Friday, November 21, 2008

September 22, 2008

Dear Mom,

I'd use the Northridge address because he'll stay and I'll probably go. He'd love it though. He gets on my nerves sometimes, only because I'm really stressed and he's a voice of reason. Which irritates me, but it helps me become a better person.

Good ole' Houston mission. It's super hot down there...she'll just love that. Haha, almost as bad as going to Phillipines.

Well, Kristy went super sister missionary, but I hope Scott will stick around. Either way, it's not a disaster. As Elder Woods said, there's a lot more fishes in the sea. No biggie, I'm not worried at all.

Highlights of the week!

So I'm trying to think straight...I'll have to backtrack a bit. So today we helped a member in a neighboring ward paint his bedrooms because he has to move asap so we did that. I did it begrudgingly because it's my p-day and I can't recoup the time 'lost' of three hours. So there goes the rest of my p-day. I had to do it, but I didn't want to. Woods said, 'what would Jesus do?' and went onto lecture me about attitude and stuff. He told me to stop whining and I was going to punch his lights out. Thank goodness for patience, but I really feel he feels he's a superior person over me. I hate 'holier-than-thou' missionaries. He's a good guy though. I just was really irritated that the other missionaries were really pushing me to do something I really didn't want to do. I felt good when I got there, but I was a bit miffed because the other guys were pushing to spend even more time. So there goes three hours. Way to go. I hate being district leader and having to do stuff like that. It really wears out my patience.

So that's today. Yesterday was really busy. We went to church and stuff, then went home to eat lunch. We assumed that our zone leaders were having their baptism because they told us that it was going to happen. But, we get there and there is no one there! The font isn't filled up and the baptism is scheduled in forty-five minutes. Way to go zone leaders! Way to tell us that you canceled it! So they felt bad and came to help us out, and we got a local member to open it up and fill it for us. So the service started late and went alright considering the circumstances. One of the other elders that got us to paint told me, 'it was a bit disorganized.' Well, of course it is if you had to go through all this stuff on the day of the baptism. It was a great and spiritual service. Our members gave heart-warming and honest talks. They expressed so much gratitude for the gospel and how it's helped them in their lives. I was touched and really glad they could spend their time with us in that way. So I was happy leaving the baptism. We went to dinner, had a great time there. Then we went to the super amazing Luna family and watched the Restoration DVD with them. Oh man, I love the Church media! It is simple, and brings the Spirit in an instant. During the movie I was thinking, how could I show that faith that Joseph had? It's incredible to think a fourteen year old boy received so important an answer. I keep remembering the part in the movie where the narrator says something along the lines of, 'how many great gifts would our Father in Heaven give us if we only ask?' I can't help to think of Dad and of you, of all that you've sacrificed for me. A beautiful Sabbath day.

Saturday was...interesting. I ate (the night before) a dish that contained four habanero I was in and out of the bathroom most of the morning. But we did go and try to talk to some people and find our investigators. No luck, but we had a blast at our ward's BBQ party later that evening. I'll have to send you pictures, because Woods and I got mummy wrapped by toilet paper, and we played wiffle ball. This pregnant member hit the ball so me, being the catcher, picked up the ball to relay it to first. We already gave her the free base (she's eight months pregnant!) but she started to walk quickly. I pick up the ball and look up and PLOP! She dropped to the ground so fast! We couldn't decide whether to laugh or feel bad...she rolls over and starts laughing out loud. That was the signal so we laughed even harder. We had a presentation to give at the BBQ and we did that, and went on our way. One of our members fed us dinner, even after the BBQ, and that filled us up way good. Sister Milner, Susan's fellowshipper. They gave us so much food, and sent even more home with us! But, we had an enjoyable time talking to her and her mother about their lives, their homeland (the Phillipines) was a very good dinner appointment. I couldn't move the rest of the evening though.

Friday was busy as heck. District meeting then BOOM BOOM BOOM running from appointment to appointment. Mike testified to us about how this message is so good, people are asking, 'is there a catch? is this for real?' It was pretty sweet to hear him testify of how great this message is. Pretty sweet, I could say. We did get to see Susan and prep the program for Sunday, and saw one of our other members, Bruce (the one we've helped with the pipeline). Really jolly old man. Never a serious moment around him. And we went to a member of a different ward that knew McGahee when he was here last and fed me 'devil's shrimp' which was super hot and spicy. Thus, it is the famous four habanero dish. A busy day indeed!

Thursday was another weekly planning day. Not much happened. We got stuck in an appointment teaching the Lunas and got to Betsy's late...only to find she invited her sister and her husband over too! The Luna girls, just to say, were sapped of energy because they just finished a soccer game. So it was a good lesson, but they were tired. The Restoration does have a lot of doctrine I can see how it's hard to accept it all. But, being late made me feel even worse! But, we had an enjoyable dinner, and even better time just chatting and laughing and joking...our less actives are way cooler than our actives! Woods goes and shares a spiritual thought on charity, and I felt good because the Spirit was there, accompanying us along the way. We are too blessed, to be honest.

Wednesday was exchanges, and boy it was so fun! I was in Northridge and my zonie Boyce and I got along so well. He's awesome. We went contacting for several hours by CSUN, got free lunch at the Institute building and went contacting again. We get home and crash from exhaustion for an hour. Off again to teach people! Manny, who is having some commandments issues, was really enthusiastic BUT doesn't really get it the first time around. A fun-filled but spiritual lesson for sure. We zoomed around and eventually had dinner with the Kilgrows of Northridge 1st. Fun couple, and they invited another sister from the ward Georgia Reed. A fun group of older people. They are great! We have a good dinner, good steak and potatoes. Even better was our spiritual thought. We go into the family room and we start telling stories of how members found people to baptize. Not just people, but families to come to the church. Just incredible! The Spirit was there and filled the room as well as our hearts. I felt prompted to share some stories as well as my own testimony of member missionary work. The best story was shared by Boyce. One day, a couple was going out to eat dinner. The wife and husband were talking about missionary work and what the elders shared with them a few days before. The wife pipes up, 'let's go to ___ restaurant.' The husband, usually fixed on where they go for dinner, agrees and they turn around. They sit down and the waitress comes over. 'Do you know anything about the Mormon church?' was her question to this member couple. Coincidence? I know it wasn't. Eventually the members had the missionaries teach them, and they were baptized. Talk about a motivating story. I was excited after hearing that! It was amazing! We left on cloud nine, and Boyce put his fist out so we could do the famous 'pound'. 'Yeah, gimme some of that!' said Boyce. Lots of fun, and full of the Spirit. We talked to a referral at his work, and set up a different time to visit. Our last appointment fell through because the investigator (who was going to be baptized yesterday) couldn't make it- her grandma was in the hospital. So we taught their ward missionary and went home. Good day...but I'm so tired from this work.

Tuesday was another weekly planning day since we were so busy the week before. We ended up contacting and then going out to eat at TGI Friday's courtesty of Woods and member's money for dinner. Delicious fajitas...then we went to member's houses to check up on them. McGahee knows the area well, so we went to visit some of his old members in Northridge. That was our day.

So that's the week in a nutshell!

I love missionary work. I get super stressed, but also super relieved. It's a roller coaster ride sometimes because nothing goes according to plan. Never. And it causes stress because I don't like it that way...but it teaches me more patience, if I can bear it. I love being here, and I am just hoping to see what President will say tomorrow during interviews...and I'll let you know what he hints next week!

Who says you can't baptize in English work? I got one in three transfers! More than I got in my first four transfers in Spanish work! Psssh....the Lord blesses according to desire and attitude (as well as work ethic).

I'm learning a lot being a district leader, especially today. Don't patient, and sacrifice. I am not here to do my will, but my Father's. It's so frustrating sometimes, but it's learning to submit willfully and patiently to a higher power's will. What would Jesus do? Do service. What would He do? Be obedient. What would He do? Love all those around him. I admit I've grown somewhat, but patience is still coming. I have a lot to learn and to do.

Love you to you later!


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