Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 3, 2007

Estimada Familia Irvine:

My esteemed family from Maryland! Life is great! Not really, but it could be worse. And, it's getting really cold nowadays...I'd never thought I'd see the day where California froze over! It's cold! 60's all night...brrr! I have a sweater I bought down in the Valley but I'm probably going to buy a coat or something when I get the time...or you could send me one but I think it'd be better to find one at Ross or Marshall's.

This week has gone by fast! I only have a few weeks left in this transfer! Ah! We had exchanges this past week again, which was weird since my old comp Sandoval never went on exchanges with the other elders (district leaders are supposed to do it...he didn't...whatever). I was with the greenie Elder Price. I felt terrible because he's kind of quiet, and I talked the entire day so I wouldn't be bored. And I taught the lessons too, even set a baptismal date with one of their investigators, Eduardo. It was strange. I was sitting there, talking about the lesson about the Atonement...then a voice said...set a baptismal date. I thought..pssh yeah right he's not even my investigator! Then again, set a baptismal date. I got strength and committed him to baptism. That was strange. And his wife recently opened up to the other elders in my district (Price and Fillingim), so I guess that lesson helped her a bit even though she didn't listen to us...somehow. It was really great though! Elder Price testifies with power that I haven't seen. Greenie power- don't know much, so testify of what you do know, and the Spirit comes in like someone opened floodgates. I cried in another lesson because the Spirit was very strong (thanks to Elder Price's testimony) and I translated for him a bit, he's having a rought time with Spanish. And, we encouraged them to pray and read the Book of Mormon. It helps having their priest, Father Hans, on our side. He's encouraging them to listen to us missionaries. Father Hans, a Catholic priest, lives in my area in the desert of Castaic and knows our church is true, but won't be baptized unless he can usher in his flock to us. A great man. He's a very good friend of President Goodrich too. On the flip side, Elder Neira and Elder Filli (call him that for short) called my investigators to repentance! A part-member family was stunned, especially the non-member father Gaspar. Neira said that when he said, 'we came as friends, but we come now as missionaries of Jesus Christ' they were confused. Neira said, 'God has blessed you with a family, and you are to take care of them. If you don't do what God sent you to do, He will take your family away from you forever.' And, he said he'd be baptized in time. He had never really cared what we taught him, but this time, according to Neira, he cared and listened. As for our prime investigators, the Jaimes, they were called to repentance too! Apparently the father was crying and asking for forgiveness for not going to church. Wow...I'm kinda happy I wasn't there because it seems a bit crazy! Exchanges were ridiculous! The work is progressing, and the investigators are amazing! One of them, Betsy Hernandez, is a bit crazy I have to say. But, she comes to church uninvited (we were 50-50 on dropping her) and to a baptismal service with her member friend, Hna. Ana Ocampo. What??!!! She stood us up several times and then flips around and goes to church and stuff? Wow! This work is great, but we do have our issues.

The ward might be broken up into a branch again, or dissolved completely. The bishop is overwhelmed, his counselors are so-so, and no one does anything (except a select few). Let's start from the beginning. We only have a few member presents a week. Those are the only members willing to help us. Also, we do all the home and visiting teaching. And thirdly, was last night. First Presidency Devotional. We invited investigators to come and watch it. We get there, they had a baptism for an 8 year old going on! I thought it would've ended by then half an hour later (naive I know, but c'mon!). They scheduled it for 6:30 in the room that they were going to broadcast in Spanish. So, the baptism goes until 7:30. We sat in the English session waiting for the baptism to end to start the one in Spanish for our investigator Betsy. I was angry! They knew we'd invited investigators to the devotional, yet they thought it was convenient to schedule a baptism at the same time! They went to eat refreshments and didn't start it (they had a tape) until 8:15, by then it was too late since it's an hour long. Where are the priorities? Yes, it's great to see a baptism. But what about the mission work? If they're so 'committed' to mission work, can they at least tell us what is going on? I ended up not seeing much of the broadcast, only a few songs and the talk by Pres. Eyring (which was fantastic). I couldn't believe it. So our investigator saw the tail end of the baptismal service, the introductions and all, and didn't see the broadcast. Our goal: get her to see the Prophet speak and gain a testimony. Ended up going to see a girl being introduced into the Church. Great, I know, but the ward didn't help us at all with this confusion. Frustrated, we talked to mission president. His response: I'll break up the Spanish ward completely if they're not helping the missionaries. When we got home, I felt terrible. If the mission work goes only English, we lose our investigators and they lose their chance to be baptized. The guilt goes on the heads of the ward leaders, who just can't get it together. I don't want that, but we'll see what happens. This ward is in shambles, and I don't know if I can go and serve to build up a ward. That isn't exactly what I had in mind coming out to California. But, if it's the Lord's will, I'll just go to work, and hope they'll help us someday. I have to ask, 'why am I here right now?' I can't believe it.

It doesn't help the ward is disorganized. We came to the conclusion that our investigators don't come to church because the ward isn't ready to receive them, which is what I think and believe seeing what's been going on recently. So, we'll encourage them to go to church, but I feel if they don't come, it could be a good thing. Yesterday, our teacher in priesthood taught false doctrine on how to ordain and bless people (and we corrected him). Argh! Why?

Also, Elder Price cut my hair last night. Problem is, he shaved my head, almost. So basically I'll have to tell Sister Goodrich and President Goodrich what happened this week at President interviews. I told him to use a 2 for the sides! Instead he shaves it all off (and messes up the back of the head)....just great! Oh well, now I look like a monk!

This area is amazing, but the ward isn't! I hope this ward won't be broken up, but we'll see what's the Lord's will not ours of course. I'll just keep working and doing what I need to, to find the elect and baptize them!

It's frustrating to know other elders are getting baptisms right and left...and I have none. I guess I'll have to be more hard-working and worthy. I don't think there's any other way. Comparison is of the devil, but it's so hard not to have that joyful feeling in seeing an investigator go and be baptized. That someone that you love so much and they take that big is frustrating! I just have to work, and make sure I'm being absolutely obedient.

I love you all, and I hope all is well in the Irvine home.

Elder Irvine

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