Monday, October 22, 2007

October 15, 2007

My Dear and Loving Family, the Irvines!

It's been great to hear from you at last! I'm excited that Kristy is doing well over in Korea, it must be very interesting to be in a three person companionship, it's hard even with one! I'm glad to know that you are trying to get in shape, because I've been praying about good health for everyone back home. Steven seems to be doing well, just keep on supporting him because he just needs a little push sometimes. I love you all! I can't wait to see you again...but the work and time is now for missionary work!

This week has been a bit hard. We have been trying very hard to find new investigators, so we actually had a textbook weekly planning session. Not like we wouldn't follow Preach My Gospel, but we'd go out of order sometimes. Now I see why it's all in order. And we had success as a result, since we went in order and did the things asked of us by the Apostles and the President of the Church. We have three good investigators, and one with a baptismal date. We didn't have many chances this week to visit her, because we had a lot of things to do in the morning when we'd usually visit her. This week will be different. Oziel Blano is 18 years old, and really smart. He knows all the answers, but he's quiet. I feel dumb when I ask him questions and he knows them. Ah! I'm working on asking questions in Spanish- it is so hard! I don't want to make them feel dumb by asking a hard question, meaning a questions that requires some thinking. And I don't want to ask an obvious question. His family is preoccupied with rent and the like, the usual stuff, so he is our light in the family. La familia Saenz, the mom Norma and the daughter Myra/Maira (I still haven't figured out how to spell it- there so many ways to spell a name!). We are looking for the mom's records to see if she's been confirmed after baptism in Chihuahua, Mexico, but I'm sure we'll have to baptize her again. Problem is, she has a big doubt about Joseph Smith. We gotta hammer it in her head through us and our members, and she has to make time to think and pray about it. She's always busy though, her house is full of people going in and out the entire time. Her daughter has a beautiful little 6 month old daughter who makes it interesting to teach. Myra is open-minded, and I think they have amazing potential. They follow the commandments for the most part, at least they don't commit adultery, but there's some work needed there. Miguel Rosas works for a member in the ward, Hno. Islas. He misses his family a lot, and really enjoys our company. He's receptive, and he has felt the Spirit before with us when we gave him a blessing. He drinks beer from time to time, but we can fix that with the Lord's help. The baptismal date is Yolanda Rosa Murillo, and we're gonna visit her so much she's gonna want to go to church to get rid of us! She's got potential, but we'll see what happens. It's all in the Lord's time. This week has been rough, but great.

We had a service project up in Canyon Country on the way to Palmdale (desert before the real desert in Ridgecrest). We translated for USC dental students who were giving x-rays and things for free for a week. We went up early, got lost, and then got there barely on time! We helped them set up, and we had a great time! I helped file paperwork so the dental students can get their forms, call their number, and help these people. I was so busy! It was so fun though! I worked with a non-member woman and she was really cool. Christian, caring, and patient. My district-mate Elder Villa gave her a card for Together Forever. She could have potential for the elders up there. We helped translate, I filed paper work and filled out forms and things, I loved it! Service is serving others, and serving others is serving the Lord. I love that scripture, by the way, because it speaks the truth.

We visited a relative of the Saenz's in the hospital. He's an alcoholic, and he had to be fixed up a bit in the hospital. He's the boyfriend ('esposo' commonly called but they actually aren't) of Norma Saenz's sister Betty. They had 6 kids together and Betty is with another man. Oh great. But we visited him and left a note, he was sleeping. We went to the Saenz's to see how he was doing, he's up in Palmdale recovering. His children were all there, they're tan like Hispanics but they have red hair. Interesting really. I was thinking that's a bit unnatural, but they were right there so I knew somehow it happened. The oldest daughter really appreciated our note, and I think they could have potential in time. They never knew their dad, he never supported them, and I really think deep down inside they need that love of Christ. We'll see. The Lord prepares people daily.

We found a new investigator, Cristina Ponce. She lives with her 'esposo' a.k.a. boyfriend and has 3 kids with him. She's receptive. She gets depressed sometimes and really wants to hear the word of God. She actually got referred to us by other missionaries. Funny thing is, the zone leaders of Burbank crashed into her car and nothing bad happened. Elder Ricks contacted her! What a great elder! It was like when my buddy Elder Raleigh got hit by a car and he contacted the people that hit him! You have to be crazy to do that! So she has potential, but we'll have to bring the Law of Chastity stick soon. And she talks up a storm. It was an hour and a half visit, and I was thinking 'oh my gosh, when can we teach?' We ended up teaching 3 of 8 principles of the first lesson. Her 'esposo' is atheist, but says he's Catholic. Ah! Not good! She might be ready, but we'll need prayers and His help to remedy this situation.

But on Sunday, no one came to church (again). Call them to repentance! And our less actives are wish-washy! How can you go inactive?! It's better that you were never baptized than be denied blessings and be condemned for tasting of the truth! It's really frustrating, but some of them are really trying to get back to church. They have to put more faith and work into one family. They're both members. They live together, but aren't married, and have done so for 6 years. No! The bishop talked to them about Disciplinary Council and so we talked about that and the sins that are grievous- sin against the Spirit, murder and adultery. It was rough yesterday! It was an hour and a half visit! The woman, Hna. Ventureno, wants to fix it. But her actual husband is late in getting the paperwork for divorce done. The Hno., on the other hand, is nonchalant about it. How can you not care? It's your salvation at stake! I felt like yelling at him or something to get him to know this is wrong! We'll have to fast for her to get her stuff done to get divorced, so she won't be excommunicated (that is the absolute last thing we want). She's working on it, but it is really tough for her right now. Walking out of that house was hard, I just had a heavy heart.

Personal study has been amazing. I read this morning about Korihor, Nehor, Amlici, and the apostate Zoramites (Alma chapters 1, 2, 30 and 31). It saddens me to know that these teachings, but unrighteousness, blasphemy, and power will lead us down to hell. When Nehor slew Gideon, Gideon sealed his testimony with his blood like Joseph Smith. When Alma had to strike Korihor dumb, he did it through the priesthood. I can only imagine, as my Book of Mormon teacher Brother Merrill said, that Alma sadly raised his arm to the square, and sadly and sorrowfully struck Korihor dumb. I can't imagine the pain he felt, especially when he said, it is better that thy soul should be lost then be the cause of many falling into wickedness. No one wants to condemn a soul, but Alma had to because of Korihor's stubbornness. I cried because I felt Alma's love, I felt the love he had for his misguided and apostate brother. I can't imagine how it terrible it is to sit in on a disciplinary council and kick someone out of the church. What strength it requires! What fortitude is needed to disfellowship a member! I don't know how you can do it Dad...I can't possibly imagine. And the Zoramites abominations, of set prayers and how Alma had never seen this before. I can't imagine the shock and sorrow he felt when he saw that with his fellow missionaries. Oh ye perverse generation! How can we pervert the ways of the Lord?! But, I love it when he prays to God to strengthen them, and put his hands on their heads to give them strength. The power of the priesthood exists. About Amlici, it is a sad story of power. The people defeated him through democracy, but he persisted enough to start a war. We must always remember that our callings do not give us unrighteous dominion over others (D&C 121) or even our places of employment. And, how Alma slew Amlici after crying to the Lord to help him. What a great lesson about faith, about a righteous man asking God to give him strength to defeat evil. We can use his example, to cry to God to strengthen us against Satan ('pray always, that you may come off conqueror...' scripture mastery in D&C). Just a thought.

This work is of the Lord. I have a sacred responsibility to help these people, they need me!

I hope all is well, and I love you so much! Keep up the good work, and press forth in faith. God bless you all!

Your missionary,
Elder Irvine

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