Monday, April 20, 2009

November 24, 2008

Dear Mom,

This week went by so fast! Incredible! But, I'm sore as heck. I am really tired these days. My comp, Elder Giles from Tooele (Twuola) is way cool. A quiet kid to be honest. And it doesn't help that I'm pretty blunt with things, which is a bad thing of going to Spanish because I forget how to say things in the nice way in English. I just forget. Oops. Good kid though. I'm just a super slow bike rider. Should've seen the massive hills I had to scale the other day. Ridiculous! I was sweating so much...not good for the shirts. They're going to be definitely done with at the end of the mission! I'm happy to know that Grandma liked it all...I did my best for her!

As for the package, I'm going to send it ASAP. Letters, some books, and other things. Yeah! I'm excited to get rid of some stuff! It was pain trying to move all this stuff up here from the Valley. As for Steve o boy, I'm surprised he lost some weight. Good for him!

So the Lunas are going to take Giles and I out to eat this they're so cool! They just sent me a package. Actually, two packages since they didn't have time to pack it all in one...pretty funny actually. Would've easily fit in one box. They, as a joke, sent me a scarf, a hat, and a pair of gloves. I had a hard time keeping myself together. I have never met a family that has shown me this much love since you guys. But, on a serious note, they'd love to get a surprise call from all of you. 818 292 5912 is Cindy's phone. I forgot Junior's because it's a different area code...some Ventura county number. She'll be surprised! Haha!

So this week was a blur! Monday night I got to meet Giles' homeward bound comp, Flanary or 'Flan' who no one likes. Only because he is just in your face and what not. Just got to meet a lot of members, and we're still learning how to teach in unity. His command of Spanish is pretty good, but I do admit that we have to work on it together. Good guy. Not much success though overall. I got to meet a lot of less actives, but not many investigators. I really have to push Giles to contact a lot of potentials because we just visit less actives- that's not our purpose here! But, it'll take time. Our best day was when we went to the Thanksgiving bash on Saturday because we got to see some traditional Salvadoran dances and stuff. And, to give our members a blast, we three of Giles, myself, and Austin, ate habaneros. I was sweating for an hour! Oh snap it was so hot! I got some great pictures so I'll send it on in the package, hopefully. We'll see.

Well, I can't really tell you what has happened up here because it's been a lot of bike riding and not a lot of appointments so...just to say that I am tired, sore, a bit cranky at time, really sweaty, and I have been fighting some depression here and there. I miss my old area a lot, and I'm really having Luna family withdrawals. Sometimes I catch myself looking at pictures of them and the notes they signed for me. Well, such is the life of the missionary.

Life is doing alright right now...I really don't like being on bike!

Love you all! I hope all is going well at home!


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