped, 'well, there's not words that can describe this right now' and we prayed and left them pondering and feeling the Spirit. It was pretty sweet.

But, we did get a surprise call from President Goodrich wondering if he could accompany us to our appointments on Friday night. I was super nervous! I really like President Goodrich and all, but I was really nervous! So we taught Alberto Cardenas' brother Gustavo and his girlfriend Berenice, with both Alberto and Yadira there. And President. Talk about a lesson with the best testimonies ever! It went really well, just talking about the commandments of the Lord and it really was a good lesson. Thank goodness President was there because Yadira basically called Gustavo to repentance without giving him much room to say anything else. She was like, 'well, we were married because we were previously living in sin' and 'you have a family now, with a little baby and the best thing to do is to get married'. So basically she was very blunt. One of the only times I've heard her be so blunt and I was taken aback. So President just cooled them off with, 'ain't the baby just so precious' sorta attitude and it really helped. Gustavo told us 'in 20 days I'll let you know'. So we got a goal now for marriage. Lynn froze because President was there, so I was on my own the entire lesson. But, I froze sometimes because President was there. But, it ended up well enough. It was good though.

To be honest, Saturday really stunk. I've had a few rough days in the mission field, and this is one of them. We had all our appointments set up in Saugus (15 minutes away from the house) so we figured to knock some doors over there too. We found out that all our appointments fell through, and so it'd be a waste of time to just go home, put more study time in (we left during study time so we could make it on time) and come back. So, we stayed at the other elder's apartment over in Saugus and just rested. Lynn had to call President and his other comp up in Bishop because some members were spreading some false rumors about missionaries up there, so he did that while I relaxed in their apartment. Went to knock some doors, with mixed success because the layout of the apartments made it hard for us to distinguish which ones were duplex's or a 4 apartment was the weirdest thing I've seen! So we knocked, then went and ate lunch at the elder's pad again. Then, off to visit some members around Saugus and back home. It was really a rough day, no one was home too because it was Easter weekend. But, we got a few lessons with a local member and another less active (who fed us dinner before we had our actual dinner appointment- I was so full!). It was a really rough day. I felt tired and overwhelmed, but that's how the work is supposed to be, right?

My comp is way cool, and he can deal with my stressed self really well. I'm learning to take it a bit easier now, and he's a reason for it. I was wound up really tight for the past few months, and it really showed this transfer so far. He's so cool! We get along really well, and he's really humble about his Spanish abilities. He's too shy sometimes to speak, but then again I don't want to be anal and push him way too much at one time. So I'm going slow with him, and he'll learn step by step. He's a way chill elder. I'm so lucky to be here with him as my comp. It's gonna be a blast this transfer!

I've been really thinking about this transfer. I want to work hard, but I don't want to die like Neira and I did. I want to be obedient, but not robotic. It's a really delicate balance, and I am doing my best to find the balance. It's tougher than expected. And talking over everything with the other elders in Saugus made me realize how stressful Spanish work can be. My MTC comp Wheeler apparently stressed out too much and could've had a breakdown at one point. Other elders were called Spanish but gave up after 3 months and are stuck in English for the rest of the mission. I might ask President to give me a breather in English, because I'm really stressing out a lot and I don't want to breakdown in the field. But, we'll give it another 4 weeks and see what happens. And it doesn't make it easy trying to gauge whether President should keep 4 missionaries or put in 2 more next transfer, and I have to gauge it for him. It's a learning experience for me, no doubt. But I have really seen the blessings come, I just have to be patient, remember what I have, and move on. It's a great experience though, and I just have to hold on and go forth.

We got a few more investigators this past week, and we could be having a bunch of success coming up in a few months. Members trust us even more with the two apostates gone and so we got some referrals from them. The members are slowly getting a bit better, and the greatest news is that we finally have a complete elder's quorum presidency! Now to get the home/visiting teaching done. I'm a bit optimistic about these coming few weeks, but I can't get my hopes up too high can I?

The work is going well, it's just this past week that people have been busy with Easter stuff and the both of us have been exhausted. But, we're both adjusting to our new roles. It's sweet.

I love you all, and I wish you all well. And I'm sorry Mom missed my emergency calls. Well, there's...Mother's Day!

Elder Spencer Irvine

March 17, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

That's so sweet! The Duffins are serving the Lord...that's so cool! By the time that Amber goes into the MTC, I'll have less than a year to go...that's utterly ridiculous! And I'll be close to hit my year mark when Avery goes in. I found his mission on a map in the mission office- it's northern California sorta close to the Bay area...but not really. But that sorta part of California.

Haha, the pics are great! So I'm not the only one gaining weight and trying to put it off! Apparently the weight gain is 20 pounds here (all the Spanish food). I want to go English so bad now...I'm really tired working hard day in and day out...among the success we're having.

Yeah, I've really thought about what President is trying to do with me. Leadership, I realized, doesn't make a difference in the end. It's if you did your best, if you served him faithfully. I finally realized that and I'm going to live it better. If it comes, it comes. As the AP's said, they'd rather be missionaries like us, instead of running a gazillion errands each week. I'm basically training my comp Elder Lynn, he's way awesome by the way. He's been out as long as I have, and so his Spanish needs help. I'm very humbled to know that President trusts me so much to basically instruct a fellow missionary to learn Spanish...and I've learned so much of not being a pushy senior comp and being too overbearing. He's way chill, so it's not very hard to just sit back and relax a bit. He's really humble, and right now I'm doing my best to be even-keel and let him learn on his own. He's going to be amazing by the end of the transfer. So let me get to my summary on this past week.

So I was with the Koreans for week one on Tuesday. Galbraith from Rexburg and Schinn from Boston. Galbraith and Schinn- probably the funniest and yet coolest companionship yet. Galbraith is Spanish/English, but is on an emergency assignment to Korean work in Stevenson Ranch because we lost 2 Korean elders to sickness. We'll have to wait until June to get replacements. So we did some tracting and stuff, and had a good time. English work is pretty hard, but I need a break....oh well whatever the Lord wants right? So we went to two of my Spanish appointments and I felt weird. Not my usual comp, but Galbraith did a good job, considering he spent only 3 transfers in Spanish (he has about 5 in English) so his Spanish is a bit rusty but good enough. Poor Schinn just sat there and wondered about what we were talking. Repeated some words that our investigators asked him. Really good kid. The despedida of my comp Hansen was a bit weird. I felt strange...was he really going home? Then it hit me...don't waste your time and don't be trunky. Wow. I was so happy to have had an American comp after two got frustrating sometimes with the language barrier. It was strange spending a night with the Koreans...but it was a learning experience for me.

Wednesday, I got my comp! Good times...a good lesson with the Jaimes and we taught them to importance of going to church, because they were slacking a little bit. But they came this past Sunday, so it's all good. Baptismal interview is going to be set for this week or for the next...just to see if they're really ready for baptism. I'm feeling in 3 weeks, but we'll see. The issue: church attendance and sabbath day observance (the father works Sundays- he details cars and it's not a set job so he gets what he gets). We'll work on it. And Lesley, our recent convert, really asked some deep doctrinal questions. 'Does Satan earn a glory?' and I always assumed it was outer darkness, but technically the church doesn't really endorse outer darkness because it's not in the far as I know. So we'll get back to her. Really smart girl. And so we learned to be more careful with what we said. More specific this time...

Thursday...a crazy hectic day. Contacted some referrals and had some great lessons with Rolando and Alex and especially the Cardenas. I basically teach everything because Lynn is deathly afraid of teaching in Spanish, but he's learning and progressing slowly. Rolando, we'll have to commit him to church. Alex, it'll be a longer process to baptism for him, but he knows it's necessary. The Cardenas basically testified to us during the lesson about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and of Joseph Smith...they are so strong right now. I know they have great things in store for them...I love them so much!

Friday was great! We ate dinner with the sister missionaries' soon-to-be baptized investigators Ingrid. She's been living with her boyfriend Jose Ceja, who is a son of a local member family. He's been stubborn, but finally agreed to marry her (yeah, after having two kids in 4 years with her...a family right?). She was really excited and really ready to be married then baptized. We taught Alberto Cardenas' brother Gustavo and his girlfriend Berenice (not married but have a little boy), and they will take a little longer than Alberto and Yadira to be baptized. But, Alberto basically taught the lesson for us and testified with power. I am so blessed to have taught them...and to have seen their progress. The Lord really watches out for us. He blessed me with a golden family to raise me up. Wow. I can't be grateful enough!

Saturday. Busy day! Helped set up for the wedding of Jose and Ingrid. It was a beautiful service, and I was very surprised to see Jose nervous. He didn't want to commit before, and here he was. Afterwards, he had the hugest smile on his face. He's really changed. And Ingrid was so happy! I was so happy to see her take this step, which led to baptism the next day. We had some sweet lessons, one with a local member Hna. Carrillo, the pioneer of the ward, then with a less active, then with a referral. They felt the Spirit, the referred family, but they're Catholic. I taught all the lessons (again, and my voice is really getting tired for talking to much), but Lynn is improving slowly. Taught two instead of one principle in the lessons we had that day. But, they rejected us, but we'll visit them again in the weeks to come. One more chance. They felt the Spirit...and yet were like that's beautiful but another time. We had a sweet dinner with Hno. Umana, my fave member by far, and he told us how he met his wife. He basically traveled across all the SoCal stakes to find a member to marry. He gave up, then found his wife. Dated her, she put dating rules, he was like nah boring too strict so he stopped dating her. Met her again a few months later at a dance, did the same. The last time he went to help a member down at Deseret Books, and she was working there. Then it hit him, she is The One. A few dates later, he proposed and here they are. It was so cool just to get to know that story (the sister missionaries have been pestering him for some a month!). I admit it was a bit weird with the sisters there, but whatever. I'll do anything for three people on the earth: Pres. Goodrich, Hno. Umana, Cardenas. We had correlation, finally, and it went well. Good day...can be rough sometimes on the weekends but it went well, 'gracias a Dios'.

The day of judgment! 6 investigators to church (Jaimes, Gustavo y Berenice). Good day, but priesthood class...argh. Member went off on random tangents bad-mouthing Islam and stuff. I don't like wandering topics and stuff like that. Just testify of the Book of Mormon like that manual says! Oh well. So we prepped the font for the baptism of Ingrid Ceja (I never knew her actual last name until this weekend...a period of 5 months...I always called her a Ceja- it was Enriquez). It was a beautiful service. We presented the missionary message, the restoration message we teach, and I basically taught it. The Spirit used me to touch the hearts of the members there, as well as the ZL's investigator. Humbling experience to testify of the Restoration, of Joseph Smith, of the Book of Mormon. I wasn't alone, because the Spirit testified to me it was true. Ingrid bore her testimony, and she nearly aborted her first baby! I was OH MY GOSH! But she didn't, thanks to Hna. Ceja, and now she's here. Baptized, next, a true member of the church. It's been over a year in the waiting, she's known it's been true all this time, but she had to get married...trials differ for all of God's children.

I want to bear my testimony that the Lord watches over all his children. He guides his servants to the elect, and there's nothing else I'd rather be doing then helping people take the first step to salvation, then exaltation. I love this work!

I don't have much time, but I want to let you know I love you all, and I wish you all well!

Elder Spencer Irvine

March 10, 2008

Dear Irvine family:

Wow, Hawaii eh? Back to the Hawaiian stomping grounds. Well, that's what you get when you're a skier. Snowboarders are better. I'm joking, but snow sports accidents are SO bad...I'd be careful with Steven if I were you. I am envious that you are going to be in town for Easter...and about Sandoval he is so grateful for the packages you've sent him. He's such a great guy, even though he was pretty stubborn...I still love him. As for Hansen, he's leaving Wednesday morning so I hope that package gets here ASAP so he can get it in time. As for my p-day today, it's basically a wasted day. My comp, Lynn, is stuck in Bishop (4-5 hours away) because his comp doesn't want to drive down and drop him off since his greenie is coming in on Wednesday. But, he doesn't consider that we have important visits so basically this Elder Hart is just messing with the mission work here. I can't believe how selfish he is! So I'm stuck with the Korean elders until Wednesday. Not their fault, it's Hart's. And the AP's basically gave him an ultimatum and he refused to comply. So, this guy is just...himself.

And my credit card expired, so I'll have to use the debit card but I forgot the PIN number...oh well. And killing off Hansen makes me a bit trunky, but I know why I'm here. He didn't succumb (we worked so hard this transfer) so why can't I do the same?

The baptism went very well. The Cardenas were excited, but were calm. It was really great. So my old comp baptized the both of them and it was just amazing. I loved it. Hansen and I gave the missionary moment while they all changed, and it went very well. The Spirit just filled the room so much I felt it was about to burst. Neira got a ride up from Burbank from some investigators that he found and they were really touched by the Spirit. It was the best first lesson that I've ever taught, and it was in front of a large crowd and not in a personal setting at all. Wow. We walked out of there and wondered, 'what the heck? how'd did we pull that off?' sort of feeling. It was a great blessing to just bring the Spirit in that baptismal service. Considering that we did everything, I was very stressed, but when the service started I just felt calm. We forgot Spanish himnals, but the hymns selected were so common it didn't matter that we forgot them. It's stressful, but it's how Spanish work is. The thing is, 2 more have become a part of the Lord's covenant people. We stopped by a bit later so I could give them the framed picture, and I hoped they like it. It's such a blessing to have found them, to have taught them, to have seen them baptized. If I died today, I'd die happy.

Saturday. I spent the day inside so Hansen could pack his stuff. He had a lot of stuff, that's what happens to missionaries who don't periodically clean our their stuff. So I spent the day indoors, we went to the office to print baptismal programs (yup we do that too) and visited a less active lady in Stevenson Ranch. It went well, and they fed us dinner (her and her daughter). This is the same woman that I felt was a fire-breathing born-again Christian woman, but she has crazy mood swings. She railed against Glenn Beck and his anti-illegal immigration rants because he targets Mexicans. Boo hoo. And we finally had correlation meeting with our ward mission leader, whose son had his eye shot out from a bb gun and is in serious condition (23 years old and it was an accident) and his work is really heavy right now. We need a new one, he's too busy to help us.

Well, Friday we walked outside to check out our car and found that we've been robbed. One of us, I believe me, left the car door slightly ajar and so some person went in and stole our vehicle driver's report (useless), Hansen's wallet, his change for laundry, and our gas card. Pretty ridiculous. So we have had to park the car outside the apartment (gasp!) for the past few days. So Hansen has to use his student ID to get on the flight home, but the office gave him a huge photocopy of his driver's license that they had on file. So it ended well. Luckily, nothing else was in there. What a punk...I'm much more careful now with locking the car. I can't believe I forgot to close the door tighter...we were late the night before and rushed inside...darn. Well, all is well now. So that meant the police came and we filed a police report, so we were late for district meeting. So the sister missionaries and the ZL's went to another district's district meeting, and we arrived late to ours. We ended up having a testimony meeting and went to lunch. Frustrating beginning...then we ate lunch at a member's and had a lesson-filled day. And the Cardenas had their interview that they passed (we knew they've been ready). Then, the Jaimes! We're reading the Book of Mormon with them, and they're progressing a little. Just need to go to church, and so I'll call them to repentance this coming week. Just great! And we had a good dinner with some members, the Dubon's. They're so cool! And I raced home (literally) going 60 mph the entire way and got home in like 10 minutes when it takes 15-20. I got out and smelled burned rubber...yes I sped and it was sweet! The Corolla can't take much of it though...too bad.

Thursday was sweet! We finally talked to one less active, Areli, and she said she'll talk to the bishop. Yes! And, we had a sweet lesson with Rolando. He has a testimony of the Book of Mormon but doesn't know it. As with Joseph Smith. Problem: works Sundays and missionaries didn't pass by for 2 years. Don't know why, but he's got a lot of potential. And basically we taught the rest of the commandments with the Cardenas in a quick manner but they already knew them. And if not, we'll pass it by them again.

The baptism was the pinnacle, the peak of our success this past week. Stressing out, freaking out on my part...but it ended well. I absolutely love this work! I love serving the Lord! Just to see the is such a blessing. The ward is slowly getting better, but I know it will. I am so blessed to be here, and I just love this area!

I hope all is well, and thank you so much for your love and support. Just stay safe, and have fun! Enjoy Utah for me! And I'll enjoy the California sun for all of you! ;-)

I love you Grandma! I can't wait to talk to you on Mother's Day! :-) And party it up!

Elder Spencer Irvine

Thursday, March 6, 2008

March 3, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

This past week went by so fast! So much stuff is happening and it is just so great! I love it! This morning we went hiking as a district in a place called Placerita Nature Area, and it was way awesome! The hermanas were a bit intrepid and caught all of us off guard because we were like, 'nah Hermana Stringham won't get dirty and climb this and that' but her and her greenie Frisby did so it was pretty much a slap in the face. We got to see some really small waterfalls and we climbed up and hiked up the trail forever! We were there for about 4 hours, and it was a blast! We ended up being on the mountains between our area, and the San Fernando Valley. We were standing right inbetween the two valleys, and it was a gorgeous view. But, we did lose track of my comp Hansen and the other elder Suarez, only because Humpherys and I just took our time (I was super tired and a bit slow- didn't drink as much water as I should have). I'm really going to miss this district, we've had so many fun times, but many good times too. I have so many pictures and it's definitely the best p-day I've ever had in the mission field! I can't wait to do this more and more this coming transfer with my new comp. So today was really good, but I'm super tired. I'm out of shape....and we hiked about 10 miles. The last 2 really stunk. But, it was great. And, we're playing basketball in less than an hour's going to be a full day!

The wedding started a bit rough, but it went well. So because everyone is Latino, it started late. We set up the Relief Society room but they ended up using the chapel, so it was a waste of time and energy. And the bishop arrived late, but the Cardenas arrived right on time. So it was really simple, but it was a great service. They are progressing so well! We figure that we might have 3 more marriages coming up this next transfer, so this ward is going to see some really sweet things coming up. I was so happy when the bishop basically said, 'man and wife' so I could've died happy there at that moment. They had a little falling out with the Relief Society President because she wanted to make it a big thing but they wanted to keep it simple, but it was made up when one of her counselors gave the Cardenas a triple combination. Yup, they're basically baptized. And yup, they're going to be baptized this coming week if all goes well. Hansen's last baptism!

We read Lehi's vision (1st Nephi chapter 8) with the Jaimes family and they really understood it and applied it without us even really saying anything. So they know what's up and what they need to do. The next time we went over there, it was their son's birthday. We ate a little dinner, talked a bit, then ate some cake to celebrate Carlito's birthday. It was great! And, we ended up (at least Hansen did) teaching a short Restoration lesson to Hna. Jaimes' sister right then and there, because she doubted our message was something really special. Afterwards, she was quiet, calm, and respectful. She felt the Spirit testify to her of the truthfulness of the message. Then, we taught a lesson to the Jaimes after her sister left. We basically threw our lesson plan out the window and I just followed Hansen's guidance. He started talking and testifying of the Spirit, of how we can receive a testimony. Then, the light went on in my head. For about 5 minutes I had no idea what we were going to teach, so then the Peter scripture came to mind. That Peter, when he said, 'thou art the Christ', had received a confirmation by the Spirit that these things were true and most of all, that Christ was the Son of God. It was sweet! We basically taught them how to gain a testimony and why a testimony is very important to them. They didn't come to church (saddening) but they are progressing, more and more. I hope to see them baptized before the next transfer is over!

And, most important, I'm staying for another six weeks. President Goodrich basically told me that, so I expect to see my name under Santa Valencia Zone for this coming transfer sheet. I'm happy, but sad to lose Hansen. Yes, he's forgetful and stressed out sometimes, but he's probably the best companion I've had so far. Sandoval was good, Neira was good, but I can actually relate to an American. It was a great 9 weeks to have served with him, and I'll be seeing him off next week as he gets shipped back home. What a great guy! And, they're going to take the bike elders out of the Spanish ward and just leave 4 missionaries for the ward since the bike area has been dry as of late (and the other elders slacked off a's a rough area). So I'll be taking over (again) this half of the valley. I wonder who my next companion will be...

And one of my investigators is really confusing the heck out of me. His name is Alex, and he came to church with his wife (they got married on their own a week ago now- they've been planning it for a while) and he has a poker face. I just can't read if he's really progressing or going through the motions. So tomorrow, we're having a 'showdown' where we're going to gauge where he really is. He's cool and all, but I don't know if he has a testimony of the things we've taught. We're at an impasse, but I feel our next lesson will clear things up. But, he's reading! And, coming to church!

We finally got a hold of some of the less actives that I haven't seen a while, and one of them ended up feeding us a delicious chicken soup. It was so good, probably the best soup I've had in the mission so far. I can't describe it, but we walked out full and really satisfied. It was amazing! She's awesome, Hna. Santillan, but her health problems keep her from church (her sugar level falls really fast and she could go into a coma at any given moment). But, she knows this is God's true church, that's what matters. And our other less active, Fridel Zaldana, came to church after we taught him on Saturday. He's quiet and calm, and knows that he comes to church to progress and eventually make it to the temple for his endowments. I hope he goes in the next year so I can go with Pres. Goodrich's permission. That'd be sweet! Yup, Spanish work is hard, but it's a lot of fun, spiritually of course!

This week has been super busy, and I've been so blessed to have been placed here to work in Spanish! Yes, I'd love to go to English work so I can see how the church really works and should work, but I'm here now and nothing is going to change it. I am so grateful for the Lord's mercy in sending me here to get my enthusiasm going again and to baptize more of his children. I love the work! I love the people here!

Well, not much else happened this week. Just a lot of Restoration lessons and some things here and there...but it's going really well over here. It's getting hotter (finally) and the ward is getting better very slowly. It's all good.

I love you all, and hope all is well in the Irvine home! Best of luck and I hope all will stay safe!

Elder Spencer Irvine

P.S. Spencer sounds weird to me know...I'm either Irvine or Chun or Chinito (little chinese man).

February 25, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

That'd be sweet! The Duffins in the field! It's the best decision she'll probably make other than marriage (that's what Pres. Goodrich says- marriage is number one followed by mission number two). She's gonna love it! And it's so awesome to have a sibling in the MTC...that's the best ever! About the apostate music, this other elder is going to be transferred in a few weeks so it's going to get better, hopefully. The zone leaders have intervened too, and are going on exchanges with them twice a week now to work the area. Yeah, it's that bad. I've been blessed with missionaries that were pretty much obedient and not flat out disobedient. I'm wondering what Pres. Goodrich will do with this area, I have at least one more transfer now that my comp is going home at the end of this one. These past two transfers have been a test of faith and perseverance and endurance, to be honest. So I talked to Pres. Goodrich last night to ask a few unrelated questions and he just told me that we'll talk about it all when we have interviews in two days. So, we'll see what happens.

This week went by so fast, as this whole transfer. It seemed yesterday that all this ET stuff happened, and now we're two weeks away from sending Hansen home! Ah! Yesterday was probably the best day. I got to participate in the confirmation of Lesley Diaz, and it was so awesome! My first recent convert! A blessing! The baptism by fire, and she's officially a member! Now to teach and baptize her step-father. So we went to church and all that nice stuff and we had a President's Fireside down in my old area in the Valley. So right before Gospel Principles class my comp asked the Cardenas to go down with us, and of course they said yes. They're that 'predictable' because they're really faithful and just awesome investigators. I hate to say that, but if all else fails the Cardenas come through! We get home, try to visit some people and no one was home (a fake address too...oh well) so we did planned our coming week out since we were super busy doing the work of the Lord and didn't have time last week. It was one of my best weekly planning sessions. We followed Preach My Gospel and actually discussed the needs of investigators and received revelation. For example, Alex. He's a bit tricky to decipher, so we opened the scriptures and just pondered..then the inspiration came to read a certain passage from the Book of Mormon. We both said the same passage when we asked each other what should we read? It was sweet. The sister missionaries (who are really cool) then called us saying their investigator needed a ride down there, and she lived 20 minutes away from us, so we scrambled and called the Cardenas to see if they could follow us (in our car and them in theirs) to pick her up. They said yes, so I was relieved. Then the sisters called again and said a member is going to give the investigator a ride, so we called the Cardenas back and they were cool with it. Because of mile restrictions we got a ride with the Cardenas (we had extra, but it's safer to ride with the investigators so they won't get lost!) Then, we went contacting for half an hour. The Cardenas saw us contacting and they picked us up to go down to the fireside. I played some games with their two little kids Adelay and Jeffrey (and I understood about 75% of what they said because they were talking at the same time and their Spanish is a bit unusual for me for some odd reason) on the way down and we got there really early. We chatted a bit and talked about the mission and missionaries and some of the paintings they had in the lobby (which they liked). Then they asked me if it's unusual for one to stay in the same place for 6 months at a time, and I was frank and said no. So they kinda know I won't be here for much longer, and I have that feeling too. But, they did say the other night that they felt that I would be here forever...aww! I really love that family. The fireside was very spiritual, and the Cardenas truly felt the Spirit. It was about the Holy Ghost, and President did a good job in explaining it clearly and simply. It really touched us all, and it was sweet that a newly baptized 'member' (hasn't been confirmed yet) attended so President mentioned the gift of the Holy Ghost too. The Cardenas liked the fireside and it was a great experience. It was really good to see them feel the Spirit in a setting other than a teaching situation in their home. We have to work with our members to get others involved so when I go, they won't be alone. That's my greatest fear. But, they're getting along well and they're getting married this Saturday then baptized (hopefully) the next Sunday. The blessings are flowing...

The bishop is getting better, he finally interviewed two recent converts for the Aaronic Priesthood, but didn't confer it to them even though they passed. He's getting better, slowly. It's a laborious learning process for him, and I'm just too impatient. But I believe with a little more time he'll learn. I just hope we don't lose more members to English wards or we won't have anyone left. It'll be a branch again...oh well what happens happens.

We found this man walking in the street. He looked busy, but Hansen managed a 'buenas tardes' before he walked on. Then we were like 'aw another dodge' but he stopped and said, 'did you want to say something to me?' We told him we were missionaries, and then he told us he wanted to know more. He was waiting for us when we arrived at his house, and he is really humble. I hope we can help him understand more of the Restoration in our next visit, but what are the odds? People walk past, we say hi, they move on. He went past us about 10-15 feet then stopped, then asked us as we were walking away with our backs to him. And he wanted us to teach him. Wow. You never know who is ready to hear the Gospel. He has potential, and I'm excited to see what happens with him.

In our district meeting, we received personal revelation. Hna. S was talking about how to use scriptures to relate to investigators, then it just hit me (as did my comp). We haven't related the scriptures to the Jaimes! So we planned that in weekly planning and I feel it'll really get them converted to the Book of Mormon. It was pretty sweet! A moment of inspiration.

This week was awesome! It was a bit rough sometimes, but it was really a good week and a good learning experience. We had two really bad days on Tuesday and Thursday (numbers-wise, but that's not important) like either no lessons taught and that sort of thing (unusual in Spanish work), and it rained a lot which kind of depresses me a bit and I don't know why. It was a week to just push on, endure, and do His work to our best ability. And, we were dead tired this week. I was really really tired. I drove all across the place on Thursday- 20 minutes to Val Verde and Castaic, then 15 minutes to Saugus and then 20 minutes back to Newhall and a lot of driving in between makes about 60-70 miles. I was so dead! But, it was a good learning experience for me to just suck it up and go on. And it helps having a senior companion that just pushes me more and more, and is patient with my lack of motivation at times. He's awesome! I'm going to miss him a lot!

Life is going great, and the work is progressing. "The work will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent...until the great Jehovah shall say the work is done" -Joseph Smith.

I love you all, and stay safe.

Elder Spencer Irvine

P.S. Sorry for the long e-mails, but I hope you love it (sans Kristy).

February 19, 2008

Dear Irvine Family:

Well, the weather calls for rain to move in. So it's a bit misty and moist over here, and it's a little chilly at nights again. Reminds me of back home actually. It is a bit strange for me, but it's California! I hope you all had a great President's Day, because it was a pretty chill p-day. Went to a member's house to throw a birthday party for one of the elders in the zone and then off to play some basketball in the afternoon. I really need to scale my basketball intensity back because my back hurts a bit after a good and hard game of basketball. I'm getting better at shooting (finally!) but it's not really good overall to have a sore back for the rest of the day and a bit the next morning. Thank you for your package, I love the Field's goodies! As for pictures, I'm saving them up to put on a CD to send to you, because if I send a memory card they'll get erased. But, I had my first baptism!

It was a crazy day and apparently that's how most baptism days go. We got the baptism all planned out on Tuesday and used a member's computer on Saturday to type the program up. It was a bit hectic when we had to use the computer in the clerk's office after church to print copies of the program. Rushed to drop the other elders off then off to fill up the baptismal font then off to a lunch appointment then back to get the other elders to get them to the baptism and got there about 20 minutes before people were going to arrive. I was so nervous we were going to be late! So I hurried up and rushed and dressed in my whites, and just waited. Of course, latinos arrive late to everything so we finally started at 5:15 instead of 5 pm, and a good amount of the ward came out with less than a day's notice (because we finalized the baptism this past week). I was so nervous, and it didn't help that one of the local members asked me, 'so, are you nervous?' and I was like 'heck yes I am it's my first baptism!'. I actually memorized the baptismal scripture in the morning (not that hard) and right before the actual getting into the font I was thinking, 'Habiendo sido comisionado...' in my head. The ward mission leader is sad that our efforts go to waste with this local bishopric, but is really doing his best to help us. So he, Hno. De La Cruz, gave a great talk on baptism. Then, a spectacular talk by Hno. Pablo Piedra on the gift of the Holy Ghost. Too bad it wasn't geared for a 10 year old girl, but I loved it. It was a bit long though, because Lesley (the girl) started to move her legs up and down during the talk and her dad was like 'Lesley calm yourself and listen!' in a hushed tone. It was pretty funny, considering it was completely out of her realm of understanding and that I was pretty nervous. And right before the service started, my friend Elder Humpherys told me, 'don't drop her'. Ha. Just great! So I walked down into the font and I just blocked everything out of my mind. I said the prayer then I pushed her under. I hesitated after the first push then just completely immersed her. I walked inside the bathroom to change, and I said a prayer thanking the Lord for His mercy to use me as His tool. I didn't even know that I was going to baptize her until Friday night and I didn't sleep well Friday or Saturday (I didn't pay attention to the mother's response when we were going over the program that Tuesday- so much for listening skills). It was amazing! I just felt so great! I was really blessed that the program went really well and that I was able to baptize someone. I just love it. And something funny that happened too was that our piano player is Elder Schinn from Seoul, Korea. Our ward mission leader went to tell him that he was going to start the meeting (Schinn was doing the prelude) and said 'vamos a comenzar'. Funny thing is, Schinn only knows English and Korean. Schinn was like, 'huh, what?' Then my pal Hansen flew in and told Schinn that meant, we're going to start. It was funny for me. I absolutely loved it, and I can't wait to see if the Lord will bless me with more baptisms in the mission I am serving for him. And yes, I did give her the necklace.

These last few weeks have been depressing. I didn't have the Spirit with me much, because of my own faults and weaknesses and not being exactly obedient or hopeful in receiving blessings. A bit pessimistic and human, you could say. But, I have gotten back on track. It's really rough because the other pair of elders that I room with are not very obedient and play music that doesn't invite the Spirit, they're pretty irreverent, and it really hurt me spiritually. It was a bit rough, and I do not look forward to having an apostate companion because it might just make me want to go home. I was a little depressed these past weeks because of the environment that I'm in. On top of that, my comp is a bit trunky, well he's trunky so he could listen to whatever music and to some small extent date girls, but he's still working so it's good. He'll end his mission working, no doubt. So a combination of things have been happening, but have only taught me to be patient, longsuffering, and kind. Not exactly me, but the Lord is teaching me in a hard way. And I felt my language suffer a bit since the Spirit wasn't really with me, but also because I was not in a great mood all the time and didn't study as much as I should. It's been rough, but it's getting better slowly. And, these other guys might be moved out and we might take over their area, but we'll see what happens. It just means a lot more work! Yes!

This week was hectic...if I would tell you all it'd take forever. But, we had zone conference and a trip to the temple and were busy all week. It was good, but it is very tiring! And I just love the temple! But now we're only going 3 times a year so it's a bummer instead of once every 3 weeks. But, it means it's more special. It should be, but now it will be even more special. And also, the wonderful Sister Flick had us over for dinner to wish me a happy birthday, so it was a very strange moment without my family. But, I'd do anything for them! They even made me a delicious strawberry and lemon-icing cake. It was so awesome! So I had a good and busy birthday!

The people that we're teaching are progressing. It was like a slap in the face this past Sunday. So we called some people to see if they were going to come to church, and most of them said no because of this and that, including the Cardenas since their little girl was sick. But, the father and son came while the mother and daughter stayed home. And, the Jaimes came for the first time in almost a month (though late and gave me a scare), and our baptism girl Lesley also came late (really giving me a scare). Also, another investigator came (they weren't even home for our last appointment with them) and a former investigator came. So we had 7 investigators without really doing much. It was really like a wake-up call. It was as if the Lord just said to me, 'wake up, have faith, go to work. And learn from this experience.' If the elect hear His voice, they'll come. Wow. I was really pleasantly surprised. I am being so blessed right is truly humbling.

The work is progressing, and I am seeing how good this area can become. Yes, the ward has its multiple problems (people are leaving to go to English wards since they're way more organized than this one, possibly my good friend the 2nd counselor), but it could be improved and replenished with new blood. I really would be curious to see what happens as the months roll on.

I love you all, and keep safe.

Elder Irvine

February 11, 2008


Yeah, I got an e-mail from Steven telling me that he's doing pretty well this semester, so I'm really happy because I'd really like him to get into BYU. If Boyd could do it, Steven can too. Of course he can. Life is good, except for the fact that one of the AP's fouled me (reach in) while playing basketball and up ended me in the process (like he slipped after reaching in and slipped and then up ended me). So, I've had lower back pain for three days so I've been worthless in street contacting because my back hurt so much. And because we drive a lot (40 miles/day) and we work a lot, it gets really sore. So I asked my comp for a blessing this morning so it's getting better, slowly. It was a small trial, but it was to see if I really wanted to work. I didn't, but I did anyways because we have things to do. Eternal consequences you know.

As for my birthday, I'm turning 20. Not 21. Not just yet. Not for another YEAR! Thanks a lot Mom. And I don't have time to go celebrate because we have appointments all day so that's the life of a missionary. My zone leader, Elder Olson, was on exchanges with me on his birthday. He was a bit annoying on exchanges but he means well. It just re-emphasized the fact that we have too little time to be here.

As for the Cardenas, they are doing great! They got their marriage license so they're ready to go. In at least two weeks we're going to have their wedding and afterwards, their baptismal interviews and baptism. So I can finally get rid of the picture frames and stuff that you sent me. They came to church (as usual) and Yadhira told me. I was about to scream because a little voice screamed (YES!!!) inside my head. It was pretty great news for me. They are progressing very well. They always come to church, they always are there for our appointments, they always read the Book of Mormon. They only lack friends in the church, so we're bringing the second counselor to come and teach with us. And, Alberto is bringing his brother Gustavo to church with his 'wife' Berenice (we still don't know if they're married). The other elders are teaching them. It's pretty amazing. He has the fire, and he is way better than most (if not all) our members in the ward missionary work wise. I just love them! They want to take the Sacrament, and soon they will be taking it and it will have a great meaning for them. They ask us some great questions too, about what does the olive tree mean in Jacob 5 and all those things. I just love it! Missionary work is so great! And, they are so glad to know that there is a living prophet on the earth again. It is a blessing. It nearly made me cry when one of the sister missionaries told me that she (Yadhira) prayed in Relief Society so that Berenice could like church and so they can all learn. The Spirit is working with them, not working to strive but to thrive with them. They have so much excitement for the work, and just love for us to come over. They don't want us to leave, they even feed us some pan dulce and atole/aloli/don't know how to spell it (oatmeal and milk but a LOT of milk). Oh man, the blessings are coming!

The Jaimes family. We got them interviewed, but the men (father Jose and son Carlos) aren't ready. But of course the women (mother Dominga and daughter Diana) are. Go figure, the women are always ahead of the men spiritually. So what we're doing now is reading from the Book of Mormon with them, and helping them gain a testimony of this great book of scripture. They'll be ready soon, I just can't wait until the men gain a testimony of this book. But, all is well with them.

Lesley Diaz, the 10 year old daughter of Hna. Emma Vicencio. Well, she's done with the lessons and she passed the interview so she's being baptized this coming week! Now all we have to do is invite the ward to come (we didn't get the font reserved until after church...darn!). She's awesome! I don't care if she's 10 years old, she's way awesome and is always excited to read and talk about God. And, her mom just loves the missionaries. And, we're teaching her 'husband' Jesus the lessons. So it's going great!

This week was a bit rough, we didn't seem to have the Spirit with us in abundance. One day we taught 4 lessons and almost all of them were like I was a robot. I was like, man, what am I doing wrong? So it was just a depressing day because we didn't have the Lord's divine help and inspiration. Yes I know the church is true, the Book of Mormon is testimony didn't have that extra power of the Spirit. So before our last visit, with the Cardenas, we parked the car and we prayed. As soon as we walked to their house, I felt like I was forgiven and I felt great. It was as if a great burden had been lifted from us, and it was just another blessing from God to continue His work. It was a good week, but I really need to trust in the strength of God, not in my own strength and abilities. It was a really strong lesson for me. God knows us, and knows when to chastise us. I just hope that no one would drop us as a result of a Jehovah's Witness kind of lesson- without the Spirit.

I have the wonderful chance to have gone on exchanges with Elder Martinez, the new ZL that I actually had as ZL down in the San Fernando Valley. We had a great time! He teaches with clarity, with power, and with love. I wish someday that I could be a great teacher like he is. We really get along well, and what amazes me about him is that he, unlike all the other Latino elders out here, he's humble, he's obedient to the point he doesn't question but just does what is asked of him. We taught well, and I learned so much from him about how to be a bold, but loving, missionary. When we contacted people, he was brief but bold. I just love working with Latinos, because you really see how much they care for their people, and how much love they have for them. There are no people like me so at times it's hard for me to really love them. But, Elder Martinez really exemplifies to me what a great missionary should be. He loves our investigators, and he said that we are blessed. We are truly blessed, and I am so glad to know God thought us worthy enough to bless us. And, he knows the scriptures well. While Olson interviewed all of the Jaimes (Martinez taught them with me on exchanges so he couldn't interview them), he taught me scripture chains about how Jehovah is Christ (huge Latino doubt). I was sitting there, trying to do my best to absorb it all. I did an okay job. I just love the work!

Personal scripture study makes or breaks your day. One day I was tired so I slept a bit instead of studying (I was nodding off in personal study). Bad choice because I didn't really have the Spirit with me that day. So I'm more diligent now. I'm still stuck in 1st Nephi, I haven't made it out of it yet. Chapter 18 now. I love taking notes and letting my thoughts flow as I read, because it really opens up personal revelation. Nephi is my hero. He did so much to help his brothers, but they were Laman and Lemuel so it was almost impossible for them to listen to God's prophets. Time and time again they were chastised, but did the same soon afterwards. That's how God is with me because he's so patient that he keeps on sending trials to correct me for a while, and when I regress he sends another one to straighten me up. I love the Book of Mormon. I know it is God's word on the earth, and that through the Book of Mormon we can receive the fulness of the Gospel. I love His Holy scriptures.

I love the Joseph Smith manual for church. I read it a lot, and I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. All the things he went through are unimaginable, but he did it. What a faithful and 'quick' servant. Praise to the Man, Joseph Smith.

Something that we're trying to do now as a companionship is to present Preach My Gospel to families, and to ask members about their conversion story or their testimony of the Book of Mormon. We had a great experience last night with a few members. They (Hna. y Hno. Coronado and Hno. Cowan) both shared they conversion stories (one took forever to tell it- she's old that's why...Hna. Pinzon...) and it was amazing. It just reminds them of the importance of missionary work, that without it, they wouldn't be reaping eternal blessings. It is going to reap great benefits for those that follow me.

The work is going forth, and I just love more and more the Spirit, the word of God in the form of the Book of Mormon, and my wonderful Saviour Jesus the Christ. I am so glad I am in His service at this time.

I hope all is well, and I love you so much.

Elder Irvine