Friday, September 12, 2008

August 11, 2008

Dear Mom,

The work is picking up here in Van Nuys! This week went by so fast! The only reasons why I know a week has past is a) church is on Sunday and b) p-day. It's absolutely fun! I'm loving it here in the ghetto/rich sanctuaries over here. It's a great experience!

As for things for the trip...I don't need anything in particular I think. But thanks!

It was a really fast week! I can't even remember all that happened! But we worked...for sure! Let me try to sum it up as best as I can!

Well...I don't know where to start. How about...yesterday! So yesterday both of us had to give a talk, Woods gave one on prophets and I gave one on how to gain a testimony and then how to maintain it. I really enjoyed preparing for the talk. I ended up listening to a few conference talks that Dad sent out to me, and it really was the core of my talk. From October 2004, Elder Ballard and Elder Staheli (of the Seventy) gave back to back talks on testimony, and I used quotes and elements of their talks for mine yesterday. I really felt the Spirit as I prayed to know what the people of Van Nuys First needed to hear. Everyone loved it apparently...I know a few people actually did listen to what I had to say. Didn't see many 'nodders' so I guess it was pretty good. We went to eat dinner with the Relief Society President and her husband and her are quite the pair! They're always fun to be around! They cooked a mean dish of german potatoes and bratwurst, coupled with a side of cantaloupes and 'sloppy corn' as the husband called it (it's actually cream style corn and his wife didn't like he called it sloppy- really funny to see how it played out). Poor Woods felt sick so we went home early and he was OUT! Out cold like that! It was a really good Sunday, spiritual, enlightening, and fun at the same time. I love Sundays.

I feel the ward's enthusiasm for the work! We are having members ask when they can come out and visit with us, and so we'll have to accomodate them. I'm not used to having members come out with me, because in Spanish work it's a high risk factor- you don't know what they're going to say even though you tell them to stick to the script. I really can see a lot of success coming soon.

Saturday was a very long day. We stopped by one of Woods' recent converts in a Spanish ward, and she was hilarious! My cheeks were tired from laughing so hard! But, she's hitting a rough patch and she knows it's not easy, but it's the right thing to do. We were there for an unusually long amount of time, only because she was still preparing the food when we got there. We also had to keep tabs on her little four year old which was quite an experience in itself. But, her testimony is very strong. We taught Susan Lar, and she keeps on going on tangents or unrelated things. Her learning curve is pretty...slow but she's learning pretty well. We're delaying the baptismal commitment until she really shows the commitment to come to church, but she knows it's true. We have to bring a Filipino fellowshipper to get her extra motivation to come. She's awesome though! She already knows that the Book of Mormon is true...and Joseph Smith is a prophet. We just have to get her to do the little things.

Our English student, Gye Choi, asked us how can we do missionary work when people are so mean to us? Instead of teaching English, we taught parts of the Restoration to her that she could understand. That was sweet! She's really grown to like us, and I think if we get her a Korean friend she'll probably want to take the lessons. She's very open, which is highly unusual for Koreans here in the Valley.

We found out on Thursday that our investigator Shenice and her boyfriend, Lamar, want to get married. That was a surprise! It was also great to have Lamar sit in and listen to our point of view on the Fall of Adam and Eve. He really liked it. He said it made sense, and that it's brand new to him. He was kind of wondering, why haven't I heard this before? It was funny because he's smart, and Shenice was a little behind the ball on it. But, they learned together. He even stayed longer than expected because Shenice asked him to wait a little longer...that was really kind of him. So, we'll be organizing a marriage soon! Again?! But I feel that they have great potential, and I really think that this will help their family become an eternal family. I'm really pumped!

June was a bit lukewarm the last time we visited him. The only thing that's really stopping Shenice and June is that they don't read. How can they know this is good if they don't read? We'll have to lay down the law the next time we's a bit frustrating but no one is as perfect as the Cardenas. They're my golden standard, because they were and are so golden to me...I miss them a lot. So we went through a lesson, trying to bring the Spirit but for some didn't come in a great amount as I had wished. I just feel now that June likes it, but we have to apply it to him. And get past the language barrier. He is very close, but I think we'll have to be patient and help him along at his learning level. It's frustrating though.

Thursday afternoon we took two of the youth out to visit with us and try to find people to teach. RJ Black, who is very close to starting his mission papers, went to teach Susan with Woods and I went with his brother RJ to find referrals. Not much luck that day, but we got to enjoy their company and they got to see how the work goes most of the time. It was fun! RJ taught really well, according to Woods. And AC was enjoying talking to people about the Gospel, from what I could see. It was loads of fun!

Wednesday we went on splits with the elders and high priests, and it went alright. Problem is they never set home teaching we go from place to place trying to find people. But at least we do it...we even found out that a former investigator got locked up again. His poor daughter was tearing up telling us...and I was a little sad to see her in that situation. Well, you have to learn from your mistakes. It's too bad. But, life goes on!

I got to interview my district, and I did my best. The best one was when I was interviewing an elder who was having a lot of family issues back home. I felt the distinct impression for him to bear his testimony...and he did. It was an easy invitation for the Spirit to enter, and it gave me a boost as did he. I could only do so much, but the Spirit is that lightning rod for us. God is too nice sometimes.

Highlights...pretty much it. It's been so very busy. I love this ward, and I love life!

I love you all!


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