Monday, January 28, 2008

January 22, 2008

Dear the Irvine Family:

I got the package...I can't wait to give the stuff out! Thank you so much Mom! Well, the baptism fell through but it was for the better. Back to that later. But, all is well. The weather has taken a dive down to rain and cold weather, the usual Maryland stuff, and it is just a great blessing to be here in this Santa Clarita Valley. That's so funny! Oh Auntie Sung, the weather reports... she ought to work for the Weather Channel at this rate.

Sorry, but I didn't send a card to Mom. Just slipped my mind....but...


How old are you now? ;-)

So about the baptism. We were going to have a baptismal interview, but we got there late because my companion decided to take a little longer in the lesson right before the interviews. Not only did the ZL's go there, but the family was there too waiting for half an hour. What made it worse was that my comp forgot the keys to unlock the chapel and so we took even more time to get the keys from the apartment. Ah, what a scatterbrain! But, it's all So the family drove away, and we didn't get the baptismal interviews done. And so the ZL's had to drove 30 minutes back home without an interview. It was really depressing and discouraging, and deep inside I blamed my comp for it. I couldn't stand him after that, but it turned out for the better.

The familia Jaimes, in our next visit, basically scolded us for being late, and I'm like, well, you really screwed it up big time Hansen. And I felt terrible too, because I'm his comp and I do have some responsibility about that too. So we felt terrible, and then the father said he's reconsidering baptism (gasp!) but only to delay his baptismal date. That was a close one. He had a doubt about keeping the sabbath day holy, because he works washing cars on his own and there's a lot of work on Sunday. So it was good that the interview fell through, but man, I was super stressed and a bit mad at my comp for almost always being late to appointments.

The reason why we were late was because we had a sweet appointment with this great couple, the Cardenas-Gil. They're going to get their marriage license ASAP and want to get married! We went through with them in their individual reading of the Book of Mormon (which is amazing) and answered their questions. Then, we went over the pre-existence, the creation, the fall. It was a lesson guided by the Spirit. Hno. Cardenas asked great questions, as did Hna. Gil....about everything. They asked about the nature of God (that Jehova is not the father of Christ but is Christ before he was born), and then they asked us, "Who is the father of God, then?" I froze and looked at my comp, and he was like, 'we don't know because we haven't received an answer, but...' It was a great lesson. They had the greatest questions...guided by the Spirit and so that's why we were late. It was one of the best appointments I have ever had in the mission field. I am so blessed to be teaching them right now. They have come to church every Sunday, and except for last Sunday they have stayed for all three hours. They don't take the Sacrament because they aren't married (said that themselves and took me by surprise) and therefore aren't worthy of it. I was stunned, and then I realized, they are super golden and this is probably my only golden family in the entire two years that I serve. As the second counselor Hno. Umana says, they don't come around very often. Wow. The blessings of being obedient. The greatest things is, is that they already have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, they just need to develop a testimony of Joseph Smith, get married, and be baptized! How golden is that? They even count that day when we found them, a turning point in their lives. Can you say golden louder than that?

This week was a blur, considering we're getting our footing down as a new companionship between a transfer due to an ET, and it was really hectic. My comp is pretty much a scatterbrain, more than me, and so it makes it really hard to be organized and get things done. He's a great teacher, and has a great command of Spanish. Sometimes I felt like I was the senior companion/district leader because he's...Elder Hansen. It's how he is, and I've come to accept it. We get along great, but I'm toning down my intensity about getting things done this way and that way now that he knows the area pretty much. We teach with power, in unity, and we have a lot of fun too. I've always had a lot of fun, but he's really relaxed and we get a lot of work done. It's starting to pick up again.

We just had president interviews, and I was not very nervous until I walked into the room with Pres. Goodrich and he asked me, 'what are the desires of your heart?' That was the first time he's asked me that, so I was a bit preoccupied with it. Transfer? But I know the area ten times better than my comp! But I know the people well! My comp just got ET'd and I'm here to pick up the pieces for 3 weeks then leave? Actually, never thought of the latter option because I had a feeling it was just a probing question. So we talked and I asked to stay since we have some baptisms coming up and a marriage. I probably will stay, but who knows for sure. We talked about the ET, that it was more to help Burbank out and it wasn't Neira's fault at all. He can't stand gossip because some missionary in another area made a minor mistake and two members are demanding to the stake president to move him out instead of going through the bishop. Members...they can be so narrow-minded sometimes because an ET just upsets the work big time (as in my case- getting to know a new comp and teaching with him). And he said to continue to push Elder Hansen along as DL, so I will. And then hinted that I'll have leadership before it's all said and done because he said I'm a 'natural leader'. Direct quote. But, we'll deal with that when we get there because leadership just means more phone calls and counting numbers. I think I'll at least stay for one more transfer, because I got the feeling that President might want to move me out soon. One of those strange premonitions that actually are true half of the time. And I am still a bit nervous of going to English work, because I haven't taught in English very much in the mission field. But, it's the Lord's will. If 1 million missionaries have done it, so can I.

No matter how hard I try, p-day never works out! We planned it all out, two movies and a lot of free time to sleep and do stuff, then, we got a phone call from the senior couple asking us to help move things for a local member, Sister Flick. Sister Flick lives 5 minutes away so we zipped over there, and we were there for 3 hours moving things around, bookcases, armoirs (I don't know how to spell it to be honest) and storing a desk at a local storage place. 3 hours spent doing service, on p-day. Not typical at all, but I love Sister Flick so I'd do it again if she needs help. As for my comp and another elder, they were very unhappy and wanted more time on another day to make up for the moving time. What came to my mind? The service scripture of course! Somewhere in Mosiah. I just love being an instrument in the Lord's hands, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. I can just see the change in people's lives, it's amazing.

We had some great lessons with some less actives, including one who is preparing to enter the temple. Fidel Zaldana. He's just a mellow, very kind person. He lives with his niece and her husband, and is just a great person. He has finally gotten over being offended by members in Guatemala that threatened to kill him, and it's just great! We shared the first lesson with him last night, and he felt the Spirit as did we. He was crying when we shared the First Vision, and we all know it is true. That's the beauty of it. There is no doubt in our minds or hearts that it is true. I love it. I wish I could go with him into the temple when he's ready, but that's a rare exception unless they're getting sealed. I just love this area. I love the people here, and I love missionary work.

Well, I hope you all had a great MLK Jr. day back in the East, because it was just another p-day for me.

I love you all, I wish you all well, and most of all, I hope that all of you are safe and happy.

Elder Irvine

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