Thursday, October 16, 2008

September 2, 2008

Dear Mom,

Yesterday was the best p-day ever! I got to sleep a lot...and it was the best for me! I was very energized and I hope it'll last the week. This area has a tendency to wear missionaries out a little, if they work. The work is picking up so fast, we barely have time to eat lunch and dinner! Busy busy busy! Such is the life right now!

This week was super busy! Highlight reel! Brought to you by...

Gatorade, is it in You?

Now back to the show.


We had a transfer high of three member presents. Quite an accomplishment here because everyone is so busy and is working all week, and they were legitimate MP's. Pretty sweet lessons this past week. So Tuesday and Wednesday mornings Woods and I dug a trench for this member, Bruce Sayler. He has to get another oil line underground because he's been without gas for about two months. So we're giving all the time we can spare to help him...but he has to get some extra help or it'll take another week or so. And his mother, who is as old as grandma, is a bit pushy to say the least. He's funny because he says he doesn't like being treated as if he were a ten year-old...but he's accepted it by now. We actually helped him this morning just now, so it's been a learning experience for me. Dig a trench, dig under roots and how to correctly use a pickaxe. Pretty sweet stuff.

Sunday was absolutely spiritual. We had a semi-good testimony meeting, some of our oddball members went up there and did their thing. I couldn't look behind me because there were some normal members sitting behind me and they were trying not to laugh very hard. But, we had six investigators to church, as well as a less active family (the Lunas) and Betsy Miller. I was so happy! I was very glad to see them all there! Betsy did ask me, 'So she (one of the oddballs) usually does that, right?' Yup. She felt a bit uneasy, but she is willing to put feelings aside and to go to church. Her goal is to go to the temple and be sealed with her sister, and I really feel it'll come soon as soon as she becomes consistent with church. The Lunas promised us a week ago they'd go to church, and there they were! Super awkward moment when their teenage daughters came out of nowhere and gave me a awkward! Ahh! Couldn't react in time so I lost. I got two hugs. So great! We went to a baptismal service of someone I met in the ZL's ward and interviewed for baptism (interviews are so cool!) and our investigator Crystal came. She loved it...she was a bundle of emotions but she kept herself calm. I felt like an inferior missionary there. We had our ZL's, and our AP's who both served as ZL's in this ward. And Woods, my comp. Just amazing missionaries. Super spiritual and it just reminded me of the success I have seen before, and how great I felt. Super motivating! We went to dinner with the Sanders, who are nice and cool at the same time. Not odd at all. It was a great Sunday.

Saturday was busy as heck! Unusual but really good! One of our investigators that dropped us a month ago finally invited us back, and she had two of her daughters there. Good ole' Donna Caballero. We had their neighbors, the Espinosas, who are members (really strong testimonies too). It was a very impromptu Plan of Salvation lesson, but it was simple and spiritual. Powerful. I felt the Spirit and the Spirit really enlightened this family. It made sense, they said, how Adam and Eve did a good thing for us (2nd Nephi chapter 2 is the best scripture on the Fall!). Oh yeah, Betsy during Sunday School pointed out she loves the Book of Mormon because we read the Bible a little, kind of confusing. We ran to another place, then another to teach Susan. Ran into a sticky situation because we taught some commandments then reviewed the baptismal questions...then the Word of Wisdom came up so we went into that (led by the Spirit). She tea. Not that bad, but still. At first she didn't like the idea of switching to herbal tea. Then Woods went into the blessings of keeping this law, and she's like 'Ok I'll do it if I get blessings.' Wow, that was...easy? Dinner and then off to visit Shenice with Sister Dutton (just a fabulous member). Shenice was tired, as were we, but we hung in there...and I loved the spiritual experiences that Sis. Dutton shared. It made Woods point out, afterwards, that we need to be more personal in the majority of our lessons...that's what we're missing! She put a viewpoint on the Gospel regarding the Plan of Salvation. God will put us where we are comfortable at the end of this life. She said she doesn't like change, but she knows she wants to be comfortable in God's presence in the next life. I was like, 'hmm, would I be comfortable in God's presence? Nope.' I learned a lot from her. It was her first time teaming up with missionaries, and she loved it!

Friday was hectic. District meeting, before that a goal setting meeting (ZDM) with the other DL's and ZL's...then I had to go up to Santa Clarita to drop the other elders Sara and Tayler off at the office to get their car (finally got a car). It was weird being back in my old stomping grounds....strange indeed!

Highlights! So Gye, our English student, bought us iced coffee on Wednesday so we taught the Word of Wisdom (kind of a recurring theme here, eh?) and she apologized...then she gave it to her neighbors that night. Really great woman, really open to us. Mike didn't get the title of liberty scripture we gave him, but when we explained it he really liked it. He was all gung-ho about it. Pretty sweet when you understand the words and apply them! June's daughter was sick again, she's anemic...poor little we couldn't meet with him last week. And meeting with Crystal, Enrique and Franky was out of hand! I got distracted because they were asking questions at the same time...really disconcerting. But, we answered their questions to the best of our abilities and left something to read so we won't have to answer the rest of their questions. Super busy week! Lots of fun though!

By the way, Elder Raleigh is with me again...he was in my first district ever! What a riot he is...haha it's so fun being around him. We do joke around TOO much it's sort of a problem when one is trying to get to bed. Good kid though. He's almost done, that is so crazy! The greenie (now in his second transfer) is so much happier now his trainer is gone...we're having a blast over here!

Yesterday was pretty sweet. So after we visit the Lunas and express how happy we were to see them at church, we went contacting. I felt prompted to stop the car at a road close to the apartment and to contact there. We contacted there the night before, but we went on the other side of the street. Rejected here and there, until we keep walking down the sidewalk and see a black man walking up to us. I asked Woods, 'Hey is he walking away or towards us?' He said, 'His arms are swinging towards us so he's walking towards us.' Good analysis Woods. We start to talk to him about the Restoration, and he just stands there in awe. Overwhelmed, but he realized he was missing a prophet. He said, 'well if it's true I'm missing something then.' Really open man (he was black too...really awesome!). The Spirit was working through us, and it really touched him when Elder Woods shared the First Vision with him, and it was just what the Spirit needed to prick this man's heart. He was excited and a bit amazed at our message. The only problem is he lives in Ventura, out of our mission, and we couldn't get his phone number. But it was a great contact! Oh man! Mind-blowing! Just because I parked the car on the street unplanned. He took our card, and went his way with our telephone number written on it. I just hope he calls us, and we'll get him to the right people. Wow...a great contact. We ended up praying to thank the Lord for his kindness in letting us be strengthened by that contact. I was in shock for a little bit. Wow!

Time really flies...when one works. I know the Lord sent me here to prepare someone...I just don't know who. We'll see what happens though, I'm super excited. I know something big will happen here, but I must be patient. I love my district, and I love my mission leaders. There's no one better!

I'm happy all is well back home. I love you all, and stay safe.


P.S. Woods' birthday is in October..? So if you have any ideas of what a missionary would need, could you send him a card and maybe a little package? Thanks mom! I just can't get away from's against the rules to get a surprise gift for you comp (jk! but almost impossible without him knowing).

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