Tuesday, October 2, 2007

September 24, 2007

The situation has been good so far. We've been home, even early, as of late. So that's it with the obedience problem.

I guess I've calmed down a bit, and I guess that's why the work has really slowed down. It's not good at all. Yesterday we spent at least 3 hours trying to find referrals and investigators but 'none' were home. Two family members lied to us that they weren't home (we knew they were there), so all I could think about was 2nd Nephi 9 (liars are thrust down to hell). Our pool is cut in half now, because we don't have any progressing investigators and most of our potentials are trying to avoid us. Like yesterday, we stopped by this man's house, everyone was home, the music was blaring, and then when we knocked on the door it stopped and no one came to answer the door. It was frustrating. We've been racking up a lot of miles because we don't have good investigators, and when we do something always comes up and we don't have any appointments. So basically, start from square one. Again. No time to rest, no time to waste. Just have to endure and work. On top of that, there are some crazy people around here on the streets, making it a waste of time when they try to talk to your for who knows how long. It's frustrating.

I had my first day of being senior companion last Wednesday, and it wasn't good. All the appointments fell through, so we did the same thing we did all week, contact people on way to appointments, go from investigator to investigator to potential to potential, and no one was home. Not a good day.

Out of the entire week, I think that Friday went the best. We had two early appointments, at 9 and 11 am, and they went really well. Iliana, the first appointment, kept asking questions that led to the next principle in the first lesson. So we asked her to attend church, she said she would. Yes! And she said she'll read! (last time she didn't have time, but she promised she would and I know that she's sincere about it) Next lesson rocked! The same situation, Hortencia Robles. She kept asking, as Iliana did, questions that led to the next principle. It was amazing! Awesome! Exciting! I loved it! We asked her to be baptized, but she pulled the 'but I want to learn and know more before I get baptized' card. So we pushed a little bit more, then realized she didn't want to be baptized right then and there. So, we gave her something to read and left. We are so close to getting her baptized, and we'll extend that commitment next lesson. Money in the bank! And we have another baptismal date (we dropped the first one, she went crazy again and didn't want us to visit her again).

Cervando Torres, cholo (gangster in Spanish) and formerly a drug user. He said he wants to be baptized, the problem is as soon as he gets off house arrest (tomorrow) that he'll be gone forever. That's what happened before he was put in prison and then on house arrest. The missionaries could never find him at home before he got arrested. But, this time, he's sincere about being baptized (other times he was on drugs). He wants to change. He needs to change. He wants to take care of his son in Arizona, and to be a better man for his girlfriend. I see his potential, and I hope that we'll have the chance to baptize him as soon as we teach him the rest of the lessons. It's been rough for him, he's been depressed being in his house for about a month and Satan is trying to take him away. He called us during a companion study and said he had a dream. I thought it was going to be an emergency blessing, because he's just that crazy. But, it ended up being a dream. He said he had a dream, where he was lying down in water and all the evil things (or something like that) were being burned and consumed. He got up, and looked in the mirror, and he saw he was on fire! When Sandoval said 'quemado' out loud, I was like what? is his house on fire? and Sandoval waved me off (meaning 'no'). So Sandoval said, 'Cervando, do you know what this means?', to which Cervando said, "Me voy a bautizarse" (I am going to be baptized). Sweet experience! That was probably Friday too. We had weekly planning for 3 hours and then went to find investigators and less actives for the rest of the night. Good day, started well but ended lamely because no one is ever home. Welcome to the Big Show and the Real World of missionaries.

I'm so happy to be in this ward again! The members threw three birthday parties for Elder Villa, and I definitely have been eating cakes all week. Not good. It's been very enjoyable though, seeing the unity of the district (most of the time) and the enthusiasm that these recent converts have for us and the work. One member, Hno. Moreno, always goes out with us for appointments. As a result, he gets sales calls and thus he is blessed immensely. He doesn't hesitate to drop whatever he has to help us. The other members are starting to catch fire too. It's going great with the members. It's funny because Elder Foust is relatively unknown, and he's been here for at least 5 transfers. That's a long time without being known! Satan is trying hard to get me, and to get the members. Temptations are everywhere, but the white handbook and the mission rules protect me, as does my companion. Some members are struggling right now, but if they show faith they can be blessed immensely.

The Godinez's are struggling as of late. The husband is an RM, and baptized his wife when he was serving his mission. They have a cute little boy Diego. Last Sunday, he asked us to help him and nearly cried in front of us, so we knew something was up (and his wife wasn't there). So we go over Monday night and basically have a council with her. His sister was there, me and Sandoval, and the two of them. She wouldn't speak to us at all, not even utter a word. It took an hour to get her to the point to talk and to vent her feelings. It was painful to see this, to see Hno. Godinez pour his heart out to her, and try to get her to open up. She finally did, but she closed up again after about 10 minutes. It was rough, and it was emotionally draining. It was a testimony to me that Satan is out to destroy families and tear apart the Church as well as outside the Church. They seem to be doing better now, but we made sure that they know if they need anything, we're only a few streets and a phone call away. I love the people in San Fernando. I love this ward. I love my district. My companion makes it hard for me, but I love him. This mission means everything to me.

Thank you for your support. I love you all. Thank you for being my support and my anchor. I miss you, but these people need me right now. I pray for you every night and I hope all is well.

Kristy- Work hard, stay smart, be smart, stay safe, be exactly obedient. Obedience leads to blessings and wonderful investigators. I'm still working on that, and I'm already a transfer in the field. The Lord will provide blessings to his servants, during and after the mission. The MTC is a wonderful place, and enjoy it, because I miss it so much! Thanks for your letters, and I hope to hear from you soon! And please send me your address in the field so I can write you once in a while as well as send e-mails too.

I love you all, God bless you. This is the Lord's work, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Elder Irvine

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