Saturday, February 28, 2009

October 14, 2008

Dear Mom,

The wildfires are raging here in the Valley. Thank goodness it's up on the hills north of my area and very northeast of us. We're sitting in the middle part of it so we're mostly unaffected. No worries, until it starts to head towards Northridge I wouldn't worry at all. But, I've been smelling ash and smoke for the past day including today. There are helicopters going in and out all day and all night. So basically the fires are raging. Several thousand acres of uninhabited land has been scorched and some rich people's houses have been burned pretty bad. We were at a member's house yesterday playing tennis and she showed us the news. Those palm trees burn real fast! The Valley was covered in smoke most of yesterday morning. Man, I can't stand the smell of ash in the air. Apparently it gets like this a lot. I haven't had to deal with it because I went to Sta. Clarita after their raging fires that were really crazy and before the Valley ones started. I am!

By the way, what was the last picture I sent you? I can't remember because my memory card is getting full and I don't know which ones I can delete so...just describe or attach it so I can delete them and start anew. But, I have some sweet pictures for you all!

The work is going so well. Very well, actually. A few ups and downs, but mostly ups. The Lord is preparing this area and I probably will just be the beginning instruments of such success. I feel this is my mandate, to finish strong here and hope for the best! Mike is doing great, and our Korean woman unfortunately is going through financial difficulties so she's put us on hold for now until it's all fixed. But, she's doing well considering the circumstances.

By the way, our less active (but now very active and rolling fast it's crazy ridiculous) Luna family met with the bishop last week and they're almost ready to go to the temple. When the bishop called me to let me know...I was in shock. I didn't know what to do, yell, scream, or throw things...I was puzzled of how I should react. So I just calmly told Woods with a big grin on my face. Soon accompanied by a bigger grin on his face. In six weeks, of consistent attendance to church and activities, they're to take the six week temple preparation class and then soon afterwards go to the temple to be sealed for all time and eternity. The wheels are turning, the car is rolling, and we are on our way to the temple! I'm so excited!

Highlights! So we basically cleaned up the sister missionaries apartments last p-day and most of the next day because it was A MESS! Woods and I weren't going to let that apartment go in that mess, so we helped the sisters clean it up. It took almost all day to do it, but at the end...we were like...yes, another dirty elder's apartment is officially clean! Last p-day we used a carpet cleaner to clean ours, then the next morning we cleaned another elder's apartment, then the sister's to finish it off. It was amazing! The rest of the day was non-existent. Showered, dressed, went to dinner with our really vocal Gospel Doctrine teacher (he thinks he knows it all) and went around trying to visit some investigators and stuff with Elder Sara in Sherman Oaks ward (he's training a greenie so his greenie came in on Wednesday- he was stuck with us!). Got to meet some really cool families and people in the end. And we had a sweet Nerf gun fight all night. It was very entertaining to say the least.

Wednesday! We were in Sherman Oaks most of the day just cruising around trying to contact investigators for Sara and we had mixed success. But, I admit, there are some crazy people in his area. When we contacted on Ventura Blvd., there were some crazy people. Well, we met an Argentine who talked with his hands like the Italians did. He told us his life story, so we couldn't really contact him about the Gospel. We did our best was weird. We dropped him off so he could go to Sta. Clarita to pick up his greenie (who is a good, humble kid from St. George Utah, Elder Frei (or Fry as it's pronounced)). We ate with our high councilman, Bro. Calderon, and we talked about how we can get the missionary work started and stuff. We did get a brand new ward mission leader so we're on a roll right now. We went on team-up with youth AC Black, who loves to do missionary work whenever he has time. He's going to be one heck of an elder when his time comes. His brother is just as amazing. We visited a less active who had a stroke and is terminal with brain cancer, so we taught him to pray and it was a great lesson. We prayed in a circle for him, first me, then Woods, then AC. He didn't feel comfortable praying with us three so he thanked us instead. He says to give him time...I don't know about that but I gave up so we'll not pressure him as much. Pretty sweet stuff.

Thursday! We took Sara and Frei shopping in the morning because they had no food, but we gave one of their less actives a blessing because her wisdom tooth got infected and she didn't treat it so now it's spread to her throat. Her fault. Not pain-free at all. We went to a member's house to update our area book maps and they fed us a delicious lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum! We had a Q&A with a ward missionary, Sister Ulloa of Costa Rica, and shared a thought. Zoomed to Susan Lar because she freaked out the other night. Some scripture she kept reading creeped her out, so damage control with the Spirit did the job. Superstitious Filipinos...but she's doing great now. Just a little scare. Our dinner was full of fun and we just get along with these loving members. The 'other' Picketts, Dave and Cyndi (Jared is Dave's older brother and is more outgoing, thus the 'other' label). Little kid Mikey loves to play with Woods so he's sitting on him and stuff. Really fun to watch. We committed them to read the scriptures and they said they will, 3rd Nephi 18. They've changed. They had a great spiritual experience when we committed them to pray for guidance for work, and so they listen to us now. We zoomed to the Lunas and taught them the Gospel lesson from Preach My Gospel. They knew it all. We just had to hammer in the details for them. Along with our sweet object lesson, Senor Huevo (Mr. Egg). We get a Gatorade bottle and a boiled egg. We put the egg in...doesn't work. Do you have faith? Repent! Peel the eggshell off...still can't fit. Baptism! Dip it in water. Still doesn't go in. Baptism of Fire! Put some rubbing alcohol in there and light a match. Throw it in, it lights up, and you immediately (after the flame disappears) put it on top...the egg gets sucked inside the bottle. The egg endured to the end to get in the bottle! Really cool demonstration and it worked! So that was our great day!

Friday was super busy. We had the first tri-zone district leader training meeting and I was so pumped to go out and work and convert everyone! We had our development meeting and ended up planning what we are going to do in our district meetings. We had zone council...and met stiff opposition from missionaries who wanted to do it their way, meaning they didn't want to work as a zone. So that was difficult to say the least and the Spirit was gone. So it was a waste of time. The rest of the day rocked though! We taught Mike and he's still pumped for baptism so I'm excited for him when it happens (it'll be a while). We knocked some doors and street contacted along a street. We usually don't do that. But we went to a referral the day before, talked to him, then started to knock his neighborhood then the first person we meet suggests we knock a street further down because she took a walk around there and she heard arguments and stuff. So we had some great contacts...that night and the next day (Friday). We had some great chili for dinner with our Ward Mission Leader Bro. Kline and we did a simplified overview of the ward mission for him. He's a bit overwhelmed, but his commitment is there. He wants to help missionary work. A great organizational meeting and we walked out of there just excited for this transfer! We went to see the Lunas at their softball game since it's on our way home. Really funny. We couldn't find them at first so we call them. Their daughter picks up and is all tired then gives us which field to go to. We get there (this is right before we go in for the night) and say hello and the wife Cindy is so happy to see us. We say 'How's it going Bro. Luna?' and he just laughs and smiles nervously as he goes to bat. That expression was priceless. Must've been't mess up. They told us the next day that they won, but barely. Just a great day and a great time. I love to work!

By the way, the winds are picking up because it's fire season. Intense! Saturday was full of appointments. Seven appointments. Crazy. Susan was reading a basic book on the Plan of Salvation that a member gave her, a Q&A book, so that was an easy lesson. She knew it all. James Warner, the less active who didn't like to pray, was doing alright I guess and he said he'll work on public, vocal prayer. We visited an older man, Bill Cox, and he's struggling right now due to financial difficulties. The state won't pay him anymore, even though they owe him. So he's in a bind and says he knows what he has to do, but he knows now it isn't easy. We encouraged him as best as we could. We got lunch and took care of all our stuff and went to Abel Gomez, a former investigator. He was stubborn as heck. He accepted prophets, then contradicted himself. He said I can't accept Joseph Smith as my Savior. Woods went over prophets again and emphasized Joseph Smith was a prophet, not a savior. Abel said the same thing. I interrupted him and bore my witness that Joseph Smith was a prophet, God called him to do a work, and through God's power we have the Book of Mormon. It wasn't me talking, it was the Spirit working through me. He shut up his objections and listened to this chastisement of the Spirit. I felt different, because I know the Spirit was working through me to get to his own spirit. I was prompted to testify that his baptism meant nothing without the authority that Joseph Smith received from Jesus Christ himself. He will not be saved without a proper baptism. I basically condemned him...because the Spirit wanted me to. It was powerful. Bold. Honest. But, in a loving manner. We left, and if he wants to listen, he'll call us. I wasn't myself, because I knew Abel needed to hear something that didn't come from me, but from His Father in Heaven. I walked outside with Woods, and we were in awe and amazement. The Lord's tender mercies. I felt like Joseph defying the vulgar jailors, and I am grateful for that opportunity I had to allow the Spirit to testify to a stubborn son of God. From that we visited Bruce and had a hard time with another less active family whose father wants to fight the bishop. His wife was sarcastic but honest, said, 'but we're missing the temple' due to their inactivity. He brushed her off. We had the best time with the Lunas, teaching the Commandments and the priesthood to Junior. It was so fun, but very spiritual. He knows it all, he just has to review it all. The Lord's work won't be stopped.

Sunday was even greater! We fasted to double convert baptisms and the Spirit really uplifted us both. My understanding was opened and I just felt the Spirit all day long. I was hungry, yes, but I was spiritually fed. We went contacting after church and wow! We contacted with the Spirit even stronger than before! Feeding off the Spirit! We had a great dinner with the Sanders, who want to be more diligent in home teaching and a great family home evening with the Lunas. We had a great lesson on following the prophet and Word of Wisdom, and played some fun games. The Lord sent me here to find the Lunas and bring them back. I don't remember what I said, but it made a difference. The Lord's tender mercies, indeed. Their daughter Stephanie wants to pray, and that makes them proud. Cindy thought she wouldn't when she volunteered, but when she repeated Cindy's words, Cindy was suprised. And I know she was touched to know her family was changing to be strong in the Gospel.

I know this work is the Lord's. I love my Savior. I know he loves all his children on the earth. Stay strong, be diligent and vigilant, and all will be well!

I love you all. Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

October 6, 2008

Dear Dad,

General Conference was great! I missed priesthood session because my comp had a virus and took a nap instead. It could've been food poisoning or something. But, it was a great conference. Our recent convert Susan went, as did the less active but now active Lunas and our other less active from Argentina. I felt edified and uplifted by their talks and I just loved it! Elder Neil Andersen's talk was fabulous. Pres. Uchtdorf was great and full of hope. Literally. Pres. Monson was spectacular in his delivery, as usual. Pres. Eyring was full of enthusiasm, love, and encouragement. Elder Oaks laid the hammer down, especially when he said that some Saints violate the covenants they're making in the same place they're making these covenants. Ouch. Elder Wirthlin was full of love and of joy, and I guess he'll be passing beyond the veil soon. Laugh, seek to endure, understand the law of compensation, and put your faith and trust in the Lord. "Come what may and love it." What better messages for us than these! Honestly, I hope the Saints in SoCal will take this advice to heart, but knowing the complacity of this stake over here, it'll be a long, drawn-out process.

Numbers-wise our week wasn't the greatest, but we used our time effectively and did the Lord's work. We are finding new investigators here and there, and the Lord is providing for us. There is no way that these people could drop into our laps. He gave us another blessing in that we're both staying until November 16th. I was so elated and relaxed to know that my efforts will continue here until then. What'll really stink is next transfer- Christmas AND Thanksgiving! If I get moved, I'll miss them both in a ward I have grown to love dearly. Our members were so glad to hear us say, 'by the way, we're staying.' Sister Cindy Luna said, "Oh, okay. Wait! (it dawned on her) You're both staying? Yes!" On a side note, President saw the lack of work ethic in some of my elders (I didn't really notice until transfers) and he's whitewashing our proud and richer wards in our stake. I hope the sister missionaries that they put in are up to the task. That's going to be weird. Sister missionaries in my district for the second time in my mission I'm serving for the Lord. Weird. Today I'll be running around the Valley moving in the sisters and picking up another elder because he's training (and greenies come in on Wednesdays). Crazy busy transfer p-day! About the tickets, technically we're supposed to pay it together, but I didn't ask Woods to pay because I should've seen the sign. The next time, I will definitely ask him. He says to Mom thanks for the generous gift.

I have learned so much about myself. I didn't realize how aggravated I get sometimes when things don't go my way. I never realized how stress can really affect mood, attitude, work ethic, etc. This General Conference helped me realize those weaknesses, as well as Elder Woods' support and encouragement, and I have seen a slight change. Elder Woods brought up one day how judgmental and pessimistic I am at times. So, I took it in, and the next day I studied the topic, 'to judge others'. A very humbling, but touching, learning experience. With the same judgment we use to judge, we will be condemned by it. As one of the authorities said, who is our Judge? Doesn't he do the same for us, to just turn the other cheek and to ignore our own faults? Am I perfect enough to judge? A resounding no. I felt humbled and chastised sufficiently, and I am so grateful my companion pointed it out and encouraged me to do better. I have learned so much as I studied Preach My Gospel of how to teach those without a Christian background. I've been diligently studying this section most of last week using the scriptures that are in PMG (sounds like an automatic pistol or something). I have not only learned from great teachers like Ammon, and Aaron, and Alma, and Amulek, but I have strengthened my witness of the Book of Mormon. I love the scripture quoting Aaron teaching Lamoni's father, 'O king, as thou livest there is a God' or something along those lines. I learned how the Spirit can help us not only teach, but to expound the scriptures. To simplify them, as Pres. Taylor said, so even a child can understand the doctrine. I learned, that we must teach by the Spirit, we must love our people as did these great missionaries, we must pray to have success and pray to love these people as well as their salvation. I learned that if we boldly declare repentance, people will change if it is their desire. I learned that God fulfills His promises to all. I learned a ton, needless to say. I read 2nd Nephi chapter two this week, and it was edifying to my own testimony. There is no other way whereby man shall be saved, save it be through the Holy Messiah. Without opposition in all things, there can be no joy, nor sorrow. General Conference also highlighted the things I learned this past week. We are to act, not to be acted upon. I see now that by studiously searching the scriptures my understanding will be opened by the Spirit and the Lord will guide me in whatever I do. I love the Lord and His word.

A brief summary of this past week. My exchange with another elder was not the most effective use of my time, to say the least. It 'sufficeth' (as the scriptures say) to say that it wasn't the greatest exchange I've ever had. But, I learned what NOT to do as a planner. Our Wednesday was busy, as usual, as was our Thursday. Appointment to appointment. We finally got to start on updating our Area book stuff since our ward list changes a ton, and that took much longer than expected. But, we got the majority done this week. We had a quick weekly planning session due to time constraints (or lack of time) and our appointments went pretty darn well. We helped Betsy set up her place for Halloween. The Lunas got us edible spiders and stuff for Halloween. We had two sweet appointments with them. Thursday we had a shaky lesson because we didn't plan the details as well, but it was a tender mercy of the Lord. We went from agency to sabbath day observance. I felt alone testifying since we didn't plan very well (my bad), but the Spirit was there to help me. He supported me as I related how Sunday is a holy day for me, and how I feel recharged for the week to come. They told us they set up an appointment with the bishop to set up a timetable to go to the temple. President Goodrich told me unless there's a huge problem, it's either 1-3 or 3-6 months for most less actives. Yeah! They're on a roll! Oh yeah, that night I get home and President calls me...he's coming to my district meeting! Oh my gosh! I only heard of him going to district meetings, let alone my own meeting! But, I gave my trainer fair warning and he was already prepared. Nothing to worry.

Friday was nervous...but it went well. Elder Sara did a great and very meticulous training on lesson plans. He had us plan with a companion we're not used to and put it into effect. One named Orcutt has a tendency to say 'kind of' a lot. Woods looked at me funny during his role-play (Orcutt and Tayler teaching Pres. and Sis. Goodrich) and began to count something. At the end, I asked him what he counted. At least twenty times Orcutt used 'kind of', even in describing doctrine. It was pretty funny. We had a sweet appointment with Mike, who loved 3rd Nephi 18 about the sacrament and prayer. He soaked it up. He's still committed to be baptized, we'll have to wait on it though. We had a great dinner with a family from Eritrea (next to Ethiopia) and they fed us a ton of food. I could barely move afterwards. We gave a blessing on the house and had to get going. Our next appointment fell through so we waited outside a little, to relax for a little because we were on the go most of the day. It was cool, foggy, just reminded me of home. I look up and see airplanes flying into Bob Hope airport and just see their lights illuminating the fog. It was beautiful, just a foggy night. The sky was purple-ish, was magnificent to see the beauty of God's creations. How could people not believe in God? I now understand why Pres. Uchtdorf loves airplanes, they're magnificent and beautiful in flight.

Post-priesthood session on Saturday (which I spent in the apartment since Woods was sick...I ended up talking to my converts via phone for a bit so it was great) we ate dinner and watched "The Mountain of the Lord" movie. I never realized how simple it is in the explanation of the temple and yet very powerful. I testified about temples to the best of my ability, and I was waiting for Woods to say something but he didn't. Wow...they're excited. Bro. Junior Luna even went to priesthood session when we didn't go! He liked it a lot! Wow...tender mercies.

God upholds the faithful priesthood holder, as Pres. Eyring said. I completely agree. I am imperfect, but I do my best. God will remember you, as He remembered Rachel, as Elder Condie said a few conferences ago. I have a witness, a strong testimony, of the truthfulness of this Gospel. As Elder Godoy said yesterday, it's not a great occurrence that changed me. It was gradual. Step by step. But I do not doubt that God exists, that Jesus is the Christ, that God has called Thomas S. Monson as our living prophet today. The Book of Mormon is the word of God that brings all happiness in their lives. I know I am blessed daily by His hand. I am a part of an eternal family that loves me and I love them. God is great! God is merciful! God is my Father that loves me.

I hope you're prepared for this economic crisis. My prayers are with you.

Dad, I love you. Thank you for your selfless service and love. You are an example of charity to me. You live the Gospel. You are my hero, and I will never forget you. Thank you for honoring your covenants and being a faithful and willing priesthood holder. All those times you taught me and encouraged me, just know that they weren't wasted. I love you and miss you dearly. Tell Mom I love her so much and I can't wait to talk to her at Christmastime. Tell the same to Grandma, that she's a great person in my eyes. Tell Steven to be a good boy as he is, and that he's making me proud out here. Tell Kristy that she's doing great out there and that nothing can stop her! She's quite amazing!

May you all stay safe, and I'll talk to you soon! I love you all!

With much love,