Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December 17, 2007

Dear Irvines:

I found out that Neira and I are sticking together for at least another transfer. I can't wait! We've worked so hard and we've been blessed! A miracle happened yesterday at church- we had 12 investigators come as well as 3 less active families. I was overwhelmed to say the least. I was busy directing investigators to classes I lost track of my comp for a bit...we were all directing families here and there and saying good-bye to some since they had to go work, etc. It was hectic! So the work is golden over here, the ward leaders aren't. As Elder Holland said about the apostasy, there used to be golden priests and wooden chalices, but there were wooden priests and golden chalices. That's how I feel about the ward leaders to be honest. We work our hardest (this transfer has been the most tiring in my entire life!) and yet we don't get any help from the leaders. We told Pres. Goodrich about it so he arranged interviews with the stake president and the bishopric. They were a bit rude and indifferent to us at church. The bishop didn't go to PEC for very long and didn't say anything to us, just a 'oh yeah I'll get that list to you' and he's off. The first counselor was sarcastic in asking us if we'd want to be in charge of the elder's quorum (since nothing is being done), but the second counselor is the best of the bunch. He actually wants to help us. So the bishopric is against us, but you know what? We love the members, they (mostly) love us, and we love our investigators and vice versa (I hope). We get no help, so we're going to work and visit members and build up God's kingdom on earth in this valley. Me importa un pepino, an idiom that literally means, if you screw everything up, it doesn't matter to me I really don't care. So, we're just going to work as hard as we have been, and baptize these golden investigators. The chapel was full! We brought about half the congregation too! The only downside was that the services and classes weren't really uplifting because the talks were really long and one American spoke broken Spanish and confused people, and our classes consist of reading straight from the manual, with little input from others. We're going to try to train these leaders, if the bishop will let us. We'll see. The work is golden, the ward is going to be golden, yet everything is not perfect. Oh well, siga adelante! Go on, go forth!

We have been attending study sessions with the Adventist Church for at least 3 weeks, and went to their church for 2 weeks. I felt the Spirit stronger in their church than in our ward, but that's another matter. Two of them came to church yesterday too, just to see it for themselves, and we're going to teach them this week to gauge their interest level. They are the closest religion to the Church of Jesus Christ. They believe in tithing, prophets (though their last one is dead and was a woman), and the Bible. God-fearing, faithful, and really attentive and respectful people. We were talking about it- what if we baptized the Adventist church? They have better leaders, they're more organized...if we baptize them they could be the core of our ward! That'd be sweet! We're going to their study session on Wednesday night as usual, and we're going to bring questions to ask their pastor. He even introduced us in their church as the 'brothers from the Mormon Church', not exactly correct but at least he introduced us. They know the Bible so much better than our members too, it's embarrassing sometimes. In Gospel Doctrine, they brought up a topic and the teacher answered their question but not very well. Potential ward members! We'll see what happens.

We've been praying to contact an elect a day and to begin teaching them, and we've been blessed! The Cardenas-Gil family is golden! Almost as golden as the Jaimes! They're not married, but are working on it. They ask amazing questions in our lessons and they came to church yesterday! They are a gift from God! The Jaimes came yesterday too! All of them! The father usually works, and was working, but he came to church for an hour for sacrament meeting. What a sacrifice! They will be baptized soon! I can see the vision of President Hinckley, because I can see the potential these people have. As long as I do my part, work my hardest, pray my hardest, trust in Him, and be obedient, this work will just accelerate. This transfer went by so fast, it seemed like yesterday I got here!

The Lord is blessing us every single day, and I can't tell in words how happy I am to see 12 investigators and 3 less active families come to church and fill the chapel! I love this work, and most of all, I love this ward! The work will continue to progress...I know it! It isn't easy covering half of the valley, but it is worth all the work we put in. We are lead every day to find His elect by the Spirit. We knock doors that we feel we should, we visit people that we feel need us in that moment...oh man this is wonderful!

All is well, all is well! I love you all!

Elder Irvine

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