Tuesday, October 2, 2007

September 17, 2007

I'm doing fine, but this week was hard. All our appointments kept on falling through, and so we had a lot of time to contact people in the street. It was rough, but we had some great success with less actives, so you win some, you lose some. La familia Torres came to church the second week in a row, and this past week they were talking about going to the temple again! That was pretty encouraging. We finally got in touch with Alicia Merino and her (actual) husband Hno. Rodriguez. All our appointments fell through so we decided to visit them, to see if they were all home. Hna. Merino has a three week old daughter and a two year old daughter, and they're a great family. I think the father might have a drinking problem, because we saw a periodic table and it said 'Table of Mixology'. We asked what it meant and she said, to mix drinks. I didn't listen and think, so I was like 'Yeah', then realized that was bad...greenie moment. And, it was in English. Even worse. But they ended up coming to church with their children, and they were pretty happy about it too. But, one of our less actives, la familia Huerta, regressed. They haven't gone to church in three weeks, after attending for two straight weeks. We have to find them again and get them out to church. Success with less actives, but not so much with investigators and finding new investigators.

We had a suprise birthday party for Elder Villa at a member's house. We got there at 6, the other elders that got cakes at 6:45-ish, and we waited until 7:30 for them to show up. We got him by surprise, it was great! He was so happy! We showed him one of the cakes, it was a pink and purple Bratz doll cake with "Nuestra Princesa Villa" written on it. We said 'Muerde' or bite! He went in several times, and pulled back because Elder Sandoval was trying to dunk his face into it. Then, him and two of the member's girls got his face into the cake, what a great time! I love my district, and I love this ward and these great members! They sacrifice so much to feed us, and it is really sad to see them struggle financially but still have money and food to feed us. I'll miss this ward.

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