Wednesday, January 2, 2008

December 31, 2007

Dear the Irvines:

This week has been a bit crazy with Christmas and set me off a little bit talking to all of you (especially on two occasions- shh don't tell President Goodrich that). I did get the package from Chris and Kim (with another note from my friend also out at BYU), a fudge brownie and some cookies that were crushed en route. Go figure. But, the thought counts. It was a bit weird to be here during Christmas, but not really celebrating the American consumer way. It was really nice though.

We went to a member's house, who is the stepmom of the mission in my opinion. Sister Flick from Sweden! She's so awesome! So she gave us presents, a tie, some socks, and the usual things we actually need. And we had some swedish meatballs and potatoes and ham afterwards. It was really nice and felt like home. One of the elders that went home is back with his family, the former Elder Fischer (way trunky elder his last few transfers). It was weird to see him not in proselyting, and I only saw him twice anyways. But still. We had some good lessons, and it was just great knowing that the best way to celebrate Christmas is to go out and preach his Gospel. I loved it! But, the next day, I was super sick. I was in bed all day. Pres. Goodrich and his wife came to inspect our apartment and we passed with flying colors! She was so happy she took a picture with us, but I was sick and in bed so I wasn't in the picture. The thing is that Elder Neira and I cleaned the apartment basically on our own and yet she thanked the other elders for helping. Man, all that work for nothing? Pssh, at least it's sparkling clean now. I really appreciate what you do Mom, it's a lot of work! It took us three days, two hours each, to adequately clean the bathroom and kitchen. Phew! So I was sick all day, barely conscious, with bad diarrhea. So I called up Sister Flick and she brought me pills to drink with Gatorade. I don't even know what they were, but they worked! Sister Goodrich told me to ask what I was taking before I took it...but you know me as long as you are trustworthy I won't ask. I wasn't even in the mood to ask because I was so sick. But I'm better now. Thank goodness to those pills!

This week has been a blur! So Thursday, we went up to Castaic to proselyte. A 20 minute drive that eats up a lot of our miles! It went relatively well. We got dropped by an investigator that said he already knew Jehovah was our Father and Christ his son so he was good. Right, you got the whole Trinity thing wrong. But, we were able to teach another potential Andres Aldae with an amazing member, Hno. Jose Luis Bustos Hernandez. He taught better than me, it was really a reality check on how I can teach better. I'm just a little passive now, but it was a wake-up call. He was going to serve a mission, but he got married with a non-member instead. Oh if he had served! Now his wife doesn't want anything with the church, and he's been endowed. Choose the Right! It was a great lesson! And we're training not only Jose Luis, but 4 other members to be better member-missionaries to help us out each week. It's Elder Neira's Preach My Gospel program, and it looks like it'll work really well here. Friday, combined district meeting on how to present Preach My Gospel (already did it, I really didn't think I needed to go to it but I'll understand their purpose in doing it). A review, then we had a sweet visit with the part-member family Vicenzio. Hna. Emma is so awesome! Her non-member husband really likes us, and he's really attentive. We used several analogies to ram home the point that the church was destroyed and all that stuff, and it worked! We're planning to baptize the daughter Lesley (who turned 10 recently), then so we can eventually get the father excited enough to hear the lessons and be baptized. Sweet family! Saturday was sweet! We trained the Ward Mission Leader on Preach My Gospel, because we haven't had correlation meeting since I got here, and even before when Neira arrived a transfer earlier. I felt bad, because he was like well I know that I am not fulfilling my calling, but we ended up encouraging him and he was getting really excited. He used to be the branch president, Hno. De La Cruz. He's way cool! So we went up to Castaic again and had mixed results, but we did pick up a sweet investigator. We prayed to find an elect. We were at a state park of some sort and no one was there. A bunch of punk Koreans that played basketball. No one else until they showed up. Her name is Dulce Avalos, and she had the question, which church is the right church? What a great question! So we taught her about Joseph Smith, and got a return appointment. She wanted to know more! It was a reality check for me, just have more faith and they will come, just be faithful and obedient. I have a problem with that, when I don't see the results right then and there. Sweet! And, we taught familia Jaimes the Word of Wisdom, and they accepted to live it. They are going to be baptized! All but 1, since he's going to Mexico to play soccer for 6 months. But, as Neira was inspired, if Hno. Jaimes is worthy and works for it, he could baptize his son when he gets back. I love that family so much! Then, Sunday. We had correlation, the first time ever! I was really excited and happy we got back on track. It helps knowing we have leaders that want to help us, and know that our bishop is a chatterbox but does nothing. We went to visit some people, called people, but no one came to church. Just 4 investigators this time. But, familia Jaimes came, so it was great! Everyone is going to Mexico to party so this week is going to go downhill lessons-wise, but we're still going to push on! We go to church, the bishop irritated the heck out of me again for the gazillionth time, and had a relatively good day. The problem is that this church isn't uplifting, so I'll have to deal with it for now. The bishop loves to talk about himself, and yet he doesn't understand that he is the bishop, not the focus of attention. Family this, family that. My family comes first. Then he leaves everyone else behind. Oh well, condemnation on his head, poor guy. I'll just baptize and leave everything to the Lord.

Familia Cardenas rocks! We had our appointments fall through yesterday so we went to see what's happening with them since they were busy all week prepping for the parties. We found out that Hno Cardenas was sick, really sick, so he was in the hospital. We gave him a blessing right then and there, and he changed a bit it seemed. He had faith, and we could tell that he was feeling just a little bit better. We taught about authority, how Christ's church is the only one that has His power on the earth. It was one of the best lessons I've taught without preparing. We didn't even expect to teach that, but we were guided by the Spirit to say what was needed, and to use the right scriptures. It was flowing, and I knew that it was meant to be. They understood it perfectly and that they needed to be baptized in Christ's church, not in any other church. They understood that there was only one church that was of God that has His truth. It was beautiful! Then, Neira asked them to be baptized, and they were like ok, we will. Ok, date is January 13th. Ok, good. But, Neira said they had to get married before being baptized. How about the day before the baptism? How about a date? January 12th, before the baptism. Their facial expressions were like, wow what'd he just say? But we explained that it could be done, and it is the right thing. They asked if they could invite anyone, and we said of course we love to invite anyone to our church. Then Neira said, the Lord has told us that this is the day for you to be baptized (and also married he meant). They thought about it for a second, and said yes. I was elated to say the least! I am so very happy! My first wedding! Haha that sounds funny. My in the mission. So we were served some hot chocolate, some pan dulce (sweet bread) and chatted a bit. I love that family so much, I know they were sent from God to us! We prayed, and during the prayer I said, 'God thank you for blessing us with them, thank you so much' and we left. I have never felt so blessed and yet unworthy to receive these blessings. The heavens are opening and pouring out upon us it seems. This will be one amazing transfer, I know.

Well, the elect are out there waiting for me to find them. I hope all is well, and that you're all enjoying the wonderful weather of Maryland for me!

Elder Irvine

P.S. The Cardenas lived in Laurel for a bit, and man we got to talk about how pretty it is and how wonderful it is...oh how I miss the green! I couldn't believe it! What a coincidence?

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