Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 5, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

I have to write a quick e-mail, so here it is! I don't have a library card since I'm out of LA County and I have to send myself a letter to get proof of residence...but....

This week was crazy good! Yes we had cancellations but the end made it pretty sweet! So we had some great lessons with Maira Saenz and with Miguel Rosas, and both of them came to church this past Sunday! I found out I am with Elder Neira, who's a doctor from Peru, and in a car area yet again. He's the DL, and my companion Elder Villa said that President is probably preparing me to have a leadership call in two transfers or more. AH! We'll see, and I'll do whatever the President asks me to do. So it was a bittersweet two days, Saturday and Sunday,and I basically said farewell to my investigators and the members in the ward. Sunday was really tough. I bore my testimony and afterwards,I just sat down and cried next to my investigator Miguel Rosas. Just cried. I couldn't bear to leave just yet. Two transfers in Arleta?Give me more! But, the Lord called me to Santa Clarita. I felt like a baby, but I knew that it was because I loved the members and I loved the people here that I cried. I love this work. I love this work. I can't express how grateful I am for your support. Thank you, and I love you all.

More information via letters! I love you all!

Your missionary,

Elder Irvine

New address: 24851 Walnut St. #110 Newhall, CA 91322

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