Friday, November 23, 2007

November 13, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

Yet another mix-up with the e-mail situation because we lost our
e-mail reservation since we were a tad late so it's gonna be another
quick one, sorry.

I'm in one of the filthy rich areas of the mission, other than in
Calabases and Encino in the San Fernando Valley. Santa Clarita is
really nice and I love it! The problem is that our area covers half of
the valley since there aren't many members- mostly white people around
here and the ward was just 'upgraded' from a branch. The leadership is
new, so there's only one direction that we can go- which is up! I'm
getting to know the members a little bit and I ended up contacting a
sister twice in three days. How embarrassing! We've had some amazing
lessons with some of the investigators but they haven't come to church
just yet. We'll see what happens this week. I cried in one
appointment, just a little, because the Spirit was so strong (it does
help to have great and faithful members fellowshipping and visiting
with us). I can only see great things in this area.

My companion is 24 and is from Trujillo, Peru, and is studying to be a
doctor. He just has a little time left post-mission, maybe 4 years of
studying at the U of U. He's way cool too. He knows a lot of doctrine,
he's our General Authority Elder it seems. Every book is approved for
him and he's read about all of them that you can name. He's patient
and loves the work, and we have loads of fun!

I have realized I'm blessed with the gift of tongues (people are happy
I'm speaking their language and so they think I'm Filipino) and that
this work is the Lord's. Well, I got to go so my comp can do some
e-mail too. I hope everything is doing well.

I love you all.

Yours truly,
Elder Irvine

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