Monday, November 26, 2007

November 19, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

We made it to the library on time! Hurray! This area needs a lot of improvement, so that's why I'm here I guess. It's so amazing though! Much prettier than the (overcrowded and ghetto) San Fernando Valley for sure. When I got to the area the first week, Elder Neira told me that he asked mission president to send him one of the hardest working missionaries that he has. I was touched to hear that from Elder Neira, because before I came here I had some doubts about my abilities, my purpose, if I was doing something wrong...but I'm very excited to be here now! The investigators here are almost (casi) golden! Just a few commitments that they have to keep, but we're working on them. One family, the Jaimes, are super golden! The father can't read, so we gave him Book of Mormon CD's so he can listen to them. But, he doesn't listen. But, his family reads the Book of Mormon. I love them so much! We have a great fellowshipping couple, the Ceja's (literally means eyebrow), and they bring the Spirit with them. Hno. Jaimes said that he feels something different when we're here, that when the missionaries come there is peace and joy in their home. Tears welled up in my eyes and I was overwhelmed by the Spirit. Hna. Jaimes cried a little too, I could see her wipe away some tears at the end. Elder Neira then testified that it was the Holy Ghost that was with us, and that it is testifying to them that what we teach is from God. They have the best potential out of all of our investigators. Before I came here, we had 5 investigators in Arleta. Now, we have about 3 possibly golden, and a lot of potentials and 'alright' investigators. Reflecting and talking about my previous area with my new comp makes me realize that I still have a lot to work on to receive these blessings. Another family, the Murcia's, are amazing! They have a lot to learn, but they are looking for the truth. They studied with the Jehovah's Witnesses for a long time, but they stopped hearing them to hear us. They had some deep questions, like is Jesus Christ Jehovah? So we're adjusting our lessons to ask them to believe on faith that what we teach is of God. They've studied the Bible, and they know a good amount in my opinion. The bishop is helping us out along with his wife, that was pretty sweet when they came and testified of what we taught. But, Bishop Aranda has a lot to learn still, he's still learning the ropes of being bishop. The second counselor is an RM, and he's an excellent member. Married, has two girls, and has a solid testimony. Hno. Umana is excited about missionary work, because he's seen how important it is to the church's progress in this ward. We noticed that the bishop focuses on less actives, so we're going to make an outline of what a ward mission plan should be then give it to Hno. Umana to submit to the bishopric. He's had some great experiences in the mission field! We have a potential, whose life has fallen apart. His wife left him, he has two children, his oldest (son) is on drugs, his youngest has no one to take care for her except her mother, he is alone! I know I'm here for a reason, to bring these 'great news', that what Gospel means literally, to him and to other people like him! Oh, how I love the mission! Our ward needs a ton of help. The records haven't been updated, so we have a lot of people (apparently, by word of Hno. Umana) that have moved. Doesn't help the person in charge of it is semi-inactive (the Jensen's) and apparently feels excluded by Latinos because he (the husband) is American and his wife is Dominican. Argh! But, we do have a lot of RM's. But, we don't have the support of the priesthood at all. We prepare the Sacrament, we bless the Sacrament, we teach Gospel Doctrine sometimes, the sisters teach Primary...we do almost everything! I thought that was only in South America! But, we can see that the work needs to progress, they're people here ready to hear us! Just get to work...and it's going to be slow, but it'll work out in the end. I know it will, as long as the Spirit will lift us and strengthen us.

Yesterday, it was a great sacrament meeting. All six of us missionaries bore our testimonies along with our spiritual conversion story. We all went up, and it was great to see the happiness in the expressions of the members. I have been blessed with the gift of tongues. It says so in my patriarchial blessing, and I know that when I speak, the Lord is guiding me to say what I need to say. It's hard to keep the language up sometimes since my comp likes to us English (but we can converse normally in Spanish) but not as much as Sandoval liked to us English. I feel my learning is expanding now. It's just I have to make language study a priority or my comp will schedule appointments during language study time. Never a good thing. After I bore my testimony, and how I knew this Church is of God, the members thanked us all for our testimonies. They felt the Spirit. And, everyone was impressed by my Spanish. To which I always say, I studied for 7 years before, the Lord is blessing me, I love being here. It's hard to not compare oneself to others, and I'm working on that. At times I can get a big head, but I remember that this is the Lord's work and I'm only an instrument. Just imagine, natives love my Spanish and I only have 3 months in the field...the Lord's hand is in my life. I've been studying the Book of Mormon recently, and I'm impressed how faithful Nephi is to the Lord. Never murmured, never turned away, never asked 'why me?', but faithfully obeyed His will. No wonder the Primary sings about him so much. I love one scripture, which was given in a talk by John Bytheway (great speaker by the way...haha). 1st Nephi 11:17, when Nephi was talking to the Spirit. To paraphrase the verse, The Spirit asked what he knew about the condescension of God? To which Nephi said, 'I know God loves his children, but I do not know the meaning of all things." We may never know why things are happening, but we know God loves EACH and EVERY one of us. We can't see his reasons why, but we know that God loves us. No matter what happens, no matter what becomes of us, we know that there is a purpose in all the things we are going through. I suggest his book and/or talk, 5 Scriptures that Will Get You Through Almost Everything, or something like that. One great talk.

I'm on the mission, being constantly tired and at times confused in my lessons, to learn. I'm with a veteran companion to learn how to be a leader. I'm in this area to teach families and bring them to Christ. How can I know that I am setting these people on the path to the Celestial Kingdom? As Pres. Eyring said, you know when the Spirit testifies through you in lessons, that when you love the people so much the Spirit will be brought into your lessons so strongly you can't deny his presence. How do I know? The pure love of Christ and the hope that they will make it. If the Spirit touches them and they are converted by the Spirit and Book of Mormon, you have done your part. What great comfort that gives me! How do I know? By the Spirit. How do I know? If they have a testimony of the Book of Mormon.

I learned about the Pre-Existence two weeks ago, and I want to share some thoughts that I've had about it ever since. I'll have to send you the scriptures, because I don't have it with me right now. But I know, after studying this topic, that we did live with God before this life. We were one of the chosen (Abraham saw it as did Joseph F. Smith in D&C 138), we were called before the foundation of this world, we were one of those who were victorious against Lucifer and his angels. What a great blessing it is to know we are special children of God, called forth to come here today, to lay the foundation of a great work. I know that I lived with God before. I progressed, but not as fast as others. I learned, but not as well as others. But I know, I know that God lives. I know that God loves me. I know that God wants me here. I know that this work is leading so many people to Him, in His time, and I love being His instrument. A friend wrote me and reminded me to not be discouraged, because I am a part of this great work. I know God loves me, and every day is a testimony of His love for all his children.

The work is hard. Investigators lie to us all the time, and we still love them. But, the work will progress. I know it will. Just a little more love, a little more sacrifice, then we will receive blessings.

Gosh, I wish I knew Korean! I need to learn when I get back! And, my favorite scripture is yet to be determined, I'll get to you on that in my letter.

Thanks for everything! I love you all, and I hope all is well in Zion!


Elder Irvine

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