Saturday, April 18, 2009

November 17, 2008

Dear Mom,

I hope Dad feels a bit better...I hope he didn't get some bad whiplash. Ouch. Well, no preference on a new car, you all know what's best. I hope Grandma feels better, but it isn't easy at all. Give her my best wishes and hopes, from her loving grandson in California. And no, the fires haven't come towards me, but they have left many members without homes.

Guess what? I'm getting transferred! To Palmdale, the desert! And also...I'm going to be on bike! In Spanish work! How weird is that? So, I don't have my new address yet, but I'll get it to you as soon as I can. I'm pretty pumped for that because I've been hoping for Spanish work to finish the mission. This could be my last area, but I don't want to think of it as that. Insane! Going up to the desert! I'm going to serve in all three valleys in the mission!

So I've been having some mixed emotions when I found out I was moving up to the desert. I love the Valley, but I really feel it's a time for a change of scenery. Woods is my favorite companion so far, and I'm looking forward to helping Elder Giles out with his Spanish up there. Bethke served up in the ward I'm going to, so he's pretty pumped about that. I might have to salvage the work up there because an infamous elder who is notorious in messing up areas was last there...he's going home! I'm sad, but excited to go.

Last night was the hardest. It didn't really hit until I went to say good-bye to some of the members last night. I'm gone, maybe to the last area of the mission I'm serving for the Lord. Heart-wrenching really. I'm still a bit numb from it all, the shock of going to an unfamiliar place. But, such is the mission. The Lunas made it really hard for me last night. So we go over there and have a lesson planned, sort of, because our weekend has been pretty hectic. We get there, chat a little as usual and then we delve into it. You could tell there's a solemn mood in the room, but we did our best. To our great surprise, Junior (the dad) shared a spiritual thought (we asked if he would do it but I wasn't sure if he was actually going to do it). He stayed home from church to take care of the smallest, Rachel. So, we get there and chat, then he shares a scripture after the prayer. Alma 32:31-34. Of all the scriptures to share on the Plan of Salvation, he chose that one. I joked around that I usually use it to chastise hardcore less active members, but they're so great that I didn't have to use it. More of a half truth. We went into the little lesson on what happens after death, asked questions and ended with a prayer...which I gave. My final prayer at the Luna's. We had some great yellow cake with chocolate frosting and joked around a bit. One of the funniest parts came when I was snapping pictures and I wanted to get little Stephanie in a picture, she refused several times by turning her head away. So Junior, seeing me struggle, says, 'Hey Stephanie! Look at this!' and she looks then I snap a picture to her surprise. He said, 'So blonde'. I about died with laughter. Then, time to go. Said our good-byes, and it tore me up a little to see Junior and then Cindy start crying...I was in shock so I didn't really have tears to shed. Gave them hugs and all, and I had to get out before I would eventually cry. Really emotional farewell. They even got me a framed photo of the LA temple to remember them by. I'll miss them so much. It was almost as bad when I left the Cardenas in Sta. Clarita. It hurt me even more to know little Stephanie and Rachel will expect me to come next week and will have to adjust to a new elder. But, I'll see them at the temple when they get sealed! I just got in the car and just thought a little bit. Wow, I'm going. It's really happening. This morning it hit me even harder. Wow, it's actually happening. I feel like I'm leaving my family behind. My second family, of course!

This week has been full of ups and downs, mostly because I was very uncertain of what lay ahead for transfers. But, we had some really great lessons! On Monday we got to help a young couple move some stuff into their apartment as they were in between rent agreements and were temporarily homeless. They asked us to pray for them to get the perfect place for their situation, so we did right then and there in Panorama City, with Latinos wondering why four gringos were praying there. They called us back a few days later and thanked us- they got the right place! Planted the seed, now we'll have to pass them on to other elders since they're most likely out of our area. That was really classy of them to call us back to thank us. It boosted my spirits!

Tuesday was the day of interviews with President Goodrich...oh man that made my week so nerve-wracking!

Wednesday we were in a trio for exchanges, with our greenie Elder Frei from St. George, UT. He was so nervous in our lesson with his investigator. It was one of the most impressive lessons I've ever been a part of. Jason, the non-member boyfriend of an active member, was really open. He grew up in Savannah, GA and didn't like the Southern Baptist church. Didn't like the angry preaching, that so-called passion of the Spirit. He said that if it's fine for them, that's great. But, he doesn't believe it's truly the Spirit. He's gone to church several times, and he loved General Conference. He admitted he loved Pres. Eyring's talk the most. He said it impressed him to see grown men cry, when moved upon by the Spirit. Talk about a great base to work with! We taught a shortened Restoration lesson, and he agreed with it all. We all felt the Spirit as his girlfriend (the name escapes me again) shared how her loyal father, who faithfully held the priesthood, gave her a blessing as a child and she was healed! Jason said, who can doubt that? A truly touching moment. He has great potential. He wants an eternal family, and deeply wants that subtle Spirit to be with him. We walked out of there on cloud nine! What an end to our day!

This past Friday, our big black man, Mike Price, told us of how hard this is getting, because he's seeing the protesters at our temple and how mean they are to us. But, he knows it's true and that he must endure through it all. He saw that it truly isn't easy to be a member, but I believe this will strengthen his resolve. Boy, I'll miss that guy!

Saturday was a bit crazy, due to the fires raging around the Valley. But, we got the work done. I got to say good-bye to Betsy, and we watched The Lamb of God DVD with her. Wow, I love that movie! I remember parts of it growing up at home, but it is very well done. Very powerful. It's great because I met the actor who portrayed Jesus Christ, Mark Deakins of the Encino ward. Now that man is one inspired man of the Lord. His testimony shakes one's very frame and foundation. I really felt Christ's persecutions, and His pains. It only strengthened my appreciation for His ultimate sacrifice.

Sunday was busy, saying good-byes. I'll miss these members, and they were really sad to see me go. At least that's how they appeared to feel. I'm just content knowing I made a difference, that the Lord had used me to reach others, help others reach baptism, and others come back to church. As Cindy said last night, it was just the right time. People are put in our lives at the right time. I would do anything for these members. I love them as my own family. I can't imagine Christ's love, if I feel this way.

I know Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He is the Way. The Light. The Living Water. The Bread of Life. The Messiah. The Lamb of God. There is no other way but through him. He has called Thomas S. Monson as His anointed prophet today, and He has restored His church again. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and I am indebted to his sacrifices. Christ is my Elder Brother, My Shepherd, and I love Him for His infinite Atonement. Referring to when he will pass on to the other world, Elder McConkie said, "I shall not know better then than I know now that he is God's Almighty Son". Amen.

I love you all. I hope the best for all of you. Stay safe. Until next time, I love you! XOXO!


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