Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December 24, 2007

Querida y Amorosa Familia Irvine:

Elder Neira couldn't believe that you sent a package to him, it was sweet! And the coat helps a lot, it's freezing out here! It's going up and down degrees-wise and it's a bit confusing for me. I can't wait to talk to all of you so soon! The thing is that I probably won't be able to get a phone card so just call either at 8 or after...we'll talk soon so we can figure it out. Oh yeah, Pres. Goodrich and his wife are inspecting all the apartments in this zone this week. I'm so nervous! This apartment has been trashed for the last who knows how long...it's some serious deep cleaning today! And I will give them the present you sent. Thank you so much Mom!

This week has been interesting to say the least. Our new district companion, Elder Humpherys, is way trunky. He's in his 9th transfer, so about a year out, and is itching to get home. They had a total of 6 lessons this week. At least double digits please! I'm afraid he's going to kill our greenie Elder Price, who has 1 transfer out. They spend all day at home and go out to work for a bit, then back home at 8 or so to go to bed early at 9 or 9:30 pm (when they should be getting back then planning then go to bed). I'm a bit frustrated and it's sad to see my friend Price get stuck with a trunky kid. He's a bit strange too, what a character. He uses MSF to buy Legos so he has no food. Not good at all. And we did get a greenie Hermana (sister missionary) Sister Frisby from Sandy, Utah. She's really cool. Her trainer is the best anyways. I'm so happy to be stuck with Elder Neira, because we work so hard and get so much done. This past week, 5 member presents and 20 other lessons with 8 progressing investigators. That's the most I've ever had in the mission so far, and I'm so tired! Every night we get back, plan, I nearly fall asleep in planning and then I just hit the sack after comp prayer. My comp drives so much, I don't know how he does it. I have trouble staying awake and I'm the passenger! But we are receiving blessings, so many that I am humbled to know that the Lord wants to help the work progress.

This golden family we found about a few weeks ago is the best ever! We were visiting with them, and taught a little bit about the Book of Mormon, read the Beattitudes from the Book of Mormon, then the 'wife' (girlfriend) just let loose with her testimony. Neira asked, did you receive and answer? She said, I know you were sent from God. For the 6 years that we've been married- living together, he's (her 'husband'-boyfriend) never shown interest in religion that much. But, he's liking everything that he's hearing. She was crying, I was crying, I think her man and my comp were crying too. It was really spiritual and emotional. Then Neira decided to share our story of how we found them, in third person of course. But he did slip up at one point, but finished the story. Two young men decided to pray to find people ready to receive the Gospel. They prayed, and went to a park to find these people they prayed to find. No one was there, one of them said, 'let's go home it's cold and windy', and the other said, 'no, let's wait a bit.' Then, they found a couple and shared a message, and knew that God sent them there. It was the Cardenas-Gil, that wonderful family we were teaching. It was funny, since Hna. Gil said they had a feeling to go all the way to Saugus (like 20 minute drive to Central Park) because they hadn't gone in a while. That same day, we prayed to find the elect there. So there you go, God blessed us. And, they've come 2 straight Sundays. The only thing is, we have to continue teaching them, converting through the Spirit and get them married! I think, I believe, that we can do this before this transfer ends! That would be amazing! I love them so much! I can see them in their whites being baptized, and even better being sealed in the holy temple in a year...as Elder Holland said in a talk, 'Oh Lord, it is enough.' I just love this work! Pres. Hinckley's dad as well as Pres. Benson had it right- work work work, there is no substitute for work to cure homesickness.

And, we have a great part-member family. Our buds Filli and Price went knocking with us, and they found them! The mother Emma is a member, father Jesus isn't a member. They have kids- all daughters- Emily (13), Lesley (9), and...a baby girl. But, 'Kika' or Lesley, is so awesome! We're teaching her so she can be baptized, and we're going to baptize her (hopefully) next week if all goes well. And, we want to extend a commitment to her dad soon after, because it's the best opportunity to do that. She was hilarious though! She's like Joseph Smith made his church and Christ made his. NO! I mean, well...Smith was the instrument to bring Christ's church to the earth again. And then she said that one time she went to a forest to pray like Joseph Smith did to receive an answer. Wow. That was cool. She did make us laugh a lot with all that she said...it was my first time teaching a kid so it was really interesting. In English too.

We didn't even have a chance to visit our golden investigators the Jaimes, but they came to church! We didn't even visit them, just called them, and they came! Man, this is amazing! We had another great moment contacting, praying to God to bless us with an elect. It was raining really hard in the desert area of Castaic/Val Verde, middle of nowhere. We get to the park, where we planned to contact, no one was there. The rain had just let up, and it was all wet and muddy. Then, right when we got there and waited around, a man walks up. My comp said, 'we're waiting for you.' He's like, 'what?' 'Yeah, God sent you to talk to us.' He had to go to the bathroom so he went to use it, came out, we taught a short message of Christ. The thing is, he had english classes in the building next to the park, but decided to go to the park to use the bathroom there. When we went to visit him, we saw that he had been reading the pamphlet we gave him. It was sitting on a table next to a window, just open. We couldn't find him since we went to the wrong place to meet him (his house when he wanted us to meet him at the park again). But, we did call him and we have another appointment with him. The windows of heaven are opening to us, and I see 8 baptisms this coming transfer. Or more.

Another investigator, 'Billy' Joel. Everyone calls him Billy, but his real name is Joel. He's a good friend of an english member in Stevenson Ranch, Brother Birchal, and Birchal wants us to teach him. We went to teach him, and man, he's one heckuva guy. He understands everything, he just has to ask God. He wants to come to church, possibly be baptized, and loves our services. He's a great guy! It helps that his friend, Brother Birchal, has great command of Spanish and teaches clearly and powerfully. He had to have been an AP or something, he's amazing! We took him down to the Mission President's Fireside in the Valley, and he liked it. He's progressing too, and I can't say how grateful I am to be here right now!

And, we found an old investigator. No one had visited them in a year, and the other elders didn't say anything about them on the record. We stop by, taught the wife Hna. Vinagre like a month ago. We stop by again, and teach her husband Hno. Camas. He wants to learn. He's honest, wants to learn, likes our lessons, and I think the Lord is slowly preparing him to be taught and to change. The blessings are coming! It's like a flood!

The work is progressing, and I can just see the vision of Pres. Hinckley of doubling convert baptisms. I can see double digit baptisms this transfer, easy, if we are obedient and bring the Spirit in every lesson we teach. Wow, I love this work!

I can't wait to talk to all of you! I'll talk to you later today Mom, can't wait! I'll be waiting at 3 pm.

I love you all! Merry Christmas!

Elder Irvine

December 17, 2007

Dear Irvines:

I found out that Neira and I are sticking together for at least another transfer. I can't wait! We've worked so hard and we've been blessed! A miracle happened yesterday at church- we had 12 investigators come as well as 3 less active families. I was overwhelmed to say the least. I was busy directing investigators to classes I lost track of my comp for a bit...we were all directing families here and there and saying good-bye to some since they had to go work, etc. It was hectic! So the work is golden over here, the ward leaders aren't. As Elder Holland said about the apostasy, there used to be golden priests and wooden chalices, but there were wooden priests and golden chalices. That's how I feel about the ward leaders to be honest. We work our hardest (this transfer has been the most tiring in my entire life!) and yet we don't get any help from the leaders. We told Pres. Goodrich about it so he arranged interviews with the stake president and the bishopric. They were a bit rude and indifferent to us at church. The bishop didn't go to PEC for very long and didn't say anything to us, just a 'oh yeah I'll get that list to you' and he's off. The first counselor was sarcastic in asking us if we'd want to be in charge of the elder's quorum (since nothing is being done), but the second counselor is the best of the bunch. He actually wants to help us. So the bishopric is against us, but you know what? We love the members, they (mostly) love us, and we love our investigators and vice versa (I hope). We get no help, so we're going to work and visit members and build up God's kingdom on earth in this valley. Me importa un pepino, an idiom that literally means, if you screw everything up, it doesn't matter to me I really don't care. So, we're just going to work as hard as we have been, and baptize these golden investigators. The chapel was full! We brought about half the congregation too! The only downside was that the services and classes weren't really uplifting because the talks were really long and one American spoke broken Spanish and confused people, and our classes consist of reading straight from the manual, with little input from others. We're going to try to train these leaders, if the bishop will let us. We'll see. The work is golden, the ward is going to be golden, yet everything is not perfect. Oh well, siga adelante! Go on, go forth!

We have been attending study sessions with the Adventist Church for at least 3 weeks, and went to their church for 2 weeks. I felt the Spirit stronger in their church than in our ward, but that's another matter. Two of them came to church yesterday too, just to see it for themselves, and we're going to teach them this week to gauge their interest level. They are the closest religion to the Church of Jesus Christ. They believe in tithing, prophets (though their last one is dead and was a woman), and the Bible. God-fearing, faithful, and really attentive and respectful people. We were talking about it- what if we baptized the Adventist church? They have better leaders, they're more organized...if we baptize them they could be the core of our ward! That'd be sweet! We're going to their study session on Wednesday night as usual, and we're going to bring questions to ask their pastor. He even introduced us in their church as the 'brothers from the Mormon Church', not exactly correct but at least he introduced us. They know the Bible so much better than our members too, it's embarrassing sometimes. In Gospel Doctrine, they brought up a topic and the teacher answered their question but not very well. Potential ward members! We'll see what happens.

We've been praying to contact an elect a day and to begin teaching them, and we've been blessed! The Cardenas-Gil family is golden! Almost as golden as the Jaimes! They're not married, but are working on it. They ask amazing questions in our lessons and they came to church yesterday! They are a gift from God! The Jaimes came yesterday too! All of them! The father usually works, and was working, but he came to church for an hour for sacrament meeting. What a sacrifice! They will be baptized soon! I can see the vision of President Hinckley, because I can see the potential these people have. As long as I do my part, work my hardest, pray my hardest, trust in Him, and be obedient, this work will just accelerate. This transfer went by so fast, it seemed like yesterday I got here!

The Lord is blessing us every single day, and I can't tell in words how happy I am to see 12 investigators and 3 less active families come to church and fill the chapel! I love this work, and most of all, I love this ward! The work will continue to progress...I know it! It isn't easy covering half of the valley, but it is worth all the work we put in. We are lead every day to find His elect by the Spirit. We knock doors that we feel we should, we visit people that we feel need us in that moment...oh man this is wonderful!

All is well, all is well! I love you all!

Elder Irvine

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 10, 2007

Querida Familia Irvine:

That's Steven for sure...slow and steady and misses the ride to church. That is really funny! I got left behind before, because I didn't want to go or I was sick...but not because of miscommunication (I'm about 90% sure...but you never know with my memory). As for the overcoat, depends on how much it costs to send the coat. If it's a lot, I'll just endure the cold because it's not worth a fortune. And, P-days are too short to get everything done including shopping for coats. As for packages, it'd be great! Talks on CD's, music, and whatever you feel like sending. I still haven't finished the food you sent me way back when, like the instant rice and stuff since the members feed us A LOT! Please don't send me too much this time!

Pres. Goodrich probably said I'll stay with my comp, who is amazing. I'm excited. But it's frustrating going through every week. Start the week off great, I love my investigators and I love teaching them with the Spirit. Then Sunday comes, and I get to church. The bishopric doesn't help us, they put our progress records (which are to be used to coordinate rides and visits with missionaries) aside in the clerk's office. The bishop is 'me me me' all the time. He went up in sacrament meeting and thanked everyone for coming to church. We doubled attendance this week because Neira and I visited almost every single person in the chapel yesterday. Never thanks us for the work that we do. He has no idea how tired we are and how the missionary work goes. I hate personal recognition, but the bishop just is up in the clouds with missionary work and loves to put us aside. I did this, I did that. I'm frustrated every week. Starts great, then ends with frustration. Every single week. It's getting annoying. I have the attitude, just get to work, Just Do It, like Nike says. But it's frustrating every week when we have to go visit every single member of the ward that covers 2 English stakes (9 wards) to get them to church. The Elder's Quorum President, I saw him for the first time yesterday this entire 6 weeks, because we stopped by his home. That goes for a lot of our less actives too. We don't have the manpower, we don't have the strength to do that every week. I am ticked, I can't say it any other way. I want to stay here, but something has to change here. Golden investigators, and a wooden bishop that doesn't help us. It's been a really tiring week on top of that.

So we're a missionary down since a sister missionary had to go home early due to sickness and one of ours got moved to cover her spot. 3 sister missionaries to cover 2 English wards and help us out, it's a lot of work to go bilingual. Saturday, we decided, we're going to cover part of their area- Canyon Country. We drove 70 miles that day. Back and forth between appointments, two blessings, finding referrals, trying to find some recent converts and teach them, went contacting in the local park, then back to our area to eat dinner. Honestly, that was the most tiring day of my life. After dinner, we went to another appointment and got home really late (10 pm, half an hour late) and just crashed. We worked 10 am to 10 pm non-stop. I was so tired that when we got back from church yesterday, I took an hour and a half nap. And I was still tired, such is the work! Elder Neira is getting really frustrated with the 'support' of the bishop as well as the huge area we cover, so he suggested to Pres. Goodrich that I train this coming transfer and cover half of our area to cut down on miles he has to drive. That'd be sweet! But, it's the Lord's will, not mine.

Saturday was, by far, the best day even though it was the busiest ever! We went to an investigator's home, she wasn't home so we're dropping her. We ended up going to a less active's house, the Santillan's, whose Christian daughter called us blasphemers not too long ago. I didn't want to go, but Neira was like 'c'mon Elder Irvine' so we did. We get there and knock on the door, the daughter opens the door and had us come in. We found out that her mom, the member, nearly died half and hour ago with severe drops in sugar level. And, her mom prayed for the missionaries to come. Her daughter knew it was an answer to her mother's prayer. We helped her move some things around the home, and sat down to talk. They gave us tamales and then, the bombshell. The daughter said that her trials are overwhelming, and that she wants to read the Bible and gain comfort from it. She asked us *gasp* to teach her from the scriptures. What a change! The first time I went there I nearly cried because she called us blasphemers, and now she wants us to teach her? Wow! So that was a pleasant surprise (understatement). We went to another investigator's home, not home, so we went to give a blessing to a member in Canyon Country and took a 15 minute nap. It was good, because we needed it later. Zipped in, blessed her son with a blessing of comfort. The mother is a perfectionist, poor kid, she was mad he wasn't being the #1 student and was just being pretty mean in my opinion. So we zipped over to another member, who is really sick. We gave her a blessing and left to find a referral. We got lost a bit, and finally found it. Not home. Along the way, we stopped the car when we saw two black hoodlums walking. We asked them directions, 'Hey, do you know where West Ness is?' and the kid closest to us shook and freaked out. Then they said, 'Naw, man' and we finally found it. It was hilarious! If you saw his reaction, oh my goodness! That made my day. So the referral wasn't home, and we ended up getting stood up by a recent convert (he forgot about the lesson he told us later). Quick lunch then off to contact in the park IN THE COLD. It was at least 40 plus wind chill. But, we found an elect family. This entire week, we've had some trouble finding the elect. We set an hour apart in a specific place to find an elect, and we finally got one on Saturday! We're going to teach them in the next few days. Frozen, but excited, we found another recent convert and cleared up some of his doubts about priesthood, then finally went back to Newhall, 30 minutes away. Less active wasn't home, so we went to eat dinner...which was just fantastic! Eating dinner at the Umana's is like going to a buffett, he gives us a LOT of food! And, he's an RM so he knows what's up with the ward. He's our ear, our inside man. We finished the ward mission plan on his comp and gave it to him. We got to the Jaimes' home 30 minutes late, but our member fellowshippers were there! I love familia Ceja! We taught and testified about the Holy Ghost, and the Spirit was strong. We got home, planned, and crashed really fast. I have never been so tired than I was Saturday. And guess what, the mother, daughter, and son came to church yesterday! The oldest son is in Mexico with the soccer team and the dad was busy. But, they are progressing! I was so happy to see them yesterday. The Lord is blessing us with the elect, two days in a row, and we are still going to go out there and do His work. Regardless of what happens, I'm going to be His representative and going to do His work and His will.

Something my comp pointed out to me was that we are literally God's representatives, that people reject us, they reject God. We can't disobey the rules, because we are in His stead. It's as if we are Him when we are in the mission field. It's motivated me to be a better missionary, to actually make good contacts, teaching moments, whatever you call them, on the streets. My brothers and sisters are waiting for this Gospel, I just have to testify and teach. What a great message, what a marvelous work!

I am sad to say, I am hitting my 6 month mark. I am sad, I don't want time to fly so fast! I want to go back to the beginning and do it over again! I don't want to look back and say...if I only had done this...or that...if I only had the knowledge I have now.

I love this mission, I love this work, I, most of all, love my Savior Jesus Christ. He has blessed me with the gift of tongues, He has picked me up from the lowest points of the mission so far, and He has blessed me immensely. How I love my Lord, my God! As Alma says, if I were an angel of God and go about with the trump of God!

I love you all, and I'll talk to you soon.

Elder Irvine

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 3, 2007

Estimada Familia Irvine:

My esteemed family from Maryland! Life is great! Not really, but it could be worse. And, it's getting really cold nowadays...I'd never thought I'd see the day where California froze over! It's cold! 60's all night...brrr! I have a sweater I bought down in the Valley but I'm probably going to buy a coat or something when I get the time...or you could send me one but I think it'd be better to find one at Ross or Marshall's.

This week has gone by fast! I only have a few weeks left in this transfer! Ah! We had exchanges this past week again, which was weird since my old comp Sandoval never went on exchanges with the other elders (district leaders are supposed to do it...he didn't...whatever). I was with the greenie Elder Price. I felt terrible because he's kind of quiet, and I talked the entire day so I wouldn't be bored. And I taught the lessons too, even set a baptismal date with one of their investigators, Eduardo. It was strange. I was sitting there, talking about the lesson about the Atonement...then a voice said...set a baptismal date. I thought..pssh yeah right he's not even my investigator! Then again, set a baptismal date. I got strength and committed him to baptism. That was strange. And his wife recently opened up to the other elders in my district (Price and Fillingim), so I guess that lesson helped her a bit even though she didn't listen to us...somehow. It was really great though! Elder Price testifies with power that I haven't seen. Greenie power- don't know much, so testify of what you do know, and the Spirit comes in like someone opened floodgates. I cried in another lesson because the Spirit was very strong (thanks to Elder Price's testimony) and I translated for him a bit, he's having a rought time with Spanish. And, we encouraged them to pray and read the Book of Mormon. It helps having their priest, Father Hans, on our side. He's encouraging them to listen to us missionaries. Father Hans, a Catholic priest, lives in my area in the desert of Castaic and knows our church is true, but won't be baptized unless he can usher in his flock to us. A great man. He's a very good friend of President Goodrich too. On the flip side, Elder Neira and Elder Filli (call him that for short) called my investigators to repentance! A part-member family was stunned, especially the non-member father Gaspar. Neira said that when he said, 'we came as friends, but we come now as missionaries of Jesus Christ' they were confused. Neira said, 'God has blessed you with a family, and you are to take care of them. If you don't do what God sent you to do, He will take your family away from you forever.' And, he said he'd be baptized in time. He had never really cared what we taught him, but this time, according to Neira, he cared and listened. As for our prime investigators, the Jaimes, they were called to repentance too! Apparently the father was crying and asking for forgiveness for not going to church. Wow...I'm kinda happy I wasn't there because it seems a bit crazy! Exchanges were ridiculous! The work is progressing, and the investigators are amazing! One of them, Betsy Hernandez, is a bit crazy I have to say. But, she comes to church uninvited (we were 50-50 on dropping her) and to a baptismal service with her member friend, Hna. Ana Ocampo. What??!!! She stood us up several times and then flips around and goes to church and stuff? Wow! This work is great, but we do have our issues.

The ward might be broken up into a branch again, or dissolved completely. The bishop is overwhelmed, his counselors are so-so, and no one does anything (except a select few). Let's start from the beginning. We only have a few member presents a week. Those are the only members willing to help us. Also, we do all the home and visiting teaching. And thirdly, was last night. First Presidency Devotional. We invited investigators to come and watch it. We get there, they had a baptism for an 8 year old going on! I thought it would've ended by then half an hour later (naive I know, but c'mon!). They scheduled it for 6:30 in the room that they were going to broadcast in Spanish. So, the baptism goes until 7:30. We sat in the English session waiting for the baptism to end to start the one in Spanish for our investigator Betsy. I was angry! They knew we'd invited investigators to the devotional, yet they thought it was convenient to schedule a baptism at the same time! They went to eat refreshments and didn't start it (they had a tape) until 8:15, by then it was too late since it's an hour long. Where are the priorities? Yes, it's great to see a baptism. But what about the mission work? If they're so 'committed' to mission work, can they at least tell us what is going on? I ended up not seeing much of the broadcast, only a few songs and the talk by Pres. Eyring (which was fantastic). I couldn't believe it. So our investigator saw the tail end of the baptismal service, the introductions and all, and didn't see the broadcast. Our goal: get her to see the Prophet speak and gain a testimony. Ended up going to see a girl being introduced into the Church. Great, I know, but the ward didn't help us at all with this confusion. Frustrated, we talked to mission president. His response: I'll break up the Spanish ward completely if they're not helping the missionaries. When we got home, I felt terrible. If the mission work goes only English, we lose our investigators and they lose their chance to be baptized. The guilt goes on the heads of the ward leaders, who just can't get it together. I don't want that, but we'll see what happens. This ward is in shambles, and I don't know if I can go and serve to build up a ward. That isn't exactly what I had in mind coming out to California. But, if it's the Lord's will, I'll just go to work, and hope they'll help us someday. I have to ask, 'why am I here right now?' I can't believe it.

It doesn't help the ward is disorganized. We came to the conclusion that our investigators don't come to church because the ward isn't ready to receive them, which is what I think and believe seeing what's been going on recently. So, we'll encourage them to go to church, but I feel if they don't come, it could be a good thing. Yesterday, our teacher in priesthood taught false doctrine on how to ordain and bless people (and we corrected him). Argh! Why?

Also, Elder Price cut my hair last night. Problem is, he shaved my head, almost. So basically I'll have to tell Sister Goodrich and President Goodrich what happened this week at President interviews. I told him to use a 2 for the sides! Instead he shaves it all off (and messes up the back of the head)....just great! Oh well, now I look like a monk!

This area is amazing, but the ward isn't! I hope this ward won't be broken up, but we'll see what happens...it's the Lord's will not ours of course. I'll just keep working and doing what I need to, to find the elect and baptize them!

It's frustrating to know other elders are getting baptisms right and left...and I have none. I guess I'll have to be more hard-working and worthy. I don't think there's any other way. Comparison is of the devil, but it's so hard not to have that joyful feeling in seeing an investigator go and be baptized. That someone that you love so much and they take that big step...it is frustrating! I just have to work, and make sure I'm being absolutely obedient.

I love you all, and I hope all is well in the Irvine home.

Elder Irvine

November 26, 2007

Dear Irvine Family:

I'm sure I sent a memory card that has pictures on it. If it doesn't have anything on it...that means I lost all those pictures...oh well. I didn't have time to print out pictures since there isn't a Wal-Mart close enough to the apartment to zip in and out quick. I hope it works...if not I guess you'll have to send it back to me so I can see what's going on. Try it with a different camera or something, it should work. And, could you please get me Kristy's address so I can write her back?

Sports...it doesn't seem as important anymore. But thanks for the updates once in a while, to keep my inner sports self going. I always knew BYU was better than Utah anyways...as for Sean Taylor...that kid is straight up dumb. Just wasting his life away.

I hope Thanksgiving went well for all of you...we had a zone touch football game and then...we went to work! No breaks! Happy Late Thanksgiving!

This week has gone by so fast! My comp is seriously tempted to rebuke our investigators and less actives for not coming to church, by using the priesthood to seal his testimony. I think he's going overboard, so I'm not going to do that. I'm frustrated, of course, but come on! Only when the Spirit guides, and my comp knows that. But this week has been utterly ridiculous. One thing that I can't stand are liars. We contact people and they lie to us. Sabes que? Know what? They condemn themselves everytime they lie to missionaries, because they know we're Christ's representatives. We met a guy from Castaic, about half an hour away from our apartment. He told us to meet him at his house. He called us too. Gave us a wrong phone number, and a fake address too. When we got up there, we couldn't reach him and we couldn't find his address. We got lost on top of that on the way up, since a member was going to feed us dinner and he lives off a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. It was a very frustrating Tuesday. We've had a few less actives lie to us too. Rosario, for example. Yeah, her son has been baptized. Whenever we stop by, she's never home. Never. And, we had set the appointment with her previously. So, we can't ever teach her son the transition lessons. This other less active told us a wrong address. Same old, same old. They know they're doing things wrong, they just don't want to change. We did find a less active walking around our area though. My comp has been looking for her for two months...so something good did come from all this. We had zone conference this week, which is always great to have. One of the AP's, Elder Monson (speaks only English), gave his last training in zone conference...he goes home in a few weeks. It was yesterday that he had a few transfers left...wow. I can't believe how fast time flies. Zone conference was great, especially when Elder Monson said he wished that he had taught more about the Atonement and how it applied to our investigators. He said that at the end of his mission he is only realizing how important it is to everyone, and how it can lead people to realize they need to change. Right after that, we applied it in our lessons. Atonement, Christ died for your sins, you can be clean only through His Gospel and Church. I think it has changed my focus in the lessons. Without the Atonement, they won't change. With it, and if they understand it, they will change. Haven't had immediate success yet, but we'll see. I realized how important Christ is in my life, and how I can be clean everyday. I see why we need so many meetings sometimes, because missionaries can easily be discouraged.

But, I have to say, we did have one amazing appointment last Monday. We had some problems with this one potential, Elvia Aguirre. She's Christian, immersed in her church, and didn't want us to talk about Joseph Smith. Well, I thought, might as well drop her, but we went and taught her anyways. We prepared, step by step, a lesson that would explain why Christ's church is on the earth now, and why it's so important to join His church. Basically, a lesson focused on Apostasy. It was picture perfect. No stone unturned, no concept unexplained or left incomplete. It was pretty amazing. I couldn't believe it myself. Her husband was open-minded, so we have a good potential. We'll see what happens today when we go teach them. That was so amazing that I think that was the best lesson we've had all week. The Spirit was there, they understood what we taught, and especially a need for a Restoration of Christ's church. Wow, we were blessed!

Yesterday, Sunday, was Mission President's fireside for investigators, and we couldn't make it. One, because our investigator didn't have enough money, if any, to pay for gas to go down to the Valley. Second, because no one else wanted or 'couldn't' go with us. I was frustrated. I couldn't believe it. No one was home, no one could make it, no one had time. Discouraged, we went to a member's home to see if he could help. He couldn't, he had to go with the rest of the bishopric to visit some members with issues. This member, Hno. Umana, is a stud. Stud missionary, stud counselor, stud. We called all our investigators from his house, and members...no one could help us. So he raised our spirits with a few stories from his mission, and I was energized again! Frustrated, yes. Disappointed, of course. But, I decided to do my best to bring or invite these people, if they said no, that's okay. We ended up visiting a recent convert, gave him a blessing of health. We visited a member, and we talked to the mother of her daughter's friend. And, we found our other potential investigator hanging out with her. Sweet! And, we taught another potential investigator, and he actually understood what we said and paid attention. The fireside fell through, but we were able to do more work as a result. The Lord works in mysterious ways sometimes. But, I hate liars and excuse-makers. Condemnation on their heads. Especially lying less actives ('no, he's not home' the wife says, when the little son said 'my dad's watching television'....'oh I'll be home then' and they're not home...). Dust them off and move on.

The worst part of it, is the 'ward'. I don't know if I want to call it that. I have never seen a sadder ward. If that's a word or term. No pianist, we had to sing acapella for a bit until some help arrived. We blessed and passed the Sacrament. We get no help from members in lessons. They're apathetic...yeah I'll go to church but nah...no nights out with missionaries. Just a few choice ones. What makes it worse is that we have to ask the bishop to fellowship some investigators when he's already swamped with things to do. We have no priesthood support. They don't do Family Home Evenings. They don't care about missionary work. Is this Zion? I wish I could say yes...but a work in progress. PEC is a waste of an hour...no one helps us anyways so why make a progress record when no one cares? We cover half of the valley...and have no help from members. Ridiculous. I asked, 'why am I here?', only to answer myself with, 'get to work, someone is waiting for you, and this work will go forth.' I have to say, it'll take time for this ward to be built up. A while. This is not going to be easy (who said it would be?).

I ran into a friend of mine from BYU, who was in my student ward. What a coincidence... Danny Ramirez of California and he's in the AP's ward. That was weird hearing my name and seeing Dan in his BMW on his way home from church. He's putting in his mission papers...awesome!

I bought a copy of the soon-to-be-taught Teachings of Joseph Smith book, and I've learned a lot in the few times I've read it. I love it, and every time I read it, I gain a testimony of what he taught, and especially that he was a prophet of God. Two things that struck me. First, infants that die in infancy are choice spirits, only here for a brief time to obtain a body then return to their Heavenly Father. They are that special they only need a short time to obtain a body then return to the Father's presence. I had never thought of that before. Why do babies die? Because they were spirits so ready to do His will they didn't even need this time of probation. It's humbling to me to know that. They didn't even need a trial, they already proved themselves in heaven. Second, that members who apostatize can never leave the Church alone. Joseph Smith said, that when one is baptized they chose God's plan. But, as they left pride take them away, they chose Satan's plan. Like Judas betrayed Jesus, apostate members betray God and their brethren and will be burned up. They cannot leave the Church alone because they are evil, like Satan, and cannot leave the Church alone, because it is just, as God is just and pure. And, the Spirit of God withdraws from them. I had never thought of that before. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, there is no doubt in my mind. 'Praise to the Man, who communed with Jehovah...Jesus annointed that Prophet and Seer...'

I love you all. I hope all is well. This is but a short time, but a short moment as the Lord told Joseph Smith. Am I better than He, who suffered all? I'm not alone, thanks to God's mercy.

I love you all, the best family in the entire world! May God keep you safe.

Elder Irvine